Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Collection of time-of-flight spectra measured by Stardust Cometary and Interstellar Dust Analyzer during cruise and Tempel 1 comet encounter.
This description was written by J. Kissel, J. Silen, B. Semenov,
      C. Acton and J. Ryno.
    Data Set Overview
      This data set contains Level 2 and 3 time-of-flight spectrum data,
      and associated ancillary data, produced by the Stardust Cometary and
      Interstellar Dust Analyzer Instrument (CIDA), a time-of-flight mass
      spectrometer.  The data were obtained during two episodes of the
      Stardust-NExT extended mission:  flyby of comet Tempel 1; and cruise,
      which includes all other times except the flyby ([VEVERKAETAL2011],
      [KISSELETAL2003], [GREENETAL2004]).
      The spectra are called 'events.'  Each package of 'event' and
      ancillary data was telemetered to the ground as an Experiment Data
      Frame (EDF).
      The term 'event' is used to refer to any type of non-ancillary
      data returned from the CIDA instrument. Some of these events are
      test frames, generated by telecommands to ensure continued
      correct operation of the instrument. Some events are the result
      of a CIDA re-boot, which may have been commanded or may have been
      a result of some other spacecraft condition. Some events are
      known to have been generated by noise within the CIDA
      electronics. All of these are considered non-scientific data and
      are distinguished from scientific data by TARGET_NAME set to
      'NON SCIENCE' in the data labels and the data set index file.
      588 of 705 (83%) EDFs in this data set contain non-scientific
      The remainder are events that may or may not contain spectra
      resulting from actual particle hits; it is only through detailed
      analysis that the user may make a determination of the cause of
      the event and the resulting spectra may be interpreted. These
      EDFs are distinguished by TARGET_NAME in the labels and index file
      set to either '9P/TEMPEL 1 (1867 G1)' (80 of 705 EDFs) or
      'INTERSTELLAR PARTICLES' (37 of 705 EDFs).
      While included for completeness, the CIDA housekeeping and other
      ancillary data are NOT needed for generation or interpretation of
      CIDA spectra.
      The CIDA event files include selected observation geometry
      parameters, derived from the then-current SPICE kernels and
      allied SPICE Toolkit software. These SPICE kernels are available
      in a separate PDS Stardust data set, SDU-C-SPICE-6-V1.0.
      The CIDA event data are supplemented with a PDS index file
      providing a set of parameters computed for every CIDA event; this
      information may be easily loaded into a database or spreadsheet
      to facilitate searches for CIDA data meeting certain
      user-specified observing conditions.
    Data Collection Periods
      Cruise Collection Period
        During the cruise from Wild 2 to Tempel 1 the CIDA instrument
        was operating (in CRUISE mode) during the following times:
                 Start                Stop
          -------------------  -------------------
              2005-06-10           2005-07-07
              2005-09-01           2005-11-18
              2007-01-25           2007-01-25
              2007-11-20           2008-10-14
              2009-03-30           2009-08-05
              2009-08-14           2009-10-21
              2009-11-02           2009-11-09
              2009-12-07           2010-02-17
              2010-02-18           2010-05-03
              2010-05-11           2010-05-25
              2010-06-29           2010-06-29
              2011-02-02           2011-02-02
              2011-02-14           2011-02-15
        There were a number of OFF times during these periods as
        a result of the spacecraft going into safe-mode, spacecraft
        maneuvers, and other reasons. Between 2009-10 and 2010-02
        CIDA sensitivity against spacecraft operations was tested by
        lowering the data acquisition trigger sensitivity. No correlation
        between spacecraft activity and CIDA events was found.
      Tempel 1 Encounter Collection Period
        During the Tempel-1 encounter the CIDA instrument was operating
        (in ENCOUNTER mode) during the following time:
                 Start                Stop
          -------------------  -------------------
          2011-02-14T04:51:22  2011-02-15T05:49:01
    Data Calibration
      The 'calibration' of time-of-flight mass spectrometer data is in
      fact the essence of the data analysis process. 'Calibration' of
      the data numbers contained in each event, resulting in a determination
      of if a particulate impact actually occurred, and if so, of the
      composition of the particle, may be straightforward, but may
      instead be complex and subjective.
      This data set includes a document, CALEXAMPL.LBL, providing a
      complete description of the 'calibration' of a laboratory test
      event where the composition of the particle is well known. The
      document also includes a similar 'calibration' example for an
      in-flight event obtained during the Wild 2 flyby.
    Data Product Type and Format Overview
      CIDA data files provided in this archive are divided into two
      main categories:
        -- Spectrum Experiment Data Files (Spectrum EDFs), and
        -- Housekeeping Experiment Data files (HK EDFs).
      Spectrum EDFs contain the EDR and RDR CIDA time-of-flight spectrum
      data.  Each Spectrum EDF file is sufficient for analysis in itself.
      HK EDFs contain temperature, voltage and other engineering data
      that might prove useful in reviewing the operating
      characteristics of the instrument, but are NOT needed to
      interpret the spectrum data.
      There is only one type of Spectrum EDF, but there are five
      different types of HK EDFs:
        -- housekeeping parameters
        -- configuration parameters
        -- calibration parameters
        -- global variable values
        -- interrupt variable values
      All CIDA data files are plain ASCII text files containing an
      attached PDS label. The data are in the form of one (for HK EDFs)
      or a few (for Spectrum EDFs) PDS-style, fixed-width column,
      comma-delimited tables, the format and contents of which are
      defined in the CIDASIS.LBL/.ASC document included in the archive.
      Each table contained in the file is identified in the attached
      label by a separate TABLE object pointing to an external table
      format file specifying individual table columns. The label format
      and contents are described in detail in the ONLABELS.TXT file
      included in the archive.
      Spectral and Other Non-Ancillary Data
        All events are stored as spectral data in PDS TABLEs, regardless of
        TARGET_NAME.  Each row of a spectrum TABLE represents one mass line
        of a time-of-flight spectrum.  Each mass line (TABLE row) contains
          - five CIDA channel raw (EDR) counts, as data numbers (DN)
          - five CIDA channel calibrated (RDR) charges, in picocouloumbs
        As mentioned above, it is important to note that not all event data
        stored as spectra in PDS TABLEs are actually spectra, because some
        non-particle-impact phenomena triggered CIDA to take and store data
        as 'events.'
      Ancillary Data
        Ancillary data are also stored in PDS TABLEs, with each row
        containing data for a sample time.  The times are stored in the
        first column in the TABLEs.  Ancillary data include a variety of
        parameters (temperatures, voltages, states such as ON and OFF, &c),
        too numerous to list here.  Refer to the TABLE PDS labels for the
        meaning of each parameter.
      Sampling Intervals
        There are no set intervals for data sampling in CIDA.  CIDA
        generated an event when an internal algorithm determined that a
        particle may have hit the target.  The recovery time to prepare
        for the next event was about 80ms.  Other events and housekeeping
        data could be initiated by commands from the ground, automatic
        processes on the spacecraft, or anomalous spacecraft events (e.g.
        reboot, safing).  For more details of the CIDA sampling algorithm,
        and its dependence on operating mode (CRUISE or ENCOUNTER), see
        [KISSELETAL2003] and [GREENETAL2004].
    Data Processing
      The Stardust CIDA instrument output consisted of a variety of
      binary data blocks called binary Experiment Data Files (EDFs),
      each of which contained a set of spectrum or housekeeping data.
      On board the spacecraft, EDFs were packetized by the spacecraft's
      flight software and downlinked within packets in the spacecraft
      telemetry stream. For small housekeeping EDFs, multiple EDFs were
      contained in one spacecraft telemetry packet, while for large
      spectrum EDFs, the EDF was split between a few spacecraft packets.
      A suite of software -- developed and run by the Stardust Data
      Management and Archive Team (DMA) and collectively referred to
      as CIDA Telemetry Processing Software (CTPS) -- retrieved packets
      with CIDA data from the Telemetry Data Server(s)(TDS) used by the
      Stardust Project, stripped off ground system and spacecraft packet
      headers, and placed the EDF data in a binary EDF collection file
      for delivery to the CIDA science team. That binary file
      essentially contained a 'chunk' of a single stream of concatenated
      The binary EDF collection files were then delivered to the CIDA
      science Team, which used a set of software -- developed and run
      by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) and called
      EDFPARSER/EDF2ASCII -- to combine 'chunks' into a single
      telemetry stream, extract individual binary EDFs from it, convert
      binary data from individual EDFs into ASCII and save the ASCII
      Spectrum EDF and ASCII HK EDF files in the format in which the
      data are provided in this data set. For Spectrum EDF data the
      conversion constituted simply printing byte values as ASCII
      integers and did not involve any scaling and/or calibration of
      the values. For the generic EDF header data and HK EDFs it in
      some cases involved de-multiplexing fields and converting
      ancillary fields containing count values into physical units --
      temperatures, voltages, etc.
    Ancillary Data
      Each Spectrum EDF file includes a table containing a number of
      derived geometry parameters. These parameters were computed using
      the following SPICE kernels archived in the Stardust SPICE data
      set, SDU-C-SPICE-6-V1.0:
        Kernel Type   File Name
        ------------  ------------------------
        LSK           naif0009.tls
        PCK           pck00009.tpc
        SCLK          sdu_sclkscet_00186.tsc
        SPKs          sdu_tempel1_ssd_s154.bsp'
        CKs           sdu_sc_rec_1999_v2.bc
        ------------  ------------------------
    Coordinate System
      The geometry items provided in the geometry table of the Spectrum
      EDF files are relative to either the ecliptic reference frame of
      J2000 or the Stardust spacecraft reference frame. Refer to the
      specification of the geometry table columns to see which
      parameters are defined in which frame.
      The ecliptic reference frame of J2000 is defined as follows:
        -  +Z axis is along Ecliptic North at J2000 epoch
           (2000 JAN 01 12:00 ET);
        -  +X axis is along vernal Equinox at J2000 epoch;
        -  +Y completes the right hand frame;
      The Stardust reference frame is defined as follows:
        -  +X axis is along the longer side of the spacecraft bus and
           points from the aerogel capsule side towards the dust shield
        -  +Z is perpendicular to the deployed solar arrays surface and
           points along the HGA pointing direction;
        -  +Y completes the right hand frame;
        -  the origin of this frame is at the center of the launch
           vehicle interface ring attached to the shield side of the
           spacecraft bus.
      This diagram illustrates the spacecraft reference frame and CIDA
      mounting with respect to it:
                                                   || Dust Collector
                                                   ||     Array
        Solar Array            Main                ||
          Shield       +Z .-. Shield               ||
            .-.          ^| |                      o
            | |==========|====o===============o===============
            `-'          || |-------------------. .        Solar
                         || |                   |/|        Array
                         || | .-----.  CIDA     | |
                 <-------o| | |      '          | |  Return
               +X        +Y   .   __/           | | Capsule
                          | |  `. `.            |\|
                          | |--- `. `.---- -----' o---------
                          | |      `. `.           \_______/
                          `-'        `.'`. Target
         ------>   ------>  ------>     .'  --------
             Nominal                       .    '
         Incoming Particle                  `. ' 40 deg
         direction during                     `.
            Encounter                           `. Normal to
                                              CIDA Target Plane
      As seen on the diagram CIDA is mounted on the +Y side of the
      spacecraft bus. The CIDA target plane is parallel to the
      spacecraft Y axis. The normal to the target plane is in the XZ
      plane and 40 degrees from +X towards +Z.
      The back of the opening between the target and the entrance to
      the drift tube is shielded, not permitting particles coming from
      the back (-X side) or top (+Z side) to hit the target. The
      un-shielded part of the opening and non-planar geometry of the
      target surface allow impacts by the particles coming from within
      the angular range of a few degrees towards +Z and about 30
      degrees toward -Z, measured from the +X axis.
      The data in this data set are in standard PDS format -- ASCII
      text files with comma-delimited, fixed-width columns -- and,
      therefore, can be viewed by PDS-provided programs or loaded into
      commercial programs that support comma-delimited formats. For
      this reason no special processing software is included in this
      data set.
    Contact Information
      For any questions regarding the data in this archive, contact:
        Dr. Jochen Kissel, Stardust CIDA Science Lead
        Dr. Johan Silen, Stardust CIDA Science Team Member
            Jouni Ryno, Stardust CIDA S/W Technical Lead
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2011-07-19T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2005-06-10T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2011-02-15T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2004-02-12T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2011-03-25T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Small Bodies
All Experiment Data Frames produced by the CIDA instrument
      contain a checksum that is validated upon ground receipt.
      During the processing of the CIDA event EDFs in preparation for
      delivery with this data set, the fundamental validity of each
      event EDF has been inferred by the CIDA Science Lead and CIDA
      Science team members by plotting and subsequent visual review of
      the data structure.
      As noted earlier, many CIDA events are the result of turn on
      sequences, test pulses, reboots or noise. These 'non-science'
      events are nevertheless included in this data set. Of those
      events that remain, many appear to contain significant 'real'
      spectral data while others appear to contain no data of interest.
      But it is left to the individual user to ultimately determine
      which events are meaningful.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Ryno, J., B.V. Semenov, J. Kissel, J. Silen, and C.H. Acton, STARDUST 9P/TEMPEL 1 CIDA 2/3 NEXT V1.0, SDU-C/D-CIDA-2/3-NEXT-TEMPEL1-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2011.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set contains Level 2 and 3 time-of-flight spectrum data, and associated ancillary data, produced by the Stardust Cometary and Interstellar Dust Analyzer Instrument (CIDA), a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The data were obtained during two episodes of the Stardust-NExT extended mission: flyby of comet Tempel 1; and cruise, which includes all other times except the flyby.
  • SBN Comet Website