Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Calibrated spectral image cubes collected by M3 (Moon Mineralogy Mapper).
Data Set Overview                                                         
      This volume contains the Level 1B (L1B) Archive, a collection of 
      radiometrically-calibrated and pixel-located data products acquired 
      during from November 2008 through August 2009 by the 
      Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument during the Chandrayaan-1 mission
      to the Moon.The data were acquired while the instrument was operated 
      in global or targeted mode.  The documentation in the DOCUMENT 
      directory provides detailed information about the data files and their 
      format and content.
      A M3 Level 1B Data Product consists of pixel-located, resampled,        
      calibrated data in units of spectral radiance that make up one          
      observation tagged by a unique file name. The data in one Level 1B      
      Product represent a consistent instrument configuration (frame rate,    
      pixel binning). There is a single multiple-band image                   
      (BIN; suffix *_RDN.IMG) stored in one file with a detached PDS label    
      (ASCII; suffix *_L1B.LBL), and a detatched header file (ASCII;          
      suffix *_RDN.HDR), plus several files containing data related to        
      pixel location (BIN; suffix *_LOC.IMG), observation geometry (BIN;      
      suffix *_OBS.IMG), and UTC timing for each image line (ASCII;           
      suffix *_TIM.TAB).  
      As of Septemer 2011, we have developed a detector-temperature-driven 
      empirical gain adjustment to the M3 Level 1B data.  We refer to this 
      correction as the SSC_ADJ correction and it is based on a family of 
      spectral gain curves that are applied to each Level 1B radiance cube 
      after its nominal radiometric calibration. Based on the detector 
      temperature for each scene, a single curve is chosen from the family 
      of temperature-based curves and each spectrum in the radiance cube is 
      multiplied by this correction factor. This update should replace 
      versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the M3 Level 1B data products.

      Level 1B processing involves the following operations:                  
      - converts the decompressed, uncalibrated image cube data into          
        resampled, scaled, calibrated spectral radiance image cubes           
      - calculates the surface location of all pixel centers                  
      - calculates the observation geometry and illumination on a             
        pixel-by-pixel basis                                                  
      - calculates the UTC time for the middle of the integration period      
        for each frame of the image data                                      
      Under the Data directory there is a separate subdirectory based on      
      the start and end times of a 13-week imaging period. Each imaging       
      period subdirectory is further divided into subdirectories for each     
      month of an Optical Period (OP). Each OP month subdirectory is further  
      divided based on the type of data product (e.g. Level 0 or Level 1B).   
      YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD/YYYYMM/L1B directory:                                 
      This directory contains the following files:                            
      The L1B multiple-band spectral radiance image cube has                  
      dimensions of sample, line, and wavelength. The size and format of the  
      M3 spectral radiance image cube depend on the observation mode          
      M3 calibration data such as wavelength centers,                         
      full-width half-max values and radiometric gain factors can be found in 
      the CALIB directory of the archive volume.                              
      In target mode, the spectral radiance image cube has the following      
      32-bit floating point                                                   
      Little endian                                                           
      256 spectral channels                                                   
      608 spatial samples                                                     
      N image lines                                                           
      Band interleaved by line                                                
      In global mode, the spectral radiance image cube has the following      
      32-bit floating point                                                   
      Little endian                                                           
      85 spectral channels                                                    
      304 spatial samples                                                     
      N image lines                                                           
      Band interleaved by line                                                
      During the transmission and encoding/decoding of the                    
      data, some data elements may be lost.  Data lost to poor compression or 
      complete packet loss are noted in the *.LOG files located in the EXTRAS 
      All M3 L1B spectral radiance image cubes are standardized to remove     
      the different effects of the four possible orbit limb and flight yaw    
      mode combinations: descending/forward; descending/reverse;              
      ascending/forward and ascending/reverse.  In ascending limb data the    
      lines/times are reversed, so all L1B spectral radiance image cubes      
      have the northernmost image line first. In descending/reverse and       
      ascending/forward modes the samples are reversed, so the first sample   
      is on the west side of the image and do not appear left-right mirrored. 
      In descending/forward no changes in lines or samples are performed;     
      this is the only case that matches the Level 0 data.  Refer to the      
      label (*_L1B_LBL) to reconcile a specific Level 1B spectral radiance    
      image cube with the associated Level 0 data.  
      Due to the successive loss of the two star trackers the data become 
      progressively more difficult to model.  Hence our models increase in 
      complexity and parameterization.

      For M3 we have been forced into development of three different 
      spacecraft attitude models that describe the orientation of the 
      Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft during an orbit.  These models were developed 
      sequentially as we processed data collected during the mission. 
      A detailed description of each model and the keywords associated with
      each model are provided in the M3 Data Product SIS.
      Each L1B spectral radiance image cube file will be accompanied by a     
      detached ASCII header file. A detached header provides compatibility    
      with ENVI software.                                                     
      A spectral radiance image cube label (*_L1B.LBL) is detached and points 
      to the following L1B data products:                                     
      - the single multi-band image (*_RDN.IMG) and its respective detached   
        header file (*_RDN.HDR),                                              
      - the pixel location data (*_LOC.IMG) and its respective detached header
        file (*_LOC.HDR),                                                     
      - the observation geometry data (*_obs.img) and its respective detached 
        header file (*_OBS.HDR),                                              
      - the UTC timing data (*_TIM.TAB)                                       
      The pixel location data for each image are stored in a three-band, band-
      interleaved-by-line, binary file of double precision 8-byte values, in  
      little-endian byte order.  The three bands of the file, in order, are as
      1) longitude (reported in decimal degrees)                              
      2) planetocentric latitude (reported in decimal degrees)                
      3) radius (reported in meters from the Moon center)                     
      There are no embedded headers or other data in the file. Each           
      location file will be accompanied by a detached header file.            
      A detached header provides compatibility with ENVI software. The        
      location file is, in essence, a three-band set of 'detached             
      backplanes' that match the sample and line spatial extent of the        
      spectral radiance image cube data.  No map correction or resampling is  
      applied to the radiance image cube; the file only reports the           
      surface locations of the unadjusted pixel centers.                      
      Each location data file will be accompanied by a detached ASCII         
      header file. A detached header provides compatibility with ENVI         
      The observation geometry data for each image are provided in a ten-band,
      band-interleaved-by-line, binary file of single precision 4-byte values,
      in little-endian byte order. The ten bands of the file, in order, are as
      1) to-sun azimuth angle (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)   
      2) to-sun zenith angle (decimal degrees, zero at zenith)                
      3) to-sensor azimuth angle (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)
      4) to-sensor zenith angle (decimal degrees, zero at zenith)             
      5) observation phase angle (decimal degrees, in plane of to-sun and     
         to-sensor rays)                                                      
      6) to-sun path length (decimal au with scene mean subtracted and noted  
         in PDS label)                                                        
      7) to-sensor path length (decimal meters)                               
      8) surface slope from DEM (decimal degrees, zero at horizontal)         
      9) surface aspect from DEM (decimal degrees, clockwise from local north)
      10) local cosine i (unitless, cosine of angle between to-sun and local  
          DEM facet normal vectors)                                           
      Similar to the location data, these files are, in essence,              
      ten-band set of 'detached backplanes' that match the sample and line    
      spatial extent of the spectral radiance image cube data.  No map        
      correction or resampling is applied to the radiance image cube; the     
      file only reports the observation parameters of the unadjusted pixel    
     Each observation geometry data file will be accompanied by a detached    
     header file. A detached header provides compatibility with ENVI software.
     The timing file (*TIM.TAB) is an ASCII file with four columns of data.   
     The first column lists the line number of the multiple-band spectral     
     radiance image cube (*RDN.IMG). The second column lists the corresponding
     UTC time for the middle of the integration period for each spectral      
     radiance image cube line or major frame of the data and is expressed as: 
     The third column lists Year reference of Decimal Day of Year (DDOY) as   
     extracted from the earliest time of each spectral radiance image cube    
     line expressed as: YYYY.                                                 
     The fourth column lists DDOY which represents the number of days elapsed 
     since 00:00 UTC of January 1 of the year associated with the time stamp  
     of the first image line. The DDOY format is as follows: DDD.dddddddddddd 
     where DDD represents the integer number of days and dddddddddddd         
     represent the fractional part of the day of year value.                  
     Note that the M3 Level 0 data products have two representations of image 
     frame times captured in the 1280-byte image frame header:                
     1) a copy of the raw bytes of CH-1 and M3 binary clock tick data         
     and 2) a nominal conversion of those raw clock ticks to a UTC time in an 
     ASCII format.  This nominal conversion is built on the assumed           
     operation of the clocks in a wholly stable manner with fixed tick        
     rates and no drift or unexpected rate issues.  To achieve optimized      
     timing for subsequent processing, the Level 1B code develops             
     individual clock conversion models for each image of sufficient          
     length.  This per-image modeling accommodates any clock drift or rate    
     changes and provides the best possible frame times for the Level 1B      
     data products.  As such, the ASCII UTC times in the Level 0 data products
     may differ from those in the Level 1B data products.  The Level 0 data   
     product times should be considered deprecated and are only approximate   
     UTC frame times.  The per-image optimized conversion used in the Level 1B
     processing yields the most accurate image frame times and these are the  
     times reported in the timing file.                                       
    File Naming Convention                                                    
      The file naming convention for L1B data products is as follows.         
      M3:       The instrument.                                               
      G or T:   The imaging mode; G for global mode and T for target mode.    
      YYYY:     The year of the time stamp from the first image frame of the  
                image cube.                                                   
      MM:       The month of the time stamp from the first image frame of the 
                image cube.                                                   
      DD:       The day of the time stamp from the first frame of the image   
      T:        A single character string that precedes the UTC time of the   
                time stamp from the first frame of the image cube.            
      HH:       The hour in UTC of the time stamp from the first frame of the 
                image cube.                                                   
      MM:       The minute within the hour in UTC of the time stamp from the  
                first frame of the  image cube.                               
      SS:       The second within the minute in UTC of the time stamp from the
                first frame of the image cube.                                
      VNN:      The version number of the product.                            
      PT:       The type of data product:                                     
                L0 = Level 0                                                  
                L1B = Level 1B                                                
                RDN = Spectral Radiance data                                  
                LOC = Pixel Location data                                     
                OBS = Observation geometry data                               
                TIM = Observation timing data                                 
      EXT:      The file name extension:                                      
                IMG = Image object                                            
                HDR = Detached header file                                    
                LBL = Detached label file                                     
                TAB = ASCII text file                                         
      All fields must occupy the allotted number of characters. Thus, if fewer
      digits are required to express a number than are allotted, the          
      convention fills the unneeded spaces with leading zeroes.               
    Coordinate Systems                                                        
      The coordinate system used is the new 'Standardized Lunar Coordinate    
      System for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter' (LRO Working Group, 2007). 
      This new lunar coordinate system is being adopted as an international   
      standard and will greatly facilitate the direct integration of data     
      from multiple missions and among international partners.  The           
      coordinate system is based on planetocentric coordinates in the Mean    
      Earth/Polar Axis (ME) reference frame.  The z-axis is the mean axis     
      of rotation with the positive direction pointing north.  The x-axis is  
      the intersection of the Equator and Prime Meridian, as defined by the   
      mean Earth direction.  The y-axis completes the frame in a right-handed 
      sense and points in the direction of +90 degrees longitude.  Latitude   
      ranges from +90 to -90 form the North Pole to the South Pole.           
      Longitude will be reported as 0 to 360 degrees increasing to the East.  
    The M3 team uses the commercial software packages ENVI and IDL to display 
    and analyze M3 data products. ENVI and IDL are distributed by ITT Visual  
    Information Solutions and are available at        
    In addition, PDS' NASAView Image Display Software can also be used for 
    basic image viewing of M3 L1B data products: 
    Nevertheless, the data are in no way in any proprietary format. Instead   
    they are arranged as simply and as openly as possible. The provision of   
    both ENVI and PDS labels will guarantee the data will be readily          
    accessible to the widest possible audience.                               
      The M3 archive will be made available online via Web and FTP            
      servers.  This will be the primary means of distribution.               
      Therefore the archive will be organized as a set of virtual             
      volumes, with each data set stored online as a single volume. As        
      new data products are released they will be added to the volume's       
      data directory, and the volume's index table will be updated            
      accordingly. The size of the volume will not be limited by the          
      capacity of the physical media on which it is stored; hence the         
      term virtual volume.  When it is necessary to transfer all or part      
      of a data set to other media such as DVD for distribution or for        
      offline storage, the virtual volume's contents will be written to       
      the other media according to PDS policy, possibly dividing the          
      contents among several physical volumes.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2011-10-21T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2008-11-18T10:26:04.000Z
STOP_TIME 2009-08-16T04:58:33.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2008-10-22T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2009-08-28T12:00:00.000Z
Confidence Level Overview                                                 
      Confidence level information will be provided after more thorough       
      analysis of the data.                                                   
      Prior to creation of the final version of this archival data set,       
      its keys elements including samples of data products, PDS labels        
      and catalog files, and the Software Interface Specifications, were      
      examined during a peer review held by PDS Imaging Node in January 2010. 
    Data Coverage and Quality                                                 
      The M3 image acquisition time will be divided into peak periods or      
      Optical Periods (OP) when lighting is optimal for observation. The      
      Optical Periods occur twice a year and are understood to have two       
      central months of optimal illumination (solar beta angles -30 deg to    
      +30 deg) with two optional two-week wing periods (solar beta angles     
      +/-30 deg to +/-45 deg) on either side of the optimal 2 months (thus,   
      one Optical Period equals 13 weeks). Each 13 week optical period is     
      followed by a 13-week hiatus. The original instrument operations plan   
      included the acquisition of the entire surface of the Moon in           
      low-resolution Global Mode during the first Optical Period (OP1)        
      while OP2, OP3, OP4 were reserved for high resolution Target Mode       
      data acquisition.                                                       
      However, the mission was cut short, just before the halfway point, in   
      August, 2009 when the spacecraft ceased operations. Despite the         
      abbreviated mission and numerous technical and scientific challenges    
      during the flight, M3 was able to cover more than 95% of the Moon in    
      Global Mode. Only minimal high-resolution Target Mode images were       
      acquired, as these were to be the focus of the second half of the       
      mission. The technical challenges encountered during the mission        
      have complicated the data processing and calibration. These challenges  
      include thermal issues, loss of the spacecraft star trackers and a      
      raising of the orbit from 100 km to 200 km on May 19, 2009. Details     
      of these challenges are currently being documented and will be          
      referenced and/or included in the delivery of the M3 PDS Archive        
      Volume. Nonetheless, the data products released in the M3 PDS Archive   
      Volume will contain optimal calibration and characterization.           
      (NOTE: If these docs are included in the archive, put them in           
      DOCUMENT directory, not EXTRAS.)                                        
      M3 operations were sustained for two Optical Periods. (For more         
      detailed information regarding the spacecraft operation schedule,       
      please see the MISSION.CAT.) Please see the M3 Data Product SIS for     
      more detail/information.                                                
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Lundeen, S., Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper Calibration Data Record, CH1-ORB-L-M3-4-L1B-RADIANCE-V3.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2011.
ABSTRACT_TEXT This dataset contains pixel located, radiometrically-calibrated data collected by M3 instrument on Chandrayaan-1.
  • Imaging Node Online Volumes