Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION The Annefrank data set is a collection of images taken by STARDUST Navigation Camera during the Annefrank asteroid encounter.
Data Set Overview
      This data set contains pre-encounter and encounter images taken
      by the Stardust Navigation Camera during the encounter with
      asteroid Annefrank. Images from the following sequences are
      included in this data set (descriptions in this section were
      provided by the NAVCAM Science Lead, Dr. Raymond L. Newburn,
      2002-09-03: Image Sequence #32 (Images 301-324)
        In preparation for engineering readiness tests utilizing the
        asteroid #5535 Annefrank, as STARDUST once more approached the
        Sun and Earth sufficiently to begin limited imaging, a first
        test was made of the new pattern matching and windowing
        software. Coincident with this, a series of geometric
        calibrations was attempted, since those of June 2001 were not
        totally successful. In addition a calibration lamp image and
        four full frame fields were acquired at zero and thirty
        degrees, one of the latter compressed. These were intended as a
        modestly comprehensive check for contamination, for scattered
        light, and for compression. It was found that there had been a
        small amount of recontamination in the 10 months since the
        previous image. This was most obvious in the calibration lamp
        image. Star images remained sharp, with the same point spread
        as earlier, but with a very shallow skirt of scattered light.
        The pattern matching and windowing failed at 14 of the 19
        angles. At larger scan mirror angles there was a problem with
        increasing scattered light. The windows used were only 21x21
        pixels, and it became clear that somewhat larger windows were
        necessary and that there were still geometric calibration
        problems. The contamination on the periscope was found to be
        significantly reduced compared to that of two years earlier,
        perhaps due to some evaporation of the condensate into the
        vacuum of space.
      2002-10-09: Image Sequence #33 (Images 325-345)
        This series of images again was intended as a test of pattern
        matching and windowing and to supply some geometric calibration
        of the system. The camera was brought above freezing for 60
        hours and then allowed to cool back to normal operating
        temperatures in an effort to remove contamination before
        initiating these exposures. The series consisted of 20 pattern
        matching and windowing tests, ten each at 47.8 and 64.0 degree
        scan mirror settings, each image consisting of four 41x41 pixel
        windows, and one full frame image at a scan mirror setting of
        15 degrees to check on the effect of a split field (partially
        on and partially off the periscope). Half of the 47.8 degree
        and all of the 64.0 degree tests were successful in locking up
        on the desired pattern of stars, but the target stars still
        were not well centered. These were engineering tests and led to
        significant improvement in the software and to a better
        understanding of spacecraft behavior and capabilities, but the
        images provided little useful data for any sort of photometric
        calibration following the fourth heating cycle that preceded
        this series. The split image indicated that it should be
        possible to use the periscope on Wild 2 approach as always
        intended. Good geometric calibration of the periscope still
        remains to be carried out, and the periscope was not used for
        the Annefrank encounter. In the absence of any dust hazard, it
        was not necessary to keep the spacecraft oriented along the
        velocity vector, so Annefrank tracking utilized mirror angles
        from 17.7 to 111.3 degrees.
      2002-10-31: Image Sequence #34 (Images 346-350)
        One of the goals of the engineering readiness tests on
        Annefrank was to exercise the optical navigation team and to
        attempt to improve flyby accuracy using optical data. The
        approach to Annefrank was from a phase angle of 150 degrees,
        unfortunately, which meant the asteroid would be poorly
        illuminated and be very faint. There were no asteroid data
        available for phase angles larger than 100 degrees. It was
        assumed that Annefrank would be about 1.5 magnitudes fainter
        than the nearly linear decrease of about 0.03 mag/deg that is
        common to asteroids at smaller phase angles. It seemed that we
        would have a fair chance of detection 38 hours before
        encounter, which time was used for this first attempt. Five
        images were obtained using three 151x151 pixel windows and
        exposures of 1, 1, 2, 5, and 5 seconds. As we later found out,
        the asteroid was much fainter than expected and the spacecraft
        drift during the exposures (smear rate) much larger than we had
        previously experienced. Further the camera pointing was not as
        accurate as we had expected (the geometric calibration was not
        yet solid). The use of new controller software, inadequate
        settle times after attitude changes, and a larger moment of
        inertia with the aerogel grid open were all suggested as
        reasons for the drift and pointing problems. The cause is still
        being investigated. This is why these tests were run, to make
        sure something like this doesn't happen to us on Wild 2. The
        bottom line is that the asteroid was not found in these five
        E-38 hour images.
      2002-10-31: Image Sequence #35 (Images 351-355)
        A second set of approach images was acquired at E-32 hours. The
        same windows and exposure times were used as for the previous
        set at E-38 hours. The problems were much the same, as were the
        results. Annefrank was not found.
      2002-10-31: Image Sequence #36 (Images 356-360)
        A third set of images was acquired at E-26 hours. The same
        windows and exposure times were used as for the previous sets
        taken at E-38 and E-32 hours. The problems were much the same,
        as were the results. Annefrank was not found.
      2002-11-01: Image Sequence #37 (Images 361-365)
        Given the experience of the first three sets of approach
        images, the navigators decided to increase the window size to
        181x181 pixels and make all of the exposures 5 seconds for this
        set at E-18 hours. The image smear can only be described as
        horrendous. This doesn't matter for measurement purposes, IF
        the target can be found. The asteroid was still several
        magnitudes too faint for detection when smeared over some 20
        pixels, and it was not located.
      2002-11-01: Image Sequence #38 (Images 366-370)
        A final set of approach images was attempted at E-12 hours.
        This time all of the available communication bandwidth was
        given to one window in one image (#368), making it 701x701
        pixels. The other four images were given 3x3 pixel windows and
        were retained only to avoid having to reprogram and transmit
        too much last minute new command software. The smear was still
        large (21.7 pixels) and the asteroid still was not located.
      2002-11-01: Image Sequence #39 (Images 371-407)
        Twenty-five minutes before the closest approach, images were
        acquired to attempt autotracking. Pointing was based upon radio
        navigation of the spacecraft and the best ephemeris for the
        asteroid supplied by JPL's celestial mechanics specialists. By
        this time the phase angle was down to 130 degrees and the range
        was only 11,415 km. Annefrank appeared in the first image,
        though far from centered. The navigators chose an exposure of
        65 ms to make sure they were going ``deep enough,'' so the
        images were well exposed. After the first few images, only
        every third image was transmitted to the ground, the others
        being used only to initiate autotrack. After 15 minutes, at a
        range of 5434 km, exposure was reduced to 25 ms. In all, 15 of
        37 images taken with 65 ms exposure were received on Earth. Of
        these, the first two or three were partially on the periscope,
        and three show a large amount of smear, but several are of
        scientific use. Autotracking was initiated shortly before
        reducing the exposure, and image 410 and all subsequent
        Annefrank images are well centered in their frames.
      2002-11-01: Image Sequence #40 (Images 410-445)
        Exposure times on Annefrank were reduced to 25 ms beginning
        with image 410 at a range of 5088 km and a phase angle of 113
        degrees. Images beginning with #420 started to show saturation.
        This was predicted, but these images were being taken to test
        the autotracking rather than for scientific purposes, and
        autotrack works perfectly well with saturated images. The
        images soon reached 80% saturation, so images 420 through 445
        are of limited scientific use. Every image was transmitted to
        the ground beginning with #426, a total of 26 images with 25 ms
        exposure. Twenty-two of these have some to nearly total
      2002-11-01: Image Sequence #41 (Images 446-476)
        Beginning with image #446, exposure time was reduced to 5 ms.
        In fact the characteristics of the shutter are such that
        alternate images are given exposures shorter by 1.5 ms than the
        set value, so in fact all even numbered images have an exposure
        of 3.5 ms and odd numbered ones 5 ms. It was intended that
        these images be of scientific as well as engineering use. If
        Annefrank had not been acquired by this time, there was little
        hope of acquiring it, so there was no need to saturate the
        images. The subsequent images (through image 476) taken at
        phase angles from 71.0 to 47.2 degrees constitute the best
        images for scientific use. During this period the range fell
        from 3133 km to 3078.5 km and increased back to 3162 km, so
        there is minimal change to scale.
      The images in this data set were created by the DMAPKTDECOM
      program developed by Applied Coherent Technology Corp, Herndon,
      Virginia and operated by the Stardust Data Management and Archive
      Team at JPL, Pasadena, California. This program assembled images
      from raw telemetry packets sent down by the spacecraft and
      populated the images labels with housekeeping values, decomutated
      the binary image headers, and computed geometry parameters using
      SPICE kernels. This program did not apply correction of any kind
      to the image data.
      In the cases when only certain sections of the detector were
      downlinked, the program filled the pixels in the image
      corresponding to the areas for which data had not been downlinked
      with hex null values (i.e., zeroes). In such images window
      objects define the areas containing non-null data.
      The images in this data set are in standard PDS format. Each file
      includes an attached PDS label at the beginning of the file,
      followed by a histogram, and ending with the image itself. The
      PDS label contains two OBJECT definitions that describe the
      storage requirements for both the histogram and image objects.
      The label also describes the circumstances surrounding the
      collection of the calibration image. This meta-data is in keyword
      and value pairs and each of these keywords is described at the
      end of this document.
      Camera Description
        The camera has a 1024x1024 array as the active portion of the
        CCD. The images that are stored on this volume, however, contain
        more than just the active portion of the CCD. Each line contains
        a sync pattern, a line counter, 12 baseline stabilization pixels,
        the 1024 pixels from the active portion of the CCD, and finally 8
        over-clock pixels used to measure the quantum efficiency. The
        number of rows for each image is always 1024, no matter what
        compression mode is used, but the number of columns for each
        image depends on the compression mode used.
      Compression Modes
        The NAVCAM images can be either 8-bit or 12-bit data. The 12-bit
        data is commonly referred to as 'uncompressed data', while the
        8-bit is referred to as 'compressed data'. This compression is
        accomplished by a 12-bit to 8-bit square-root look-up-table
        compression method, which is implemented in the hardware of the
        camera electronics. This compression is lossy and the estimate of
        the 12-bit image can be recovered using the look-up table
        mentioned in Appendix 3 of the Calibration Document. Both the
        image and histogram portions of the data file require different
        amounts of storage space, dependent on the compression mode used.
        In uncompressed mode with 12-bit data, the pixels are expressed
        in two bytes, as 16 bits per pixel. The upper nibble of the most
        significant byte is always zero for these images. In compressed
        mode with 8-bit data, the pixels are expressed in a single byte.
      Number of Columns within Each Row
        The general form of each line for each image is fixed. The row of
        data from the camera can be categorized into five different
        1. Sync Pattern              Always 2 bytes, with value 0x0000
        2. Line Counter              Always 2 bytes, values from 0 to
        3. 8 BLS pixels (*)          Baseline Stabilization pixels,
                                     either 1 or 2 bytes per pixel
        4. 1024 image pixels (*)     Either 1 or 2 bytes per pixel
        5. 12 over-clock pixels (*)  Used to measure quantum
                                     efficiency, either 1 or 2 bytes
                                     per pixel
        (*)  The pixels are either 1 or 2 bytes per pixel dependent on
             the compression mode. Uncompressed, 12-bit images require
             2 bytes per pixel, while compressed 8-bit images require 1
             byte per pixel.
        For the uncompressed, 12-bit data, each row contains 1046
        'pixels' of data, which is exactly 2092 bytes. This is 2 bytes
        for the sync, 2 bytes for the line counter, 8 pixels at 2 bytes
        per pixel, 1024 pixels at 2 bytes per pixel and, finally, 12
        pixels at 2 bytes per pixel. In equation form:
          bytes_per_uncompressed_line = 2 + 2 + 2 * (8 + 1024 + 12) = 2092
        For the compressed, 8-bit data, each row contains 1048 'pixels'
        of data, which is exactly 1048 bytes. This is 2 bytes for the
        sync, 2 bytes for the line counter, 8 pixels at 1 byte per
        pixel, 1024 pixels at 1 bytes per pixel and, finally, 12 pixels
        at 1 bytes per pixel. In equation form:
          bytes_per_compressed_line = 2 + 2 + 1 * (8 + 1024 + 12) = 1048
      Reading with RAW Image Readers
        When using any of the supported PDS readers, this extra data at
        the beginning and end of the line is not displayed, but when
        reading these images with a raw raster-scan style reader, this
        extra data at the beginning and end of each line must be taken
        into account.
        When reading images with raw readers, use the following values:
        Compression Mode # Rows # Columns Data Type
        ---------------- ------ --------- -----------------------------
        Compressed       1024   1048      BYTE data
        Uncompressed     1024   1046      MSB_Unsigned_integer (16-bit)
      Finding the Offset to the Data within the File
        When trying to read the histogram or image arrays from the file
        using a RAW reader, the reader must first skip all of the
        information before the object to be read. As an example, to
        read the image object using a raw reader, the reader must first
        skip the PDS attached header, as well as the histogram data. To
        determine the amount of data to skip, examine two keyword pairs
        from the attached label.
        To advance to the beginning of the histogram data, examine the
        following keywords:
            RECORD_BYTES         = 2092
            ^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM     = 3
        The first keyword defines the number of bytes within each
        record, while the second keyword indicates at which record the
        data begins. In this example, the data starts in record #3.
        This indicates that 2 other records contain data prior to the
        start of the histogram data. To compute the data offset,
        account for 2 records of data:  in this example, the offset is
        (3-1)*2092 = 4184.
        To advance to the beginning of the image data, examine the
        following keywords:
            RECORD_BYTES         = 2092
            ^IMAGE               = 11
        As in the previous example, the first keyword defines the number
        of bytes within each record. The second keyword indicates the
        record at which the image data begin. To compute the data
        offset, follow the example above:
              Offset = ( ^image_histogram - 1 ) * record_bytes.
              Offset = ( 11 - 1 ) * 2092 = 20920
      Exposure Durations
        The double-bladed shutter utilized by the camera has the property
        that in one direction the exposures are 1.65 ms shorter than in
        the other. Therefore a setting of 5 ms, which is the shortest
        possible, results in alternate 5 and 3.35 ms exposures, those at
        25 ms, alternate 25 and 23.35 ms exposures, and so on.
        Occasionally bias frames, which do not require shutter action,
        are transmitted to Earth. This changes the ``parity.''
        While not always the case, for Annefrank image sequences the even
        numbered images have the shorter exposures. The downlinked
        exposures for these images have been adjusted and the correct
        exposure duration values are provided in the labels.
      Target Name in the Image Labels
        The target name in the image labels was set only for the images
        where the target is either seen in the image or computed to be
        with the camera field of view. For all other images the target
        name was set to ``N/A''.
        Consequently the label geometry items pertaining to the target
        -- spacecraft-target position, velocity and distance, pixel
        scales, and phase angle -- are only supplied for the images where
        target name is not ``N/A'' and were computed for that specified
      Windowed Images
        The IMAGE size parameter in the image label reflects the size
        of the detector, however in some cases data from only certain
        sections of the detector were downlinked. In  these cases the
        pixels in the image corresponding to the areas for which data
        had not been downlinked are filled with hex null values (i.e.,
        zeroes). WINDOW objects define the areas containing non-null
    Ancillary Data
      The geometry items included in the image labels were computed
      using the following SPICE kernels archived in the Stardust SPICE
      data set:
         Kernel Type   File Name
         ------------  ---------------------
         LSK           naif0007.tls
         PCK           pck00007.tpc
         SCLK          sdu_sclkscet_00074.tsc
         IK            sdu_navcam_v20.ti
         SPK           sdu_l_2002.bsp
         CK (s/c)      sdu_sc_rec_2002_v2.bc
         CK (camera)   sdu_nc_rec.bc
    Coordinate System
      Geometric Parameter Reference Frame
        Earth Mean Equator and Vernal Equinox of J2000 is the inertial
        reference system used to specify observational geometry items
        provided in the image labels. Geometric parameters are based on
        best available SPICE data at time of image creation.
      Epoch of Geometric Parameters
        All geometric parameters provided in the image labels were
        computed at the epoch specified in the START_TIME label field.
      Flip Required to Achieve ``As Seen By Observer'' Display
        Since the optical path of the camera includes a mirror and the
        flight and image production s/w do not compensate for the flip
        that this mirror introduces, the images displayed in normal
        left-to-right sample, top-to-bottom line fashion have to be
        transposed (flipped about left-top/right-bottom diagonal) in
        order to appear as an observer located on the spacecraft would
        see it.
      Quaternion Provided in the Label
        The quaternion provided in the image label is an engineering,
        or alternative, ``non-SPICE'' style, quaternion providing the
        rotation from Earth Mean Equator and Vernal Equinox of J2000
        inertial reference frame into the Stardust spacecraft frame.
        Note that although this quaternion was downlinked in the binary
        image header and included in the image label, it was not used
        directly to compute any of the geometry parameters. Instead it
        was converted to a SPICE-style quaternion and written to a
        C-Kernel file, which was then used by the DMAPKTDECOM program
        to calculate observation geometry.
      The images in this data set are in standard PDS format and,
      therefore, can be viewed by a number of PDS-provided and
      commercial programs. For this reason no special software is
      provided with this data set.
    Contact Information
      For any questions regarding the data format of the archive,
      contact Stardust NAVCAM Science Lead:
        Dr. Raymond L. Newburn, Jr.
        Phone: +1 (818)  354-2319
        Electronic mail address:
        MAIL STOP 264-379
        Jet Propulsion Laboratory
        California Institute of Technology
        4800 Oak Grove Drive
        Pasadena, CA, 91109-8099
      or Stardust Data Management and Archive Team (SDMA):
        Charles H. Acton, Jr.
        Phone: +1 (818) 354-3869
        Electronic mail address:
        Boris V. Semenov
        Phone: +1 (818) 354-8136
        Electronic mail address:
        MAIL STOP 301-125L
        Jet Propulsion Laboratory
        California Institute of Technology
        4800 Oak Grove Drive
        Pasadena, CA, 91109-8099
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2003-03-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2002-09-03T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2002-12-02T11:59:59.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1999-02-07T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2006-01-16T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Small Bodies
Confidence Level Overview
      During the processing of the image data in preparation for
      delivery with this volume, the structure of each image was
      verified. This verification included detection of both the sync
      word and the line count bytes at the beginning of each line.
      The images have been reviewed and validated by the imaging team
      members as well as by the other project teams -- Optical
      Navigation Team (OPNAV) and Data Management and Archive Team
    Missing Data
      Due to the operational constraints on telemetry playback, some of
      the images in this data set have been assembled from an
      incomplete set of packets, specifically images 306, 383, 475, and
      476. In these images the areas for which data were not downlinked
      are filled with hex null values (i.e., zeroes).
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Semenov B.V., R.L. Newburn, H.W. Taylor, C. Hash, and C.H. Acton, STARDUST NAVCAM IMAGES OF ANNEFRANK, SDU-A-NAVCAM-2-EDR-ANNEFRANK-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2004.
ABSTRACT_TEXT The Annefrank data set is a collection of images taken by STARDUST Navigation Camera during the Annefrank asteroid encounter.
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