Mars Pathfinder EDL Raw and Calibrated Data
Dataset Description

Table of Contents

Data Set Overview

Mars Pathfinder bounced down and rolled to a stop on the surface of Mars on July 4, 1997. It landed in an ancient floodplain in the Ares Vallis region of Chryse Planitia at 19.17°N latitude, and 33.21°W longitude.

The Atmospheric Structure Instrument and Meteorology Package collected data during six sequential, non-overlapping, time intervals while the spacecraft was descending to the surface. These intervals are described below:

Free-fall Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly 15 minutes after Cruise Stage separation, at an altitude in excess of 160 kilometers.

Entry Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly 29 minutes and 30 seconds after Cruise Stage separation (hence 30 seconds before the defined time of atmospheric entry) coincident with the start of the accelerometer-based algorithm to determine the parachute mortar firing time.

Descent Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly 20 seconds after parachute mortar firing, coincident with the firing of the group 2 heatshield separation nuts pyros.

Terminal Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly 48 seconds after parachute mortar firing, coincident with the enabling of the radar altimeter transmitter.

Landing Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly one half second after bridle cut pyro firing, coincident with powering off the radar altimeter.

Deployment Data Capture
Commenced as a timed event exactly 60 seconds after bridle cut pyro firing, coincident with the start-roll-stop-algorithm event, and terminated with the end-of-surface-deployment event.

This table shows the timing of many of the major entry events (table taken from [GOLOMBEKETAL1997B]):

Event Time Altitude Velocity
Cruise stage separation L - 35 min    
Entry L - 5 min 130 km 7470 m/s
Parachute deployment L - 134 s 9.4 km 370 m/s, 16g
Heatshield separation L - 114 s    
Lander separation L - 94 s    
Radar ground acquisition L - 28.7 s 1.6 km 68 m/s
Airbag inflation L - 10.1 s 355 m  
Rocket ignition L - 6.1 s 98 m 61.2 m/s
Bridle cut L - 3.8 s 21.5 m  
Landing 2:58 a.m. 0 14 m/s, 19g
Roll stop L + 2 min    
Deflation L + 20 min    
Airbag retracted L + 74 min    
Petals opened L + 87 min    

The sampling rate of ASI/MET data during EDL was determined automatically by the Attitude Information Management system and was linked to the EDL phase.

Data were directed to RAM, science EEPROM & critical EEPROM, each of which had different sampling rates. The parameters directed to each also varied. No real-time data were transmitted during EDL.

Data type Parameters
x Bits
EDL phase and duration (Seconds) Data Vol.
  Free-fall Entry Descent Terminal Landing  
  870 210 27 92 60  
  Samples per second  
Accel, 3-axes 3x16 1 32 32 32 32 79.9
Accel., Hsk. 13x16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 4.3
MET, Sci. 12x16 0.125 0.125 2 2 1 11.5
MET, Hsk. 12x16 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.125 1.0
Science EEPROM  
Accel.3-axes 3x16 0.5 8 2 2 8 17.4
Accel., Hsk. 13x16 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.063 2.1
MET, Sci. 4x16 0.125 0.125 1 1 0.125 2.3
MET, Hsk. 12x16 0 0 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.6
Critical EEPROM  
Accel. Z-axis 1x16 0.031 1 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.5
Accel., Hsk. 2x16 0.031 0.031 0 0 0 0.1


For details on the format of the EDL telemetry packets, please see [MEYER1996].

Three ASI/MET instruments produced data during EDL. These were the science and engineering accelerometers and the MET instrument. The accelerometers each produced identical sets of science and housekeeping parameters and the MET instrument produced science parameters, housekeeping parameters, and Aeroshell Instrumentation Package (AIP) data.

All data records are tagged with a spacecraft clock start count and an elapsed time.

Spacecraft Clock Start Count
The value of the spacecraft clock at the time the related data were acquired.

Elapsed Time
The elapsed time, in seconds, since a set time. In each case, this T=0 time is specified as an SCLK and a UTC time.

Accelerometer Data

The accelerometer data files contain measurements of acceleration and the gain states of the relevant accelerometer at the time the measurement was taken. While all six accelerometer values were stored in ROM and Science EEPROM, only the engineering +YZ and science Z axis accelerometer values were stored in Critical EEPROM.

There are three engineering and three science accelerometers. Each set of three accelerometers is orthogonal. The engineering accelerometers measure acceleration along the +YZ, -YZ, and X axes of the spacecraft. (+YZ indicates halfway between the +Y and +Z axes.) The science accelerometers measure acceleration along the X, Y, and Z axes. (See section on Coordinate Systems below.) The raw acceleration values are in raw counts, while the calibrated values are in units of Earth gravity, 9.795433 m/s2.

Accelerometer Gain Range
The accelerometers can each be set to one of three different gain ranges, 0.016g, 0.800g, or 40.0g (where g = 1 Earth g, 9.795433 m/s2).

The following accelerometer housekeeping values were also recorded:

Accelerometer First Amplifier Temperature
The first amplifier temperature sensor values are provided for each of the six accelerometers. The calibrated measurements are in units of degrees Kelvin.

Accelerometer Head Temperature
These values provide the temperature of the accelerometer head sensor for each of the six accelerometers. The calibrated values are in units of degrees Kelvin.

Accelerometer Multiplexer Temperature
The engineering and science accelerometer multiplexer temperature sensor values were recorded. The calibrated values are in units of degrees Kelvin.

Accelerometer Volt Reference
These are the values of the 0 Volt, -2.5 Volt, and 2.5 Volt references for both the engineering and science accelerometers. The calibrated values are in units of Volts.

Accelerometer Volt Reference Temperature
These are the temperatures of the +2.5 Volt reference for both the engineering and science accelerometers. The calibrated values are in units of degrees Kelvin.

Analog to Digital Converter Temperature
These are the values of the engineering and science accelerometer analog-to-digital converter temperature sensors. The calibrated values are in units of degrees Kelvin.

Hygrometer Voltage
These are the values of the hygrometer sensors for both the science and engineering accelerometers. The calibrated values are in units of Volts.

MET Data

The MET data files contain primarily measurements of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and wind. The following science parameters were recorded.

The air pressure was measured in two ranges, zero to twelve millibars, and six to ten millibars. Raw values are reported as raw counts, and calibrated values as millibars.

This was measured by four thermocouples, labeled 'top', 'middle', 'bottom', and 'descent'. The top thermocouple is located 103.8 cm above the plane of the lander petal; the middle and bottom thermocouples are 50.8 and 27.3 cm above this plane. The descent thermocouple is located just below the wind sensor at the top of the mast. Calibrated units for the temperatures are degrees Kelvin.

Wind Sensor Element Temperature
These are the measured temperatures of each of the six wind sensor segments (or elements). Calibrated values are shown in degrees Kelvin.

The following MET housekeeping values were also recorded:

+/-12 Volt Power Supply Voltage
The voltage from the twelve volt power supply is provided in units of Volts.

+5 Volt Reference Voltage
The calibrated units for this reference voltage are provided in Volts.

+5 Volt ADC
The voltage of the positive five Volt analog to digital converter supply, measured in Volts.

-5 Volt ADC
The voltage of the negative five Volt analog to digital converter supply, measured in Volts.

Circuit Board Temperature
The temperature of the MET circuit board is reported in units of degrees Kelvin.

Wind Sensor Thermocouple Temperature
This is the measured temperature of the wind sensor thermocouple. The calibrated values are shown in degrees Kelvin.
Wind Sensor Current
The calibrated current from the wind sensor is measured in units of milliamps.

PRT4 Temperature, Drive Current Voltage, and Sensor Voltage
The temperature of the mast base isothermal platinum resistance thermometer (PRT4) is reported in units of degrees Kelvin. Its drive current voltage and sensor voltage are measured in Volts.

PRT5 Temperature and Drive Current Voltage
The temperature of the pressure sensor platinum resistance thermometer (PRT5) is reported in degrees Kelvin, and the drive current voltage in units of Volts.


The raw data values in this data set have been converted from 14-bit binary numbers to ASCII.

The calibrated values have been converted from the raw counts from each sensor to engineering units. The steps used to produce the engineering units vary with the type of data, but are all described in the 'Calibration' section of the ASI/MET instrument description. More information is also available in these references: [SCHOFIELD1996A, SCHOFIELD1996B, and SCHOFIELD1997A].


All of the data in this data set are contained in ASCII tabular files, (file extension '.TAB') with detached PDS labels (file extension '.LBL'). The files are named as follows:

Critical EEPROM Engineering Accelerometer Science Data C_EACC_S.TAB
Critical EEPROM Engineering Accelerometer Housekeeping C_EACC_H.TAB
Critical EEPROM Science Accelerometer Science Data C_SACC_S.TAB
Critical EEPROM Science Accelerometer Housekeeping C_SACC_H.TAB
Science EEPROM Engineering Accelerometer Science Data S_EACC_S.TAB
Science EEPROM Engineering Accelerometer Housekeeping S_EACC_H.TAB
Science EEPROM Science Accelerometer Science Data S_SACC_S.TAB
Science EEPROM Science Accelerometer Housekeeping S_SACC_H.TAB
Science EEPROM FE & DTL MET Science Data S_MET_S.TAB
Science EEPROM Descent/Term/Landing MET Housekeeping SD_MET_H.TAB
RAM Engineering Accelerometer Science Data R_EACC_S.TAB
RAM Engineering Accelerometer Housekeeping R_EACC_H.TAB
RAM Science Accelerometer Science Data R_SACC_S.TAB
RAM Science Accelerometer Housekeeping R_SACC_H.TAB
RAM Free-fall/Entry MET Science Data RF_MET_S.TAB
RAM Descent/Terminal/Landing MET Science Data RD_MET_S.TAB
RAM Descent/Terminal/Landing MET Housekeeping RD_MET_H.TAB

The tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems (DBMS) or spreadsheet programs on various computers. All fields in the tables are separated by commas, and are right justified. The 'start byte' and 'bytes' values listed in the PDS labels do not include the commas between fields. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows the tables to be treated as fixed length record files on computers that support this file type and as normal text files on other computers.

The PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the labels refer (the TABLE) is denoted by a statement of the form:

^object = location
in which the carat character ('^', also called a pointer in this context) indicates that the object starts at the given location. For an object located outside the label file (as in this case), the location denotes the name of the file containing the object. For example:

indicates that the TABLE object is in the file R_SACC_S.TAB, in the same directory as the detached label file.

The detached label files are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of each record. This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, and VMS operating systems.

Coordinate System

The X, Y, and Z axes of the accelerometers are those of the Mars Pathfinder Entry Vehicle Coordinate System. This coordinate system is described by [MELLSTROM&LAU1996]. The coordinate system is right handed, orthogonal, and defined by axes Xe, Ye, and Ze. The Xe/Ye plane is defined as the plane of the entry vehicle interface pads located at the top of the backshell interface plate.

Xe lies in the entry vehicle separation plane (Xe/Ye plane), positively directed outward in the entry vehicle separation plane from the Ze axis and orthogonal to Ye and Ze.

Ye lies in the Xe/Ye plane and positively directed outward in the entry vehicle separation plane outward from the Ze axis toward the Star Scanner Assembly (SSA) when the entry vehicle and the cruise stage are attached to each other (-Ye passes through the interface bushing #1).

Ze is coincident with the nominal spacecraft spin axis, through the geometric center of the three interface bushing holes for connecting the entry vehicle to the cruise stage, and positively directed outward from the spacecraft center of mass towards the heatshield.


The MET EDR/RDR tables can be displayed on UNIX, Macintosh, and PC platforms as simple ASCII files, or using the PDS developed program, NASAView. This software is freely available from the PDS Central Node and may be obtained from their web site at For more information or help in obtaining the software, contact the PDS operator at the following address:

Address: Planetary Data System, PDS Operator
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone:(818) 354-4321

Media / Format

The ASI/MET EDL raw and calibrated data will be stored on compact disc-read only memory (CD-ROM) media. The CD will be formatted according to ISO-9660 and PDS standards. The data files will not include extended attribute records (XARs), and will therefore not be readable on some older VMS operating systems.

Confidence Level Overview

The quality of the raw data from the accelerometer and MET instruments is good throughout EDL. There are no gaps, and all the planned data were returned to Earth.

The reduced/calibrated data are also complete. In general, the accuracy of calibration is best for the accelerometer and MET science parameters, and is less accurate for the housekeeping parameters and AIP temperatures.


The contents of this CD have been peer reviewed by the following people:

Lyle Huber - PDS Atmospheres Node, New Mexico State University
Julio Magalhaes - MPF ASI/MET Team, NASA Ames Research Center
Jim Murphy - MPF ASI/MET Team & PDS Atmospheres Node, New Mexico State University
Tim Schofield - MPF ASI/MET Team Lead, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Rob Sullivan - MPF Participating Scientist, Cornell University
Betty Sword - PDS Central Node Data Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
John Wilson - Non-MPF scientist, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, Princeton University

Data Coverage and Quality

The accelerometer data are of high quality throughout EDL. However both raw and calibrated acceleration measurements for a particular accelerometer should not be used for a period of 1 second following a gain change. Gain changes produce an acceleration pulse which is an artifact of the electronic time constant of the sensor. Gain changes only occur in the science accelerometer measurements.

MET science and housekeeping data are also of good quality throughout EDL. Pressure, temperature and wind data accurately describe the properties of the appropriate sensors. However, during free-fall and entry, the heatshield is in place and these properties are determined less by the atmosphere than by the internal lander environment. After heatshield separation sensor properties are influenced both by the atmosphere and the lander environment.

Dynamic pressure measurements are most reliable. The descent temperature sensor is exposed for EDL but the exposure is not good enough to prevent serious contamination from the lander environment so that its results can not readily be converted to atmospheric temperature during the parachute descent, terminal or landing phases of EDL. Measurements by the other temperature sensors and the wind sensor are essentially meaningless during all phases of EDL, as these sensors are designed for operation after landing.


The accelerometer data set has been used to reconstruct the entry vehicle trajectory and derive the vertical density, pressure, and temperature structure of the atmosphere above 10 km. In order to repeat this analysis various supplementary data, not included in this data set, are required. Such supplementary data include spacecraft mass, cross-sectional area and aerodynamic drag coefficient, as well as navigation solutions for entry vehicle position and velocity relative to Mars immediately before entry.

Although the calibrated MET data are of good quality, only the pressure measurement gives good information on the vertical profile of the atmosphere during parachute descent for the reasons discussed above. As the pressure is a dynamic measurement made through a Pitot tube, it must be corrected for atmospheric flow velocity around the lander and orientation relative to this flow before it can be converted to static atmospheric pressure.

Related Information


Mars Pathfinder

Instrument Host

Mars Pathfinder Lander


Atmospheric Structure Instrument / Meteorology Package


PDS Welcome to the Planets: Mars
PDS High Level Catalog: Mars
