This data set includes data from the Low Field Magnetometer (LFM) in the during the Uranus encounter. The encounter data (1986-01-24T07:00:00 -> 1986-01-25T04:00:00) have been averaged from the 9.6 second averages to a 48 second resampled rate and are provided in the Uranus Longitude (U1) coordinate system. Magnetometer data in the solar wind are given in Heliographic coordinates and are also available in a separate dataset. The dataset consists of the following columns: 1) ctime (decimal seconds since 1966-01-01T00:00:00.000), 2) pdstime (ISO standard time format), 3-5) spacecraft clock (m65536,m60,fds-line), 6) magnetometer id (1 : LFM, 2 : HFM), 7) Br (radial component), 8) Bphi (longitudinal component), 9) Btheta (colatitudinal component), 10) Bmag (magnitude of the average components), 11) avg_Bmag (average of the magnitude of the raw components), 12) Lambda (longitude : tan^-1(Bt/Br)), 13) Delta (latitude : sin^-1(Bn/avg_Bmag) ), 14-16) rms vector (Pythagorean root mean square deviation of the component averages), 17) npts (number of points in average), 18) flag a character string which indicates software or s/c hardware intervention which reduces confidence in the data (NULL flags represent 'good' data). The U1 coordinate system is a non-inertial spherical coordinate system that rotates with Uranus with a period of 17.24 hours. The system components are: R - Radial along the Uranus-S/C line, positive away from Uranus, Phi - east longitudinal component, Theta - colatitudinal component. An ancillary data file containing the derived spacecraft magnetic field is provided with this data at a 48 second sample rate. These data provide zero level offsets used in the data processing. S/C field data is provided in spacecraft coordinates. SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME : TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION : 48.0 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER : 19770820120000.000000 MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER : UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL : 48.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT : 0.060000 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT : SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME : MAGNETIC FIELD VECTOR NOISE_LEVEL : 0.006000 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT : NANOTESLA