Voyager 1 plasma data of the solar wind, 1 hour averages.The files in this directory contain the Voyager hourly average plasma data.The plasma parameters are obtained by finding the best fit of a convectedisotropic Maxwellian distribution to the data. One sigma errorsare typically less than 0.5% in the speed and VR, less than 5% for thedensity and thermal speed, and vary greatly for VT and VN.Sampling times range from 12 to 192 sec., with sampling generally morefrequent early in the mission. The columns are:1) Year2) day of year (day 1 is Jan. 1)3) hour4) proton speed in km/s (magnitude of V)5) proton density in cm-36) proton thermal speed in km/s (proton temperature in eV : .0052 times the square of the thermal speed)7) VR8) VT (WARNING: this parameter is often NOT reliable after 1989)9) VN (WARNING: this parameter is often NOT reliable after 1989)The velocity components are given in the RTN coordinate system,where R is radially outward, T is in a plane parallel to the solarequatorial plane and positive in the direction of solar rotation,and N completes a right-handed system.Please consult with us, or at least send preprints, when you use this data toprevent grievous errors or misconceptions.(John Richardson,