Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION This archive contains archival raw, partially processed, and ancillary/supporting radio science data acquired during Mars Pathfinder surface operations.
Data Set Overview
    The Mars Pathfinder (MPF) Radio Science (RS) data archive
    contains both raw radio tracking data collected during the
    surface lifetime of the MPF Lander and results derived from those
    data.  Results include rotation rate, rotation axis, and (jointly
    with Viking Lander data) the change in rotation rate for Mars.
    For more information on the investigations see
    The raw data include two primary data types.  Archival Tracking
    Data Files (ATDFs or TDFs) are the most primitive (and most
    voluminous) product.  Orbit Data Files (ODFs) are edited versions
    of ATDF files generated for spacecraft navigators.
    In addition to the ATDF and ODF binary data files, an ASCII
    version of the edited Pathfinder data is included, along with an
    ASCII version of the edited data from the Viking landers.
    Investigation results are presented in the form of ASCII tables.
    The ATDF is the primary output from the Deep Space Network
    tracking system.  ATDFs have up to 150 fields, though not all are
    used for Pathfinder.  Each ATDF file in the data set is
    accompanied by a full PDS label which defines both the content
    and the format (at the bit level) of the file.  ATDF fields
         High- or low-rate Doppler
         Uplink phase
         Differential Range vs Integrated Doppler (DRVID)
         Allan deviation
         Smoothed noise
         High or low-rate downlink phase
    Other information included in ATDF data records is date and time;
    spacecraft ID; ground station and its configuration; status flags
    and values reported by various ground systems; calibration
    values, noise estimates, and tolerances (station delay,
    transmitter power, etc.); and signal strength.
    The ODF is an edited version of the ATDF; it is a smaller file,
    issued more frequently than the ATDF.  It contains the most
    important information (range and Doppler) needed by spacecraft
    navigators and investigators interested in determining
    gravitational fields of bodies such as Mars.  Each ODF is
    accompanied by a full PDS label which describes both the content
    and format of the associated file.  ODF fields include:
         Narrowband spacecraft VLBI, Doppler mode (cycles)
         Narrowband spacecraft VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
         Narrowband quasar VLBI, Doppler mode (cycles)
         Narrowband quasar VLBI, phase mode (cycles)
         Wideband spacecraft VLBI (nanoseconds)
         Wideband quasar VLBI (nanoseconds)
         One-way Doppler (Hertz)
         Two-way Doppler (Hertz)
         Three-way Doppler (Hertz)
         One-way total count phase (cycles)
         Two-way total count phase (cycles)
         Three-way total count phase (cycles)
         PRA planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range
         SRA planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range
         RE[GSTDN] range (nanoseconds)
         Azimuth angle (degrees)
         Elevation angle (degrees)
         Hour angle (degrees)
         Declination angle (degrees)
         X angle (where +X is east) (degrees)
         Y angle (where +X is east) (degrees)
         X angle (where +X is south) (degrees)
         Y angle (where +X is south) (degrees)
    Partially reduced data include tables of Doppler and range
    measurements for MPF and the Viking Landers.
    Tables of results give position of each lander in cylindrical
    coordinates (longitude, radius, and z), pole right ascension and
    declination, precession, Mars rotation at J2000, rotation rate,
    obliquity, various drift rates, and uncertainties.
    ATDFs are screened for 'bad' data points, which are removed
    before the file is released by the JPL Radio Metric Data
    Conditioning Team (RMDCT).
    ODFs are abstracted from subsets of ATDF data.
    Range and Doppler measurements are used to define the relative
    position and velocity of each lander with respect to the DSN
    tracking station on Earth.  A aeries of such measurements allows
    inference of Mars' rotation and determination of lander
    locations.  Details are given in [FOLKNERETAL1997A].
    Data are stored on CD-WO volumes chronologically -- early ATDFs
    appear on the first volume, later ATDFs appear on the second
    volume.  All other files are repeated on both volumes.
    ATDFs are stored in the TDF directory.  File names are of the
    form ydddeeec.TDF, where y is the one-digit year of the first
    data, ddd is the three-digit day-of-year of the first data, eee
    is the three-digit day-of-year of the last data, and c is a
    letter denoting the sequence in which files with the same ydddeee
    were handled (beginning with 'A').  Generally ydddeeeB.TDF is a
    revised version of ydddeeeA.TDF.  The PDS label has file name
    ydddeeeC.LBL.  Typical ATDF file sizes are 39 Mbytes.
    ODFs were issued approximately weekly; in some cases special ODFs
    were also created.  Most of the ODFs which were released are
    included in the archival data set.  ODFs are stored in the ODF
    directory.  File names are of the form ydddeeec.ODF where y is
    the one-digit year of the first data, ddd is the three-digit
    day-of-year of the first data, eee is the three-digit day-of-year
    of the last data, and c is a single letter denoting the sequence
    in which files with the same ydddeee were handled (beginning with
    Partially processed data appear in the REDUCED directory.
    MPF_DOPP.TAB and MPF_RANG.TAB are tables giving Doppler and
    ranging results for Mars Pathfinder Lander.  VIK_DOPP.TAB and
    VIK_RANG.TAB are the corresponding files for the Viking landers.
    The RESULTS directory contains lander positions and pole and
    rotation results.  LANDER.TAB gives longitude, radius, and z
    coordinate for MPF, Viking Lander 1, and Viking Lander 2.
    MAR_RA_D.TAB gives pole right ascension at J2000 and rate in
    degrees/century, declination at J2000 and rate, rotation at J2000
    and rotation rate in degrees/day.  MARS_ROT.TAB gives obliquity
    and obliquity rate, longitude of node, precession rate, rotation
    about the pole, rotation rate, annual sine and cosine variations,
    and semi-annual sine and cosine variations.
  Ancillary Data
    An extensive set of ancillary files is needed for proper analysis
    and interpretation of the radio data (file types TDF and ODF).
    These are organized in parallel directories.  All Pathfinder
    ancillary files appear on each CD-WO volume.
    Files in the CALIB Directory
      The CALIB directory includes files with station calibrations
      for ranging passes, and calibrations for Earth troposphere and
      ionosphere.  Each file is accompanied by a PDS label.
    Earth Orientation Parameter Files (EOP Directory)
      Earth Orientation Parameter files are produced by the Time and
      Earth Motion Precision Observation (TEMPO) Group at JPL.  These
      are ASCII files of variable length records.  The file
      EOP12_97.TXT covers past motion since about 1962 through
      December 1997.  The EOP file is accompanied by a PDS label with
      file name EOP12_97.LBL.
    Software for parsing, reducing, and analyzing data such as these
    has been developed at several institutions.  Because such
    software must usually operate at the bit-level and is written for
    a narrow range of platforms, it is not suitable for general
    distribution.  No software is included with this archival data
    The archival data set is written on CD-WO media using the
    QuickTOPIX software for Macintosh.  The CD-WO volumes conform to
    ISO 9660 standards.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 1998-07-31T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1997-07-04T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 1997-10-07T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1993-11-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 1998-03-10T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Confidence Level Overview
      This archival data set was reviewed by the MPF Rotational and
      Orbital Dynamics team prior to submission to the Planetary Data
      System (PDS).
    Data Coverage and Quality
      This archive includes all radio tracking data collected from
      MPF beginning with landing on 1997-07-04 and ending with loss
      of contact on 1999-09-27.
ABSTRACT_TEXT The Mars Pathfinder (MPF) Radio Science (RS) data archive contains both raw radio tracking data collected during the surface lifetime of the MPF Lander and results derived from those data. Results include rotation rate, rotation axis, and (jointly with Viking Lander data) the change in rotation rate for Mars. For more information on the investigations see [FOLKNERETAL1997A].
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