auto_exposure_alpha in Autoexposure

Name: auto_exposure_alphaVersion Id:
Description: auto_exposure_alpha is a weighting parameter that decides whether to prefer exposure changes more or gain changes. Values closer to 1 mean exposure changes are preferred more. For example, this will be used by the CADRE rovers which have a different autoexposure algorithm called "ModalAI MSV 2022".
Namespace Id: imgSteward: imgClass Name: AutoexposureType: ASCII_​Real
Minimum Value: -1.7976931348623157e308Maximum Value: 1.7976931348623157e308Minimum Characters: NoneMaximum Characters: None
Unit of Measure Type: NoneDefault Unit Id: NoneAttribute Concept: NoneConceptual Domain: REAL
Status: ActiveNillable: falsePattern: None
Permissible Value(s)No Values