Raw gravity science data and ancillary files for the Juno outer cruise phase.

Citation BUCCINO, D.R., Juno Jupiter Gravity Science Raw Data Set V1.0, JUNO-J-RSS-1-JUGR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2016.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.17189/69qa-eq24
Data Set Abstract This data set contains archival raw, partially processed, and ancillary/supporting gravity science data acquired during the Juno Jupiter orbits starting in July 2016. The radio observations were carried out using the Juno spacecraft and Earth-based receiving stations of the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN). The data set was designed primarily to determine the gravitational field of Jupiter. Of most interest are likely to be the Orbit Data Files in the ODF directory, which provided the raw input to gravity investigations, as well as the tropospheric media calibration file produced by the Advanced Media Calibration (AMC) system.
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    Additional Information
    Mission Information JUNO
    Data Set Information JNO-J-RSS-1-JUGR-V1.0
    Instrument Host Information JNO
    Instrument Information RSS
    Target Information JUPITER