Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION MGS Solar Conjunction raw data.
Data Set Overview
      The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Solar Conjunction Raw Data Archive
      is a time-ordered collection of raw data acquired during the
      Solar Conjunction in 2000, while MGS was in its Mars Mapping (MAP)
      mission phase.

      Two types of measurements were conducted during MAP; these
      are known as closed-loop and open-loop recordings.  The closed-
      loop system used a phase-lock loop in the receiver to track the
      downlink signal, reporting both amplitude and frequency at
      rates typically of 1-10 times per second.  In the open-loop
      system, the signal was simply converted to a baseband frequency
      range; the entire passband was sampled and recorded for later
      processing.  Typical open-loop sampling rates for MGS were
      5000 samples per second.  Closed-loop data are efficient for
      characterizing slowly changing signals; open-loop data
      (because of their much higher volume) are collected only
      when the signal is very dynamic -- such as during an

      The data set includes two primary data types.  Archival Tracking
      Data Files (ATDFs or TDFs) are the most primitive (and most
      voluminous) product of the closed-loop system. Original Data
      Records (ODRs) are the primary data type from the open-loop system.

      The ATDF is the primary output from the MGS closed-loop system.
      ATDFs have 150 fields, though not all had been assigned during
      the MGS era.   Each ATDF in the data set is accompanied by a
      full PDS label which defines both the content and the format
      (at the bit level) of the file.  ATDF data fields include:
           High- or low-rate Doppler
           High or low-rate downlink phase
           Differential Range vs Integrated Doppler (DRVID)
           Allan deviation
           Smoothed noise
           Uplink phase
      Other information included in ATDF data records is date and
      time; spacecraft ID; ground station and its configuration;
      status flags and values reported by various ground systems;
      calibration values, noise estimates, and tolerances (station
      delay, transmitter power, etc.); and signal strength.

      Open loop data records (ODRs) contain 8- or 12-bit samples of
      receiver output.  Each block of (typically) 1000 data samples
      is accompanied by a 166 byte header.  Each ODR is accompanied
      by a full PDS label which describes both the content and format
      of the file at the bit level.  Header information includes:
           Date and time of the first data sample
           Sample rate and channel assignments
           Receiver local oscillator (POCA) frequency
           Attenuator settings
           RMS voltages at several stages in the receiving chain

      ATDFs are screened for 'bad' data points, which are removed
      before the file is released by the JPL Radio Metric Data
      Conditioning Team (RMDCT).

      ODS packets were converted to the older ODR (Original Data Record)
      format for consistency in subsequent processing and archive.
      Headers applied by the Ground Data System (GDS) during packet
      handling have not been retained; they contained no additional
      information about the data acquisition. The resultant data
      accurately represent the output of the DSCC Spectrum Processing
      (DSP) Subsystem at the DSN station.  A full PDS label accompanies
      each ODR file and gives a bit level description of the content
      and format.

      ATDFs are stored in the TDF directory on archival volumes.
      File names are of the form   ydddeeeC.TDF  where  y  is the
      one-digit year of the first data,  ddd  is the three-digit
      day-of-year of the first data,  eee  is the three-digit day-
      of-year of the last data, and  C  is a single letter (beginning
      with 'A') denoting the sequence in which files with the same
      ydddeee  were handled.  Generally  ydddeeeB.TDF  is a revised
      version of  ydddeeeA.TDF.  The PDS label has file name
      ydddeeeC.LBL.  The typical ATDF contains about 39 Mbytes.

      Original Data Records (ODRs) were produced whenever the DSP
      was set to 'run' mode.  These files are stored in the ODR
      directory.  In most cases, the entire DSP run was collected
      into a single ODR file.  But in other cases, it was more
      convenient to subdivide the DSP data; queries were issued for
      shorter time spans, and separate files were produced.  File
      names are of the form  ydddhhmm.ODR  where  y  is the one-digit
      year of the first data,  ddd  is the day-of-year of the first
      data,  hh  is the hour on which the first sample was taken, and
      mm  was the minute on which the first sample was taken.  In
      cases where two files had the same  ydddhhmm  (for example, two
      DSN stations began recording at the same time, or a second query
      was submitted for data which appeared suspicious after the
      first query was processed), the less significant digit in  mm
      of the second file was converted to a letter ('0' became 'A',
      '1' became 'B', ..., '9' became 'J').  In cases were three files
      had the same  ydddhhmm, the less significant  mm  digit was
      converted to 'K', 'M', etc.  The PDS label has file name

    Ancillary Data
      An extensive set of ancillary files is needed for proper
      analysis and interpretation of the radio data (file types
      TDF, and ODR).  These are organized in parallel
      directories and stored approximately chronologically.
      Users should refer to the INDEX/CUMINDEX.TAB listing to
      locate ancillary files.

      Ionosphere Calibration Files (ION Directory)
        Ionosphere Calibration files were produced by the Tracking
        System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.  They
        documented and predicted Earth ionospheric conditions.
        These are ASCII files of variable length records.  Each
        record is delimited by an ASCII line-feed  (ASCII 10).
        File names have the form  ydddeeeC.ION  where  y  is
        the one-digit year of the first data in the file,  ddd  is
        the day-of-year of the first data in the file,  eee  is the
        day-of-year of the last data in the file, and  C  is a
        character denoting sequence when more than one file with the
        same  ydddeee  is handled.  C  starts from 'A' and progresses
        to 'B', 'C', etc. with increasing numbers of similar coverage
        files.  ION files were usually released at one week
        intervals to cover a single month;  ydddeeeA.ION  would be
        the file released during the first week,  ydddeeeB.ION  would
        be the file released during the second week, etc.  Each ION
        file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        ydddeeeC.LBL.  Typical file sizes are less than 50 kB.

      Channelized DSN Monitor Data Files (MCH Directory)
        Channelized DSN Monitor Data files were produced by the MGS
        query server, operating on DSN Monitor packets stored in the
        MGS Central Data Base (CDB).  These are binary files, usually
        representing the collection of DSN Monitor data received from
        a 24 hour period; they are not readily interpretable by end
        users.  File names have the form  ydddeeeC.MCH  where  y  is
        the one-digit year of the first data in the file,  ddd  is
        the day-of-year of the first data in the file,  eee  is the
        day-of-year of the last data in the file, and  C  is a
        character denoting sequence when more than one file with the
        same  ydddeee  is handled.  C  starts from 'A' and progresses
        to 'B', 'C', etc. with increasing numbers of similar coverage
        files.  Each MCH file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label
        with file name  ydddeeeC.LBL.  File sizes can be as large as
        30 MB.  In general, an MCH file can be derived from the
        corresponding MPK file using MGS-provided software and a
        decommutation map.

        Also in some MCH directories are ASCII tables of extracted
        channel values--channelized state vectors, or CSV files.
        These are values for a limited number of potentially
        useful MCH channels that have been saved in tabular form.
        CSV files in the MCH directory have names of the form
        CSVydddC.MCH  where  y,  ddd,  and  C  are the same as for
        the corresponding MCH file.  Each CSV file is accompanied
        by a detached PDS label with name  CSVydddC.LBL  which
        completely describes the format and content of the CSV file.

      Monitor Channel Tables (MCT Directory)
        Monitor Channel Tables were derived from MCH CSV files at
        Stanford.  Each table lists a single Monitor channel versus
        time in an ASCII PDS TABLE format.  File names have the form
        XXXydddC.MCT  where  XXX is a three-character mnemonic for
        the channel,  y  is the one-digit year,  ddd  is the three-
        digit day-of-year, and  C  is a single character (starting
        with 'A') denoting the version.  Each  MCT  file is
        accompanied by a PDS label with file name  XXXyddC.LBL which
        completely describes both the content and the format of the
        table.  Examples of MCT files include:

           XXX  Description
           ---  ---------------------------------------------
           AGC  AGC level from M-0349 (Ant A, Rcv A)
           DSS  DSS antenna ID from M-0300
           ELA  Elevation angle from M-0304 (Ant A)
           TSY  System temperature from M-0725 (Ant A, Rcv A)
           TSZ  System temperature from M-0725 (Ant A, Rcv B)

      Sequence of Events Files (SOE Directory)
        Sequence of Events Files were produced by the MGS Mission
        Control Team.  These are ASCII files of variable length
        records.  Until 1998-08-20 SOE files were produced in a
        special format that allowed use with the MGS-provided  soeedt
        program.  After 1998-08-20, files were produced in a straight
        ASCII format that required no special software; these may be
        identified by the '.tsoe' suffix in the ORIGINAL_PRODUCT_ID.
        Each record is delimited by a carriage-return (ASCII 13)
        line-feed  (ASCII 10) pair, which may need to be removed
        before the file is used on the local machine.  File names
        have the form  ydddeeeC.SOE  where  y  is the one-digit year
        of the first data in the file,  ddd  is the day-of-year of
        the first data in the file,  eee  is the day-of-year of the
        last data in the file, and  C  is a character denoting
        sequence when more than one file with the same  ydddeee  is
        handled.  C  starts from 'A' and progresses to 'B', 'C',
        etc. with increasing numbers of similar coverage files.
        Each SOE file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with
        file name  ydddeeeC.LBL.  Typical file sizes are less than
        1 MB.

      Spacecraft/Planetary Ephemeris (SPK) Files (SPK Directory)
        Spacecraft/Planetary Ephemeris Files (also known as SP
        kernels or SPK files) were produced by the MGS Navigation Team
        (NAV).  These files give spacecraft and planetary ephemerides.
        These are ASCII files of variable length records in
        a special NAIF 'transfer' format.  Each record is delimited
        by a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed  (ASCII 10)
        pair, which may need to be removed before the file is used on
        the local machine.  After delimiter conversion (if needed)
        the file would ordinarily be passed through the NAIF utility
        SPACIT  or  TOBIN  to convert it to the local binary format.
        File names have the form  ydddeeeC.SPK  where  y  is the
        one-digit year of the first data in the file,  ddd  is the
        day-of-year of the first data in the file,  eee  is the
        day-of-year of the last data in the file, and  C  is a
        character denoting sequence when more than one file
        with the same  ydddeee  is handled.  C  starts from 'A' and
        progresses to 'B', 'C', etc. with increasing numbers of
        similar coverage files.  Each SPK file is accompanied by a
        PDS minimal label with file name  ydddeeeC.LBL.  Typical file
        sizes are less than 5 MB.  Typical SPK files during MAP
        included one day of orbit reconstructions followed by several
        days of orbit predictions.

      Troposphere Calibration Files (TRO Directory)
        Troposphere Calibration files were produced by the
        Tracking System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.
        They documented and predicted Earth tropospheric conditions.
        These are ASCII files of variable length records.  Each
        record is delimited by an ASCII line-feed  (ASCII 10).
        File names have the form  ydddeeeC.TRO  where  y  is
        the one-digit year of the first data in the file,  ddd  is
        the day-of-year of the first data in the file,  eee  is the
        day-of-year of the last data in the file, and  C  is a
        character denoting sequence when more than one file with the
        same  ydddeee  is handled.  C  starts from 'A' and progresses
        to 'B', 'C', etc. with increasing numbers of similar coverage
        files.  TRO files were typically released at the beginning of
        a month and covered the previous month.  Each TRO file is
        accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        ydddeeeC.LBL.  Typical file sizes are less than 50 kB.

      DSN Weather Files (WEA Directory)
        DSN Weather files were produced by the Tracking System
        Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.  Files give weather
        calibration information for DSN complexes. These are ASCII
        files of variable length records.  Each record is delimited
        by an ASCII line-feed  (ASCII 10).  File names have
        the form  ydddeeeD.WEA  where  y  is the one-digit year of
        the first data in the file,  ddd  is the day-of-year of the
        first data in the file,  eee  is the day-of-year of the last
        data in the file, and  D  is a single digit denoting the
        DSN complex at which the data were acquired ('1' for
        Goldstone, '4' for Canberra, or '6' for Madrid).  WEA files
        were typically released weekly and contain all weather data
        for the complex since 1 January.  Each WEA file is
        accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        ydddeeeC.LBL.  The files grow at the rate of approximately
        90 kB per month.

    Coordinate System
      SPK ephemeris files were produced for the J2000 inertial
      reference frame. Other data types are not dependent on
      definition of a coordinate system.

      Software for parsing, reducing, and analyzing data such as
      these has been developed at Stanford University, at JPL and
      elsewhere. Because such software must usually operate at the
      bit-level and is written for a narrow range of platforms,
      it is not suitable for general distribution.  No software is
      included with this archival data set.

      The archival data set is written on CD-WO media using the
      Young Minds CD Studio or Yamaha/GEAR authoring system.
      The CD-WO volumes conform to ISO 9660 standards.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2001-02-23T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2000-06-28T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2000-07-05T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1994-10-12T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2007-09-30T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Plasma Interactions
      In general, this is a good data set.

      This archival data set was reviewed by the Planetary Data
      System (PDS) Radio Science Adviser prior to submission to
      the PDS.

    Data Coverage and Quality
      The data are contained in two volumes (CDs).
      The table below lists the two volumes and their respective

         VOLUME_ID      Start  Date           End Date
         ---------  -------------------  -------------------
         MGRS_0001  2000-06-28 (00/180)  2000-07-01 (00/183)
         MGRS_0002  2000-07-02 (00/184)  2000-07-05 (00/187)

      Solar Conjunction was on 00/183.

      The data were collected on a best effort basis since the
      Solar Conjunction investigation was not part of the official
      MGS mission.

      The limitations in this data set follow from the quality of
      the execution, which is described above under Data Coverage
      and Quality.
ABSTRACT_TEXT The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Solar Conjunction Raw Data Archive is a time-ordered collection of raw data acquired during the Solar Conjunction in 2000, while MGS was in its Mars Mapping (MAP) mission phase.
  • Planetary Plasma Interactions Website
  • MGS Home Page