Data Set Overview:Contents:A. Operations overviewB. Data set statusC. Scientific useD. CaveatsE. Updates since previous versionF. Version historyA. Operations overview----------------------LAP operations are described in the operations report,IRFU-ROS-OPR-EXT3 in the DOCUMENT/FLIGHT_REPORTS directory of thisdata set.B. Data set status------------------This data set contains scientifically useful data from the RosettaRPC-LAP instrument. The data contained are primary instrument data,in instrument units (TM) and NOT calibrated to physical units(volts and amperes) and with instrumental offsets NOT removed.See the caveats in Section D below for data use.C. Scientific use-----------------While the edited data are scientifically useful to instrumentexperts, these data files are supplied mainly for long-term archivingand reference purposes and are not intended or suitable forscientific use by the wider community. There are also separatederived-level data sets for the same time period, providing directlyuseful scientific quantities (e.g. electron density, wave spectra,electron temperature).For information on exact data products (science data, geometry files,housekeeping), calibration, file formats and file naming conventions,etc., consult the EAICD, RO-IRFU-LAP-EAICD, in the DOCUMENTdirectory. For the specifics of this mission phase, seethe operations report, IRFU-ROS-OPR-EXT3 inthe DOCUMENT/FLIGHT_REPORTS directory.D. Caveats----------This section covers caveats relevant for this specific data set. Forgeneral caveats, see the EAICD in the DOCUMENT directory.D.1. General caveat-------------------The archived data set is complete, but it has not been possible toscan every part of it for every possible problem before delivery, sothere may be numerous data quality issues in addition to this list.While the data clearly have a great science potential, analysis has tobe done with great care. Anybody using the present data set is stronglyencouraged to contact a LAP CoI for cooperation.D.2. Macros x710 and 0x910 use shifting sampling frequencies------------------------------------------------------------Users should be aware that 0x710 and 0x910 differ from all othermacros in that the sampling of LF fix-bias data is done at twodifferent sampling frequencies during the macro repetition cycle. Thetwo macros were constructed for Rosetta's final descent to the cometnucleus. Continuous LF sampling at a frequency sufficiently high toresolve the lower hybrid frequency was not possible to fit within theNM telemetry constraint, but by having much lower sampling frequency(0.226 samples/s) most of the time, it was possible to use a highersampling rate of 14.45 samples/s in every 6th AQP in macro 0x710, andevery 5th AQP in macro 0x910. In this way, there is quasi-continuousdata all the time as well as the possibility to resolve somewhathigher frequencies, at the cost of varying sampling frequency. This isonly used in macros 0x710 and 0x910, which were used only during theEXT3 phase (approx. July-September 2016), mainly in the final descentand the days preceeding it. The label keywordsROSETTA:LAP_P1P2_ADC20_DOWNSAMPLE and ROSETTA:LAP_P1P2_ADC20_MA_LENGTHwould be ambiguous for these data products and have thus been removedfrom the relevant label files. For further explanations of macros,AQPs etc consult the EAICD document.E. Updates since previous version---------------------------------- MAJOR: Data reorganized into fewer files with longer time series and sorted by type of measurement.- Bugfix: Sweep timestamp increments corrected.See section Version history.F. Version history------------------Note that there has been changes in the organization of data sets:- Previously, some data sets were split into several data sets, one per MTP, and therefore used the DATA_SET_ID description string to signify which MTP.- Previously, data sets which covered the entire mission phase used the description strings EDITED and CALIB.- New edited and calibrated data sets use the DATA_SET_ID description strings EDITED2 and CALIB2 to signify significants updates in the data set pipeline and the basic format of the data sets (fewer files and longer time series). The versioning of these data sets starts from V1.0.Therefore, this data set supersedes the following data set(s): RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-MTP031-V1.0 RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-MTP032-V1.0 RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-MTP033-V1.0 RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-MTP034-V1.0 RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-MTP035-V1.0
A. I. Eriksson, R. Gill, E.P. G. Johansson, and F. L. Johansson, Rosetta RPC-LAP archive ofedited data from the ROSETTA EXTENSION 3 mission phase,RO-C-RPCLAP-2-EXT3-EDITED2-V1.0, ESA Planetary Science Archive andNASA Planetary Data System, 2020.