
Name: Primary_Result_SummaryVersion Id:
Description:The Primary_Result_Summary class provides a high-level description of the types of products included in the collection or bundle
Namespace Id: pdsSteward: pdsRole: concreteStatus: Active
Class Hierarchy: Product_​Components :: Primary_​Result_​Summary
 type *Deprecated*0..1Altimetry, Astrometry, Count, E/B-Field Vectors, Gravity Model, Image, Lightcurves, Map, Meteorology, Null Result, Occultation, Photometry, Physical Parameters, Polarimetry, Radiometry, Reference, Shape Model, Spectrum
 purpose1..UnboundedCalibration, Checkout, Engineering, Navigation, Observation Geometry, Science, Supporting Observation
 data_​regime *Deprecated*0..UnboundedDust, Electric Field, Electrons, Far Infrared, Gamma Ray, Infrared, Ions, Magnetic Field, Microwave, Millimeter, Near Infrared, Particles, Pressure, Radio, Sub-Millimeter, Temperature, Ultraviolet, Visible, X-Ray
 processing_​level1..UnboundedCalibrated, Derived, Partially Processed, Raw, Telemetry
 processing_​level_​id *Deprecated*0..1Calibrated, Derived, Partially Processed, Raw, Telemetry
Referenced from: Context_​Area, Observation_​Area