Data Set Overview : This data set contains reformatted records derived from data returned by the Voyager Ultraviolet Spectrometer Subsystem on board Voyager 2 during the Jupiter encounter phase of the Voyager mission. Original instrument data were merged with ancillary data from footprint SEDR files provided by the Voyager Project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The final product files are formatted as PDS binary tables. For a detailed description of the data set contents, see [BROADFOOTETAL1981; and SANDELETAL1979]. Parameters : Voyager 2 Jupiter Encounter Times --------------------------------- Start Time : 1979-145/00:30:26 (1979-05-25) Stop Time : 1979-223/23:59:56 (1979-08-11) Processing : Creation of a UVS RDR record involves several steps. First, the channel counts and some useful header information (FDS counts, time stamp, etc.) are extracted from an older format record, then a fixed pattern noise (flat fielding) correction is applied to the data in the 126 wavelength channels. Following this, a correction is performed to remove the effects of internal instrumental scattering from the channel counts. The next step is to subtract background noise from the data, by interpolating in a table of background noise versus time. Finally, additional parameters derived from the footprint SEDR files are calculated and added to the record. Data : The UVS RDR data are presented in a binary table form. The product labels associated with each data file describe in detail each column of the table. Each data file consists of the data from a single day, at whatever time resolution the UVS data were originally transmitted from the spacecraft. For most of the encounter data the instrument was read out every 3.84 seconds, but some spectra were accumulated as long as 48 seconds and as short as 0.32 seconds. The wavelength range covered by each channel of the Voyager 2 UVS may be calculated by the following formula: w : 9.26x + 504.19 where x represents the short-wavelength edge of a channel. For example, the wavelength of the short-wavelength edge of channel 76 is 1207.95 Angstroms (9.26*76.0 + 504.19). To find the central wavelength of a channel, add 0.5 to the channel number. For example, the central wavelength of channel 21 is 703.28 Angstroms (9.26*21.5 + 504.19). Ancillary Data : The scan platform (footprint) SEDR files were used to merge additional trajectory and pointing data with the instrument data and time stamps from the original EDR files, so that each spectral record includes (for example) vectors from the spacecraft to the central body and picture body and the positions of the center and ends of the field of view on the picture body. Coordinate System : The vectors in the RDR record are presented in the Earth Mean Equatorial system, epoch of 1950.0 (EME50). Software : A C language header file and an IDL include file describing the UVS RDR record structure have been included in the software/src directory. Media/Format : The UVS RDR data will be delivered to the PDS on compact disk write once (CD-WO) media. Formats will be based on standards for such products established by the Planetary Data System.
Confidence Level Overview : All original data records have been included, even those with noise due to spacecraft telemetry errors and those data acquired when the scan platform was in motion. Data are also included even when additional ancillary parameters could not be calculated because footprint SEDR information was unavailable. Flags in each data record indicate when these conditions have occurred. Review : Data sets were reviewed internally and checked for consistency with earlier independent analyses. These data products will be further reviewed by the PDS project. Data Coverage and Quality : Data coverage in time is more or less continuous, except for brief periods when spacecraft data were lost due to ground station problems related to equipment or weather. The close-encounter period from 1979-188/19:00 to 1979-193/22:00 was omitted due to high background noise.