Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Derived data records for IR and VNIR image cubes for CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars).
Data Set Overview
      This volume contains portions of the CRISM Derived Data Record
      (DDR) Archive, a collection of multiband images from the Compact
      Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars on the Mars
      Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.  Images consist of
      information on observation conditions and surface physical
      properties at the Mars surface projections of IR and VNIR data
      cubes, mapped to the sensor space of non-map-projected data. The
      data are stored with PDS labels.
      This volume also contains an index file ('') that
      tabulates the contents of the volume, ancillary data files, and
      documentation files.
      For more information on the contents and organization of the
      volume set refer to the aareadme.txt file located in the root
      directory of the data volumes.
      CRISM observing scenarios are constructed using a set of key
      variables ('configurations') which include the following. All
      are selectable separately for the VNIR and IR detectors. Only a
      subset of the configurations represent 'scene' data, as
      indicated by the EDR keyword MRO:ACTIVITY_ID. Only scene data that
      are aimed at Mars have corresponding DDRs. Only those
      configurations that affect a DDR are discussed below:
      Image source: Image data may be generated using digitized output
      from the detector, or using one of up to seven test patterns.
      Only data from the detector may have a corresponding DDR.
      Pixel binning: Pixels can be saved unbinned or binned 2x, 5x, or
      10x in the spatial direction. No pixel binning in the spectral
      direction is supported. Data with any pixel binning
      configuration may have a corresponding DDR, but the pixel
      binning configuration will affect the dimensionality of the DDR.
      Calibration lamps: 4095 levels are commandable in each of two
      lamps at each focal plane, and in two lamps in the integrating
      sphere. All lamps can be commanded open-loop, meaning that
      current is commanded directly.  For the integrating sphere only,
      closed loop control is available at 4095 settings. For closed
      loop control, the setting refers to output from a photodiode
      viewing the interior of the integrating sphere; current is
      adjusted dynamically to attain the commanded photodiode output.
      Note: lamps reach maximum current at open- or closed-loop
      settings <4095. Only data for which the calibration lamps are
      off may have an accompanying DDR.
      Shutter position:  Open, closed, or viewing the integrating
      sphere. The shutter is actually commandable directly to position 0
      through 32.  In software, open=3, sphere=17, closed=32. NOTE:
      during integration and testing, it was discovered that at
      positions <3 the hinge end of the shutter is directly illuminated
      and creates scattered light. Position 3 does not cause this
      effect, but the other end of the shutter slightly vignettes
      incoming light. Only data in which the shutter is open, and at
      position 3, may have an accompanying DDR.
      Pointing:  CRISM has two basic gimbal pointing configurations and
      two basic superimposed scan patterns.  Pointing can be (1) fixed
      (nadir-pointed in the primary science orbit) or (2) dynamic,
      tracking a target point on the surface of Mars and taking out
      ground track motion.  Two types of superimposed scans are
      supported: (1) a short, 4-second duration fixed-rate ('EPF-type')
      scan which superimposes a constant angular velocity scan on either
      of the basic pointing profiles, or (2) a long, minutes-duration
      fixed-rate ('target swath-type') scan. Pointing configuration
      affects the contents but not the dimensionality of a DDR.
      The CRISM data stream downlinked by the spacecraft unpacks into a
      succession of compressed image frames with binary headers
      containing housekeeping. In each image, one direction is spatial
      and one is spectral.  There is one image for the VNIR focal plane
      and one image for the IR focal plane. The image from each focal
      plane has a header with 220 housekeeping items that contain full
      status of the instrument hardware, including data configuration,
      lamp and shutter status, gimbal position, a time stamp, and the
      target ID and macro within which the frame of data was taken. These
      parameters are stored as part of an Experiment Data Record (EDR),
      which consists of raw data, or a Targeted Reduced Data Record, or
      TRDR, the 'calibrated' equivalent of an EDR.
      The data in one EDR or TRDR represent a series of image frames
      acquired with a consistent instrument configuration (shutter
      position, frame rate, pixel binning, compression, exposure time,
      on/off status and setting of different lamps). Each frame has
      dimensions of detector columns (spatial samples) and detector
      rows (wavelengths, or bands). The multiple image frames are
      concatenated, and are formatted into a single multiple-band
      image (suffix *.IMG) in one file, plus a detached list file in
      which each record has housekeeping information specific to one
      frame of the multiple-band image (suffix *.TAB). The multiple-
      band image has dimensions of sample, line, and wavelength. The
      size of the multiple-band image varies according to the
      observation mode but is deterministic given the macro ID. A
      typical multiple-band image might have XX pixels in the sample
      (cross-track) dimension, YY pixels in the line (along-track)
      dimension, and ZZ pixels in the wavelength dimension, where:
      XX (samples) = 640/binning, where 640 is the number of columns
      read off the detector, and binning is 1, 2, 5, or 10;
      YY (lines) = the number of image frames with a consistent
      instrument configuration; and
      ZZ (bands) = the number of detector rows (wavelengths) whose
      read-out values are retained by the instrument.
      Once image data are assembled into EDRs and calibrated into TRDRs,
      DDRs are created for the data. A version 0 DDR represents values
      based on predicted pointing, and is generated to provide
      quick-look information. Version 1 and subsequent versions of a
      DDR are based on actual, reconstructed pointing.
      Each of the planes of a DDR represents some value evaluated at
      the surface intercept of Mars shape model, or at the intercept
      with a surface parallel to the areoid but having a distance from
      the planetary center equal to that of the intercept with the
      shape model. The following items, some represented in SPICE
      files or 'kernels,' affect the locations of the surface physical
      properties encoded in a DDR:
      Position of Mars: This is encoded in the planetary ephemeris
      Position of MRO: This is encoded in the spacecraft ephemeris
      Orientation of MRO: This is encoded in the spacecraft C kernel.
      Orientation of CRISM's gimbal in the MRO reference frame: This
      is encoded in the CRISM part of the MRO frames kernel.
      Orientation of CRISM's VNIR and IR fields of view relative to
      the gimbal. This also is encoded in the CRISM part of the MRO
      frames kernel.
      Position of CRISM's gimbal within its plane: This is encoded in
      a CRISM C kernel. CRISM's C kernel is derived from gimbal
      positions at the beginning, middle, and end of the integration
      of each line of an EDR or TRDR images file, which is given in
      the table of instrument housekeeping that accompanies every EDR
      and TRDR.
      Position of each spatial pixel in a CRISM image relative to the
      center of the field of view: This is encoded in the instrument
      Mars shape model and areoid: The shape model and areoid used to
      construct DDRs is from the Mars Orbiter Laser altimeter, or MOLA,
      gridded at 128 pixels per degree [SMITHETAL1999].
      TES bolometric albedo and thermal inertia: These are gridded at 8
      pixels per degree [MELLONETAL2000].
      CRISM has optical distortions such that each wavelength, or
      band, has a very slightly different surface projection onto
      Mars. Each band corresponds to a row on the VNIR or IR detector.
      To avoid ambiguity, a DDR represents the physical information
      corresponding to the surface intercepts at a reference detector
      row near 610 nm (row number 223) for the VNIR, or near 2300 nm
      (row number 257) for the IR. The relationship between different
      bands is included in the instrument kernel.
      The sequence of processing that creates a DDR is as follows.
      EDRs are assembled from raw data. TRDRs are created from the
      EDRs and Calibration Data Records, or CDRs, using a calibration
      algorithm discussed at length in an Appendix in the CRISM Data
      Products SIS. Gimbal positions are extracted from the EDR
      housekeeping and formatted as a gimbal C kernel. Using that and
      other SPICE kernels discussed above, the surface intercept on
      the MOLA shape model is calculated for each spatial pixel
      (sample at the reference detector row). The angles of this pixel
      relative to the equatorial plane and reference longitude
      constitute the latitude and longitude of the pixel. For that
      latitude and longitude, solar incidence, emission, and phase
      angles are determined at a surface parallel to the areoid but
      having a radius from planetary center equivalent to that of the
      surface intercept of the shape model. Solar incidence and
      emission are also determined relative to the shape model itself.
      Version 0 of the DDR is generated using predicted spacecraft
      orientation and ephemeris as soon a the CRISM gimbal C kernel is
      ready. Version 1 is generated once reconstructed spacecraft
      orientation and ephemeris are available.
      Other values in the DDR are retrieved from the MOLA and TES data
      sets. Using the latitude and longitude of the surface intercept
      of each spatial pixel, TES bolometric albedo and thermal inertia
      are retrieved from global map products, and resampled into CRISM
      sensor space using nearest neighbor resampling. The same
      procedure is used to retrieve MOLA elevation, and the local
      slope magnitude and slope azimuth of the MOLA elevation model.
      CRISM standard data products and the supplementary browse products
      are defined and described in greater detail in the Data Products
      Software Interface Specification and the Data Archive Software
      Interface Specification in the DOCUMENT directory.
      There is only one data type associated with this volume, the
      Derived Data Records or DDRs. There are 14 layers in each DDR,
      all represented as 32-bit real numbers arranged in band-sequential
      Solar incidence angle relative to areoid, at the same planetary
      radius as surface projection of pixel, units degrees.
      Emission angle relative to areoid, at the same planetary radius as
      surface projection of pixel, units degrees.
      Solar phase angle, units degrees.
      Areocentric latitude, units degrees N.
      Areocentric longitude, units degrees E.
      Solar incidence angle relative to planetary surface as estimated
      using MOLA shape model, units degrees.
      Emission angle relative to planetary surface as estimated using
      MOLA shape model, units degrees.
      Slope magnitude, using MOLA shape model and reference ellipsoid,
      units degrees.
      Slope azimuth, using MOLA shape model and reference ellipsoid,
      units degrees clockwise from N.
      Elevation relative to MOLA datum, units kilometers.
      TES thermal inertia, units J m^-2 K^-1 s^-0.5.
      TES bolometric albedo, unitless.
    Ancillary Data
      There are ancillary data provided with this dataset:
      1. SPICE kernels, used to contruct observational geometry, are
      available in the GEOMETRY directory. See GEOMINFO.TXT for more
    Coordinate System
      The cartographic coordinate system used for the CRISM data
      products conforms to the IAU planetocentric system with East
      longitudes being positive. The IAU2000 reference system for Mars
      cartographic coordinates and rotational elements was used for
      computing latitude and longitude coordinates.
      The CRISM archive will be made available online via Web and FTP
      servers.  This will be the primary means of distribution.
      Therefore the archive will be organized as a set of virtual
      volumes, with each data set stored online as a single volume. As
      new data products are released they will be added to the volume's
      data directory, and the volume's index table will be updated
      accordingly. The size of the volume will not be limited by the
      capacity of the physical media on which it is stored; hence the
      term virtual volume.  When it is necessary to transfer all or part
      of a data set to other media such as DVD for distribution or for
      offline storage, the virtual volume's contents will be written to
      the other media according to PDS policy, possibly dividing the
      contents among several physical volumes.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2006-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
MISSION_START_DATE 2005-08-12T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Confidence Level Overview
      The major sources of uncertainty in DDRs arise from uncertainties
      in instrument pointing knowledge, from coverage of the MOLA data
      set, and from the scale of the TES data.
      The formal pointing uncertainty for the CRISM gimbal plane is 1
      mrad each in the spacecraft yaw(z), roll(x), or pitch/gimbal(y)
      axes. The formal uncertainty in reconstructed spacecraft
      attitude is similar. Uncertainty in CRISM's gimbal attitude is
      negligible, about 0.006 mrad. The formal error in projection
      onto a surface location depends on the angle of the
      gimbal and typically is of order several hundreds of meters.
      Experience during operations suggests that the actual errors
      are smaller than expected formal errors, so that typical error
      in surface location is about 200 meters.
      Latitude and longitude are described by the intersection of
      CRISM field of view with the MOLA shape model. Given the
      uncertainties in location of a point on the surface, expected
      uncertainty near the equator is of the order of 0.005 degrees.
      Uncertainties in incidence, emission, and phase angles relative
      to the areoid are similar.
      Errors in incidence and emission angle relative to the MOLA
      shape model are dominated by the lower sampling density of the
      shape model. MOLA points are typically a few hundred meters
      apart. This compares to CRISM's sampling scale of 15 to 200
      meters per spatial pixel, depending on instrument configuration.
      In areas of smooth topography the errors are small, but in areas
      with topography that is rough at scales less than a few hundred
      meters, uncertainty is several degrees. The same uncertainties
      apply to slope magnitude.
      Errors in bolometric albedo and thermal inertia will have a
      large contribution from the different scales of the CRISM and
      TES data sets. The TES data from which these values are
      retrieved are sampled at 8 pixels per degree, yet depending on
      instrument configuration, the native spatial sampling of the
      CRSIM data set is 256-4096 pixels per degree. Thus in areas with
      heterogeneous surface properties, large errors in bolometric
      albedo and thermal inertia may occur.
      DDR Versions
      Changes in the processing of DDRs are denoted by incrementing the
      software version, to preserve the significance of version 0 and
      version 1 DDRs representing predicted and reconstructed pointing.
      Software version 1.8 was initially used and had the following known
      (1) Latitude, longitude, and elevation were calculated inaccurately
      south of 85 degrees south latitude.
      (2) Slope magnitude and slope azimuth were calculated inaccurately.
      (3) The layers purporting to be incidence and emission angles
      relative to the MOLA shape model were identical to
      incidence and emission angles relative to the areoid, being used
      as a placeholder.
      (4) Local solar time was calculated incorrectly.
      (5) The TES bolometric albedo and thermal inertia layers were
      Software version 1.9 addressed each of the issues above as follows:
      (1) Latitude, longitude, and elevation calculations south of 85
      degrees south latitude were fixed by a code change to fix an
      incorrect data format to which MOLA polar products were being
      (2) Slope magnitude and slope azimuth were calculations were
      repaired by fixing an arithmetic error.
      (3) Incidence and emission angles relative to the MOLA shape model
      were derived and correctly populated in the appropriate layers.
      (4) Local solar time was calculated correctly by repairing
      mathematical errors.
      (5) The TES bolometric albedo and thermal inertia layers remain
      unpopulated. This will be remedied on upgrade to software version
      Known Issue with DDR Accuracy
      The only known major problem with DDRs generated using software
      version 1.9 is that TES bolometric albedo and thermal inertia
      layers remain unpopulated.
      This archival data set will be examined by a peer review panel
      prior to its acceptance by the Planetary Data System (PDS).  The
      peer review will be conducted in accordance with PDS procedures.
    Data Coverage and Quality
      For each observation, every EDR is compared against frame-by-frame
      predictions of commanded instrument state. The results of the
      comparison are written as a data validation report that
      accompanies the EDRs for that observation.
      In the case of a hardware or configuration discrepancy (shutter
      position, lamp status or level, pixel binning, frame rate, channel
      selection, power status of detectors), processing of the image
      data to RDR level does not occur in order to avoid introducing
      invalid results, and DDRs are not created. Also, missing frames or
      portions of frames are replaced with a value of 65535 (this cannot
      be a valid data value). That portion of the EDR is not further
      processed, and it also is propagated to a value of 65535 in all
      layers of the DDR.
      Only a subset of instrument configurations represent 'scene' data,
      as indicated by the EDR keyword MRO:ACTIVITY_ID. Only scene data
      aimed at Mars' surface have corresponding DDRs.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Murchie, S., Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars Derived Data Record, MRO-M-CRISM-6-DDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2006.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This dataset is intended to include information on observation conditions, physical properties and coordinates of IR and VNIR data cubes from the CRISM instrument on MRO when the data cubes are pointed at Mars' surface. The information is mapped to the sensor space of non-map-projected data, EDRs and TRDRs.
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