Required Reading : The format of all Alice data are described in detail by the EAICD document located in the /DOCUMENT directory. In addition, the Rosetta Alice logbook file, RA_LOGBOOK_NNN.ASC, also located in the DOCUMENT directory provides observational details such as observation target, commanded exposure time, etc., for all Alice data. The Alice team strongly recommends reading this documentation before using the data. Data Set Overview : This data set contains uncalibrated data acquired by the Rosetta Orbiter ALICE UV Spectrometer during the Cruise 4-2 mission phase, which took place between 2008-10-06 and 2009-09-13. A detailed listing of all Alice observations is given in the observation log file located in the DOCUMENT directory. The following Alice observations were made during the period covered by this data set: # 2009-01-29: Passive Payload Checkout #9 (PC9)# NOTE: we have removed the second door performance test from the nominal# passive checkout OIOR, so AALS404A is called only once.# # 2009-03-02: Flight Software v2.06 upload to EEPROMs 0, 1, 2# (already loaded to EEPROM3 during PC8) # 2009-03-12: Alice ON/OFF check after upload# Basically a passive checkout without the door performance test Processing : The data in this data set are uncalibrated, CODMAC Level 2 data. As such, corrections for detector dead time, dark counts, flatfield, and effective area have not been applied. The primary FITS header contains a list of which corrections have been applied to that file. Data : The data are in FITS format and text format. Each FITS file has a detached PDS label so that they can be read either by FITS or PDS tools. A detailed description of the data format is given in the ALICE EAICD document located in the DOCUMENT directory of this data set. Ancillary Data : No ancillary data included in this data set. Coordinate System : The geometry items SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR and SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR provided in the label of the data product are relative to the Earth Mean Equator frame of J2000. SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE are given in the PLANETOGRAPHIC coordinate system. These parameters are computed at time t:START_TIME. Distances are given in km, angles in degrees. Software : All FITS readers should be able to successfully read the data.