Data Set Overview:The data from the ROSETTA PLASMA CONSORTIUM (RPC) FluxgateMagnetometer (MAG) was submitted by Ingo Richter (TM) for the RPCMAGteam. The PI of the team is Karl-Heinz Glassmeier.The data have been measured in the time intervals -November 22 - November 30, 2010 RPC was switched on for a S/W patch . Only Housekeeping data are available -December 6, 2010 This was the Payload Checkout #13 (PC13).All magnetic field data are calibrated data. That means the datarepresent the 3 components of the magnetic field measured in physicalunits (nT). Data are given in instrument coordinates (LEVEL_A),S/C coordinates (LEVEL_B) or ECLIPJ2000 coordinates (LEVEL_C).Calibration has been applied accordingto the Ground calibration results which means:- temperature dependent offset calibration- temperature dependent sensitivity calibration- temperature dependent misalignment calibrationBad vectors have been removed. Any s/c generated noise and s/ccaused residual magnetic fields are not eliminated. The groundtemperature model for the sensor calibration has been improved(expanded for a wider temperature range down to - 130 deg C) usinglong term temperature model obtained from flight data.The data are sorted by the sensor (OB: outboard sensor, IB: inboardsensor) and the measurement mode (M1..M6). They can uniquely beidentified by their file names.Normally the OB is the Primary (Pri) and the IB is the Secondary (Sec)sensor. However, this order can be toggled by TCs. This feature hasbeen tested especially during the commissioning phases.In cases were the PRIMARY and SECONDARY sensor were toggled theindividual data files (OB/IB) will contain data measured withdifferent sampling rates according to the actual sampling rates ofthe PRIMARY and SECONDARY sensors. Refer to the MODE DESCRIPTIONtable below. The actual sampling rate is the only indicatorshowing which sensor is the primary and which is the secondaryone.LEVEL Description, Science Data:LEVEL_A : Calibrated data in INSTRUMENT coordinates (Unit Reference frame) Table content: Time (UTC), Time(OBT), Magnetic Field (Bx, By, Bz) [nT], Sensor Temperature [K], Quality FlagsLEVEL_B : Calibrated data in s/c-coordinates Table content: Time (UTC), Time(OBT), Magnetic Field (Bx, By, Bz) [nT], Sensor Temperature [K], Quality FlagsLEVEL_C : Calibrated data in ECLIPJ2000-coordinates Table content: Time (UTC), Time(OBT), Position (X,Y,Z) [km], Magnetic Field (Bx, By, Bz) [nT], Quality FlagsLEVEL Description, Housekeeping Data:LEVEL_A : Calibrated Housekeeping data in Physical units Table Content: Time (UTC), Time (OBT), Temperatures (IB,OB) [K], Stage_IDs (Flag A,Flag B), Filter Config Flag, Voltages (Mag_Ref (2.5V), Mag_Neg (-5V), Mag_Pos (+5V)) [V], Magnetic Field (OB-X,OB-Y,OB-Z) [nT] (Instrument coord.),LEVEL_B : No HK DataLEVEL_C : No HK DataMode description::MODE SAMPLE RATE PACKET PERIOD PACKET LENGTH VECTOR RATEMinimum Mode M1 1/32 Hz 1024 s 32 Pri Vec 0.03125 vec/s 1 Sec Vec 0.000976 vec/sNormal Mode M2 1 Hz 32 s 32 Pri Vec 1 vec/s 1 Sec Vec 0.03125 vec/sBurst Mode M3 20 Hz 16 s 320 Pri Vec 20 vec/s 16 Sec Vec 1 vec/sMedium Mode M4 5 Hz 32 s 160 Pri Vec 5 vec/s 1 Sec Vec 0.03125 vec/sLow Mode M5 0.25 Hz 128 s 32 Pri Vec 0.25 vec/s 1 Sec Vec 0.007812 vec/sTest Mode M6 20 Hz 16 s 320 Pri Vec 20 vec/s 1 Sec Vec 0.0625 vec/sHK Mode 32 s 8 words 0.03125 vec/sFILENAME CONVENTION & Mode Coding:Due to operational constraints it might happen that the instrumentmode or the primary sensor has to be switched during a specificobservation.The actual mode and the primary sensor of the instrument can easilybe identified by analyzing the filename of the actual data files. Thecomplete filename convention is listed in the EAICD, chapter 3.1.4.The filenames for EDITED and CALIBRATED data are coded as follows: ___.RPCMAG yymmddThhmm RAW IB M1..M6 LBL CLA OB TAB CLB CLCExample: RPCMAG040528T1230_CLA_OB_M3.LBL RPCMAG040528T1230_CLA_OB_M3.TABThe filenames for Housekeeping data are coded as follows: _.RPCMAG yymmddThhmm HK LBL TABExample: RPCMAG040528T1230_HK.LBL RPCMAG040528T1230_HK.TABGeometry Information - Coordinate System:The geometry items SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTORprovided in the label of the data product are relative to theECLIPJ2000 frame. This reference frame is built up by EclipticCoordinates related to Equinox of Epoch J2000.Orientation: X: Pointing from SUN to Vernal Equinoxe, Y: perpendicular to X in Ecliptic Plane, Z: Perpendicular to Ecliptic plane, pointing upThe items SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDEare given in the PLANETOCENTRIC coordinate system.All these geometry parameters are computed at time t:START_TIME.Distances are given in km, angles in degrees.