Data Set Overview : This data set includes data obtained by IES during the period 14 September to 13 December 2009 (referred to as the EAR2 flyby period by ESA for reference although IES operation was not continuous during this period). The data of September 29 through October 1 were taken prior to the Earth flyby, with Rosetta at approximately 0.26 AU from Earth, showing the solar wind ions and electrons. The data from November 11 through November 14, 2009 were taken during the third Earth flyby. Apparent interruptions in data are partly the result of S/C turns moving the solar wind out of the IES FOV. The data gap during close approach, around 0800 UT on November 13, is the result of having turned IES off to avoid high count-rates while passing through earth's radiation belts. The edges of the belts can be seen at the beginning and end of the gap. IES did not operate beyond November 14, 2009 in the EAR3 period. Processing : All Rosetta Plasma Consortium (RPC) data packets are transmitted together during downlinks with Rosetta. RPC data are retrieved from the Data Distribution System (DDS) at European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) to a central RPC data server at Imperial College London. Data for IES is copied from the RPC central data server by IESGS at Southwest Research Institute. The pipeline processing software is the IES Ground System (IESGS). IESGS extracts IES CCSDS packets from the RPC collective data files stored on the RPC central data server at Imperial College. These packets are used to build ion and electron data products. The data products are grouped by date and written out to PDS compliant archive data files. One data file is created for each day. IESGS also generates the labels for the archive data files. IES science products, archive and label files, and limited spectrograms are available to team scientists on the IESGS website. Coordinate System : In order to determine IES pointing, attitude data for the Rosetta spacecraft is obtained through SPICE kernels and converted from the J2000 coordinate system to the HGRTN coordinate system. HGRTN is the heliocentric RTN system such that the sun-spacecraft vector defines the positive x-axis and the positive y-axis is the cross-product of the heliographic polar axis and the HGRTN positive x-axis. J2000 is the inertial frame defined by the intersection of the Earth mean equator and the ecliptic plane at the J2000 epoch of January 1, 2000 at noon. The pointing for each bin of IES is thereafter determined by multiplying the converted spacecraft attitude matrix in HGRTN by the vector representation of each particle measurement bin. The resulting vectors represent the flow of particles through the respective particle measurement bins in HGRTN coordinates.