Data Set Information
Data Set Overview
      The Cassini Radio Science Saturn Gravity Science experiment
      (SAGR17 Raw Data Archive is a time-ordered collection of radio
      science raw data acquired on July 5, 2013,
      during the Cassini Extended Extended Mission.
      The DATA_SET_ID 'CO-S-RSS-1-SAGR17-V1.0' includes the following
          Instrument host (i.e., 'CO' for CASSINI ORBITER)
          Target (i.e., 'S' for Saturn)
          Instrument (i.e., 'RSS' for Radio Science Subsystem)
          Data processing level number (i.e., '1')
          Description (i.e., 'SAGR17')
          Version number (i.e., 'V1.0')

      Two types of measurements were obtained; these are known
      as closed-loop and open-loop recordings.  The closed-loop
      system uses a phase-lock loop in the receiver to track the
      downlink signal, reporting both amplitude and frequency 10
      times per second.  In the open-loop system, the signal is
      simply converted to a baseband frequency range; the entire
      passband is sampled and recorded at 1000 samples per second.

      The data set includes three primary data types.  Tracking and
      Navigation Service Data Files (TNFs) are the most primitive (and
      most voluminous) product of the closed-loop system. Orbit Data Files
      (ODFs) are compressed versions of TNFs, specifically targeted to
      spacecraft navigators and scientists interested in gravity fields.
      Radio Science Receiver (RSR) files are the primary data type from
      the open-loop system.

      The TNF is the primary output from the Cassini closed-loop system.
      Each TNF in the data set is accompanied by a PDS minimal label.
      TNF data fields include:
           High- or low-rate Doppler
           Uplink frequencies (ramps)
           Differential Range vs Integrated Doppler (DRVID)
           Allan deviation
           Smoothed noise
      Other information in TNF data records includes sample date and
      time; spacecraft ID; ground station and its configuration;
      status flags and values reported by various ground systems;
      calibration values, noise estimates, and tolerances (station
      delay, transmitter power, etc.); and signal strength.

      The ODF is a compressed version of the TNF.  It contains the most
      important information (range, Doppler and frequency ramps) needed by
      spacecraft navigators, and investigators interested in determining
      gravitational fields.  Each ODF is accompanied by a full PDS label
      which describes both the content and format of the associated file.
      ODF data fields include:
           One-way Doppler (Hertz)
           Two-way Doppler (Hertz)
           Three-way Doppler (Hertz)
           SRA planetary operational discrete spectrum range (range

      The Radio Science Receiver (RSR) files are the primary output
      from the Cassini open-loop system and they contain 16-bit samples
      of receiver output. Each RSR file is accompanied by a full PDS label
      which describes both the content and format of the file at the
      bit level.

      The open-loop Radio Science Receiver (RSR) files are screened for
      gaps.  No gaps were found in the RSR files for SAGR17.

      TNFs are screened for data/contents problems, which are corrected
      if/as possible before the files are released by the JPL multimission
      Radio Metric Data Conditioning Team (RMDCT).

      ODFs are constructed from subsets of TNF data by the RMDCT.

      The closed-loop Tracking and Navigation Service Files (TNFs)
      and the  Orbit Data Files (ODFs) for the Cassini SAGR17 are
      constructed so that each file contains the data for each day.

    Primary Data
      The primary data are stored on DVD volumes in subdirectories TNF,
      ODF, and RSR in per-day directories SAGR17_ddd (where ddd specifies
      the day of year based on the start time of the data). Users should
      refer to the INDEX/CUMINDEX.TAB listing to locate primary data files.

      TNFs are stored in the TNF directory on archival volumes.
      File names are of the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmmxuuwVn.TNF,
      where 'sss' is the sequence/orbit id (e.g., S23), 'tt' is the
      target id (e.g., SA),'aa' is the activity/experiment id (e.g., GS),
      'yyyy_ddd_hhmm' is the date and time for the start of included data
      (e.g., 2006_251_1151), 'xuu' is the transmitter band and uplink
      station (e.g., X14), 'w' is the ground mode or 'way' (e.g., M
      for multiple ground modes) and Vn is the file version number
      (e.g., V1).
      The PDS label has file name sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmmxuuwVn.LBL.
      For this archive, the typical TNF contains about 200 Mbytes.

      ODFs are stored in the ODF directory on archival volumes.
      File names are of the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmmxuuwVn.ODF.
      The PDS label has file name sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmmxuuwVn.LBL.
      For this archive, the typical ODF contains about 7 Mbytes.

      RSR files are stored in the RSR directory on archival volumes.
      File names are of the form sssttaayyyyddd_hhmmxuudrrPD.rcs,
      where 'sss' is the sequence, (e.g., S23), 'tt' is the target,
      (e.g., SA), 'aa' is the activity, (e.g., GS), 'yyyy' is the
      year, (e.g., 2006), 'hhmm' is the start time, (e.g., 2330),
      'xuu' is the uplink band and uplinking station, (e.g., X14),
      'drr' is the downlink band and receiving station, (e.g., K25),
      P is the polarization, (e.g., R for right circular polarization),
      and 'rcs' is the RSR, channel and subchannel that were used to
      collect the data (e.g., 3A1). The PDS label has file name
      sssttaayyyyddd_hhmmxuudrrPD.LBL. The typical RSR contains from
      about 30 Mbytes to about 165 Mbytes depending on Doppler mode and
      station (i.e., track duration).

    Secondary Data
      Secondary data are needed for proper analysis and interpretation
      of the radio data (file types TNF, ODF, and RSR). Secondary data
      that cover a time span of 24 hours or less are stored in
      subdirectories of SAGR17_ddd (i.e., 158, PD1, PD2 and TLM).
      Secondary data that cover a time span greater than 24 hours are
      provided in subdirectories CKF, EOP, ION, SPK and TRO in the
      SAGR17_ANCILLARY directory. Users should refer to the
      INDEX/CUMINDEX.TAB listing to locate secondary data files.

      0158-Monitor Files (158 Directory)
        0158-Monitor files are ASCII files with names
        sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmmrr.158 where 'hhmm_hhmm' is the start
        and end time of the file and 'rr' is the receiving station.
        They are channelized DSN Monitor Data files (new format) and
        they are produced at JPL by a Query Server operating on DSN Monitor
        packets stored in the JPL Telemetry Delivery System (TDS) Data
        Base.  Each 0158-Monitor file is accompanied by a PDS label
        with file name sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmmrr.LBL. Typical file size
        is 10 MB.

      Path Delay Files (PD1 and PD2 Directories)
       Path Delay files are ASCII files and they are produced by the
       RSSG at JPL. File names have the form
       sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmmrr.PD1 (stored in the PD1 directory - the
       '1' in 'PD1' indicates that the data have been collected from
       Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer (AWVR) Unit 1) and
       sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmmrr.PD2 (stored in the PD2 directory - the
       '2' in 'PD2' indicates that the data have been collected from AWVR
       Unit 2) where 'hhmm_hhmm' is the start and end time of the data
       and rr is the receiving station. Each Path Delay file
       is accompanied by a PDS  minimal label with file name
       sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmmrr.LBL. Typical file size is 135 KB.

      Telemetry Files (TLM Directory)
        Telemetry files are ASCII files with names
        sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmm.TLM where 'hhmm_hhmm' is the start and
        end time of the file. They are channelized DSN Telemetry Data files
        and they are produced at JPL by a Query Server operating on DSN
        Telemetry packets stored in the JPL Telemetry Delivery System (TDS)
        Data Base. Each Telemetry file is accompanied by a PDS label
        with file name sssttaayyyy_ddd_hhmm_hhmm.LBL. Typical file size
        is 50 MB. The available Telemetry channels, their names and
        definitions are:

              Telemetry        Name              Definition
              Channel #

              S-0181           KAT_UNLOCK        Ka-Band Translator (KAT)
                                                 Receiver Lock Latch
              S-0182           SBT_STATE_SW      S-Band Transmitter (SBT)
                                                 On/Off State
                                                 (Commanded Mode)
              S-0183           KAT_STATE_SW      KAT On/Off State
                                                 (Commanded Mode)
              S-0185           KEX_STATE         Ka-Band Exciter (KEX)
                                                 On/Off State
              S-0186           KAT_STATE_HW      KAT Off/On
                                                 (Actual Status)
              S-0188           KTWT_SBY_HW       Ka-Band Traveling Wave
                                                 Tube Amplifier (KATWTA)
                                                 Standby Enable/Inhibit
                                                 (Actual Status)
              S-0189           KAT_RCVR_LCK      KAT Receiver
              S-0190           SBT_STATE_HW      SBT Off/On
                                                 (Actual Status)
              S-0191           SBT_REF_HW        SBT Reference
                                                 (Actual Status)
              S-0192           SBT_REF_SW        SBT Reference
                                                 (Commanded Mode)
              S-0193           KTWT_SBY_SW       KATWTA Standby
                                                 (Commanded Mode)
              S-0166           KTWT_P_IN_r       KATWTA Input Power Level
              S-0164           KTWT_P_OUT_r      KATWTA Output Power Level
              S-0100           KAT_SPE_a         KAT Receiver Static Phase
                                                 Error (Telemetry Control
                                                 Unit (TCU) A)
              S-0102           SBT_P_OUT_a       SBT Output Power
                                                 Level (TCU A)
              S-0104           KEX_P_OUT_a       KEX Output Power
                                                 Level (TCU A)
              S-0106           KEX_X_PWR_a       KEX X-Band Power
                                                 Level (TCU A)
              S-0108           KEX_PCV_a         KEX Power Conv
                                                 Voltage (TCU A)
              S-0112           KTWT_HLX_I_a      KATWTA Helix
                                                 Current (TCU A)
              S-0114           KTWT_P_OUT_a      KATWTA Output
                                                 Power Level (TCU A)
              S-0116           KTWT_P_IN_a       KATWTA Input
                                                 Power Level (TCU A)
              S-0118           KTWT_CTH_I_a      KATWTA Cathode
                                                 Current (TCU A)
              S-0120           KAT_TEMP_a        KAT Temperature (TCU A)
              S-0122           SBT_TEMP_a        SBT Temperature (TCU A)
              S-0124           KTWT_TEMP_a       KATWTA Temperature (TCU A)
              S-0126           KEX_TEMP_a        KEX Temperature (TCU A)
              S-0128           KTWT_CURR_a       KATWTA Prime Current
                                                 (TCU A)

      C-Kernel Files (CKF Directory)
        C-Kernel Files are in transfer format and they are produced by the
        Cassini Attitude and Articulation Control Subsystem team (AACS).
        File names have the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.CKF where
        'yyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd is the start and end time of the file. Each
        C-Kernel file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.LBL. Typical file size is 18 MB.

      Earth Orientation Parameter files (EOP Directory)
        Earth Orientation Parameter files are ASCII files and they are
        produced by the Kalman Earth Orientation Filter (KEOF) Group
        at JPL. File names have the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.EOP.
        Each EOP file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file
        name sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.LBL.  Typical file size is 24 KB.

      Ionosphere Calibration Files (ION Directory)
        Ionosphere Calibration files are produced by the Tracking
        System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.  They provide
        historical and predicted Earth ionospheric conditions.
        File names have the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.ION.
        Each ION file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file
        name sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.LBL. Typical file size is 23 KB.

      Spacecraft/Planetary Ephemeris (SP-Kernel) Files (SPK Directory)
        Spacecraft/Planetary Ephemeris Files (also known as SP kernels
        or SPK files) are produced by the Cassini Navigation Team
        (NAV).  These files give spacecraft and planetary ephemerides.
        File names have the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.SPK.
        Each SPK file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        having the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.LBL.

      Troposphere Calibration Files (TRO Directory)
        Troposphere Calibration files are produced by the
        Tracking System Analytic Calibration (TSAC) Group at JPL.
        They provide historical and predicted Earth tropospheric
        conditions.  File names have the form sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.TRO.
        Each TRO file is accompanied by a PDS minimal label with file name
        sssttaayyyy_ddd_yyyy_ddd.LBL. Typical file size is 120 KB.

    Files in the CALIB Directory
       The CALIB directory contains a Leapsecond kernel file, a Spacecraft
       Clock Conversion file, and a Boresight Calibration Report. All files
       in the CALIB directory are ASCII text files with variable length
       records delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs. All file
       names in this directory contain the string 'yymmdd', where yy, mm,
       dd indicate the year, month and day of the file creation.

       Leapsecond kernel files are a record of leap seconds (past and
       predicted) that allow proper conversion between ephemeris time
       and UTC. File names are of the form:


       Each file LSK_yymmdd.TLS is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal
       label with name LSK_yymmdd.LBL.

       Spacecraft Clock Conversion files allow time measured by the
       spacecraft clock to be converted to other time systems (e.g.,
       ephemeris time or UTC). File names are of the form:


       Each file TSC_yymmdd.SCK is accompanied by a PDS detached minimal
       label with name TSC_yymmdd.LBL.

       The Boresight Calibration Reports are produced by the Radio Science
       Systems Group (RSSG) at JPL.  The naming convention for these files


    Coordinate System
      SPK files are produced in the J2000 inertial
      reference frame. Other data types are not dependent on any
      definition of a coordinate system.

      Software for parsing, reducing, and analyzing data such as
      these has been developed at JPL and elsewhere. Because such
      software must usually operate at the bit-level and is written
      for a narrow range of platforms, it is unsuitable for
      general distribution. As such, no software is included with
      this archival data set.

      The archival data set is written on DVD-R media. The DVD-R volumes
      conform to the 'UDF_ISO-9660_BRIDGE' structure as required by PDS.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2014-07-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2013-07-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2013-09-30T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1997-10-15T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2017-09-15T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Atmospheres
      In general, this is a good data set.

      This archival data set was reviewed by the Cassini Radio Science
      Team prior to submission to the Planetary Data System (PDS).

    Data Coverage and Quality
      The data are contained in one volume (DVD), CORS_0456,
      and they cover the Radio Science Gravity Science Enhancement
      experiment conducted on July 5, 2013.
      There are no known problems with this data set.

      The limitations in this data set follow from the quality of
      the execution, which is described above under Data Coverage
      and Quality.
ABSTRACT_TEXT The Cassini Radio Science Saturn Gravity Science Experiment (SAGR17) Raw Data Archive is a time-ordered collection of radio science raw data acquired on July 5, 2013, during the Cassini Extended Extended Mission.
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