
Name: Display_DirectionVersion Id:
Description:The Display_Direction class specifies which two of the dimensions of an Array object should be displayed and how they should be displayed in the vertical (line) and horizontal (sample) dimensions of a display device. This class is a modification of the corresponding class in the Display Dictionary, and is redefined here for convenience. The local_identifier_reference is used to identify the array or arrays to which this iteration of the class applies. Multiple entries are permitted the settings in the iteration of Display_Direction apply to all of the referenced arrays.
Namespace Id: ringsSteward: ringsRole: TBD_roleStatus: Active
Class Hierarchy: Display_​Direction
 horizontal_​display_​direction1..1Left to Right, Right to Left
 vertical_​display_​direction1..1Bottom to Top, Top to Bottom
No Associations 
Referenced from: Ring_​Reprojection, Ring_​Spectrum