Data Set Overview:Contents:A. Operations overviewB. Data set statusC. Scientific useD. CaveatsA. Operations overview----------------------LAP operations are described in the operations report,IRFU-ROS-OPR-CVP2 in the DOCUMENT/FLIGHT_REPORTS directory of thisdata set.B. Data set status------------------This data set contains scientifically useful data from the RosettaRPC-LAP instrument. The data contained are primary instrument data,calibrated to physical units (volts and amperes) and with instrumentaloffsets removed. See the caveats in Section D below for data use.C. Scientific use-----------------The data can be used for scientific analysis, but this requires somefamiliarity with this type of data.For information on exact data products (science data, geometry files,housekeeping), calibration, file formats and file naming conventions,etc., consult the EAICD, RO-IRFU-LAP-EAICD, in the DOCUMENTdirectory. For the specifics of this mission phase, seethe operations report, IRFU-ROS-OPR-CVP2 inthe DOCUMENT/FLIGHT_REPORTS directory.D. Caveats----------This section covers caveats relevant for this specific data set. Forgeneral caveats, see the EAICD in the DOCUMENT directory.D.1. General caveat-------------------The archived data set is complete, but it has not been possible toscan every part of it for every possible problem before delivery, sothere may be numerous data quality issues in addition to this list.While the data clearly have a great science potential, analysis has tobe done with great care. Anybody using the present data set is stronglyencouraged to contact a LAP CoI for cooperation.
A. I. Eriksson, R. Gill, E.P. G. Johansson, and F. L. Johansson, Rosetta RPC-LAP archive ofcalibrated data from the COMMISSIONING 2 mission phase,RO-X-RPCLAP-3-CVP2-CALIB2-V1.0, ESA Planetary Science Archive and NASAPlanetary Data System, 2020.