Data Set Information
Data Set Overview:The Cassini Orbiter Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) archive datasetsconsist of the Cassini ISS raw, uncalibrated experiment data recordimage files, attached and detached label files (VICAR and PDS),helpful and required PDS files, including an index table containing ahost of parameters for each image on the volumes, and related ISS instrument documentation. The volumes containing these products are referred to as the 'DATA' volumes.Additionally, the ISS datasets include both pre-launch ground camera calibration images,calibration data files, calibration algorithms, ISS calibration processing software, sample calibrated images (using the ISS-provided calibration software), and ISS instrument calibration documentation. These volumes are referred to as the 'CALIBRATION' volumes.The ISS archive collection is separated into DATA volumes and CALIBRATION volumes. Users wishing to perform calibration on the raw images will make use of both. NOTE: ISS in-flight calibration images are found on the DATA volumes, as sequenced in Spacecraft Clock (SCLK) order.Several hundred thousand Cassini ISS images were taken throughout the entire mission, including images taken during flybys of Earth, Venus, and Jupiter, and images taken of Saturn and Saturn's moons while in orbit around Saturn.In addition to imaging these targets, instrument calibration images were taken prior to launch and also while in-flight, as well as, support images for other Cassini instrument teams and images for optical navigation; all of which are contained within these datasets.Three separate datasets are generated by the ISS team: 1)Cassini Orbiter Earth/Venus/Jupiter ISSNA/ISSWA EDRs -- Contains all cruise phase imaging, including Earth, Venus and Jupiter flyby images, and in-flight calibration images. 2)Cassini Orbiter Saturn ISSNA/ISSWA EDRs -- Contains all Saturn Tour phase imaging, including Saturn, Saturn's Rings and Satellites, along with in-flight calibration images. 3)Cassini Orbiter Calibration ISSNA/ISSWA EDRs - Contains EDR calibration related files, including calibration data files (eg., dark currents) sample calibrated images, Cassini ISS calibration processing software, calibration documents and the collection of pre-launch ground calibration images.More information on the details of this volume can be found in theaareadme.txt file at the root level of this volume and in the documentdirectory.Processing:Telemetry Processing--------------------Once the spacecraft data are transmitted to the Deep Space Network(DSN) and sent electronically to JPL, it is reformatted by the CassiniInstrument Operations Team (IO) within the Multimission ImageProcessing System (MIPS) from a series of data packets into a twodimensional image. Unconverted, 12-bit images are converted to 16bits. Images that have been compressed, either lossless or lossy, areautomatically decompressed in the reconstitution process. TheseExperiment Data Records (EDR) images are then sent to the CassiniImaging Central Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPS) where they areingested into the ISS Archive Database for access by Imaging Teammembers and the archive generation process.Preliminary (quick-look) versions of the images are generatedimmediately and distributed for instrument performance analysis. Inan attempt to make the most complete products, IO then performsreconciliation, if there is missing data in these preliminary versions. Once reconciliation is performed (within two weeks from downlink time), a final version of the image is produced and electronically provided to CICLOPS. Only the final image versions are archived on the ISS archive volumes. Some images have been converted down to 8-bits by the Lookup Table(LUT); in these cases, a reverse LUT can be applied to restore them to their approximate full 12-bit values. (This is an option in the Cassini ISS Calibration (CISSCAL) software that is supplied in thisArchive.) There is no way to restore an 8LSB image back to its full12-bit fidelity unless the original pre-converted DN values were allless than 255, or one is confident of smooth gradients across theimage. Consult the calibration documentation for more informationabout converting image DN values to physical units.CICLOPS Processing------------------The EDR image files are housed within CILCOPS during the lifetime ofthe mission for ISS team access and archive volume assembly. They arestored in the ISS Archive Database as received from the JPL/IO team. No further modification, calibration, or processing is done to the images by CICLOPS. The EDR images are assembled onto the archive volumes exactly as they are received from IO/MIPS.CICLOPS performs two functions utilizing the EDR data files receivedfrom IO/MIPS: 1) auto navigation of the images, and 2) assemblage ofthe archive volumes.The ISS auto-navigation software provides for the refinement ofgeometric information for each image. Newly generated geometricinformation is captured for inclusion in the file. Theseare the collection of archive keywords for supporting search andquery capabilities within the PDS. (The ISS Auto-Navigation softwareis described below.) The ISS archive generation software provides for the assemblage of thefiles being written to the archive volume. This software was producedby CICLOPS for selecting the appropriate range of images per volume,gathering the static archive files and generating the dynamic filesbeing writing to the archive DVD volume.ISS Auto-navigation:The auto-navigation software (Autonav) was developed by the ISS team to perform the large task of image pointing refinement (c-smithing) for the hundreds of thousands of images taken by the ISS cameras. Autonav uses an array of object detection algorithms in conjunction with the most recent spacecraft position and orientation kernels to navigate the images. The output of Autonav for any particular navigated image is a single,discrete c-kernel for the image mid time. These c-smithed c-kernelsare packaged up in larger time periods and delivered to the Cassiniproject's database and subsequently to the PDS NAIF node, and aremaintained within the ISS Archive Database for use by ISS teammembers and by the ISS archive generation process.Though the success rate of Autonav is high, it is not 100%. The code was structured to minimize the number of false-positive navigations. So, in many cases, some images that seem navigable will fail to meet the success thresholds built into Autonav.In order to validate Autonav results, a tool was developed to allow afinal reviewer to quickly visually scan through Autonav results andlook for false-positive navigations and approve those that lookcorrectly navigated. A c-kernel compare tool is also used tocompare the auto-navigated c-kernels against the Attitude Control Subsystem (ACS) reconstructed c-kernels and flag large discrepancies between the two for further investigation. However, all of these thresholds and verification steps do notabsolutely prevent Autonav from producing false results, so futureusers are warned to exercise caution with respect to these results. Autonav results, when accurate, will greatly improve the accuracy ofthe geometrical quantities calculated for the file.Data:Image VICAR Files-----------------All ISS images are in JPL/MIPS VICAR (Video Image Communication AndRetrieval) image format. More information about this format and software that can be used to view it can be found in the 'Software'section below.Each VICAR image file is accompanied by a detached ASCII PDS labelfile. The label consists of ASCII 'keyword:value' pairs describing theimportant characteristics of the image.Image Index Table-----------------The image index table file,, contains keyword informationabout each image on the volume. Some of this information comesdirectly from the EDR detached PDS image label produced by IO; for example, keywords such as FILE_NAME, DATA_CONVERSION_TYPE, IMAGE_MID_TIME, FILTER_NAME, etc. The remaining keywords come from the Autonav software (as discussed above) which calculates many geometrical quantities and target information such as TARGET_DISTANCE, PIXEL_SCALE, PHASE_ANGLE, TWIST_ANGLE, etc. This file consists of fixed-length records in ASCII character format.Each line is a record containing all the keywords for a particularimage on the volume. Fields in a record are delimited by commas. Non-numeric fields are enclosed in quotes and left-justified, whereasnumeric fields are not enclosed by any characters and areright-justified. Multi-valued fields are enclosed in brackets andeach item in that field is separated by a comma.The file index.lbl details the keyword name, data type, start byte,number of bytes, and format so that keywords can be easily referencedand the file can be properly read into a database.Ancillary Data:The Cassini Project produces SPICE files (spacecraft positions,planetary positions and constants, processed pointing geometry,spacecraft clock versus universal time, etc.) for use in observationplanning and in calculating many of the image keywords populating file on this volume. These Cassini SPICE files are notincluded in this ISS data archive but can be obtained from the PDSNAIF node. However, provided to support image searching and querying, file contains over 100 keywords related to each image,including geometrically-oriented keywords. Some of these keywordsare supplied by IO/MIPS as part of the EDR processing, others aregenerated by the ISS auto-navigation software.Other ancillary files include the collection of software interfacespecifications related to the production of the EDR data files and thearchive volume DVDs, documents related to camera calibration and thecalibration processing software, as well as a list of publishedreferences that can provide a thorough discussion of the ISS sciencegoals and objectives and ISS camera instrument.Coordinate System:For proper interpretation of the image data, one should use aCartesian coordinate system referenced to the Earth mean equator ofJ2000. There are two ISS coordinate systems in use: that officially used onthe Cassini Project to describe camera orientation (X_cm, Y_cm),which is directly related to the readout directions of the CCDsamples and lines, and that in general use by imaging scientists,(X_im, Y_im}, to describe images which are rotated from the targetbeing imaged. There is also the spacecraft coordinate system {X_s/c,Y_s/c, Z_s/c}. The cameras, and other instruments on the RSP, arepointing in the Y_s/c direction. The positive Z_s/c axis pointstowards the spacecraft s main engines; the -Z_s/c points towards theHigh Gain Antenna; the +X_s/c axis is up. The CCD readout proceeds as follows. The bottom line of the CCD isshifted down (i.e., toward the remote sensing palette, toward -X_s/c))into a vacant 1-line serial register. This line is shifted then to theleft (in the +Z_s/c direction), pixel by pixel, to the signal chainuntil the entire line is read out. The pixels are numbered by theorder in which they proceed to the signal chain. Thus, the first hassample : X_cm : 1, the last has sample : X_cm : 1024. That is, thereadout proceeds in the X_cm direction. After this line is completelyread out, the next line is shifted down into the serial register andread out, and so on until all 1024 lines have been shifted into theregister and then along to the signal chain. This results in thefollowing relationship between the spacecraft and the physicalISS/CCD coordinate systems: (sample, line) : {+X_cm, +Y_cm} :{-Z_s/c, +X_s/c}. The images of celestial bodies taken by the ISS are inverted up/downand flipped left/right (i.e., rotated 180 degrees) by the optics inboth cameras. The relationships between targets and inertial space,as well as, the relationship between the target and the orientation ofthe Cassini spacecraft, are all maintained through this rotation.Thus, the image of a celestial target, as well as the image of thespacecraft coordinate system in the focal plane, are rotated fromtheir physical orientations. A celestial target with its North polealigned with the spacecraft +X_s/c axis would appear inverted andflipped on the CCD: that is, in the focal plane and display imageplane, the North pole of the target and the +X_s/c axis would point in the direction of decreasing line (-Y_cm and -Y_im);the targets western limb (or, astronomical East) and the -Z_s/c axis would point towards decreasing sample (-X_cm and -X_im). The Cassini C-Kernel contains information that is used by the Navigational Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) SPICE toolkit to derive a matrix which transforms a vector in inertial coordinates into the spacecraft coordinate system (X_s/c, Y_s/c, Z_s/c). The Cassini Frames kernel describes a transformation matrix that transforms a vector from the camera coordinate system (X_cm, Y_cm, Z_cm) into the spacecraft frame. The proper combination of the two describes the orientation of the physical camera/CCD system relative to inertial space. To compute the correct orientation of inertial space, and the targets in it, in the image plane, which is where anyone handling an image will work, one must apply an additional 180 degree rotation about the center of the image. Software:The image processing software used to create the EDR image files iscalled VICAR (Video Image Communication And Retrieval). VICAR is anentire system of software, formats, and procedures for image storageand processing and was developed and is maintained by JPL's MIPS. A full explanation of VICAR, its standards, software and referenceinformation can be found at the website: on tools for visualizing VICAR images can also be found there. For example, the PDS-provided NASAview tool can be downloaded from the PDS site ( and used to view the raw images.The 'CALIBRATION' volume contains the calibrated image and calibration data files, calibration processing software files, algorithms, pre-flight ground calibration images and related calibration documentation. These files together will facilitate processing of the raw ISS images to higher-level calibrated image products. Specifically, the Cassini ISS Calibration software (CISSCAL) isavailable in the EXTRAS directory on the calibration volume. It isto be used in conjunction with the files contained in the CALIBdirectory of the same volue. G-zipped TAR files containing the contents of both of these directories are also available to avoid any filename case issues that may arise when reading the DVD filesystems.The contents of these volumes will continue to evolve and improve as the knowledge of the mission parameters improves. As a result, these volumes are released periodically with the latest available calibration files and software. These updates are described in the errata.txt file.Media Format:This volume is being delivered to the Planetary Data System (PDS)using DVD media. Formats are based on standards for such productsestablished by the PDS [PDSSR1992].
Confidence Level Overview:The quality and completeness of the image data are determined in twophases. Firstly, within IO/MIPS, images are constructed from the raw data stream using automated MIPS-provided VICAR software. Verification software is used to generate product and quality reports that detail what data/images are missing or incomplete. Reconciliation, performedby IO/MIPS, is done by taking multiple passes over the data to obtain the best possible image products. For example, it may be necessary toreplay telemetry from the DSN,eliminate station overlap and keep the 'best' available telemetry from either station and discard the remaining telemetry.Secondly, the ISS team routinely performs comparisons of the images returned versus what images were planned. Missing/incomplete images are confirmed by looking at the product and quality reports (more discussion on these reports is found below in this document). This is done as part of the ISS team's normal data usage and scienceanalysis. However, not all missing/incomplete products are verified by the ISS team. CICLOPS-generated scripts are additionally run by team members to ensure all images posted by IO/MIPS to the server are indeed received by CICLOPS and are maintained in the ISS archive database.Keyword values are subject to inaccuracies; usage is cautioned. The accuracy of the keywords is dependent on the accuracy of the auto-navigation software and the accuracy of the various SPICE kernels used to calculate the keywords. This is discussed in further detail in other sections of this document. Generally, however, there are several sources of potential error in the processing results and the keywords should be used with caution; especially those calculated using the SPICE routines. Those keywords that come directly from the image label are included verbatim and are as reliable as the sources of those keywords (i.e. MIPS in the telemetry processing phase utilizing spacecraft and cameracommanding software inputs).The quality and completeness of the archive volumes generation processare also determined by the accuracy of the archive generation softwarewritten and employed by the CICLOPS team. This archive generation software divides the images into correctly sized blocks for recording on the archive volumes and then copies the appropriate image files and static information files prior to creating the archive volume disk. An interface to the software allows a human user to choose which volume to generate. The dynamic information files are updated as needed. These files are stored in a CVS file repository and are reviewed as updated. An additional CICLOPS-generated script is then run on the final volumes to check for obvious mistakes or omissions. Additional validation software is run by PDS to ensure the disk conforms to PDS standards. Review:Validation is considered to have 2 aspects: 1) quality scientificusability and 2) technical compliance to PDS standards. In order toensure PDS-compliant products, the archive volumes are validated by acollaborative effort between the ISS/CICLOPS team, the Imaging andCentral Nodes of the PDS, and non-Cassini imaging scientists. TheISS/CICLOPS team is responsible for producing PDS-compliant archivevolumes, while the PDS personnel are responsible for ensuring that thearchive volume(s) meet PDS standards. Validation is performed on eachvolume by PDS using their validation tools. ISS/CICLOPS-developedoperational volume verification tools and procedures are also utilizedprior to delivery to PDS Imaging Node. Together these verificationchecks ensure PDS-compliant archive volumes.Scientific usability is assessed through the ISS science team'snormal and routine use of the ISS datasets in their science analysis.Additionally, imaging scientists not associated with the Cassiniproject participate in the archive volume peer review process wherethey verify the 'science' content of the dataset, the completenessof the documentation, and the scientific validity (i.e., theintegrity and usability) of the datasets. Several reviews on sample archive volumes and directory files arebeing performed prior to the start of volume production. The peerreviews of sample volumes is conducted by PDS. These reviews serveto validate the volume for proper structure, format, completeness,and science usability. Any deficiencies in the reviewed archivevolume found are corrected and resolved. When all correctable errorshave been resolved, production of the archive volumes proceeds andfurther validation is performed on a spot check basis by the both thePDS and the ISS/CICLOPS team. Non- correctable errors (e.g., an errorin the downlink data file) is described in the evolving errata file,errata.txt, included on each archive volume in the Root Directory.Data Coverage and Quality:Product and Quality Reports---------------------------On the DATA volumes, the /document/report/ subdirectory containsproduct and quality reports detailing the status of the downlink,noting any missing or incomplete data products and the reason for thediscrepancy. NOTE: no product and quality reports were generated for images prior to SCLK 1431917000.The quality report consists of one to three tables; depending onwhether there are missing or incomplete products. The first tablelists information about all the predicted products for the time rangecovered in the report. This information includes the following: FILENAME: Filename of the product. OBSERVATION_ID: Planned observation from which product originated. SEQUENCE_NUMBER: The order the image appears in the observation. COMMAND_FILE_NAME: Camera commanding file name for this product. ORDER_NUMBER: The order the image appears in the IOI file. SCETSTOP - The image stop time in UTC.If there are partial/incomplete products, a second table is givendescribing those products. This table consists of the following: FILENAME: Filename of the product. DATA_POL: Images truncated due to data policing. DSN_GAP: Images not received or partially received due to DSN issue. TRUNC_RO: Images truncated due to a short readout cycle. UNEXPLAINED: Incomplete images where the reason is unknown.The following columns are used to explain incomplete images: 'PARTIAL' means that an image was received, but is incomplete due to the problem at the top of that column. 'NO' means that while the image is incomplete, it is not caused by the problem characterized by that column. 'NULL' means that either analysis is not complete for that column/image, or an explanation has been given but further reconciliation will not be performed.If there are missing products, a third table is given describing thoseproducts. This table consists of the following: SCLKSTOP: Spacecraft clock time of image stop time. CAMERA: Camera taking this image, NAC or WAC. TRIGGER: Trigger number issued to camera for this image. TRIGGERTIME: Spacecraft clock of trigger execution time. OFFSET: Offset of image time from trigger execution time. PEF: Predicted Events File for this product. IOI: Filename of camera commanding file (IOI) for this product.. REASON: Reason for missing product if known.The Product Report contains statistical product generationinformation in paragraph form. The information includes the following: Number of FINAL and COMPLETE products Number of FINAL and INCOMPLETE products Number of incomplete products due to TRUNCATED READOUT Number of incomplete products due to DATA POLICING and DSN GAPS Number of PRELIMINARY and COMPLETE products Number of PRELIMINARY and INCOMPLETE products Number of preliminary and incomplete products due to DATA POLICING and DSN GAPS Number of MISSING products Number of missing products due to DATA POLICING and due to DSN GAPS Number of UNPREDICTED productsA Quality and a Product report are generated for the NAC and WAC eachfor a total of four reports covering the images on the volume. The Product and Quality reports are labeled as follows: __.rpt Examples: COISS_2001_nac_quality.rpt COISS_2001_nac_product.rpt COISS_2001_wac_quality.rpt COISS_2001_wac_product.rptTruncated Images----------------There are two possibilities of image truncation from the ISS camera.One, of even line truncation in lossless images in which individuallines can be truncated, and the other of readout window truncation inwhich the entire remainder of an image is lost.The first always has to do with compressibility of data of lossless images. The second could also have to do with compressibility but notnecessarily.For lossless compression, there is a requirement that data compressat least as well as 2:1. The way the camera handles this is that itmakes sure that the compressed data for an odd/even pair does notexceed the data for a single uncompressed line. If it does, then theeven line data is truncated such that it does. In rare cases youcould have the entire even line missing and the odd line truncatedif the line does not compress at all but actually expands. Thisexplains images with ratty right sides.The other kind of compression, readout window compression, occurswhen the time it takes to readout an image is longer than thereadout time allowed for it. The camera stops transmitting datato the spacecraft when the time is up.When an image is planned, one of the parameters that goes intoit is Readout Index. This is an index into a table of readout timesallowed to the cameras. There are 4 time windows and two cameras,so there are 2**4 or 16 possibilities. They are also adjusted fortelemetry rate, of which the possible settings are as follows: Telemetry Rates Kbits/sec Packets/sec ------------------------------------------ S&ER5 356.6 48 S&ER6 203.1 32 S&ER3 182.8 24 S&ER1 121.9 16 S&ER2 60.9 8 For example, if you only look at the NAC times we have... NAC time in seconds for telemetry rate (packets/sec) Index 48pps 40pps 32pps 24pps 16pps 8pps -------------------------------------------------- 0-3 50 60 75 100 150 300 4-7 25 30 38 50 75 150 8-11 14 17 21 28 42 84 12-15 6 7 9 12 18 36You could have a truncated image if, for example, you have a 1x1 uncompressed 12-bit image. The camera generates 2277 packets and at 24 packets per second takes about 95 seconds to readout. If you had chosen a readout index from 4 though 7, or 50 seconds, then the camera would only be half-way through the data when its readout window was up and the resulting image would be partial. So if you do not want truncation in this case, you must choose a readout index between 0 and 3. This also limits how quickly you can take images. One might want to image more quickly and accept the image truncation.It gets more complicated when images are read out in a compressed mode. There the amount of data to be transmitted from camera to spacecraft depends on how well it compresses (its compression ratio).Say you have a 1x1 12bit lossless image and you expect 5:1 compression. You would expect 461 packets and a readout time of 19.5 seconds, so ISSPT chooses readout index 8 (28 seconds). Now say the data was less compressible than you expected and only compressed at 3:1. The number of packets was actually 764 with a readout time of 32 seconds. The camera will stop at 28 seconds and you will not get the last 1/8 of the image.The other case is that no matter how compressible images are,even 50 or 100:1, it still takes a certain amount of time forthe CCD to readout its data. For 1x1 images it's around 12-14seconds. So if you expected a 1x1 LUT lossy image to compress 50:1and had used 48 packets per second and thus expect only 23 packetsthat would only take 1/2 second to transmit, it still takes the CCD 12seconds to read out the data that would go into these 23 packets.If you had chosen a readout window of 6 seconds, you would only get1/2 of the image.ISS Lossy Compression Camera Bug Anomaly----------------------------------------An anomaly in the NAC and WAC camera software (Flight Software Version1.3) was discovered in April of 2004. This machine error is caused bythe retrieval of extended and overclocked pixels in images in LOSSYcompression mode. A fix was executed in September of 2004 to correctthe problem. A significant number of images were lost due to this bugbetween the SCLK times 1462417483 thru 1481784349. These missingimages are noted in the quality reports with the ISA number listed inthe 'REASON' column. Cassini Incident Surprise Anomaly reportsZ83951, Z83931 and Z84199 were filed to document the problem. Thesewill be accessible only to operations personnel during the mission,and are listed here for convenience.NAC Haze Anomaly of 2001------------------------In May 2001 (Day 150), in NAC images taken of the Pleiades, a diffusecircular halo appeared around the central peak of the image of Maia;WAC images were not likewise degraded. The apparent cause of thisanomaly was the resumption of normally scheduled decontaminationcycles after a 13-month hiatus. Additionally conservativedecontamination cycles were performed and the haze disappearedleaving the point response function of NAC within pre-anomaly limits.See ISA #Z71910 for more detailed information on this NAC Haze Anomaly. Horizontal Banding------------------Both NAC and WAC images exhibit a low amplitude, coherent noisecharacterized by horizontal banding with significant powerconcentrated in a few spatial frequencies. The spatial frequenciespresent in the images depend on the read out rate from the CCD. Thecameras did not show this problem until they were connected to thespacecraft in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility. The pattern is notfixed on the chip and is highly correlated with the overclocked pixelvalue, indicating a fluctuation in the video bias level of the CCD.The changing amplitude of the banding (measured in DN) in variousgain states is consistent with a constant amplitude in electrons; thedependence of the frequency content on read out rate is consistentwith a constant temporal frequency. The source is unknown but islikely a ground loop somewhere on the spacecraft.Measurements indicate that the banding in the NAC has an amplitude of~2.5 DN in the 12 e-/DN gain state (Gain 3); Fourier analysis showsmainly two frequency components, with the secondary peak having 1/3the power of the main peak. After correction for the CCD readoutrate, the main peak occurs at 2.1 Hz; the secondary peak at 2.5 Hz.This produces a beating pattern with a combined frequency of 0.4 Hz.In the WAC, the amplitude is much smaller (~ 0.5 DN for the 12 e-/DN(Gain 3) state), with a dominant read-out corrected frequency of 4.0Hz; two smaller peaks of 1/10th the power occur at 1.9 Hz and 5.9 Hz.Calibration software being developed by the Imaging Team and withinthe Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations will containalgorithms designed to reduce this coherent noise in Cassini imageswithout unacceptable damage to the image data themselves.Vertical Banding----------------Irregular vertical banding is another type of coherent noise that hasbeen seen in many images; it seems to be absent in images that areread out in telemetry mode S&ER5 (366 kb/sec). The source of thebanding is presently unknown.Incorrect ISS Temperatures in Labels------------------------------------The FILTER_TEMPERATURE and SENSOR_HEAD_ELECTRONICS_TEMP in the ISSlabels contain information from spacecraft sensors. Prior to C37(SCLK 1431917802), the measurements were available for the time of theobservation. Since then, those temperature measurements are onlyavailable for the time of the downlink (could be a day more recentthan the exposure). With the tour version of the CDS flight software,the engineering data containing the temperatures is stored on the SSRbut is not downlinked. There was an option to alter the routing of theengineering data during our observation period, but this option wasnot implemented because it would impact the science data volume.Limitations:Geometric Accuracy------------------Software was developed by ISS/CICLOPS to calculate a large set ofgeometrical quantities for each image provided in the file,along with the keywords from the EDR PDS detached label. Thesegeometrical quantities were computed using the most recent spacecraftposition and orientation kernels. And, in cases where theauto-navigation software was successful for an image, the Autonavc-kernel was used instead of the reconstructed c-kernel provided bythe Attitude Control Subsystem (ACS).The accuracy of the geometrical calculations is dependent on theaccuracy of the kernels provided to CICLOPS and the correctness ofthe CICLOPS software. In order to validate the correctness of thesoftware, representative random set of sample images were chosen andthe results thoroughly inspected and verified for correctness. Additionally, the data has been used and verified through normalscience analysis throughout the mission. However, there is a smallchance that some special cases may produce inaccurate results.Which SPICE kernels were used by the software is indicated in the'Spice_Product_ID' keyword found in the file. In somecases, spacecraft pointing information is not always available due togaps in the c-kernel timeline. In these cases, no calculations areperformed on these images, and thus some keywords may be set to'NULL'. Unknown, null, or not-applicable keyword values areindicated as such according to current PDS standard values assignedfor UNK, NULL, and N/A respectively.The index.lbl file contains the necessary information for interpretingthe file, including keyword names, data types, start bytes,number of bytes, formats, and definitions.
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