Data Dictionaries - Missions

The following page links to all released Mission Data Dictionaries, including XML Schema and Schematrons for the applicable PDS4 namespace.

All versions of the data dictionaries can be found here.

Need help with creating a dictionary or where to start, please contact the PDS Operator at

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Data Dictionaries

Compatible Versions

For each version of the PDS Common Data Dictionary, there are specific discipline and mission dictionary that are compatible. You can find this information in our Dictionary Stacks database.

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PDS Common

All versions of the PDS Common data dictionaries can be found here.

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Discipline Dictionaries

All versions of the Discipline data dictionaries can be found here.

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Mission Dictionaries

Apollo (apollo)

The Apollo Mission Dictionary (apollo) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Apollo missions and their instruments.

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Cassini (cassini)

The Cassini Mission Dictionary (cassini) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Cassini Mission and its instruments (Note: Huygens classes will be in a separate dictionary).

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Chandrayaan-1 (chan1)

The Chandrayaan-1 Mission Dictionary (chan1) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Chandrayaan-1 Mission and its instruments.

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Clementine (clementine)

The Clementine Mission Dictionary (clementine) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Clementine Mission and its instruments.

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Clipper (clipper)

The Europa Clipper mission dictionary contains classes that describe aspects of the Clipper mission and related instruments.

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Commercial Lunar Payload Services (clps)

The Commercial Lunar Payload Services Mission Dictionary (clps) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the CLPS missions and their instruments.

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Dawn (dawn)

The Dawn Mission Dictionary (dawn) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the DAWN Mission and its instruments.

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Hayabusa2 (hyb2)

The Hayabusa2 Dictionary (hyb2) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Hayabusa2 Mission and its instruments.

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Hubble Space Telescope (hst)

This dictionary supports data from the Hubble Space Telescope mission

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InSight (insight)

The InSight Mission Dictionary (insight) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the InSight Mission and its instruments.

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Juno (juno)

The JUNO Mission Dictionary (juno) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the JUNO Mission and its instruments.

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KPLO (kplo)

The KPLO Mission Dictionary (kplo) contains classes that describe aspects of the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission and related instruments.

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LADEE (ladee)

The LADEE Mission Dictionary (ladee) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the LADEE Mission and its instruments.

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LRO (lro)

The LRO Mission Dictionary (lro) contains classes that describe aspects of the LRO mission and its instruments.

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Magellan (mgn)

The Magellan Mission Dictionary (mgn) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Magellan mission and its instruments.

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MAVEN (mvn)

The MAVEN Mission Dictionary (mvn) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the MAVEN mission and its instruments.

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MER (mer)

The Mars Exploration Rover Mission Dictionary (mer) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the MER Mission and its instruments.

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The MESSENGER Mission Dictionary (mess) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the MESSENGER Mission and its instruments.

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MRO (mro)

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission Dictionary (mro) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the MRO mission and its instruments.

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MSL (msl)

The Mars Science Laboratory Mission Dictionary (msl) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the MSL mission and its instruments.

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New Horizons (nh)

The Near Horizons Mission Dictionary (nh) to support the PDS3 to PDS4 migration.

Mars Odyssey (ody)

The Mars Odyssey Mission Dictionary (ody) for mission specific needs for the 2001 Mars Odyssey.

OSIRIS-REx (orex)

The OSIRIS-REx Mission Dictionary (orex) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the OSIRIS-REx Mission and its instruments.

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Voyager 1 (vg1)

The Voyager-1 Mission Dictionary (vg1) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Voyager 1 Mission and its instruments.

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Voyager 2 (vg2)

The Voyager-2 Mission Dictionary (vg2) contains classes, attributes and rules specific to the Voyager 2 Mission and its instruments.

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The PDS4 XML Schema and Schematron files are organized by namespace. For a list of existing namespaces, refer to the PDS Namespace Registry.

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How To Create A Dictionary

Please contact your applicable discipline node to ensure a new dictionary is necessary prior to beginning development. Once agreed upon, there are several places to go when trying to learn how to create a dictionary.

Once all information is gathered, create a ticket here to initialize a new PDS LDD and register it with the PDS Namespace Registry.

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Submitting A New Version

When a Local Data Dictionary (LDD) Steward is ready to submit a new version of an LDD for release:

Submit LDD Release Request

Note: Assume validation has been completed by steward.

Dictionary Validation

The LDD steward is encouraged to perform test/validation via one/both of the testing mechanisms:

Note: Currently, there is no explicit way to run validate to check out the schemas, but by reading the schemas into the tool, it will raise an error if they are invalid.

  • Open in Oxygen and click the red checkbox at the top.
  • Execute latest validate (version 1.16.0+) and specify the schemas via the command-line, for example:
    $ validate -x PDS4_CART_1C00_1932.xsd -S PDS4_CART_1C00_1932.xsd -t PDS4_CART_1C00_1932.xml

The PDS Engineering Node will also perform some basic testing and validation when a release is requested to ensure nothing makes it out as "released" that is invalid.

If there is an error, an email will be sent to the steward with error message(s).

If no error is found, the LDD will be posted to both latest and all schemas pages. An email will be sent to the steward indicating posting is completed.

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