Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Pluto atmosphere measurements including solar and stellar occultations, composition profiles, haze layer brightness, temperature and pressure profiles, and diametric and polar thermscans from New Horizons. This is VERSION 2.0 of this data set.
Data Set Overview

      This dataset contains derived data products from the Atmospheres
      Science Theme Team of the New Horizons project. It includes the
      wavelength-dependent solar atmospheric occultation count rate and
      opacities, a model of the unocculted solar count rate, atmospheric
      composition profiles for the species N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6
      based on data taken from the Alice UV imaging spectrograph, lower
      atmospheric temperature and pressure profiles from the Radio
      EXperiment (REX) instrument, and vertical I/F haze profiles from
      the LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) instrument.


      This is VERSION 2.0 of this data set. It is identical to Version 1.0
      except for the addition of the starocc/ subdirectory, which contains
      derived data from the Alice UltraViolet Imaging spectrograph aboard
      the New Horizons spacecraft acquired during the occultation and
      appulse of UV bright stars 69 Ori and 72 Ori by Pluto.


      The data generated by the Atmospheres Science Theme Team of the
      New Horizons project can be grouped into a number of sub-specialities,
      and the data for these is grouped into subdirectories of:
            ALICEOCC/  - solar occultations and an unocculted model
            ATMOSCOMP/ - atmospheric composition profiles
            HAZE/      - details of the Pluto haze layers
            REXATMOS/  - lower atmospheric temperature and pressure profiles
            STAROCC/   - stellar occultation and appulse data
            THERMSCAN/ - diametric and polar thermscans of Pluto

      The data content that resides in each subdirectory is detailed below.


      Solar Atmospheric Occultation Count Rate and Opacities

        Data from the Alice UltraViolet Imaging spectrograph aboard the
        New Horizons spacecraft was acquired during the occultations of
        the Sun by Pluto and Charon. The data have been binned in time to
        1-second (MET - Mission Elapsed Time) resolution. The observed solar
        spectrum has been extracted and corrected for a variety of
        instrumental effects.

        For a detailed description of the data analysis process, please
        see [YOUNGETAL2017].

        The list of Raw files used in creating this product can be found
        in the first header of the fits file.


      Atmospheric Composition Profiles

      The Alice instrument on NASA's New Horizons spacecraft observed an
      ultraviolet solar occultation by Pluto's atmosphere on 2015 July 14.
      The transmission vs. altitude was sensitive to the presence of N2,
      CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and haze.

      Line-of-sight abundances and local number densities for the 5 molecular
      species, and line-of-sight optical depth and extinction coefficients
      for the haze, were derived. The UV occultation occured from
      approximately 2015 July 14 12:15 to 13:32 UTC (spacecraft time).

      The line-of-sight abundance spreadsheet in data/atmoscomp holds data
      for N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and haze as a function of radius.
      The line-of-sight abundance N_s of species s as a function of tangent
      radius r' can be found in Section 3, Equation (6) in [YOUNGETAL2017].

        Data acquisition

        Data was acquired using the Alice instrument. Alice is an imaging
        spectrograph that has a bandpass from 52 to 187 nm, with a
        photocathode gap from 118 to 125 nm designed to decrease the count
        rate near Ly-alpha. For the Pluto occultation, the 'pixel list'
        data collection mode was used for higher time cadence. During the
        observation, the Sun was placed in the 'box' of the Solar
        Occultation Channel (SOCC) to avoid slit losses, to avoid
        oversaturation, and to observe the UV solar occultation
        simultaneously with the radio Earth occultation. The SOCC is
        roughly co-aligned with the field of view of REX [TYLERETAL2008]
        to allow for simultaneous observations of the solar and the
        uplink radio occultations. During the Pluto solar occultation,
        the REX field of view was centered on Earth, which placed the Sun
        within a few tenths of a degree from the center of the 2x2 degree
        'box'.  Thrusters were fired to keep REX centered on the Earth
        within 0.0143 degrees (deadband half-width). Thus, the Sun moved
        only slightly within the 2x2 degree 'box' during the solar
        occultation observation. The Sun's diameter as seen from New
        Horizons in July 2015 was 0.016 degrees, which was much smaller
        than the size of the 'box' and slightly smaller than the Alice pixel
        size (Alice pixels subtend 0.019 degrees in the spectral axis, and
        0.308 degrees in the spatial axis).  Pluto, by contrast, was large
        compared to the box, varying from 3.0 degrees at 2015 July 14 12:41
        UT, when Pluto first entered the box, to 2.2 degrees at 13:01 UT,
        when Pluto exited the box.

        The locations probed by the solar occultation depended only on the
        relative positions of the Sun, Pluto, and New Horizons, and not on
        the pointing of the Alice field of view. Pluto passed across the
        Sun at a sky-plane velocity (that is, the component of the velocity
        perpendicular to the spacecraft-Sun line) of 3.586 km/s, so it took
        ~11 minutes for the solid body of Pluto to pass across the Sun.
        This is slightly faster than the Earth's sky-plane velocity of
        3.531 km/s during the Earth occultation, [HINSONETAL2017]. Solar
        ingress occurred at 195.3 degrees E longitude, 15.5 degrees S
        latitude, while egress occurred at 13.3 degrees E longitude,
        16.5 degrees N latitude [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. Thus, ingress probed
        the atmosphere just off of the southern tip of the left-hand side
        of the bright heart-shaped feature, named Sputnik
        Planitia, and egress probed the atmosphere near the transition
        between dark equatorial regions and the mid-latitude areas.
        Observations were taken in 'pixel list' mode, in which each
        detected photon is tagged with its location on the detector.
        Effectively, this location was a measure of which of the 1024
        spectral and 32 spatial pixels was stimulated by each detected
        photon. The pixel resolution was 0.177-0.183 nm/pixel, which
        Nyquist samples the instrumental spectral resolution (0.35 nm
        when operated in pixel list mode). Timing was determined by the
        insertion of special 'time hack' values into the instrument's
        memory buffer every 4 ms. This 4 ms timing was much finer than
        that required for the analysis presented here, and the counts
        were summed into 1-second time bins. This resulted in a 1024 by 32
        image of counts per second at each 1 second interval, called a
        count rate image.

        Data analysis

        In order to extract 1-second count-rate spectra from the pixel
        list data, the following analysis steps were performed.

        1) Dead time correction in the raw pixel list stream were
        calculated. The detector electronics took a finite amount of time
        to process each count. During this time, the detector was 'dead'
        i.e., it was insensitive to any additional counts. Therefore each
        detected photon was weighted by a factor of 1 / (1 - tau_d * C),
        where tau_d = 18 microseconds, the dead time constant of the
        electronics, and C is the count rate measured over a 4 ms interval.

        2) The pixel stream was summed to construct 2-D count-rate images
        at 1-second resolution. During one second, the tangent altitude
        probed by the Sun moved ~3.586 km through Pluto's atmosphere. The
        choice of 1-second binning was a balance between increasing
        signal-to-noise ratio per image and sub-sampling the 4 to 5 second
        (~16 km) smoothing caused by the Sun's finite size.

        3) A 1-D solar spectrum was extracted from each 2-D count rate
        image. The Sun varied in its deadband by 0.0143 deg (half-width).
        Since this was much smaller than the pixel size of 0.308 deg/pixel
        in the spatial direction, the variation within the deadband did
        not change which detector row contained the counts from the Sun.
        The solar spectra was extracted by a simple sum of rows 19-22,
        inclusive, which accounted for the width of the spatial
        point-spread function ([STERNETAL2008], Figure 12) and the motion
        within the deadband. The contribution of Pluto's nightside to the
        UV signal was negligible compared to the direct solar flux.

        4) Alice 'stim pixels' [STERNETAL2008] was used to correct the
        wavelength scale for temperature effects in the Alice detector.
        The mapping between the physical location of an event on the
        detector and its pixel number in data space depended on the
        resistivity of the readout anode, which itself depended on
        temperature. Essentially, the detector electronics produced counts
        at two known physical locations on opposite ends of the detector.
        These counts were then mapped into data space, allowing for a
        linear correction to the apparent position of detected photons.

        5) Each one-second count-rate spectrum was then corrected for the
        wavelength dependence on the location of the Sun within the 2x2
        degree 'box' portion of the slit. The Sun was offset slightly from
        the center line of the slit, which introduced an overall wavelength
        shift of 0.396 nm. There was some variation in wavelength as the
        Sun's position moved in the +/-0.0143 degree deadband, since a pixel
        subtended 0.019 degrees in the dispersion direction. For unocculted
        spectra, the wavelength shift was determined by fitting a Gaussian
        line profile to five solar lines, including the Lyman-Alpha line
        at 121.6 nm. The shift was also calculated from the spacecraft
        attitude, and the two methods agreed to within 0.10 pixels; the
        shift calculated from the spacecraft altitude was used for spectra
        taken when the solar lines were obscured by Pluto's atmosphere.
        The resulting spectra were placed on a common wavelength grid
        using a sinc interpolation. Doppler shifts were ignored in this
        analysis. Pluto's heliocentric motion, which affected the
        interaction of the solar lines and absorption in Pluto's
        atmosphere, was at most 1.075 km/s during this observation
        (0.00035 nm shift at 100 nm). This was much less than the width
        of the solar lines [CURDTETAL2001]. The rate at which the
        spacecraft receded from Pluto, which affected how the spectrum
        is recorded on the Alice spectrograph, ranged from 11.66 to
        13.60 km/s over the POCC observation (0.0038 to 0.0045 nm shift
        at 100 nm). This led to a shift of only ~2% of a pixel.

        6) The gradual decrease in sensitivity of regions of the detector
        that saw the highest solar flux had to be corrected for. This
        localized phenomenon, known as 'gain sag', is a function of the
        total amount of charge extracted from the micro-channel plates,
        per unit area, over the lifetime of the detector [STERNETAL2008].
        The magnitude of the sensitivity loss due to gain sag varied from
        zero at the short wavelength end of the detector, where the solar
        flux is low, up to several percent at the long wavelength end of
        the detector, where the solar flux is greatest. A correction for
        the gain sag during the occultation observation was derived, on
        a pixel by pixel basis, by fitting a line to the observed count
        rate when the sun was unocculted by Pluto or its atmosphere as
        a function of the total integrated number of counts during the
        observation, using both ingress and egress spectra.

        7) After correcting for gain sag, the dark rate spectrum was
        subtracted. This was calculated from a composite dark spectrum,
        shifted (with sinc interpolation) to match the wavelength of
        each count-rate spectrum. The resulting extracted one-second
        count-rate spectra vs. tangent radius are shown in Figure 4A of
        [YOUNGETAL2017]. The tangent radius was the closest distance
        between Pluto's center and the ray connecting the spacecraft
        and the center of the solar disk, and was calculated at each
        second using SPICE kernels supplied by the New Horizons
        KinetX navigation team for science analysis:


        These SPICE kernels are archived with NAIF at JPL and can be found
        with the search keywords 'JPL NAIF data New Horizons.'

        8) A reference solar spectrum for each one-second spectrum was
        created. Because of the small entrance aperture of the SOCC, the
        repeller grid, a lattice-like pattern of wires designed to remove
        stray ions ([STERNETAL2008] figure 5) produced discrete shadows
        on the surface of the detector. Even a sub-pixel change in the
        Sun's position on the focal plane affected the observed shadow
        pattern on the detector, and caused up to a 40% variation in
        apparent throughput at certain regions of the spectrum. Failure
        to correct for this effect would leave periodic reductions in
        counts that mimic absorption features. To correct for this, the
        spacecraft attitude information derived from the star trackers
        was used to derive the position of the Sun in the focal plane.
        For each one-second count rate spectrum, other spectra (in either
        the Pluto or Charon solar occultations) that (i) were obtained
        when the Sun was within 0.002 deg of the spectrum in question,
        and (ii) were unocculted, were identified. This selection gave a
        median of 60 reference spectra for each one-second sample. These
        were averaged to produce a reference solar spectrum for each
        one-second count-rate spectrum. Figure 4B in [YOUNGETAL2017]
        shows the result of dividing each one-second count rate spectrum
        by its reference solar spectrum at full one-second, 0.17 nm

        Absorption cross sections

        For the ultraviolet solar occultation by Pluto observed by New
        Horizons, the refraction of Pluto's atmosphere can be ignored
        [HINSONETAL2017], simplifying the geometry of the occultation.
        The ray connecting the Sun and the New Horizons spacecraft has
        a minimum distance to the body center, called the tangent radius,
        r', which can be defined by the surface radius, r_s, and the
        height of the tangent point above the surface (the tangent
        height), h, by r' = r_s + h. At a distance along the ray, x,
        defined as 0 at the tangent point, the relationship between the
        radius in the atmosphere along the ray, r, and the tangent radius
        is simply r^2 = r'^2 + x^2. We can define the radius in the
        atmosphere as the sum of the surface radius and the altitude, z,
        by r = r_s + z.

        The incident UV solar flux is diminished by the absorption of
        an occulting atmosphere (e.g., Smith and Hunten 1990). The
        line-of-sight transmission, Tr, is a function of the line-of-sight
        optical depth, which is itself a function of tangent radius, r',
        and wavelength, lambda. The cross-sections can be approximated
        as constant along the line-of-sight.

        Equations and further details regarding the determination of
        cross-sections for N2, CH4, CO, C2H6, C2H2, C2H4, and Hazes
        can be found in Section 3, [YOUNGETAL2017].

        Determination of line-of-sight abundances

        The retrieval of N2, CH4, C2H6, C2H2, C2H4, and haze line-of-sight
        abundances was performed individually at each altitude, in a method
        very similar to that used in [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. Fitting for the
        hazes and hydrocarbons was first performed using only the
        wavelengths 100-180 nm, where the signal-to-noise of the
        occultation data was highest, and N2 did not contribute. In a later
        step, N2 was included to analyze the wavelengths below 65 nm. HCN
        and CO, while known to be present in Pluto's atmosphere, were not
        detected in the Alice solar occultation.

        Retrievals were performed separately for ingress and egress. The
        retrieval started at a tangent height 2000 km altitude, above the
        first measurable absorption, and progressed downward toward the
        surface. To retrieve line-of-sight abundances from each spectrum,
        the spectrum at the next higher altitude step acted as the initial
        condition in a weighted Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to
        minimize the weighted sum of squared residuals,
        (Press et al. 2007). Fitting to individual one-second spectra gave
        unacceptably large errors and unstable solutions to the non-linear
        least-squares fit, so multiple spectra were averaged before
        retrieving line-of-sight abundances. Because of the 3.586 km/s
        sky-plane velocity of the Sun, averaging in time corresponded to
        averaging in altitude. To investigate the impact of different
        averaging lengths, one retrieval was performed that averaged 23
        seconds (82.5 km) for altitudes > 1000 km, 11 seconds (39.5 km)
        for 1000 to 800 km, and 5 seconds (17.9 km) below 800 km,
        scaling the errors per spectrum appropriately. A second retrieval
        averaged 23 seconds throughout the entire span. The 5-second
        averaging scale was matched to the angular size of the Sun as
        seen by New Horizons. At altitudes below 700 km, the 23-second
        averaging sampled less than one point per scale height. Using
        Eq. 8 [YOUNGETAL2017], line-of-sight abundances were retrieved
        that produced a transmission, Tr, that best matched the
        time-averaged data, D, when weighted by the solar rate, R,
        convolved by the line-spread function, k, normalized by the
        convolved solar rate, k*R, and multiplied by the time-averaged
        reference spectrum, Dref. For each averaged spectrum, the log of
        the line-of-sight abundance was fitted for, because that quantity
        guaranteed a positive N_s (N_s is the line-of-sight abundance of
        species s), and because the surfaces of chi^2 were more symmetric
        in ln(N) than in N itself.

        Determination of local number densities

        The line-of-sight abundance, N, is the integral of the local
        number density, n, along the line-of-sight. Under certain
        assumptions, one can invert this relationship to derive n given N
        (for details on how N were determined, see [YOUNGETAL2017]). By far,
        the most common assumption is that of local spherical symmetry
        (that is, within the region where the ray path intersects Pluto's
        atmosphere). For Pluto's upper atmosphere, spherical symmetry
        appeared to be a very good assumption. The Alice Pluto solar
        occultation data had close agreement between the ingress and egress
        lightcurves, and nearly identical profiles for ingress and egress
        for the line-of-sight abundances of all species considered here.
        Similarly, the REX Pluto Earth radio occultation [HINSONETAL2017]
        showed similar density profiles for ingress and egress above 30 km

        For these two New Horizons datasets, the ingress and egress
        latitudes differed by only ~30 deg, raising the possibility that
        the similarity is simply due to ingress and egress probing similar
        latitudes. Analyses of the main occultation drop in ground-based
        stellar occultations (probing ~10 km to 400 km altitude) do not
        show evidence for statistically significant ellipticity [PERSON2001]
        or only very rare cases of statistically significant dawn/dusk or
        summer/winter differences [ZANGARI2013]. There are robust
        theoretical reasons to expect very small horizontal variations in
        temperature over all the body (at a given pressure level) in the
        part of the atmosphere not influenced by topography because of the
        very long radiative timescale of the atmosphere. This is predicted
        by 3D Global Circulation Models even when methane is not well
        mixed horizontally [TOIGOETAL2015], [FORGETETAL2017].

        Data processing was performed with the assumption of spherical
        symmetry, with the caveat that this might lead to inaccuracies
        in derived number densities in the lowest 30 km.  Given a
        spherically symmetric atmosphere, the classic method for deriving
        local number density from line-of-sight abundance is the Abel
        transform [ROBLE&HAYS1972]. This method includes a derivative and
        an integral which amplify the noise in the profile. There are
        various methods for dealing with this noise, for example by
        imposing functional forms [ROBLE&HAYS1972] or by imposing a
        smoothness constraint using a Tikhonov regularization
        [QUEMERAISETAL2006]. Because data was already smoothed over
        23-second (82.5-km) intervals, and a quality constraint of < 30%
        errors to define the valid altitudes was imposed, the unmodified
        Abel transform technique was used.

        For the haze analysis, the relationship between line-of-sight
        optical depth, tau, and local extinction coefficient, xi, was
        mathematically equivalent to the relationship between N and n.
        The Abel transform formally includes an integral to infinity.
        Specifying the atmosphere above the highest valid data point was
        done by defining an altitude region over which a functional form
        N(r) is fitted, and then the function was extrapolated to a
        radius where the contributions to the integral were negligible
        (in practice, this was taken to be 2000 km altitude). The higher
        altitude of the fitting region, h_1, was near the top of the
        region of valid retrievals of the line-of-sight abundance
        (determined by the errors in the lower panel of Fig. 9 of

        Altitudes sampled every 23 seconds (~82.5 km) were used for the
        fit, to avoid fitting to correlated points, so the lower altitude
        of the fitting region, h_0, was a multiple of 82.5 km below h_1.
        This step required some judgment, to balance using a larger region
        to better constrain the fits, while using a smaller region to avoid
        non-exponential changes in the profile. Within the extrapolation
        altitudes, a simple function that assumed that each species has a
        constant ratio of temperature, T, to molecular weight \mu, was used
        for the fit.

        Two parameters were fitted for at the lower extrapolation altitude:
        the line-of-sight abundance, N_0, and the scale height H_0. The scale
        height increases proportionally with the square of the radius,
        r = r_s + z, due to variable gravity. The number density, n, is an
        exponential in geopotential (Eq. 13 of [YOUNGETAL2017]).

        In order to define the scale height and number density at r0, a new
        geopotential referenced to r_0= r_s + h_0 was defined,
        xi' = (r - r_0)r_0/r (or, for N(r'), substitute r' for r).
        Because the scale height was not small compared with the radius on
        Pluto, the line-of-sight column, N, was nearly but not quite an
        exponential in geopotential (Eq. 13, [YOUNG2009]).

        The functional form established from the fitting altitude range was
        used to calculate the densities up to 2000 km for use with the Abel
        transform.  Errors on the density were calculated by propagation of
        errors on the line-of-sight abundances. As expected, the errors on
        the density were larger than those on the line-of-sight abundance.
        Whereas the altitudes on the line-of-sight abundance were selected
        to hold fractional errors to < 30%, the fractional errors on the
        densities for many of the species were near one. This means they
        are only measured to within a factor of ~2.7, or exp(1).

      Quality Flags
      The quality flags were defined for all species as:
      Quality flag values:
               0 = good
               1 = out of HEIGHT/ALTITUDE range
               2 = out of VALUE or ERROR CRITERIA range
               4 = solution did not CONVERGE
      and if multiple flags applied to a given value, the flags are added
      together (e.g., a flag of 3 = both 1 and 2 apply).


      Summary of Haze in Pluto's atmosphere:

        Atmospheric haze was detected in images by both the Long Range
        Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) and the Multispectral Visible Imaging
        Camera (MVIC) on New Horizons. LORRI observed haze up to altitudes of
        at least 200 km above Pluto's surface at solar phase angles from ~20
        degrees to ~169 degrees. The haze is structured with about ~20 layers,
        and the extinction due to haze is greater in the northern hemisphere
        than at equatorial or southern latitudes. However, more haze layers
        are discerned at equatorial latitudes. A search for temporal
        variations found no evidence for motions of haze layers (temporal
        changes in layer altitudes) on time scales of 2 to 5 hours, but did
        find evidence of changes in haze scale height above 100 km altitude.
        An ultraviolet extinction attributable to the atmospheric haze was
        also detected by the ALICE ultraviolet spectrograph on New Horizons.

        The haze particles are strongly forward-scattering in the visible, and
        a microphysical model of haze is presented which reproduces the
        visible phase function just above the surface with 0.5 micrometer
        spherical particles, but also invokes fractal aggregate particles to
        fit the visible phase function at 45 km altitude and account for UV
        extinction. A model of haze layer generation by orographic excitation
        of gravity waves is presented. This model accounts for the observed
        layer thickness and distribution with altitude. Haze particles settle
        out of the atmosphere and onto Pluto's surface, at a rate sufficient
        to alter surface optical properties on seasonal time scales.

        Additional details of Pluto haze observations are presented in the
        literature [GLADSTONEETAL2016 and CHENGETAL2017].  LORRI is the
        panchromatic, long focal length visible imager on New Horizons mission
        to Pluto and Charon, and a full instrument description is given in

        This dataset includes several categories of Pluto haze profile data:

            - Azimuthally averaged profiles
            - Temporal variation search
            - Latitude variation search
            - Phase angle variation

        Azimuthally averaged profile data: ----------------------------------


        Departure images of Pluto were obtained by New Horizons LORRI in
        forward scatter geometries at high solar phase angle, in order to
        observe atmospheric aerosols over the night side limb of Pluto and the
        thin illuminated crescent Pluto. The four images from the sequence
        P_LORRI_FULLFRAME_DEP included the full disk of Pluto at 3.85 km/px
        resolution and are shown in Figure 2 of [CHENGETAL2017]. These images
        show a bright ring of scattered light emission from atmospheric haze
        all around Pluto's limb, over the night side and the illuminated
        crescent.  The present data appeared in Figure 3 of [CHENGETAL2017].
        The four LORRI images were obtained with METs of
        299236719, 299236749, 299236779 and 299236809, each exposure at 0.15 s
        in 1x1 unbinned mode, at a range of 775,278 km from Pluto and at a
        solar phase angle 166 degrees. The sub-observer longitude and
        latitude, or Pluto (longitude, latitude) at the center of the observed
        disk, is (288.7 degrees, -43.9 degrees). The sub-solar (longitude,
        latitude) is (91.1 degrees, 51.6 degrees). The images were scaled,
        shifted and co-added, after which a smoothly varying image background
        was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). The adopted
        Pluto radius was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016].  The image brightness
        from a pixel in data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot
        wavelength 607.6 nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance
        and Pi*F is the solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F =
        [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        The azimuthally averaged I/F versus radius is obtained as in aperture
        photometry, using concentric circular apertures of successively larger
        radii from Pluto center. The I/F versus radius is found from the
        average DN per pixel within each of the annuli between successive
        apertures. This curve has been differentiated to find the scale height
        by H = -1/(dln[I/F]/dr) with r the radius. The center of Pluto is
        found by fitting a circle to the limb, with limb radius placed at the
        maximum brightness gradient.

        The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius
        from Pluto center in km, the I/F value, and the scale height in km.
        The noise floor in I/F is reached at ~1440 km.

        Temporal variation search data: -------------------------------

        The New Horizons departure images, at sufficiently high resolution to
        characterize haze layering, covered a time base of several hours
        including the image sequences named P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, P_LORRI_DEP_0,
        P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2, and P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1. These sequences (see
        Table 1 of [CHENGETAL2017] were obtained at pixel scales of 2.3
        km/pixel or less and phase angles in the range 166.6 degrees to 169
        degrees. The New Horizons observations of haze above the limb of
        Pluto, obtained at different times by different image sequences, also
        measured haze over different locations on Pluto. The Pluto longitudes
        and latitudes seen at the limb in these sequences are shown in the
        limb traces of Figure 8 [CHENGETAL2017]. The intersection points of
        the limb traces corresponding to different image sequences indicated
        Pluto locations which were observed at the limb in more than one
        sequence. These limb trace intersections afforded an opportunity to
        study temporal variations in the haze layers, by comparing the haze
        seen over the same locations on Pluto at different times. Four such
        comparisons are shown in Figure 9 of [CHENGETAL2017].


        The present data (from Figure 9a of [CHENGETAL2017]) compares two haze
        I/F profiles obtained over the location (longitude, latitude) = (334
        degrees, 42.0 degrees) with a time interval between observations of
        3.46 hours. The comparison is made between the image sequences
        P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1 and P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2.  The adopted Pluto radius
        was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness from a pixel in
        data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6
        nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the
        solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299206659 and MET 299206660 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained one second apart), which were rescaled
        to a common range of 360779 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale
        became 1.79 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was
        subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 56.7 degrees, a
        rectangular 600 x 12 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        12 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 6th order polynomial.

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299194487 and MET 299194497 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained one second apart), which were rescaled
        to a common range of 193342 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale
        became 0.96 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was
        subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 51.5 degrees, a
        rectangular 960 x 20 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        20 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 4th order polynomial.


        The present data (from Figure 9b of [CHENGETAL2017] compares two haze
        I/F profiles obtained over the location (longitude, latitude) = (326
        degrees, 43.2 degrees) with a time interval between observations of
        5.43 hours.  The comparison is made between the image sequences
        P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1 and P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1. The adopted Pluto radius
        was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness from a pixel in
        data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6
        nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the
        solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5

        From the sequence P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299214015 and MET 299214045 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 30 s apart), which were rescaled to a
        common range of 458186 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale
        became 2.27 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was
        subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 46.6 degrees, a
        rectangular 600 x 12 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        12 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is exponential with a scale
        height of 50.96 km.

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299194487 and MET 299194497 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained one second apart), which were rescaled
        to a common range of 193342 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale
        became 0.96 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was
        subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 51.5 degrees, a
        rectangular 960 x 20 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        20 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 4th order polynomial.


        The present data (from Figure 9c of [CHENGETAL2017] compares two haze
        I/F profiles obtained over the location (longitude, latitude) = (314
        degrees, 45 degrees) with a time interval between observations of 1.97
        hours. The comparison is made between the image sequences
        P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2 and P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1. The adopted Pluto radius
        was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness from a pixel in
        data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6
        nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the
        solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5

        From the sequence P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299214015, MET 299214045 and MET 299214075
        (these were all 0.15 s exposures, obtained 30 s apart), which were
        rescaled to a common range of 458186 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 2.27 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background
        was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 37.8 degrees, a
        rectangular 600 x 12 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        12 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F.  The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend was a 3rd order polynomial.

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299206659, MET299206660, and MET 299206661
        (these were all 0.15 s exposures, obtained one second apart), which
        were rescaled to a common range of 360779 km, shifted and co-added.
        The pixel scale became 1.79 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image
        background was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this
        subtraction did not completely remove the stray light, but left fine
        linear features directed toward the sun and low level ghost features).
        After a counter clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 41.9
        degrees, a rectangular 600 x 12 pixel selection box was defined within
        which a column-average profile was measured (the brightness was
        averaged over 12 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left
        to right, the radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the
        detrended I/F.  The detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F
        from a trend, defined as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 3rd
        order polynomial.


        The present data (from Figure 9d of [CHENGETAL2017]) compares two haze
        I/F profiles obtained over the location (longitude, latitude) = (133
        degrees, -45.4 degrees) with a time interval between observations of
        2.61 hours.  The comparison is made between the image sequences
        P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1 and P_LORRI_DEP_0. The adopted Pluto radius was
        1190.6 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness from a pixel in
        data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6
        nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the
        solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5

        From the sequence P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1, the specific location on Pluto
        was found in the images MET 299213682 and MET 299213712 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 30 s apart), which were rescaled to a
        common range of 458186 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale
        became 2.27 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was
        subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a counter
        clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 37 degrees, a
        rectangular 600 x 12 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        12 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 6th order polynomial.

        From the sequence P_LORRI_DEP_0, the specific location on Pluto was
        found in the images MET 299204282 and MET 299204283 (these were both
        0.15 s exposures, obtained 1 s apart), which were rescaled to a common
        range of 328830 km, shifted and co-added. The pixel scale became 1.63
        km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background was subtracted to remove
        solar stray light (this subtraction did not completely remove the
        stray light, but left fine linear features directed toward the sun and
        low level ghost features). After a counter clock-wise rotation of the
        co-added image through 40.2 degrees, a rectangular 600 x 12 pixel
        selection box was defined within which a column-average profile was
        measured (the brightness was averaged over 12 rows). The three columns
        of the table are, from left to right, the radius from Pluto center in
        km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The detrended I/F is the
        fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined as [(I/F) / trend] -
        1, where the trend was a 5th order polynomial.


        The present data (from Figure 10 of [CHENGETAL2017]) compares three
        haze I/F profiles obtained over equatorial locations, one profile from
        each of the image sequences P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2,
        and P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1. The times relative to closest approach for
        these sequences were 3.78 hr, 7.25 hr, and 9.21 hr, respectively (from
        Table 1 of [CHENGETAL2017]). The phase angles for these sequences were
        169.0 degrees, 167.1 degrees, and 166.6 degrees respectively (from
        Table 3 of [CHENGETAL2017]. The adopted Pluto radius was 1190 km
        (Gladstone et al.  2016). The image brightness from a pixel in data
        units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6 nm
        [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the
        solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5

        From the sequence P_LORRI_ALICE_DEP_1, a profile was obtained over the
        specific location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (33 degrees,-0.2
        degrees), using the images MET 299213793, MET 299213823 and MET
        299213853 (these were all 0.15 s exposures, obtained 30 s apart).
        These images were rescaled to a common range of 458186 km, shifted and
        co-added. The pixel scale became 2.27 km/pixel. A smoothly varying
        image background was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this
        subtraction did not completely remove the stray light, but left fine
        linear features directed toward the sun and low level ghost features).
        After a clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 60 degrees,
        a rectangular 60020 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        20 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F.  The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is an exponential with scale
        height 43.0 km.

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_2, a profile was obtained over the
        specific location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (32 degrees, 5
        degrees), using the images MET 299206714, MET 299206715 and MET
        299206716 (these were all 0.15 s exposures, obtained 1 s apart). These
        images were rescaled to a common range of 360779 km, shifted and co-
        added. The pixel scale became 1.79 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image
        background was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this
        subtraction did not completely remove the stray light, but left fine
        linear features directed toward the sun and low level ghost features).
        After a clock-wise rotation of the co-added image through 60 degrees,
        a rectangular 600 x 16 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        16 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F.  The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is an exponential with scale
        height 45.1 km.

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, a profile was obtained over the
        specific location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (43 degrees, -0.5
        degrees), using the images MET 299194661 and MET 299194671 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 10 s apart). These images were
        rescaled to a common range of 193342 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 0.960 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background
        was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a clock-
        wise rotation of the co-added image through 54 degrees, a rectangular
        600 x 20 pixel selection box was defined within which a column-average
        profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over 20 rows). The
        three columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius from
        Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The detrended I/F
        is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined as [(I/F) /
        trend] - 1, where the trend is a 6th order polynomial.

        Latitude variation data: ---------------------------

        Haze brightness profiles were compared from the same observation
        sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1 and obtained over the most northern
        latitudes imaged (latitude 44 degrees) and over equatorial latitudes
        at the same resolution of 0.96 km/px and at the same solar phase
        angle. The New Horizons departure images from P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1 were
        at sufficiently high resolution to characterize haze layering, at a
        pixel scale of 0.96 km/pixel, and the solar phase angle was 169
        degrees (Table 3 of [CHENGETAL2017]). The Pluto longitudes and
        latitudes seen at the limb in the New Horizons haze observation
        sequences are shown in the limb traces of Figure 8 [CHENGETAL2017].

        The present data (from Figure 11 of [CHENGETAL2017]) compares two haze
        I/F profiles from the image sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, one from an
        equatorial latitude and one from a northern latitude, using images
        obtained over a 184 s time span. The adopted Pluto radius was 1190 km
        [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness from a pixel in data units
        (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot wavelength 607.6 nm (Cheng et
        al. 2008), where I is the scattered radiance and Pi*F is the solar
        irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        Product ID: LATVAR_N_P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1

        From the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, a profile was obtained over the
        northern location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (312 degrees, 44
        degrees), using the images MET 299194487 and MET 299194497 (these were
        both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 10 s apart). These images were
        rescaled to a common range of 193342 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 0.96 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background
        was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a
        counter-clockwise rotation of the co-added image through 36 degrees, a
        rectangular 600 x 20 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        20 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The
        detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined
        as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is a 6th order polynomial.

        Product ID: LATVAR_E_P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1

        Also from the sequence P_MULTI_DEP_LONG_1, a profile was obtained over
        the specific location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (43 degrees,
        -0.5 degrees), using the images MET 299194661 and MET 299194671 (these
        were both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 10 s apart). These images were
        rescaled to a common range of 193342 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 0.96 km/pixel. A smoothly varying image background
        was subtracted to remove solar stray light (this subtraction did not
        completely remove the stray light, but left fine linear features
        directed toward the sun and low level ghost features). After a clock-
        wise rotation of the co-added image through 54 degrees, a rectangular
        600 x 20 pixel selection box was defined within which a column-average
        profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over 20 rows). The
        three columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius from
        Pluto center in km, the I/F, and the detrended I/F. The detrended I/F
        is the fractional deviation of I/F from a trend, defined as [(I/F) /
        trend] - 1, where the trend is a 6th order polynomial.

        Phase Angle Variation Data: ---------------------------

        Day-side Limb phase angle variation data:  Haze brightness profiles
        were compared from observations obtained over the 19 hr time span from
        3.6 hour before closest approach to 15.6 hr afterwards, including back
        scatter and forward scatter geometries. The solar phase function was
        compiled using haze observations over the day side limb at similar
        northern latitudes > 40 degrees.

        At low solar phase angles in approach imaging of Pluto, the haze above
        the limb of Pluto is much fainter than the sunlit surface of Pluto,
        and the instrumental stray light from the bright limb of Pluto must be
        removed to measure haze. This removal was accomplished empirically,
        using observations obtained in similar back scatter viewing geometries
        and at similar image resolution by the P_LORRI_L1 and PELR_C_LORRI
        sequences before closest approach (Table 1 of [CHENGETAL2008]). A haze
        profile at 19.6 degrees solar phase angle was extracted using images
        of Charon and Pluto obtained in similar viewing geometries, where the
        Charon image from C_LORRI was used to remove stray light from the
        P_LORRI Pluto image, and the excess brightness in the Pluto image was
        characterized and attributed to haze. This method takes advantage of
        the absence of an atmosphere, as well as absence of haze, at Charon

        The present data appeared in Fig. 12 of [CHENGETAL2017]. The adopted
        Pluto radius was 1190.4 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness
        from a pixel in data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot
        wavelength 607.6 nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance
        and Pi*F is the solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F =
        [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        Product ID: PHASE_DAY_P_LORRI_L1

        From the sequence P_LORRI_L1, a profile was obtained over the
        northern location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (312 degrees, 44
        degrees), using the image MET 299168039 (an 0.15 s exposure). This
        image was rescaled to a range of 171200 km. The pixel scale was 0.85
        km/pixel. A hard stretch of the image shows low level ghost features;
        a column-oriented artifact of readout smear removal is also visible. A
        rectangular 725 x 75 pixel selection box was defined within which a
        column-average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over
        75 rows). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the column-average DN profile before
        removal of the scaled Charon profile (PHASE_DAY_PELR_C_LORRI), and the
        corrected I/F after removal of the scaled Charon profile. This Charon
        profile is scaled by a constant factor and is then subtracted from the
        'column-average DN profile' of PHASE_DAY_P_LORRI_L1 to generate the
        corrected I/F profile.

        Product ID: PHASE_DAY_PELR_C_LORRI

        From the sequence PELR_C_LORRI, the images MET 299169015 and MET
        299169016 (these were both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 1 s apart) were
        rescaled to a common range of 172233 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 0.855 km/pixel. A hard stretch of the image shows
        low level ghost features; a column-oriented artifact of readout smear
        removal is also visible. A rectangular 725 x 75 pixel selection box
        was defined within which a column-average profile was measured (the
        brightness was averaged over 75 rows). The Charon DN values are scaled
        by a factor 0.7 to account for the different average brightness
        within the sunlit portions of the profiles. The result is the DN
        profile attributed to stray light versus the number of pixels x from
        the bright limb to be subtracted from the Pluto profile. (The number
        of pixels x is defined as the profile of average DN versus column
        number in pixel units from the PHASE_DAY_P_LORRI_L1 data product.) The
        three columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius from
        Pluto center in km, the pixel number x in the Charon profile (x has an
        arbitrary zero; the limb is at x=675), and the scaled Charon DN
        profile, where radius is the radius in the Pluto image at the
        corresponding pixel number relative to the bright limb. The Charon
        profile in PHASE_DAY_PELR_C_LORRI is scaled by a factor 0.7 and then
        subtracted from the column-average DN profile of PHASE_DAY_P_LORRI_L1
        to generate the corrected I/F after removal of stray light.

        Night-side Limb phase angle variation data: At low or moderate solar
        phase angles in approach imaging of Pluto, the haze above the limb of
        Pluto is much fainter than the sunlit surface of Pluto, and the
        instrumental stray light from the bright limb of Pluto must be removed
        to measure haze. This removal was accomplished empirically, using
        observations obtained in similar back scatter viewing geometries and
        at similar image resolution by the P_LORRI_L1 and PELR_C_LORRI
        sequences before closest approach (Table 1 of [CHENGETAL2017]). A haze
        profile at 19.5 degrees solar phase angle over the night side limb of
        Pluto was extracted using images of Charon and Pluto obtained in
        similar viewing geometries, where the Charon image from C_LORRI was
        used to remove stray light from the P_LORRI Pluto image, and the
        excess brightness in the Pluto image was characterized and attributed
        to haze.  This method takes advantage of the absence of an atmosphere,
        as well as absence of haze, at Charon [STERNETAL2017].

        The present data appeared in Fig. 13 of [CHENGETAL2017]. The adopted
        Pluto radius was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness
        from a pixel in data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot
        wavelength 607.6 nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance
        and Pi*F is the solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F =
        [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        Product ID: PHASE_NIGHT_P_LORRI_L1

        From the sequence P_LORRI_L1, a profile was obtained over the
        northern location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (260 degrees, 13
        degrees), using the images MET 299167703 and MET 299167704 (both are
        0.15 s exposures). These images were rescaled to a range of 175814 km,
        shifted and co-added. The pixel scale was 0.873 km/pixel. A hard
        stretch of the image shows low level ghost features.  After a
        clockwise rotation of 56 degrees, a rectangular 341100 pixel selection
        box was defined within which a column-average profile was measured
        (the brightness was averaged over 100 rows). The three columns of the
        table are, from left to right, the radius from Pluto center in km, the
        column-average DN profile before removal of the scaled Charon profile,
        and the corrected I/F after removal of the scaled Charon profile. If
        the radius is <1900 km, then the brightness is a haze-lit Pluto
        surface brightness, and the radius given is that at closest approach
        of the line of sight to Pluto center.


        From the sequence PELR_C_LORRI, the images MET 299169015 and MET
        299169016 (these were both 0.15 s exposures, obtained 1 s apart) were
        rescaled to a common range of 172233 km, shifted and co-added. The
        pixel scale became 0.855 km/pixel. A hard stretch of the image shows
        low level ghost features. The Charon image was flipped horizontally to
        match the geometry of the Pluto image, and a rectangular 40585 pixel
        selection box was defined within which a column-average profile was
        measured (the brightness was averaged over 85 rows).  The bright limb
        of the Charon profile was aligned to the terminator of the Pluto
        profile, and the Charon profile DN values were scaled by a factor 0.70
        to account for the average brightness within the sunlit portions. The
        Charon profile gives the numbers of DN attributed to stray light
        versus the number of pixels x from the bright limb (x has an arbitrary
        zero; the image has been flipped; Charon limb is at x=62). The three
        columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius from Pluto
        center in km, the pixel number x in the Charon profile, and the scaled
        Charon DN, where radius is the radius in the Pluto image at the
        corresponding pixel number relative to the bright limb.

        Product ID: PHASE_P_MVIC_LORRI_CA, Product ID:

        At low or moderate solar phase angles in approach imaging of Pluto,
        the haze above the limb of Pluto is much fainter than the sunlit
        surface of Pluto, and the instrumental stray light from the bright
        limb of Pluto must be removed to measure haze. This removal was
        accomplished empirically, using observations obtained in similar back
        scatter viewing geometries and at similar image resolution by the
        P_MVIC_LORRI_CA and C_MVIC_LORRI_CA sequences before closest approach
        (Table 1 of Cheng et al. 2017). A Pluto haze profile at 67.3 degrees
        solar phase angle was extracted using images of Charon and Pluto
        obtained in similar viewing geometries, where the Charon image from
        PELR_C_MVIC_LORRI_CA was used to remove stray light from the
        P_MVIC_LORRI_CA Pluto image, and the excess brightness in the Pluto
        image was characterized and attributed to haze. This method takes
        advantage of the absence of an atmosphere, as well as absence of haze,
        at Charon [STERNETAL2017].

        The present data appeared in Fig. 15 of [CHENGETAL2017].  The adopted
        Pluto radius was 1190.5 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image brightness
        from a pixel in data units (DN) was converted into I/F at the pivot
        wavelength 607.6 nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the scattered radiance
        and Pi*F is the solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm, according to: I/F =
        [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        From the sequence P_MVIC_LORRI_CA, a profile was obtained over the
        approximate northern location on Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (104
        degrees, 55 degrees), using the image MET 299179658 (a 0.01 s
        exposure). This image was rescaled to a range of 17297 km. The pixel
        scale was 0.0859 km/pixel. A hard stretch of the image shows artifacts
        of readout smear removal and low level ghost features. A rectangular
        77290 pixel selection box was defined within which a column-average
        profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over 90 rows). The
        three columns of the table are, from left to right, the radius from
        Pluto center in km, the column-average DN profile before removal of
        the scaled Charon profile, and the corrected I/F after removal of the
        scaled Charon profile.

        From the sequence PELR_C_MVIC_LORRI_CA, the image MET 299180406 (a
        0.01s exposure) was used, for which the target range was 31724 km, and
        the pixel scale was 0.1575 km/pixel. A hard stretch of the image shows
        artifacts of readout smear removal. A rectangular 77290 pixel
        selection box was defined within which a column-average profile was
        measured (the brightness was averaged over 90 rows).  The limb of the
        Charon profile was aligned to the limb of the Pluto profile, and the
        Charon profile DN values were scaled by a factor 3.08 to account for
        the average brightness within the sunlit portions. The Charon profile
        gives the numbers of DN attributed to stray light versus the number of
        pixels x from the bright limb (x has an arbitrary zero; Charon limb is
        at x=218). The three columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the pixel number x in the Charon
        profile, and the scaled Charon DN, where radius is the radius in the
        Pluto image at the corresponding pixel number relative to the bright


        The sequence P_HIPHASE_HIRES obtained images after closest approach
        (Table 1 of [CHENGETAL2017]). Image MET 299181359, a 0.01 s exposure
        obtained at a range of 18758 km and apixel scale 0.0931 km/px, was
        used to obtain a Pluto haze profile at 148.3 degrees solar phase
        angle. The present data appeared in Fig. 16 of [CHENGETAL2017]. The
        adopted Pluto radius was 1190 km [GLADSTONEETAL2016]. The image
        brightness from a pixel in data units (DN) was converted into I/F at
        the pivot wavelength 607.6 nm [CHENGETAL2008], where I is the
        scattered radiance and Pi*F is the solar irradiance 1.76 W/m2/nm,
        according to: I/F = [DN/sec] * [7.5 e-5].

        The image MET 299181359 was obtained over the approximate location on
        Pluto (longitude, latitude) = (160 degrees, -7 degrees). A rectangular
        894 x 110 pixel selection box was defined within which a column-
        average profile was measured (the brightness was averaged over 110
        rows). The four columns of the table are, from left to right, the
        radius from Pluto center in km, the I/F, the detrended I/F, and a
        notation as to whether the brightness is a Pluto surface brightness or
        a haze brightness. If a Pluto surface brightness is noted, the radius
        given is that at closest approach of the line of sight to Pluto
        center. The detrended I/F is the fractional deviation of I/F from a
        trend, defined as [(I/F) / trend] - 1, where the trend is an
        exponential with scale height 61.95 km.


      Lower Atmospheric Temperature and Pressure Profiles
        On 14 July 2015 New Horizons performed a radio occultation (RO) that
        sounded Pluto's atmosphere down to the surface.  This file contains
        the atmospheric pressure-temperature profile derived from measurements
        at occultation entry, which occurred at sunset near the center of the
        anti-Charon hemisphere.  The sensitivity of the measurements was
        enhanced by a unique configuration of ground equipment and spacecraft
        instrumentation.  Signals were transmitted simultaneously by four
        antennas of the NASA Deep Space Network, each radiating 20 kW at a
        wavelength of 4.2 cm.  The polarization was right circular for one
        pair of signals and left circular for the other pair.  New Horizons
        received the four signals and separated them by polarization for
        processing by two independent receivers, each referenced to a
        different ultra-stable oscillator.  The two data streams were
        digitized, filtered, and stored on the spacecraft for later
        transmission to Earth.  All subsequent steps of analysis were
        performed after the data had been received on the ground. We
        calibrated each signal to remove effects not associated with Pluto's
        atmosphere, including the limb diffraction pattern.  We then applied a
        specialized method of analysis to retrieve profiles of number density,
        pressure, and temperature from the combined phase measurements.  See
        [HINSONETAL2017] for a detailed discussion of the procedure used for
        data analysis and profile retrieval.


      Stellar Atmospheric Occultation and Appulse Count Rates

        A few hours after its encounter with Pluto, Alice observed the
        simultaneous stellar occultation and appulse of two UV-bright stars,
        69 Ori and 72 Ori, respectively. As during the solar occultation that
        occurred immediately prior, the transmission of starlight through
        Pluto's atmosphere was sensitive to absorption by N2, CH4, C2H6, C2H2,
        C2H4, and haze. The line of sight to each star passed over different
        areas of Pluto from those probed by the solar occultation, providing
        insight into the degree of spatial and diurnal variability of
        atmospheric composition on Pluto.

        The data have been binned in time to 1-second (MET) resolution. The
        observed stellar spectra have been extracted and corrected for a
        variety of instrumental effects.

        For a detailed description of the data analysis process, please
        see [KAMMERETAL2020].


      Diametric and Winter Pole Thermscans Across Pluto By REX

        The data contained in the thermscan directory gives the values in
        Kelvin for the diametric and winter pole scans across Pluto for both
        the Right Circularly Polarized (RCP) and Left Circularly Polarized
        (LCP) channels of the REX (Radio EXperiment) instrument on New
        Horizons. The document section of this dataset contains three REX
        documents that can be used to help interpret the data.
        Note the calibration document (v4.7) has the most recent calibration
        constants which were used to generate the Calibrated REX dataset
        in the PDS archive and the values given in that paper should be
        used as the best known calibration values. The Radio Brightness
        Temperature Measurement document [LINSCOTTETAL2017] uses older values
        for these constants. See [BIRDETAL2019] for a discussion of the

    Contact Information

      For any questions regarding the data format of the archive,

      New Horizons Principal Investigator:

        Alan Stern, Southwest Research Institute

      S. Alan Stern

      Southwest Research Institute
      Department of Space Studies
      1050 Walnut Street, Suite 400
      Boulder, CO   80302
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2021-08-20T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2015-07-14T08:16:24.706Z
STOP_TIME 2015-07-15T03:28:10.856Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2006-01-19T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2016-10-26T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Small Bodies
      This dataset was peer reviewed and certified for scientific use by
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set contains derived atmospheric data from the New Horizons mission during the Pluto Encounter mission phase, based on data from the Alice UV imaging spectrograph instrument, the Radio EXperiment instrument, and the LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager instrument. The data set includes a solar spectrum of Pluto and Charon; atmospheric composition on Pluto for N2, CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and haze, and the haze brightness profiles; Pluto lower atmospheric temperature and pressure profiles; stellar occultation and appulse data of Pluto; and temperatures of the diametric and winter pole thermscans of Pluto. This is VERSION 2.0 of this data set. The stellar occultation and appulse data of Pluto is what is new to this version.
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