Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION This comprehensive data set consists of measurments collected from the spectrum analyzer component of the Plasma Wave Spectrometer (PWS) onboard Voyager 1 for the entire Voyager mission.
Data Set Overview
    This data set consists of electric field spectrum analyzer data
    from the Voyager 1 Plasma Wave Subsystem obtained during the
    entire mission.  Data after 2019-01-02 will be added to the archive
    on subsequent volumes.  The data set encompasses all spectrum
    analyzer observations obtained in the cruise mission phases
    before, between, and after the Jupiter and Saturn encounter phases
    as well as those obtained during the two encounter phases.

    The Voyager 1 spacecraft travels from Earth to beyond 100 AU over
    the course of this data set.  To provide some guidance on when
    some key events occurred during the mission, the following table
    is provided.

    Date         Event
    1977-09-05   Launch
    1979-02-28   First inbound bow shock crossing at Jupiter
    1979-03-22   Last outbound bow shock crossing at Jupiter
    1980-11-11   First inbound bow shock crossing at Saturn
    1980-11-16   Last outbound bow shock crossing at Saturn
    1981-02-20   10 AU
    1983-08-30   Onset of first major LF heliospheric radio event
    1984-06-19   20 AU
    1987-04-08   30 AU
    1990-01-09   40 AU
    1992-07-06   Onset of second major LF heliospheric radio event
    1992-10-10   50 AU
    1995-07-14   60 AU
    1998-04-18   70 AU
    2001-01-25   80 AU
    2002-11-01   Onset of third major LF heliospheric radio event
    2003-11-05   90 AU
    2004-12-16   Termination shock crossing
    2006-08-16   100 AU
    2009-05-31   110 AU
    2012-03-16   120 AU
    2012-10-23   First interstellar plasma oscillation event
                    (only see in wideband data)
    2013-04-09   Second interstellar plasma oscillation event
    2014-05-13   Third interstellar plasma oscillation event
    2015-01-01   130 AU
    2015-09-05   Fourth interstellar plasma oscillation event

  Data Sampling
    This data set consists of full resolution edited, wave electric
    field intensities from the Voyager 1 Plasma Wave Receiver spectrum
    analyzer obtained during the entire mission.  For each time
    interval, a field strength is determined for each of the 16
    spectrum analyzer channels whose center frequencies range from 10
    Hertz to 56.2 kiloHertz and which are logarithmically spaced in
    frequency, four channels per decade.  The time associated with
    each set of intensities (16 channels) is the time of the beginning
    of the scan.  The time between spectra in this data set vary by
    telemetry mode and range from 4 seconds to 96 seconds.  During
    data gaps where complete spectra are missing, no entries exist in
    the file, that is, the gaps are not zero-filled or tagged in any
    other way.  When one or more channels are missing within a scan,
    the missing measurements are zero-filled.  Data are edited but not
    calibrated.  The data numbers in this data set can be plotted in
    raw form for event searches and simple trend analysis since they
    are roughly proportional to the log of the electric field
    strength.  Calibration procedures and tables are provided for use
    with this data set; the use of these is described below.

    For the cruise data sets, the timing of samples is dependent upon
    the spacecraft telemetry mode.  In principle, one can determine
    the temporal resolution between spectra simply by noting the
    difference in time between two records in the files.  In some
    studies, more precise timing information is necessary.  Here, we
    describe the timing of the samples for the PWS low rate data as a
    function of telemetry mode.

    The PWS instrument uses two logarithmic compressors as detectors
    for the 16-channel spectrum analyzer, one for the bottom (lower
    frequency) 8 channels, and one for the upper (higher frequency) 8
    channels.  For each bank of 8 channels, the compressor
    sequentially steps from the lowest frequency of the 8 to the
    highest in a regular time step to obtain a complete spectrum.  At
    each time step, the higher frequency channel is sampled 1/8 s
    prior to the lower frequency channel so that the channels are
    sampled in the following order with channel 1 being the lowest
    frequency channel (10 Hz) and 16 being the highest (56.2 kHz): 9,
    1, 10, 2, 11, 3, ...  15, 7, 16, 8.  The primary difference
    between the various data modes is the stepping rate from one
    channel to the next (ranging from 0.5 to 12 s, corresponding to
    temporal resolutions between complete spectra of 4 s to 96 s).

    In the following table, we present the hexadecimal id for the
    various telemetry modes, the mode mnemonic ID, the time between
    frequency steps, and the time between complete spectra.  We also
    provide the offset from the beginning of the instrument cycle (one
    complete spectrum) identified as the time of each record's time
    tag to the time of the sampling for the first high-frequency
    channel (channel 9) and for the first low-frequency channel
    (channel 1).

                        Frequency   Between      High Freq.  Low Freq.
  MODE (Hex)  MODE ID   Step (s)    Spectra (s)  offset (s)  offset (s)
     01         CR-2    0.5              4.0         0.425     0.4325
     02         CR-3    1.2              9.6         1.125     1.1325
     03         CR-4    4.8             38.4         0.425     0.4325
     04         CR-5    9.6             76.8         0.425     0.4325
     05         CR-6    12.             96.0         0.9275    0.935
     06         CR-7    NOT IMPLEMENTED
     07         CR-1    0.5              4.0         0.225     0.2325
     08         GS-10A  SAME AS GS-3
     0A         GS-3    0.5              4.0         0.425     0.4325
     0C         GS-7    SAME AS GS-3
     0E         GS-6    SAME AS GS-3
     16         OC-2    SAME AS GS-3
     17         OC-1    SAME AS GS-3
     18       **CR-5A   0.5              4.0         0.425     0.4325
     19         GS-10   SAME AS GS-3
     1A         GS-8    SAME AS GS-3
     1D       **UV-5A   SAME AS CR-5A

    **In CR-5A and UV-5A, the PWS is cycled at its 0.5 sec/frequency
    step or 4 sec/spectrum rate, but 4 measurements are summed on
    board in 10-bit accumulators and these 10-bit sums are downlinked.
    On the ground, the sums are divided by 4, hence providing, in a
    sense, 16-second averages.  One of every 12 sets of sums is
    dropped on board in order to avoid LECP stepper motor

  Data Processing
    The spectrum analyzer data are a continuous (where data are
    available) low resolution data set which provides wave intensity as
    a function of frequency (16 log-spaced channels) and time (one
    spectrum per time intervals ranging from 4 seconds to 96 seconds,
    depending on telemetry mode).  The data are typically plotted as
    amplitude vs. time for one or more of the channels in a strip-chart
    like display, or can be displayed as a frequency-time spectrogram
    using a gray- or color-bar to indicate amplitude.  With only sixteen
    channels, it is usually best to stretch the frequency axis by
    interpolating from one frequency channel to the next either linearly
    or with a spline fit.  One must be aware if the frequency axis is
    stretched that more resolution may be implied than is really
    present.  The Voyager PWS calibration table is given in an ASCII
    text file named VG1PWSCL.TAB (for Voyager-1).  This provides
    information to convert the uncalibrated 'instrument data number'
    output of the PWS 16-channel spectrum analyzer to calibrated antenna
    voltages for each frequency channel.  Following is a brief
    description of this file and a tutorial in its application.

    Descriptive headers have been removed from this file.  The columns
    included are IDN, CHAN_01, CHAN_02, CHAN_03, CHAN_04, CHAN_05,
    CHAN_06, ... CHAN_16.

    The first column lists an uncalibrated data number followed by the
    corresponding value in calibrated volts for each of the 16
    frequency channels of the PWS spectrum analyzer.  Each line
    contains calibrations for successive data number values ranging
    from 0 through 255.  (Data number 0 actually represents the lack
    of data since the baseline noise values for each channel are all
    above that.)

    A data analysis program may load the appropriate table into a data
    structure and thus provide a mapping from insturment data numbers
    to voltages for each frequency channel.  For example, the following
    C code may be used to load a calibration array for Voyager 1 PWS:

      int idn;
      double cal[256][16];
      FILE* file = fopen(''VG1PWSCL.TAB'', ''rb'');

      for(int iamp = 0; iamp < 256; ++iamp){
         fscanf(file, '' %3d'', idn);
         for(int ichan = 0; ichan < 16; ichan)
            fscanf(file, '',%8lE'', cal[iamp][ichan]);

    ( Here two single quotes, '', are use in place of double-quote
      characters due to PDS documentation limitations. )

    Then, given an instrument data value idn for the frequency channel
    with index, ichan, the corresponding calibrated antenna voltage
    would be given by the following array reference:

      volts[ichan] = cal[idn][ichan];

    This may be converted to a wave electric field amplitude by
    dividing by the effective antenna length in meters, 7.07 m.  That

      efield[ichan] = volts[ichan] / 7.07;

    Spectral density units may be obtained by dividing the square of
    the electric field value by the nominal frequency bandwidth of the
    corresponding spectrum analyzer channel.

      specdens[ichan] = (efield * efield) / bandwidth[ichan];

    The center frequencies and bandwidths of each PWS spectrum
    analyzer channel for the Voyager 1 spacecraft are given below:

      Channel    Center Frequency      Bandwidth
          1          10.0  Hz           2.99 Hz
          2          17.8  Hz           3.77 Hz
          3          31.1  Hz           7.50 Hz
          4          56.2  Hz          10.06 Hz
          5         100.   Hz          13.3  Hz
          6         178.   Hz          29.8  Hz
          7         311.   Hz          59.5  Hz
          8         562.   Hz         106.   Hz
          9           1.00 kHz        133.   Hz
         10           1.78 kHz        211.   Hz
         11           3.11 kHz        298.   Hz
         12           5.62 kHz        421.   Hz
         13          10.0  kHz        943.   Hz
         14          17.8  kHz       2110    Hz
         15          31.1  kHz       4210    Hz
         16          56.2  kHz       5950    Hz

    Finally, power flux may be obtained by dividing the spectral
    density by the impedance of free space in ohms:

      pwrflux[ichan] = specdens[ichan] / 376.73;

    Of course, for a particular application, it may be more efficient
    to apply the above conversions to the calibration table directly.
    Additional information about this data set and the instrument
    which produced it can be found elsewhere in this catalog.  A
    complete instrument description can be found in

    The spectrum analyzer data are a continuous (where data are
    available) low resolution data set which provides wave intensity as
    a function of frequency (16 log-spaced channels) and time (one
    spectrum per time intervals ranging from 4 seconds to 96 seconds,
    depending on telemetry mode).  Each sample is nominally an 8-bit
    value which is roughly proportional to the log of the signal
    strength.  In telemetry modes CR-5A and UV-5A the values are 10-bit
    sums of 4 original 8-bit instrument samples.  Zero values indicate
    missing samples and negative values indicate samples flagged as
    contaminated by interference (see below).

  Ancillary Data

    The electric dipole antenna detects electric fields in a dipole
    pattern with peak sensitivity parallel to the spacecraft x-axis.
    However, no attempt has been made to correlate the measured field
    to any particular direction such as the local magnetic field or
    direction to a planet.  This is because the spacecraft usually
    remains in a 3-axis stabilized orientation almost continuously.
    The only exception to this are a small number of occasions during
    calibration turns when the modulation of the low-frequency
    heliospheric radio emission could be used to do direction-finding
    on the source of these emissions [GURNETTETAL1998].
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2019-12-31T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1977-09-05T02:19:47.604Z
STOP_TIME 2019-12-23T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1972-07-01T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Plasma Interactions
    This data set includes all available spectrum analyzer data acquired
    during the Voyager 1 mission to date.  The data set has been cleaned
    as well as possible for periodic noise spikes due to a stepper motor
    operating on the LECP and a modulated grid within the PLS.  The
    'bad' points remain in the data set as negative numbers with the
    same absolute value as the original data point so that the point can
    be skipped in normal data processing by testing for negative values
    or recovered for special inspection by converting the sign back to a
    positive one.  Other possible sources of noise which have not been
    eliminated include random intense spikes of noise below 1 kiloHertz
    due to the operation of attitude control thrusters.  Other randomly
    occurring spikes or time periods of intense spikes over the entire
    frequency range are indicative of telemetry errors.  No attempt has
    been made to remove spikes since some could be valid data, i.e. real
    bursts of wave activity.  The 17.8-Hz channel is sometimes
    contaminated by interference from the PRA instrument, depending on
    that instrument's mode.  This interference is at a relatively
    constant level.

    This archival data set was examined by a peer review panel prior to
    its acceptance by the Planetary Data System (PDS).  The peer review
    was conducted in accordance with PDS procedures.

    Prior to creation of the final version of the archival data set, key
    elements of the archive were distributed for preliminary review.
    These included electronic versions of example PDS labels, CATALOG
    files, and Software Interface Specifications.  These materials were
    distributed to PDS personnel, the experiment investigator, and
    others, as appropriate.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set includes nearly all measurements collected from the spectrum analyzer component of the Plasma Wave Spectrometer (PWS) onboard Voyager 1 for the entire mission. Some noise lines during the planetary encounters have been edited from the data set. Each sweep of the PWS spectrum analyzer records spectral densities in 16 frequency channels from 50 Hz to 10 kHz. The values in this data set are given as instrument data numbers. Instructions for producing calibrated values are provided. An example C-language program which reads this data set and produces calibrated values is also provided.
  • Planetary Plasma Interactions Website