Data Set Overview : This dataset contains data generated by MIRO during the Steins Fly-by mission phase of Rosetta. These data cover the following periods and activities: (All are in 2008, so Year is omitted from dates.) Start Time Stop Time Activity (mm-ddThh:mm) (mm-ddThh:mm) 09-05T13:30 09-05T18:20 Approach observations of Steins (MR02) 09-05T18:27 09-05T18:50 Asteroid mode obs. of Steins (MR03) 09-05T18:50 09-05T20:31 Recession observations of Steins (MR04) 09-06T01:30 09-06T01:44 Asteroid mode obs. of dark sky (MR05) The three Steins observations have separate files in the DATA/SPECTROSCOPIC directory, but the CONTINUUM files are not separated since Asteroid Mode has no special effect on contimuum data. The first three observations involved direct scientific observations of the asteroid itself. The fourth observation did not observe the asteroid, but had two goals: (a) to establish the dark level of the continuum channels by turning the LNA power off, and (b) to determine the dark level of the spectroscopic channels by staring at the dark sky for several hours. Note that no calibrated data were generated for the Active Payload Checkout #8, in contrast to the corresponding level-2 archive, because calibrated data are not meaningful for that test. Author List : The author list in the CITATION_DESC includes only those persons who worked on preparing this archive dataset for delivery. The full list of all persons involved in the MIRO experiment is (taken from the GULKISETAL2007 reference): S. Gulkis, Frerking, M., Crovisier, J., Beaudin, G., Hartogh, P., Encrenaz, P., Koch, T., Kahn, C., Salinas, Y., Nowicki, R., Irigoyen, R., Janssen, M., Stek, P., Hofstadter, M., Allen, M., Backus, C., Kamp, L., Jarchow, C., Steinmetz, E., Deschamps, A., Krieg, J., Gheudin, M., Bockelee-Morvan, D., Biver, N., Encrenaz, T., Despois, D., Ip, W., Lellouch, E., Mann, I., Muhleman, D., Rauer, H., Schloerb, P., and Spilker, T. Geometry Information : The MIRO data file labels contain vectors specifying the position of the Sun and Target body relative to the spacecraft and the velocity of the Target body relative to the spacecraft. The values of the keywords SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR and SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR are related to the ECLIPJ2000 reference frame. The values of SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE and SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE are northern latitude and eastern longitude in the standard planetocentric IAU frame. All values are computed for the the midpoint of the observations. Distances are given in , velocities in , angles in . This information was obtained using the following NAIF/SPICE kernel files: ORHR_______________00061.BSP de405s.bsp The vectors were retrieved using the NAIF call SPKEZ() with a correction for one-way light time and stellar aberration using a Newtonian formulation. More geometry information is given in the GEOMETRY directory of this archive.