
Name: Vector_Planetocentric_Position_GenericVersion Id:
Description:The Vector_Planetocentric_Position_Generic is a three dimensional spherical vector (radius, longitude, latitude) with the angular coordinates defined to be consistent with the Planetocentric coordinate system. Uses linear units for the radius dimension, and angular units for the other two dimensions. Includes attributes to identify the endpoints of the vector. While the class Coordinate_System_Identification is optional, it must be used here if the coordinate system has not been specified in the enclosing class.
Namespace Id: geomSteward: geoRole: TBD_roleStatus: Active
Class Hierarchy: Vector_​Planetocentric_​Position_​Base :: Vector_​Planetocentric_​Position_​Extended_​Base :: Vector_​Planetocentric_​Position_​Generic
 light_​time_​correction_​applied1..1None, Received_​Light_​Time, Received_​Light_​Time_​Stellar_​Abb, Transmitted_​Light_​Time, Transmitted_​Light_​Time_​Stellar_​Abb
Referenced from: Generic_​Vectors