Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION A series of multi-banded images.
UVIS Cube Dataset Overview
         The UVIS instrument is part of the remote sensing payload
      of the Cassini orbiter spacecraft.  UVIS has two
      spectrographic channels that provide images and spectra
      covering the ranges from 56 to 118 nm and 112 to 191 nm.  A
      third optical path with a solar blind CsI photocathode is
      used for a high signal-to-noise ratio stellar occultation by
      rings and atmospheres.  A separate hydrogen deuterium
      absorption cell measures the relative abundance of deuterium
      and hydrogen from their lyman-alpha emission.  These
      channels are referred to as EUV, FUV, HSP, and HDAC in this
      document.  The UVIS science objectives include investigation
      of the chemistry, aerosols, clouds, and energy balance of
      the Titan and Saturn atmospheres; neutrals in the Saturn
      magnetosphere; the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio for Titan and
      Saturn; icy satellite surface properties; and the structure
      and evolution of Saturns rings.  The basic instrument
      design adapts proven design concepts using a grating
      spectrometer followed by a multi-element detector.  We chose
      to use imaging, pulse-counting microchannel plate detectors
      because of more than a decade of experience using this kind
      of detector equipped with a CODACON readout anode.  The
      CODACON (Coded Anode Array Converter) acts as a photon
      locator.  The photon counts are accumulated in an external
      memory to build a picture that is periodically read out for
      transfer to the spacecraft memory and eventually, transmission
      to the ground.  The two dimensional format for the CODACON
      detectors allows simultaneous spectral and one-dimensional
      spatial coverage.  The detector format is 1024 x 64 (spectral
      by spatial).
         The Cassini HDAC consists of a channel electron Multiplier
      photodetector equipped with 3 absorption cell filters:  a
      hydrogen cell, a deuterium cell and an oxygen cell.  The
      oxygen cell is not utilized in flight.  The hydrogen and
      deuterium cells function as adjustable absorption filters.
      In each cell a hot tungsten filament disassociates the
      hydrogen and deuterium molecules into atoms, producing an
      atomic density determined by each of 16 different filament
      temperatures.  These atoms resonantly absorb the hydrogen
      and deuterium Lyman-alpha lines passing through the cells.
      Cycling the filaments on and off and comparing the
      differences in signal gives a direct measurement of the
      relative hydrogen and deuterium signals.  Each cell has two
      filaments controlled by separate filament current
      regulators.  Only one filament at a time per cell is used
      during flight.  A Pulse Amplifier Discriminator detects
      photoelectrons from the CEM and sends pulses to the UVIS
      instrument logic.   UVIS contains a high speed photometer
      with an integration time as short as 2.0 ms to observe
      stars occulted by the rings of Saturn.  The photon counts
      collected from the photocathode are passed as a time ordered
      sequence to the instrument, then to spacecraft memory for
      transfer to the ground.
         The data in a UVIS observation are a copy of what was in
      the UVIS memory buffer. That is, the observation consists of
      unprocessed experiment data stored in binary format. An
      observation belongs to one of four different types of data
      product: a spectrum, a time series of spatial-spectral
      images, a time series of detector counts, or an image at one
      wavelength.  Each observation has a unique identifier that
      associates it with a time range and with the configuration
      of the instrument during that time.  Each data product
      contains one observation and is completely defined by a PDS
      label.  The objects are correct in the sense that they conform
      to PDS formatting requirements and are consistent with data
      archived by the UVIS team.  They are complete in that they
      represent all data taken by the UVIS instrument.  In addition,
      CODMAC level 3 data products are derivable from the archived
      data and an associated set of calibration data.
         A UVIS spatial spectral cube (which corresponds to a
      PDS Qube data structure) is a time ordered sequence
      of two-dimensional matrices of EUV or FUV detector counts.
      In the simplest case, a cube is a time ordered sequence of
      1024 x 64 matrices in which each element of the matrix is
      the number of counts taken at an individual detector cell
      during a fixed time interval.  The time interval is defined
      in the instrument configuration associated with the
      observation.  In more complex cases, each integer in the
      cube corresponds to a sub region of the detector and is
      derived by summing over both the spatial and spectral
      dimensions.  For example, if the binning defined on the
      spectral and spectral dimensions is two, a cube consists
      of 32x512 integers, where each integer is derived by summing
      contiguous pairs of cells in the spatial and spectral
      dimensions.  The cube object is a sequence of 1024x64 in
      which all data is located in a 32x512 subregion the
      upper left hand corner of which will be located at 0,0.  All
      other locations in the cube contain null values.  A still
      more complex case involves cubes derived from a set of sub
      regions of the detector.  In this case, the detector is
      divided into a set of active rectangular sub regions (
      windows).  Each window can be binned in  the manner
      described above.  When binning and windowing is applied
      data is in the upper left hand corner of the window.
      For example, if a detector window is defined with its upper
      left corner at 10, 10) and its lower right corner at (20, 20)
      and its binning is defined to be (2, 2) then the data for the
      Nth spectrum is found in the rectangle with a upper left
      corner equal to (10, 10, N) and a lower right hand corner equal
      to (15, 15, N) in the Qube.
         A data product (also referred to as an observation) is a
      cube generated during a particular instrument
      configuration.  All instrument configuration information
      including window, bin, and integration time specifications are
      contained in the PDS object label.
          For a more extensive description of the UVIS instrument and
      the structure and organization of data on this volume see the
      file ROOT/DOCUMENTATION/UVIS.TXT on this archive volume.

      The following observation types are found on this volume.

      UFPSCAN: Interplanetary hydrogen survey.  The purpose of this
      observation type is to search for and measure Lyman Alpha
      emissions while scanning the interplantary medium.

      USTARE: Long integrations of Saturn, Titan or Jupiter.  The
      purpose of this observation type is to do spectroscopy and
      imaging of emitters at Jupiter, Saturn, Titan and the magnetosphere.

      The observation type for each observation is found in OBSERVATION_TYPE
      column of INDEX.TAB.  The specific purpose of each observation
      may be found in the object DESCRIPTION field contained in the label.

      The observation data products are generated by the Laboratory for
      Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado using
      the Data Archiving and Processing System (DAPS) software.  This
      software receives telemetry packet SFDUs from the Telemetry Data
      System, extracts science and engineering data, archives the data
      in a database management system and produces PDS data and label
      object files located on a CD-ROM or DVD physical storage medium.

      All time information is generated from the spacecraft clock using
      the Cassini SCLKSET files.  The DAPS system uses NAIF software and
      project generated SPICE Kernels to generate pointing information.  All
      of these values are contained in the PDS object label.

      A UVIS spatial spectral cube is a time ordered sequence of
      1024 x 64 matrices in which each element of the matrix is the number
      of counts taken at an individual detector pixel during a fixed time
      interval.  The time interval is set in the instrument configuration
      associated with the observation.

      UVIS is capable of windowing and binning the EUV and FUV detectors.
      In these more complex cases, each integer in the cube corresponds
      to a rectangular subregion of detector cells and is derived by summing
      over the spatial and spectral dimensions.  For example, if the binning
      defined on the spectral and spatial dimensions is two, the cube consists
      of 32x512 integers, where each integer is derived by summing the
      counts from disjoint 2x2 subregions of the detector.  The PDS Qube
      object is a sequence of 1024x64 samples, in which all data are located
      in a 32x512 sub-region in the upper left hand corner, located at (0,0).
      All other locations in the PDS Qube contain null values.  A still more
      complex case involves cubes derived from a set of sub regions of the
      detector called windows.  In this case, the detector is divided into a
      set of active rectangular sub regions (windows).  Each window can also
      be binned in the manner just described.  The data stored in the PDS
      Qube are located in the upper left hand corner of the window.  For
      example, if a detector window is defined with its upper left corner
      at (10,10) and its lower right corner at (20, 20) and its binning is
      defined to be (2,2) then the data for the Nth sample is found in the
      rectangle with a upper left corner equal to (10, 10, N) and a lower
      right hand corner equal to (15, 15, N) in the 1024x64 sample of the
      PDS Qube.
      A data product (also referred to as an observation) is a cube
      generated  during a particular instrument configuration, including
      pointing and  instrument set up.  All instrument configuration
      information including window, bin and integration time specifications
      are contained in the PDS object label.
      The following diagrams illustrate these configurations as contained in
      a sample of a PDS Qube.

      0   ***************************
      64  ***************************
      0                       1024

      Fig. An unbinned, single windowed sample where d is data.

      0  ***************************
      32 *ddddddddddddnnnnnnnnnnnnn*
      64 ***************************
      0          512         1024

      Fig. An unbinned window with an upper left hand corner at 0, 0,
      and a lower right hand corner at 512, 32.  Where d is data, n is null.

      0  ***************************
      32 *nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn*
      64 ***************************
      0   0    256         1024

      Fig. A window binned by 32 in the spatial dimension and 2 in
      the spectral dimension with an upper left hand corner at 0, 0, and a
      lower right hand corner at 512, 32.  Where d is data and n is null.

      0  ***************************
      32 *nnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddd*
      63 ***************************
      0   0    256  512         1023

      Fig. Two windows where the first is binned by 32 in the
      spatial dimension and 2 in the spectral dimension and where the first
      has an upper left hand corner at 0, 0, and a lower right hand corner
      at 512, 32.  The  second is unbinned with an upper left hand corner at
      512, 32 and a lower right corner at 1023, 63.  Where d is data and n
      is null.

      Calibration data are used to transform detector counts into
      geophysical units. The EUV, FUV channels have an associated
      calibration process.  FUV and EUV  data are converted to Rayleighs.
      The UVIS team supplies calibration data files.  The calibration
      process is described below and in the PDS label file associated with
      the calibration. data file.

      Calibration data consist of an MxN matrix and a scalar value.  Each
      matrix  and scalar should be used to scale the individual integrations
      of a raw  data product.  The result is a calibrated data product which
      is isomorphic  to the original containing data in units of
      kilorayleighs.   In addition, each calibration data product contains a
      mapping of detector lines to  wavelengths which is stored in the BAND
      BIN_CENTER keyword value.

      Calibration data are archived as a PDS Qubes with the dimensions
      1024x64x1  or 1024x1x1.  All instrument configuration data for the
      observation is  contained in the associated PDS label; in addition the
      label contains  instructions for using the calibration data and a
      detector column to  wavelength mapping and the scalar multiplier
      which is stored in the  CORE_MULTIPLIER value).

      In addition to this mechanism, non-standard calibration routines
      developed by UVIS team members may be provided.  These routines may
      require  user input and control.  These procedures are not supported
      nor are their  validity guaranteed, however to the extent that they
      are intended for  general use by the UVIS team, we will submit
      algorithms and associated data  and documentation.

      Ancillary Data
      The UVIS team supplies calibration data files and the algorithms used
      to generate the FUV and EUV calibration data.  The calibration
      algorithms are archived as text files in the SOFTWARE/CALIB directory
      of the PDS data volume. The file names contain channel and version
      information.  These algorithms  generate calibration data which is
      located in the CALIB/VERSION_n/...  directories.  The algorithms are
      provided as a description of the process by which calibration data is
      generated.  They are not used to calibrate raw data.

      Coordinate System
      In the UVIS data products, all time values that are represented as
      strings  are in UTC time.  All time values are derived from the
      spacecraft clock  using the SCLKSCET translation table supplied by
      the  Cassini project.  All pointing data are expressed in the J2000
      coordinate system.

      LASP provides software for reading PDS data products.  This software
      is  located in the ROOT/SOFTWARE/READERS directory.  The software
      requires Java 1.4 compatible class libraries and RSI/IDL version 6.
      Instructions for running the  routines are located in the file
      READERS_README.TXT, located in the same directory.

      These readers are provided as a convenience for users to access the
      data. Users may choose another approach if desired.  The readers
      enable users to load PDS objects into an RSI/IDL process where they
      are represented as 3  dimensional arrays of integers corresponding to
      the PDS Qube object in which they are stored.  PDS label data are
      stored in an IDL structure variable.

      This disc has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems
      (e.g. IBM PC, Macintosh, Sun, VAX) may access the data.  Specifically,
      the disc is formatted according to the UDF-Bridge DVD format
      standard which provides ISO 9660 level 2 standard compatibility.
      For further information, refer to the ISO 9660 Standard Document:
      RF# ISO 9660-1988, 15 April 1988.

      Specific to the ISO 9660 level 2 standard, filenames on this CD
      conform to the 27.3 file naming convention i.e.,
      1.  The file name portion may be up to 29 characters long; or
      2.  The extension may be up to 29 characters long,
      3.  In no case, however, may the total file name length, including
      the . exceed 31 characters.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 3000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1999-01-07T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
MISSION_START_DATE 1997-10-15T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2017-09-15T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Atmospheres
Confidence Level Overview
      The UVIS observations contained in the PDS data objects in this
      archive represent all UVIS data from cruise, Jupiter and early
      Saturn phases of the mission.  The data in a UVIS data object are
      an unmodified, reformatted copy of the contents of the UVIS memory
      buffer upon completion of an observation. That is, the observation
      contains unprocessed experiment data stored in PDS data object format.

      Data Coverage and Quality
      The UVIS data objects are organized into separate observations.
      Each observation contains data taken from one configuration of
      the instrument.  There may be more than one observation generated
      from one instrument configuration.  This may occur because science
      data generated by the UVIS instrument is dropped when corrupted
      data is detected or transmission failures occur.  The UVIS ground
      system detects this and divides the data into two observations, one
      terminated prior to the data drop the next beginning immediately
      afterword.  The start time and duration of an observation correspond
      to the actual times of the first and last records in the observation.
      Incomplete observations are filled with zeroes.  Over 95% of data
      taken by the instrument is contained in the UVIS archive.

      Only one hardware feature affects UVIS data.  A light leak in the
      instrument casing causes an increase in the background counts in
      the lower half of the EUV channel wavelength range.  This effect is
      detectable by visual inspection of a graph of the data.  No tools
      for detection or correction of these background counts exists.

      One anomaly in the flight software caused data errors to appear
      when multiple windows which do not cover the entire EUV or FUV
      detector are defined.  In an observation, the data errors appear
      as randomly located spikes in detector count values, and one
      completely incorrect spatial line located at a random spatial
      index.  These errors are detectable by visual inspection of a
      plot of the data.  The anomaly was fixed by a revison to the
      software and effects data between launch and 2001-071 09:00:00 UTC

      This volume has completed a peer review by the PDS. The peer review
      panel consisted of Lyle Huber, Mitch Gordon, Steven Adams, Ron Joyner
      and Mark Vincent representing PDS, David Judd and Wayne Pryor from the,
      UVIS team Diane Connor from the Cassini Project and Kurt Retherford
      and John Clarke as outside users.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Esposito, L. (et al.), Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Jupiter Flyby Data, NASA Planetary Data System, CO-J-UVIS-2-CUBE-V1.0, 2005.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Spectrographic observations of Jupiter, Saturnian rings, satellites, atmospheres and the interplanetary medium in the far and extreme ultraviolet.
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