Data Set Information
Data Set Overview : This data set, derived from the Viking Orbiter Infrared Thermal Mapper (IRTM) data set, has been binned in both space and time. It consists of two complementary portions, water ice cloud observations and surface observations. For details on the IRTM instrument and data set, refer to [KIEFFER_ETAL_1977].  An algorithm for detecting clouds was employed, based upon the contrasts among the brightness temperatures derived from the 7 micrometer (T7), 9 micrometer (T9), 11 micrometer (T11), and 20 micrometer (T20) IRTM channels. Water ice clouds were identified by their characteristic thermal signature (negative T11-T20 and positive T7-T20 or T9-T20 brightness temperature contrasts); see [CHRISTENSEN_ZUR_1984] for details on the cloud detection algorithm. The IRTM observations in which clouds were detected were binned at 2 x 2 degree spatial (latitude, longitude) resolution for every 10 degrees in areocentric solar longitude (Ls). Each Ls bin is further divided into 3 daytime hour bins (see field list, below), each spanning 4 hours. For the cloud observations, the data set catalogs differences in brightness temperature sensed by the various IRTM channels, Lambert and phase-corrected albedos, the number of cloud observations in each bin, and the standard deviations of the measurements in each bin (normalized by the number of points in the bin).  The cloud catalog portion of the data set contains the following fields (listed as the field name followed by a description):  MISSION_YEAR Viking mission year, starting at 1 when the Viking spacecraft reached Mars, and incremented at Ls : 0 every martian year  SOL_LON_BIN Areocentric solar longitude (Ls), stored as the value at the beginning of the 10 degree Ls binning period  LOCAL_HR_BIN The local hour (1/24 of a martian day, beginning at midnight), stored as the time of the beginning of the 4 hour binning period. The bins included in the cloud catalog portion of the data set are : 6 - local hour 6 to 10 10 - local hour 10 to 14 14 - local hour 14 to 18  LAT_BIN The latitude at the center of the 2x2 degree spatial bin  LON_BIN The longitude at the center of the 2x2 degree spatial bin  CLOUD_COUNT The number of cloud occurrences identified in the bin  C_T20 Mean 20 micrometer brightness temperature of cloud occurrences in the bin  C_T20_DEV Standard deviation of the 20 micrometer brightness temperature of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_T11T20_CNR Mean contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of cloud occurrences in the bin  C_T11T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_LAMALB Mean Lambert albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin  C_LAMALB_DEV Standard deviation of the Lambert albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_PHSALB Mean phase-corrected albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin. This is calculated by dividing the Lambert albedo by a phase angle correction of the form: 1.0 + [0.000146 * exp(0.075 * g)] where g : phase angle in degrees  C_PHSALB_DEV Standard deviation of the phase-corrected albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  The surface observations were also binned at 2 x 2 degree spatial (latitude, longitude) resolution for every 10 degrees in Ls. Each Ls bin is further divided into 6 hour bins (see field list, below), each spanning 4 hours. The data set catalogs differences in brightness temperature sensed by the various IRTM channels, Lambert and phase-corrected albedos, the number of observations in each bin, and the standard deviations for the measurements in each bin (normalized by the number of points in the bin).  The surface observations portion of the data set contains the following fields (listed as the field name followed by a description):  MISSION_YEAR Viking mission year, starting at 1 when the Viking spacecraft reached Mars, and incremented at Ls : 0 every martian year  SOL_LON_BIN Areocentric solar longitude (Ls), stored as the value at the beginning of the 10 degree Ls binning period  LOCAL_HR_BIN The local hour (1/24 of a martian day, beginning at midnight), stored as the time of the beginning of the 4 hour binning period. The bins included in the surface observations portion of the data set are: 2 - local hour 2 to 6 6 - local hour 6 to 10 10 - local hour 10 to 14 14 - local hour 14 to 18 18 - local hour 18 to 22 22 - local hour 22 to 2  LAT_BIN The latitude at the center of the 2x2 degree spatial bin  LON_BIN The longitude at the center of the 2x2 degree spatial bin  OBS_COUNT The number of observations in the bin  T20 Mean 20 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin  T20_DEV Standard deviation of the 20 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T11T20_CNR Mean contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin  T11T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T7T20_CNR Mean contrast between the 7 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin  T7T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 7 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T9T20_CNR Mean contrast between the 9 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin  T9T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 9 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T15 Mean 15 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin  T15_DEV Standard deviation of the 15 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  LAMALB Mean Lambert albedo of observations in the bin  LAMALB_DEV Standard deviation of the Lambert albedo of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  PHSALB Mean phase-corrected albedo of observations in the bin. This is calculated by dividing the Lambert albedo by a phase angle correction of the form: 1.0 + [0.000146 * exp(0.075 * g)] where g : phase angle in degrees  PHSALB_DEV Standard deviation of the phase-corrected albedo of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)   Processing Level Id : 5 Software Flag : Y Processing Start Time : 1986 Processing Stop Time : 1987 Native Start Time : 90 AREOCENTRIC SOL LON, EARTH YR 1976 Native Stop Time : 230 AREOCENTRIC SOL LON, EARTH YR 1979   Parameters :  Data Set Parameter 'BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE' ------------------------------------------- The kinetic temperature of an ideal blackbody which, if observed with the spectral response of the instrument spectral channel in question would yield the observed radiance.  Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Data Set Parameter Unit : KELVIN Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN' ------------------------------------------------------------ The standard deviation of the individual observations used to determine the mean brightness temperature in the bin. The standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the squares of the deviations of the observations included in the bin. Binning is performed in 2x2 degree (lat/lon) spatial increments, 4 hour time increments, and 10 degree (Ls) seasonal increments.  Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Data Set Parameter Unit : KELVIN Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'CLOUD COUNT' -------------------------------- The number of observations in a bin which pass the constraints identifying water ice clouds (negative T11-T20 and positive T7-T20 or T9-T20). Binning is performed in 2x2 degree (lat/lon) spatial increments, 4 hour time increments, and 10 degree (Ls) seasonal increments.  Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'LAMBERT ALBEDO' ----------------------------------- The reflectance of a grey Lambert (ideal diffuse) smooth surface parallel to the target body geoid which would yield the observed reflected radiation in the absence of any atmosphere.  Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'LAMBERT ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATION' ------------------------------------------------------ The standard deviation of the individual observations used to determine the mean Lambert albedo in the bin. The standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the squares of the deviations of the observations included in the bin. Binning is performed in 2x2 degree (lat/lon) spatial increments, 4 hour time increments, and 10 degree (Ls) seasonal increments.  Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATION Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'OBSERVATION COUNT' -------------------------------------- The number of observations which pass the basic constraint for inclusion in a bin(emission angle less than 65 degrees). Binning is performed in 2x2 degree (lat/lon) spatial increments, 4 hour time increments, and 10 degree (Ls) seasonal increments.  Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO' ------------------------------------------- Albedo computed using a phase dependence derived from IRTM observations (See [KIEFFER_ETAL_1977]). A_g : A_l * (1.+0.000146*exp(0.075*phase_angle) where A_l : Visual_brightness / cos(incidence angle)  Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Data Set Parameter 'PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATN' ------------------------------------------------------------ The standard deviation of the individual observations used to determine the mean phase-corrected albedo in the bin. The standard deviation is the square root of the mean of the squares of the deviations of the observations included in the bin. Binning is performed in 2x2 degree (lat/lon) spatial increments, 4 hour time increments, and 10 degree (Ls) seasonal increments.  Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATN Data Set Parameter Unit : N/A Sampling Parameter Name : TIME Sampling Parameter Unit : DEGREE (AREOCENTRIC SOLAR LONGITUDE) Minimum Sampling Parameter : N/A Maximum Sampling Parameter : N/A Sampling Parameter Resolution : 10 Sampling Parameter Interval : 10 Minimum Available Sampling Int : 10 Noise Level : N/A   Source Instrument Parameters : Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATION Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : LAMBERT ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATION Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : PHASE CORRECTED ALBEDO STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE STANDARD DEVIATN Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 1  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : CLOUD COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 4  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE A Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE B Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE D Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C1 Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C2 Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO1 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 6  Instrument Host ID : VO2 Data Set Parameter Name : OBSERVATION COUNT Instrument Parameter Name : RADIANCE C3 Important Instrument Parameters : 6   Processing :  Processing History ------------------ Source Data Set ID : VO1/VO2-M-IRTM-4-V1.0 Software : XX SYSTEM Product Data Set ID : VO1/VO2-M-IRTM-5-BINNED/CLOUDS-V1.0   Software 'XX SYSTEM' -------------------- Software Name : XX SYSTEM Software Type : N/A Software Release Date : N/A Node ID : N/A Cognizant Engineer : N/A Software Access Description : N/A
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 1989-11-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1976-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 1979-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1975-08-20T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 1983-02-01T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Atmospheres
Overview : To avoid including measurements contaminated by long path lengths through a possibly dusty atmosphere, only those observations collected at less than 65 degree emission angles were included in this data set. Many factors, including non-uniform surface temperatures, non-unit thermal emissivity, and the presence of atmospheric dust, produce characteristic spectral differences which vary diurnally and between wavelength bands.  The cloud catalog portion of the data set contains the following fields related to confidence level (listed as the field name followed by a description):  CLOUD_COUNT The number of cloud occurrences identified in the bin  C_T20_DEV Standard deviation of the 20 micrometer brightness temperature of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_T11T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_LAMALB_DEV Standard deviation of the Lambert albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  C_PHSALB_DEV Standard deviation of the phase-corrected albedo of cloud occurrences in the bin (normalized by CLOUD_COUNT)  The surface observations portion of the data set contains the following fields related to confidence level (listed as the field name followed by a description):  OBS_COUNT The number of observations in the bin  T20_DEV Standard deviation of the 20 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T11T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 11 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T7T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 7 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T9T20_DEV Standard deviation of the contrast between the 9 and 20 micrometer brightness temperatures of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  T15_DEV Standard deviation of the 15 micrometer brightness temperature of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  LAMALB_DEV Standard deviation of the Lambert albedo of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)  PHSALB_DEV Standard deviation of the phase-corrected albedo of observations in the bin (normalized by OBS_COUNT)
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set, derived from the Viking Orbiter Infrared Thermal Mapper (IRTM) data set, has been binned in both space and time. It consists of two complementary portions, water ice cloud observations and surface observations. For details on the IRTM instrument and data set, refer to [KIEFFER_ETAL_1977].
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