Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Galileo Imaging (SSI) Jupiter System Experiment Data Records
Data Set Overview
    This data set has been generated by NASA's Galileo Project in order to
    distribute the images acquired by the Solid State Imaging (SSI) camera
    to the scientists and later to the Planetary Data System (PDS).  This
    collection resides on volumes GO_0017 thru GO_0022.  Included are all
    images of Jupiter, its satellites, stars and calibrations, acquired
    during the Jupiter Orbital Operations which comprise the Prime Mission
    and the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) phases.  These phases extended
    from June, 1996 thru February, 2000 and included SCLKs from 346405900
    thru 527365602.
    To enhance image data return over the available spacecraft-to-Earth
    telecommunication channel during this phase of the mission, an Integer
    Cosine Transform data compressor was added as well as windowing
    options and multiple exposure/single read-out mode (on-chip mosaic).
      On-chip mosaics (OCMs) are images acquired in a multiple
      exposure/single read-out mode.  A typical application is where four
      images of a target-body are acquired by slewing the camera (and
      stepping the filter wheel) to image the target in each of the four
      corners of the CCD array.  CCD read-out is suppressed until all four
      exposures are completed, thus resulting in a 2x2 mosaic.  3x3, 5x5,
      or nxm mosaics are possible, where n and m are limited only by the
      pixel diameter of the target and pointing accuracy of the scan
      The OCM is referred to as the parent frame.  When the OCM is
      separated into areas, the resulting UDRs are referred to as its
    Integer Cosine Transform Compression:
      The Integer Cosine Transform (ICT) is a 'lossy' compression
      algorithm which is similar to the standard JPEG DCT (discrete cosine
      transform) except that it requires only integer arithmetic to
      implement [TONG1995].  Data loss occurs during the quantization
      step, where frequency terms are divided by corresponding elements of
      an 8x8 quantization matrix.  The elements of the quantization matrix
      can be scaled (quantization step size) to achieve greater data
      compression with correspondingly greater data loss.  Considerable
      effort has been expended in designing quantization matrices with
      non-uniform weights to maximize data compression while minimizing
      data loss.
      In the ICT compressed mode, two windowing options are available.
      The image may be edited so that only an image area (called a cut-out
      window) is compressed and transmitted to Earth.  In addition, a
      96x96 pixel area within the image (called a truth window) will be
      transmitted with only lossless Huffman compression applied.
    The Galileo SSI camera acquires data in a digital raster-format
    containing 800 scan lines and 800 samples per scan line.  Each picture
    element (pixel) in the two dimensional image array is represented as
    an 8-bit value between 0 and 255, proportional to the amount of light
    detected at that point (with 0 being the least amount of light and 255
    being the greatest amount of light).  The camera is equipped with
    seven color filters and a clear filter such that images taken through
    complementary filters can be combined during ground processing to
    produce color images.  To make full scientific use of the image
    collection, the radiometric and geometric properties of the camera
    system should be understood.
    The ancillary disc, GO_0001, will provide calibration files and
    technical documentation necessary for the understanding of the images
    produced by the SSI camera.  Presently, calibration files and software
    are available through the VICAR software system at MIPS and SPICE
    files are available through the Galileo Project.
    REDR Processing:
      The Raw Experiment Data Records (REDRs) were produced by the
      Multimission Image Processing Laboratory (MIPL) at the Jet
      Propulsion Laboratory using several Video Image Communications and
      Retrieval (VICAR) programs.  The processing included the following
      --The original telemetry data was processed into raster-formatted
        files (GLLTELEMPROC)
      --Multiple versions of each data file obtained from separate
        downlinks or playbacks were merged together to create the best
        version of the data (SSIMERGE2)
      --The VICAR label was updated to reflect the most recent pointing
        information of which was acquired by updating SPICE SPK and CK
        data files (CATLABEL)
      --Bad data value information was then added to the Telemetry Header
      --The PDS Index table and detached PDS label files were generated.
      --The VICAR files and PDS files were premastered onto a WORM CD-ROM
        which was validated.
      --The WORM CD-ROM was sent to a vendor and CD-ROM's were generated.
      --A final CD-ROM was compared bit-by-bit with the original data to
        ensure the quality of the vendor product.
      In the event that lines needed to be shifted due to CDS line
      dropouts or bottom partial records, the program GLLMVLN was run
      prior to the merging step.
      For on-chip mosaics, the processing steps were identical except that
      the program UNMOSAIC was used to extract each shutter event and
      output it as a separate image of the same size as the input image.
      (UNMOSAIC)  This step is run just after the merging step.
    Multiple Playbacks/Different Compression:
      In the cases where an image is played back multiple times and
      compression parameters vary for each playback, 'new' SCLKs are
      assigned with the SCLK incrementing by one minor frame each time.
      For example, if the image with SCLK 351000000 were played back three
      times with different compression parameters, the resulting SCLKs
      would be:
        351000000 for the first playback
        351000001 for the second playback at different compression
        351000002 for the third playback at another compression
      Images from the same SCLK with different compression parameters will
      not be merged together.
    Each volume contains approximately 800 images stored as VICAR files.
    A detached PDS label has been included for each image.  Documentation
    files have been provided which inform the user about the organization
    and contents of the disc, and the definition of the labels. An index
    files have also been provided which contain information about the
    images in the data set.
    The REDR data are generated by MIPS using procedures specifically
    developed or adapted for Galileo.  The files are generated on a VAX
    and are written in VAX compatible (LSByte first) format.
    REDR File Format:
      The Galileo REDR format was originally reserved for SSI calibration
      data or data which should not be radiometrically corrected.  The SSI
      Team decided that the REDR format will be used to archive all raw
      SSI data.
               |                  VICAR LABEL                       |
               |                                                    |
               |                 BINARY HEADER                      |
               |           (Telemetry Header Record &               |
               |          Bad-Data Value Header Records)            |
               |                                                    |
               |               |                                    |
               |               |                                    |
               |    BINARY     |           IMAGE DATA               |
               |    PREFIX     |            (Pixels)                |
               | (Line Header) |                                    |
               |               |                                    |
               |               |                                    |
               |               |                                    |
      Each REDR file will begin with a VICAR label, followed by the REDR
      telemetry header, and a number of bad-data value headers followed by
      REDR line records.  Each line record will contain 200 bytes of line
      header information plus the pixel data (8 bits/pixel).
      All records have a fixed 1000-byte length within each REDR file.
      All formats have 1000-byte records.  Note:  telemetry modes with
      fewer than 800 lines and 800 samples occupy lines and samples of as
      defined in the table below (e.g., summation mode which is 400 lines
      and 400 samples, will occupy the first 400 lines and 400 samples of
      the 800 by 800 REDR).  The table below lists the telemetry formats.
     Telemetry     Downlink       # Lines X     Comment
       Format      Data Rate      # Samples
        HIS        115.2 Kbps     400 X 400     Last 6 pixels are fill
        HMA        115.2 Kbps     400 X 800     Last 12 pixels are fill
                                                Sample readout: 800x800;
                                                   every 2nd line has data
        HCA        115.2 Kbps     200 X 800     Sample readout:800x800;
                                                   every 4th line has data
        HIM        115.2 Kbps     800 X 800     Last 12 pixels are fill
        IM8        806.4 Kbps     800 X 800
        AI8        806.4 Kbps     400 X 400
        IM4        403.2 Kbps     800 X 800
      For all REDRs, the telemetry header is split into two physical
      records.  The first 1000 bytes are placed in the first physical
      record after the VICAR label (the VICAR label may span more than one
      physical record), and the last 800 bytes are placed in the next
      physical record.  The last 200 bytes are zero-filled.
      There will be a one-to-one correspondence between line records and
      image lines (Excluding the header records, line record 'n' will
      contain the data for image line 'n').
      See the SSI Raw Experiment Data Record (REDR) for Phase 2 Software
      Interface Specification [WHITE1997] located in the DOCUMENT
      directory for a more detailed description of the REDR format.  In
      addition, see the VICAR2.TXT and BADDATA.TXT  files, also located in
      the DOCUMENT directory, and the RTLMTAB.FMT and RLINEPRX.FMT files
      in the LABEL directory.
  Ancillary Data
    All document files and detached label files contain a carriage return
    character (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end
    of each record.  This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS,
    Unix, and VMS operating systems.  Tabular files are also described by
    a detached PDS label. The PDS label file has the same name as the data
    file it describes, with the extension .LBL; for example, the file
    IMGINDEX.TAB is accompanied by the detached label file IMGINDEX.LBL in
    the same directory.  The detached PDS labels for REDR images contain
    information pertaining to the image.
    Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into
    many database management systems on various computers.  All fields are
    separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double
    quotation marks. Character fields are left justified, and numeric
    fields are right justified. The start byte and bytes values listed in
    the labels do not include the commas between fields or the quotation
    marks surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length,
    and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage
    return and line feed characters.  This allows a table to be treated as
    a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type
    and as a normal text file on other computers.
    The following CD-ROM copy, display and processing software has been
    successfully tested using the Galileo SSI data:
    Copy Software:
    --DCL Exchange/network - for ascii files.
    --DCL  COPY (VMS) - available with VMS
    --VICAR Copy (VMS and UNIX) - Available with VICAR package.
      Display Software:
    --NASAVIEW (PC, Apple Macintosh, UNIX) - Available from PDS.
    --VICAR XVD  (VMS and UNIX) - Available with VICAR package
    --PIXEL PUSHER (Apple Macintosh) - Available from COSMIC.
    --NIH IMAGE  (Apple Macintosh) - A public domain program available
      from the National Institute of Health.
      Processing Software:
    --VICAR (VMS and UNIX) - Available through the Multimission Image
      Processing Lab at JPL
    --ISIS (VMS and UNIX) - Available through the USGS in Flagstaff
    Each CD-ROM disc has been formatted such that a variety of computer
    systems may access the data.  Specifically, the discs are formatted
    according to the ISO 9660 level 1 Interchange Standard, and file
    attributes are specified by Extended Attribute Records (XARs).
    Formats are based on standards for archive EDR CD-ROM products
    established by PDS.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2000-07-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1996-06-03T05:47:18.857Z
STOP_TIME 2000-02-18T10:16:40.726Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1993-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 1996-01-01T12:00:00.000Z
Confidence Level Overview
    The SSI REDRs contain raw data as received from Galileo telemetry.
    All of the images received were processed and are contained on these
    volumes  Included in the 'limitations' section are explanations of the
    VICAR and PDS keywords and values, as well as a description of a
    problem found with one frame in the data set.  This data set contains
    all of the data acquired during the Gaspra and Earth 2 period, the
    processing has been verified,  and is currently in use by science team
    members in their analysis.
    The SSI REDRs are reviewed prior to archiving by the SSI team.  Data
    received is compared with data expected, and replays of missing data
    is requested.  The status and validity information on the REDRs
    themselves is examined.  Format and documentation of the CD-ROM
    archive volume is reviewed by PDS and is documented in the 'Solid
    State Imaging Raw Experiment Data Record CD-ROM Software Interface
    Specification' [MORTENSEN1997].  The mastered and replicated CD-ROM
    volumes received from the vendor are compared bit-by-bit with the
    original data to ensure the quality of the product.
  Data Coverage and Quality
    Sequences/Observations for pre-Orbit 1
      SCLK range:  346405900 - 349193900 (Optical Navigation-OPNAV)
      ERT range:   96/155:17:47:18.857 - 96/175:07:41:11.980
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 0/0
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 33/31
      Optical Navigation (OPNAV):
      J0GSOPNAV115thru 116
      J0GSOPNAV138 thru 139
      J0GSOPNAV150 thru 153
      J0GSOPNAV158 thru 162
      J0GSOPNAV164 thru 165
      J0GSOPNAV168 thru 169
      J0GSOPNAV172 thru 173
      J0GSOPNAV188 thru 189
      J0GSOPNAV194 thru 195
      J0GSOPNAV196 thru 200
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 1 (Ganymede 1)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 349542152 - 350029800
                   356000600 - 359198400 (OPNAV)
      ERT ranges:  96/183-07:38:25.928 - 96/231-13:43:20.690
                   96/223:02:39:43.300 - 96/237:10:55:15.282 (OPNAV)
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 161/151
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 32/11
      G1ESGLOBAL01 (part 1)  2x2 Europa global, clear
      G1ESGLOBAL01 (part 2)  1x1 Europa north pole, color
      G1ESEUTERM01     1x2     Europa terminator, clear
      G1ISGLOMON02     2x2     4-color global coverage, OCM
      G1ISGLOMON04     2x2     4-color global coverage, OCM
      G1ISGLOMON05     2x2     4-color global coverage, OCM
      G1ISIOECLI02     1x2     Io eclipse observation, OCM
      G1ISPLLOKI01     1x3     3-Clr plume; Loki on limb, OCM
      G1ISPLATEN01     1x3     3-Clr plume; Aten on limb, OCM
      G1GSGLOBAL01     1x1     Geodetic control, red
      G1GSGLOBAL02     1x1     Color global
      G1GSURUSUL01     2x2     Uruk Sulcus Stereo
      G1GSGREGIO01     2x2     Galileo Regio Dark terrain
      G1GSMEMPHI01     1x8     Memphis Facula
      G1GSSULCUS01     1x4     Unnamed sulcus; Very high res
      G1JSGRSEM101      3x2    emission 31 deg GRS, 2 clr
      G1JSGRSEM201      3x2    emission 27 deg GRS, 4 clr
      G1JSGRSEM301      3x2    emission 31 deg GRS, 4 clr
      G1JSGRSEM401 (part 1)  1x2  emission 76 deg GRS, 3 clr
      G1JSGRSEM401 (part 2)  2x2  emission 76 deg GRS, 2 clr
      Optical Navigation (OPNAV):
      G1GSOPNAV114 thru 115
      G1GSOPNAV143 thru 145
      G1GSOPNAV158 thru 159
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 2 (Ganymede 2)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 359251000 - 359322300  (OPNAV)
                   359402445 - 360361200
      ERT ranges:  96/245:22:26:14.566 - 96/246:10:31:10.512 (OPNAV)
                   96/255-14:03:53.827 - 96/301-02:37:09.523
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 213/168
      number of OPNAVs expected/received -  26/24
      G2GSTRANST01     2x2     transitional terrain
      G2GSGLLREG01     1x1     Galileo Regio furrows
      G2GSCRATER01     1x1     dark floor crater
      G2GSNIPPUR01     1x3     Nippur Sulcus
      G2GSGRVLNS01     2x2     groove lanes
      G2GSGLLREG02     1x1     Galileo Regio stereo with G1
      G2GSPLMPST01     1x13    palimpsest  on bright terrain
      G2GSURUKSL01     2x1     Uruk Sulcus stereo with G1
      G2GSLTDKBD01     1x16    crater @ light/dark boundary
      G2CSVGRGAP01     2x1     Voyager gap fill
      G2CSPHOTOM01     1x1     low-phase photometry, 3 color
      G2ESPHOTOM01     1x1     low-phase photometry, 3 color
      G2ISSRFMON01      1x1    surface monitoring
      G2ISSRFMON02      1x1    surface monitoring, 3 color
      G2ISPLUMON01 thru 09  1x3  various longitudes, OCM
      G2ISPLUMON11 thru 32  1x2  various longitudes, OCM
      G2ISPLUMON10      1x1    1 longitude
      Small Satellites:
      G2SSAMALTH01      1x3    Target Longitude 28 OCM
      G2JSSL9LAT01      1x4    emission 64-90 deg; SL9 impact
      G2NSHISCAL01             Calibration darks, 4 gains
      Optical Navigation (OPNAV):
      G2ESOPNAV216 thru 218
      G2CSOPNAV100 thru 101
      G2GSOPNAV114 thru 115
      G2GSOPNAV118 thru 119
      G2ESOPNAV122 thru 125
      G2CSOPNAV138 thru 139
      G2CSOPNAV144 thru 145
      G2CSOPNAV150 thru 151
      G2CSOPNAV156 thru 157
      G2CSOPNAV160 thru 161
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 3 (Callisto 3)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 368211900 - 368992339
                   372343200 - 374037400 (OPNAV)
      ERT ranges:  96/316-05:27:12.172 - 96/348-02:11:05.236
                   96/337:20:50:32.231 - 96/349:18:46:37.142 (OPNAV)
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 245/180
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 27/26
      C3CSHEMCLR01     1x1    5-color, Asgard hemisphere
      C3CSVGRGAP01     2+3    Voyager gap fill
      C3CSASGRNG01     2x2    Asgard ring structure
      C3CSVALPLM01     1x1    1-color Valhalla palimpsest; hi res
      C3CSCATENA01     1x8    Catena
      C3CSVALPLN01     2x5    Valhalla scarp & smooth plains
      C3CSVALGRB01     2x3    Valhalla graben
      C3ESWEDGES01     2x1+1  Wedges, Agenor Linea
      C3ESAJTERM01     1x1    Terminator, Cilix crater
      C3ESPLUMES01     6-image OCM Plume search; solar occultation
      C3ISTOPMAP01     1x1    Topo Mapping, term @ 90.8 degrees
      C3ISTOPMAP02     1x1    Topo Mapping, term @ 119.8 deg;Io
      C3ISTOPMAP03     1x2    Topo Mapping, term @ 149.6 degrees
      C3ISTOPMAP04     1x1    Topo Mapping, term @ 177.8 degrees
      C3ISTOPMAP05     1x1    Topo Mapping, term @ 209.0 degrees
      Rings and Small Satellites:
      C3ASAMLTHE01     3-img  OCM Target Longitude:  233 degrees
      C3ASAMLTHE02     1x1    Target Longitude:  330 degrees
      C3SSTHEBE_01     1x1    Target Longitude:  62 degrees
      C3RSRINGS_01     1x4    Main ring; S/C in solar occultation
      C3RSRNGHAL01     3+2    Ring halo; S/C in solar occultation
      C3RSGOSSMR01     1x2    Gossamer ring; S/C in solar occultat
      C3RSRINGS_02     1x1    Main ring; S/C in solar occultation
      C3RSRINGS_03     1x4    Main ring; S/C in solar occultation
      C3JSAURRGN01     1x2    emission 50-75 deg; aurora.
      C3JSBZONEB01     2x2    emission 25-55 deg; Belt Zone, 4 clr
      C3JSHICOLR01     1x1    High Res in 2 colors.
      C3JSHICOLR02     1x1    High Res.
      C3JSAURRGN02     1x2    emission 50-75 deg; auroral, 3 clr
      C3JSBZONEB02     2x2    emission 15-30 deg; Belt Zone, 4 clr
      C3JSBZONEB03     2x2    emission 30-50 deg; Belt Zone, 4 clr
      C3JSBZONEB04     2x2    emission 55-90 deg; Belt Zone, 4 clr
      C3JSLIMBHZ01     1+1    Jup limb at W equator & s pole
      C3JSLTGSPT01     1x1    Single spot search for lightning
      C3JSAURORA01     1x1    Aurora obs at South pole
      C3JSAURORA02     1x1    Aurora obs at South pole
      C3JSAURORA03     1x1    Aurora obs at South pole
      C3JSLTGSCN01 thru 06    East to W slew; lightning search
      C3ISNA_CLD01     2-image OCM S/C in occultation; sodium cld
      C3JSAURORA04 thru 06 1x1 Aurora obs at North pole
      Optical Navigation (OPNAV):
      C3ISOPNAV101 thru 127
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 4 (Europa 4)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 374456500 and 374885901
                   382058200 and 383085700 (OPNAV)
      ERT ranges:  96/337:20:50:32.231 - 96/349:18:46:37.142
                   97:040:02:06:39.721 - 97:047:10:36:59.533 (OPNAV)
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 214/137
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 12/10
      E4ESGLOMAP01     3+2    Global map
      E4ESMACSTR01     1x1    High res maculae context
      E4ESDRKMAT01     3x1    High res dark material
      E4ESMACSTR02     2x2    High res macula
      E4ESDRKMAT02     3+2    High res dark material
      E4ISIOECLI01    1x2     Eclipse, OCM
      E4ISIOECLI02    2x2     Eclipse, OCM 3-color
      E4ISSURMON01    2-1x2   Surface monitor, 18.8 Rj, OCM
      E4ISGLOCOL01    1x2     Global 6-color, 1deg phase, #1
      E4ISGLOCOL02    1x1     Global 6-color, 1deg phase, #2
      E4ISIOECLI03    1x1     Eclipse, OCM
      E4ISIONITE01    1x1     Io in Jupiter shine, OCM, #1
      E4ISIONITE02    1x1     Io in Jupiter shine, OCM, #2
      Small Satellites:
      E4ASAMALTH01    1x4     OCM Target Longitude: 0
      E4SS_THEBE01    1x3     OCM Target Longitude: 180
      E4SSADRAST01    1x1     Target Longitude: 180
      E4SSADRAST02    1x1     Target Longitude: 300
      E4ASAMALTH02    1x1     Target Longitude: 240
      E4ASAMALTH02    1x1     Target Longitude: 240
      E4JSHOTSPT01    1x4     emiss 27deg Hot spot, 4-clr
      E4JSHOTSPS01    1x3     emiss 27deg Hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPN01    2x2     emiss 27deg N hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPT02    1x4     emiss 31deg Hot spot, 4-clr
      E4JSHOTSPS02    1x3     emiss 31deg Hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPN02    2x2     emiss 31deg N hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPT03    1x3     emiss 76deg Hot spot, 4-clr
      E4JSHOTSPS03    1x2     emiss 76deg Hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPN03    2x1     emiss 76deg N hot spot, 2-clr
      E4JSHOTSPT04    1x4     emiss 31deg Hot spot, 1-clr
      E4JSHOTSPS04    1x3     emiss 31deg Hot spot, 1-clr
      E4JSHOTSPN04    2x2     emiss 31deg N hot spot, 2clr
      E4JS148PHA03    1x1     bright limb Hot spot lat,2clr
      E4JS148PHA04    1x1     bright limb 60 deg lat, 2-clr
      E4JS160PHA03    1x1     bright limb Hot spot lat,2clr
      E4JS160PHA04    1x1     bright limb 60 deg lat, 2-clr
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 6 (Europa 6)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 383490245 and 383944168
                   388834700 and 389042900 (OPNAV)
      ERT ranges:  97/054-21:16:39.329 - 97/087-19:25:33.214
                   97:087:16:02:08.615 - 97:089:03:12:51.757 (OPNAV)
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 220/179
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 8/8
      E6ESGLOBAL01    2x1    Global tie frames
      E6ESDRKLIN01    2x3    Dark linea, intersection
      E6ESCRATER01    2x2    Crater & bright ejecta
      E6ESBRTPLN01    1x4    Bright plain material
      E6ESCRATER02    1x6    Swath across crater & ejecta
      E6ESBRTPLN02    3+2    Hi-res bright plain material
      E6CSCOLOR_01    1x1    Color
      E6ISPELE__01    1x3    OCM Pele Plume
      E6ISLOKI__01    2x2    OCM Loki Plume
      E6ISRA____01    2x2    OCM Ra Patera Plume
      E6ISSRFMON01    2x2    OCM Surface monitor
      E6ISPLUME_01    1x1    clr Plume @ radio occult lon
      E6ISTOPMAP01    1x1    Io topography
      E6ISSRFMON02    1x1    color Surface monitor
      E6ISECLIPS01    1x1    Io eclipse
      E6GSCOLOR_01    1x1    Global color, VGR gap
      E6GSGLOBAL01    2x2    Global,VGR gap
      E6GSGLOBAL02    2x1    Global, VGR gap
      Small Satellites:
      E6SSTHEBE_01    1x4    OCM Target Lon:300 Act:300
      E6SSAMALTH01    1x1    Target Lon:120 Act:118
      E6JSWHTOVL01    4x2    White oval, 1-color
      E6JSWHTOVL02    4x2    White oval, 4-colors
      E6JSWHTOVL03    4x2    White oval, 4-colors
      E6JSWHTOVL04    4x2    White oval, 4-colors
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 7 (Ganymede 7)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK ranges: 389266100 and 389269100 (OPNAV)
                   389522100 and 389923946
      ERT ranges:  97:090:16:37:46.549 - 97:090:17:15:21.121 (OPNAV)
                   97/099-16:31:28.087 - 97/122-07:10:33.019
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 208/177
      number of OPNAVs expected/received - 3/3
      G7CSGLOBAL01    1x1    global
      G7ESECLIPS01    2*OCM  Solar eclipse by Jupiter
      G7ESGLOBAL01    1x1    Global image
      G7ESLOWFOT01    1x1    Low phase photometry
      G7ESVLOFOT01    1x1    Very low phase photometry
      G7ESTYRMAC01    1x1    Tyre Macula
      G7ESAPEXCR01  5,1x1    Craters at apex of motion
      G7ISECLIPS01  4*OCM    Solar eclipse by Jupiter
      G7ISECLIPS02  4*OCM    Solar eclipse by Jupiter
      G7ISSMONLO01  4*OCM    Surface monitor @ low lon
      G7ISTOPMAP02    1x1    Topo mapping at lon 300
      G7ISTOPMAP03    1x1    Topo mapping at lon 330
      G7ISSMONHI01    1x1    Surface monitor @ high lon
      G7ISSMONLO02  4*OCM    Surface monitor @ low lon
      G7GSPALIMP01    1x1    Palimpsest
      G7GSCATENA01    1x1    Enki Catena
      G7GSNICHOL01    1x3    Nicholson Regio
      G7GSACHELS01    1x2    Achelous
      G7GSNUNSUL01    1x2    Nun Sulci
      G7GSNEITH_01    2x2    Nieth
      G7GSKITTU_01    1x1    Kittu
      G7GSKITTU_02    1x1    3-color Kittu
      Small Satellites:
      G7SSTHEBE_01  3*OCM    Target Longitude: 60
      G7SSADRTEA01    1x1    Target Longitude: 60
      G7SSMETIS_01    1x1    Target Longitude: 60
      G7JSAUROA01   6*1x1    Aurora
      G7JSBRNBRG01  3+2+3    Brown Barge,4 clr
      G7JSBRNBRG02  3+2+3    Brown Barge, 4 clr
      G7JSBRNBRG03  2+2+2    Brown Barge, 4 clr
      G7JSBRNBRG04  3+2+3    Brown Barge, 1 clr
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 8 (Ganymede 8)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range:  394364268 and 394682801
      ERT range:   97/132-16:07:33.779 - 97/170-13:14:08.541
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 243/217
      G8CSVGRGAP01    3x5    Voyager gap fill
      G8CSSPOLAR01  3x4+1    south polar
      G8CSADLNDA01    3x4    Adlinda
      G8CSPHOTOM01    1x1    high phase photometry
      G8ISECLIPS01    1x3    Io in eclipse 3-image OCM
      G8ISKANEHI01    1x3    Kanehikili plume monitor
      G8ISAMRANI01    1x3    Amirani plume monitoring
      G8ISMALIK_01    1x3    Malik plume monitoring
      G8ISPROMTH01    1x3    Prometheus plume monitor
      G8ISVOLUND01    1x3    Volund plume monitor, OCM
      G8ISMARDUK01    1x1    Marduk plume monitor
      G8GSREGCON01    1x1    Regional Context
      G8GSTIAMAT01    1x1    Tiamat Sulcus
      G8GSMARIUS01    1x1    Marius Regio
      G8GSRNGBAS01    1x2    multi-ringed basin
      G8GSBUTOFC01    1x2    Buto Facula
      G8GSMELKRT01    1x2    Melkart Crater
      G8GSCALDRA01    2x3    caldera-like features
      G8GSFRACDK01    1x1    fractured dark terrain
      G8GSANSHAR01    1x2    Anshar Sulcus
      G8GSPITCRA01    1x1    pit crater
      G8GSERECH_01    1x2    Erech Sulcus
      Small Satellites:
      G8SSADRAST01    1x1    CLR
      G8SSADRAST02    1x1    CLR
      G8SSMETIS_01    1x1    Target Longitude: 97
      G8JSSOTEMP01    2x5    emission 34 to 90 deg
      G8JSSOTEMP02 3+3+3+2   emission 34 to 70 deg
      G8JSSOTEMP03 3+3+3+2   emission 45 to 90 deg
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 9 (Callisto 9)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range: 401505300 and 412460845
      ERT range:  97/180-17:21:45.765 - 97/256-07:30:49.661
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 416/222
      C9CSHAR___01    1x1   Domed crater (Har)
      C9CSCRATER01    2x3   Crater statistics, part 2
      C9CSVALHAL01    2x7   Valhalla eastern ring
      C9CSVALHAL02    1x1   Valhalla palimpsest, #1
      C9CSVALHAL02    1x1   Valhalla palimpsest, #2
      C9ESGLOBAL01    1x1   Global clr mosaic,OCM, #1
      C9ESGLOBAL01    1x2   Global clr mosaic,OCM, #2
      C9ESGLOBAL01    1x2   Global clr mosaic,OCM, #3
      C9ISECLIPS01    1x2   OCM Eclipse observation
      C9ISPHOTOM01    1x1   Low-phase observation
      C9ISSRFMON01    1x1   topo & surface monitor, #1
      C9ISSRFMON01    1x1   topo & surface monitor, #2
      C9ISSRFMON02    1x1   topo & surface monitor, #1
      C9ISSRFMON02    1x1   topo & surface monitor, #2
      C9ISPELE__01    1x1   Plume (Pele)
      C9IECLIPS02     1x2   OCM Eclipse observation
      C9GSSULCUS01    1x4   regional
      C9GSGLOBAL01    1x3   Global Mosaic, part 1
      C9GSGLOBAL01    1x4   Global Mosaic, part 2
      Small Satellites:
      C9SSTHEBE_01    1x1   Target Lon: 60 Act: 49
      C9SSMETIS_01    1x4   OCM Target Lon: 217 Act: 180
      C9SSADRAST01    1x4   OCM Target Lon: 84 Act: 81
      C9SSMETIS_02    1x4   OCM Target Lon: 337 Act: 246
      C9SSADRAST02    1x4   OCM Target Lon: 204 Act: 189
      C9SSMETIS_03    1x3   OCM Target Lon: 97 Act: 27
      C9SSADRAST03    1x3   OCM Target Lon: 324 Act: 299
      C9ASAMALTH01    1x1   Target Lon: 240 Act: 240
      C9SSADRAST04    1x1   Target Lon: 204 Act: 187
      C9SSTHEBE_02    1x1   Target Lon: 60 Act: 60
      C9SSADRAST05    1x1   Target Lon: 84 Act: 60
      C9SSMETIS_04    1x1   Target Lon: 337 Act: 298
      C9SSTHEBE_03    1x1   Target Lon: 180 Act: 205
      C9ASAMALTH02    1x1   Target Lon: 120 Act: 120
      C9SSADRAST06    1x1   Target Lon: 204 Act: 186
      C9SSMETIS_05    1x1   Target Lon: 97 Act: 60
      C9SSADRAST07    1x1   Target Lon: 324 Act: 295
      C9ASAMALTH03    1x1   Target Lon: 240 Act: 240
      C9SSMETIS_06    1x1   Target Lon: 217 Act: 180
      C9SSTHEBE_04    1x1   Target Lon: 300 Act: 300
      C9JSGRSFTK01    2x3   Great Red Spot, 1-clr
      C9JSPLMHOT01    1x3   Plume hot spot, 4-clr
      C9JSPLMHOT02    1x3   Plume hot spot, 4-clr
      C9JSGRSFTK02    1x4+1 Great Red Spot, 4-clr
      C9JSGRSFTK03    2x2   Great Red Spot, 4-clr
      C9JSPLMHOT03    1x3   Plume hot spot, 1-clr
      C9JSSCATT_01          High-phase aerosol 2-clr, #1
      C9JSSCATT_01          High-phase aerosol 2-clr, #2
      C9JSSCATT_02          High-phase aerosol 2-clr, #1
      C9JSSCATT_02          High-phase aerosol 2-clr, #2
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 10 (Callisto 10)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range: 413382800 and 413807200
                  416072500 and 416114068
      ERT range:  97/266-20:15:24.946 - 97/305-07:54:40.011
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 213/168
      10CSASGARD01    1x12  Asgard transect
      10CSSMTHPL01    1x1   Smooth plains
      10CSSMTHPL02    1x2+1 Smooth plains
      10CSTINDR_01    1x1   Dome crater Tindr
      10CSRNGSTR01    1x2   Small ring structure
      10ESGLOBAL01    1x1   Global color
      10ESGLOBAL02    1x1   Global color
      10ESEURPLM01    1x3   Aurora/plume search, OCM, #1
      10ESEURPLM01    1x3   Aurora/plume search, OCM, #2
      10ESEURPLM02    1x3   Aurora/plume search, #1
      10ESEURPLM02    1x3   Aurora/plume search, OCM, #2
      10ESEURPLM03    1x3   Aurora/plume search, #1
      10ESEURPLM03    1x3   Aurora/plume search, OCM, #2
      10ISIOECLI01    1x1   Eclipse
      10ISIOGLOC01    1x2   6-clr global, low longs, OCM, #1
      10ISIOGLOCA1    1x2   6-clr global, low longs, OCM, #2
      10ISIOGLOCB1    1x2   6-clr global, low longs, OCM, #3
      10ISIOTOPO02    1x1   Topo, term long 65
      10ISIOGLOC03    1x1   6-clr global, mid longs, #1
      10ISIOGLOC04    1x3   6-clr global, mid longs, #2
      10ISIOGLOC05    1x3   6-clr global, mid longs, #3
      10ISIOGLOC06  1x3+1x3 6-clr global, high longs, OCM
      10ISIOECLI02    1x2   Eclipse aurora, OCM
      10ISIOAURO01    1x1   Io aurora during occultation
      10ISIOAURO02    1x1   Io aurora during occultation
      10GSGLOCOL01    1x1   5-color global
      Small Satellites:
      10ASAMALTH01    1x1   Target Longitude: 0
      10SSTHEBE_01    1x1   Target Longitude: 300
      10RSRINGS_01    1x1   Jupiter Rings
      10JSNPHAZE01    2x2+1 North pole aurora, 4-clr
      10JSNPHAZE02    1X3   North pole aurora, 1-clr
      10JSNPHAZE03    2x2+1 North pole aurora, 1-clr
      10JSFLXTUB01    1x1   Footprint of Fluxtube
      10JSLGHTN01     4-1x1 lightning survey
      10JSLGHTN01     1x1   lightning survey, clr&clear
      10JSLGHTN01     4-1x1 lightning survey, color
      10JSLGHTN01     1x1   lightning, limb haze & ref
      10JSLGHTN02     2-1x1 lightning survey
      10JSLGHTN02     1x1   lightning, equator scan
      10JSLGHTN02      2-1x1 lightning, N & S high lat
      10JSLGHTN02     1x1   lightning survey, clr&clear
      10JSLGHTN02     4-1x1 lightning survey, color
      10JSLGHTN02     1x1   lightning, limb haze & ref
      10JSLGHTN03     2-1x1 lightning survey
      10JSLGHTN03     1x1   lightning, equator scan
      10JSLGHTN03     2-1x1 lightning, N & S high lat
      10JSLGHTN03     1x1   lightning survey, clr&clear
      10JSLGHTN03     4-1x1 lightning survey, color
      10JSLGHTN03     1x1   lightning, limb haze & ref
      10JSLGHTN04     4-1x1 lightning survey
      10JSLGHTN04     1x1   lightning survey, clr&clear
      10JSLGHTN04     4-1x1 lightning survey, color
      10JSLGHTN04     1x1   lightning, limb haze & ref
      10JSLGHTN05     4-1x1 lightning survey
      10JSLGHTN05     1x1   lightning survey, clr&clear
      10JSLGHTN05     4-1x1 lightning survey, color
      10JSLGHTN05     1x1   lightning, limb haze & ref
      10JSAURORA01    2-1x1 South polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA01    5-1x1 South polar aurora zone #2
      10JSAURORA02    2-1x1 South polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA02    5-1x1 South polar aurora zone #2
      10JSAURORA03    2-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA03    6-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA04    2-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA04    6-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA05    2-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA05    6-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA06    2-1x1 North polar aurora zone
      10JSAURORA06    6-1x1 North polar aurora zone
   Sequences/Observations for Orbit 11 (Europa 11)
      (sequence name, footprint Size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range: 420361400 and 420900345
      ERT range:  97/313-18:06:10.656 - 97/348-15:22:08.539
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 458/218
      11CSPHOTOM01    1x1   low phase photometry
      11ISECLIPS01    2x2   OCM Io in eclipse
      11ISLOWPHA01    1x1   low phase angle photometry
      11ISTOPO__01    1x1   topography
      11ISCULANN01    1x3   OCM Culann plume monitor
      11ISVOLUND01    1x3   OCM s. Volund plume monitor
      11ISMARDUK01    1x3   OCM Marduk plume monitor
      11ISPILLAN01    1x3   OCM Pillan plume monitor
      11ISLOKI__01    1x3   OCM Loki plume monitor
      11ISECLIPS02    2*1x2 OCMs Io in eclipse
      11ISKANEHI01    1x3   OCM Kanehikili plume monitor
      11ESCOLORS01    1x1   regional color samples
      11ESREGMAP01    2x5   near-terminator mapping
      11ESMORPHY01    2x4   high-resolution morphology
      Small Satellites:
      11SSTHEBE_01    1x1   Thebe
      11SSAMALTH01    1x1   high res Amalthea
      11SSADRAST01    1x1   high res Adrastea
      11SSMETIS_01    1x1   high res Metis
      11SSMETIS_02    1x1   Metis global shape
      11SSTHEBE_02    1x1   high res Thebe
      11SSMETIS_03    1x1   high res Metis
      11RSRINGS_01    1x1   fill gaps in phase angle view
      11RSRINGS_02    1x1   fill gaps in phase angle view
      11JSFEATRK01    3x1    possible 'brown barge' site
      11JSFEATRK02    3x1    possible 'brown barge' site
      11JSFEATRK03    3x1    possible 'brown barge' site
      11JSAURORA01    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA02    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA03    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA04    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA05    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA06    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA07    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSAURORA08    1x2    time-lapse rotation sequence
      11JSLTNING01    14     footprints day lightning areas
      11JSLTNING02    13     footprints gain 1 & 2
   Sequences/Observations for Orbit 12 (Europa 12)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range: 426117300 and 426273839
      ERT range:  97/352-08:19:59.260 - 98/082-02:15:37.966
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 121/101
      12ESGLOCOL01    1x3   Global Color
      12ESFRTPLT01    1x1   Fretted Plateau
      12ESDKLNCL01    2x2   Dark Lineament
      12ESPWYCOL01    1X1   Pwyll crater
      12ESCHAOS_01    1x5   Conamara Chaos
      12ESMOTTLE01    1x1   Mottled terrain
      12ESMOTTLE02    1x8   Mottled terrain
      12ESWEDGE_01    1x18  Wedges
      12ESWEDGE_02    1x18  Wedges
      12ESWEDGE_03    2x2   Wedges
      12GSGLGMSH01    1x4   Gilgamesh crater
      12ISIOECLI01    1x1   Eclipse
   Sequences/Observations for Orbit 14 (Europa 14)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range: 440873539 and 441026827
      ERT range:  98/090-03:50:04.362 - 98/148-20:59:05.930
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 126/117
      14ESTRPBND01    4x2   interacting triple bands
      14ESTYREHR01    3x3   Tyre
      14ESWEDGES01 2x3+2x2  wedges region
      14ESGLOCOL01 (part 1) 3+2 global color
      14ESGLOCOL01 (part 2) 3+2 global color
      14ESGLOCOL01 (part 3) 2x1+1 global color
      14GSGLOCOL01 (part 1) 1x1 global shape and color
      14GSGLOCOL01 (part 2) 1x1 global shape and color
   Sequences/Observations for Orbit 15 (Europa 15)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 449841900 and 450111001
      ERT range:   98/152-22:55:06.720 - 98/267-09:24:19.525
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 156/144
      15ISHIPHAS01    1x3   hi phase photometry
      15ISECLIPS01    1x1   early part of eclipse
      15ISECLIPS02    1x1   middle part of eclipse
      15ISECLIPS02          2nd record
      15ISECLIPS02          3rd record
      15ISECLIPS02          4th record
      15ISECLIPS02          5th record
      15ISSRFMON01 (part 1) 1x1 hi res surface outside ring str.
      15ISSRFMON01 (part 2) 1x1 hi res surface outside ring str.
      15ISECLIPS03    1x1   early part of eclipse
      15ISECLIPS03          2nd record
      15ISECLIPS03          3rd record
      15ISECLIPS03          4th record
      15ISECLIPS03          5th record
      15ISECLIPS04    1x1   middle part of eclipse
      15ISECLIPS04          2nd record
      15ISECLIPS04          3rd record
      15ISECLIPS04          4th record
      15ISECLIPS04          5th record
      15ISKANEHI01    1x3   Kanehekili plume monitor
      15ESREGMAP01    5+4   near-term. regional mapping
      15ESPHOTOM01    1x1   coverage of G7 photometry
      15ESCILIXS01    1x1   color and part 1 of stereo
      15ESCILIXS02    4x4   2nd part of Cilix stereo
      15ESCILIXS02          2nd record
      15ESCILIXS02          3rd record
      15ESCILIXS02          4th record
      15ESRELIEF01    1x3   rugged area E of Tyre Macula
      15ESRELIEF02    1x3   rugged area E of Tyre Macula
      15ESREGMAP02  8x2+2   near-term. regional mapping
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 16 (Europa 16)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      Spacecraft went into safing.  Lost all onboard sequences and no
      science observation data collected.
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 17 (Europa 17)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 466580845 and 450111001
      ERT range:   98/270-08:58:01.595 - 99/026-06:09:21.324
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 154/154
      17ESGSHAPE01    1x1   global shape
      17ESREGMAP01    19-footprint irregular regional near-terminator
      17ESNERTRM01    9x1   regional near-terminator mapping
      17ESAGENOR01    1x5   Agenor Linea context
      17ESAGENOR02    1x1   Agenor Linea color
      17ESWEDGES01    1x1   wedges color
      17ESDISSTR01    2x1   dissected terrain
      17ESAGENOR03 3+2+2+1x3 Agenor Linea
      17ESTHRACE01    1x3   Thrace Macula
      17ESLIBLIN01    2x1   Libya Linea
      17ESSTRSLP01    9x1   Astypalaea strike-slip fault zone
      17ESRHIANN01    1x1   Rhiannon crater
      17ESTHYLIN01    2x2   Thynia Linea plate spreading
      17ESSOUTHP01    5x1   south pole highest resolution
      17ESREGMAP02  8x2+1   regional near-terminator mapping
      17ESREGMAP03   2x1    regional near-terminator mapping
      17RSRING8001   1x2    80 degrees phase
      17RSRING6001   1x2    60 degrees phase
      17RSRING3001 1x2+1+1+1 30 degrees phase
      17JSWHTOVL01   1x3    merged white oval
      17JSWHTOVL02   1x3    merged white oval
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 18 (Europa 18)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      Spacecraft went into safing.  Lost all onboard sequences and no
      science observation data collected.  Calibration data obtained
      SCLK range : 477421600 and 477429800
      ERT range:   98/345-22:06:56.149 - 98/347-11:51:56.339
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 5/5
      Non Science:
      18NSTITAN_01    1x6   calibration OCM frame
      18NSTITAN_02    1X6   calibration OCM frame
      18NSSATURN01    3X7   calibration OCM frame
      18NSURANUS01    1X6   calibration OCM frame
      18NSNEPTUN01    1X2   calibration OCM frame
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 19 (Europa 19)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 484864900 and 485082500
      ERT range:   99/046-14:19:37.355 - 99/118-16:26:57.951
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 192/72
      19ESTEGID_01    1x1   Tegid crater
      19ESSTRAT_01    1x2   Mottled terrain stratigraphy
      19ESREGMAP01  1x1+1x1 Regional map coverage+terminator
      19ESNORLAT01    1x3   North polar latitudes
      19ESNORPLN01    2x4   North polar plains
      19ESRHADAM01    1x4   Rhadamanthes Linea
      19ESCOLOR_01    1x1   Pwyll crater ray
      19ESCOLOR_02    1x1   Triple band junction
      19ESCOLOR_03    1x1   Specular point
      19ESPLUMES01    1x1   Europa plume search
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 20 (Callisto 20)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 497839700 and 498216345
      ERT range:   99/126-23:31:54.780 - 99/175-02:30:53.100
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 291/224
      20CSCRSTAT01    1x1   crater statistics
      20CSDRKFLO01    1x1   dark flow high resolution
      20CSCOLOR_01    1x1   high resolution color
      20CSCRSTAT02    1x2   crater statistics
      20CSDRKFLO02    1x1   dark flow context
      20CSCRSTAT03    1x1   crater statistics
      20CSBRANCR01    1x1   Bran Crater
      20ESECLIPS01    1x1   eclipse
      20ESECLIPS02    1x1   eclipse
      20GSGEOGAP01    1x1   geodesy
      20JSSEBTRKxx    1x2   South Equatorial Belt feature track
      20JSNEBTRKxx    1x2   North Equatorial Belt feature track
      20JSWOVTRKxx    1x2   white ovals feature track
      20JSJETTRKx1    1x1   high-speed jet feature track
      20JSJETTRKxx    1x1   high-speed jet feature track
      20JSWAVTRKxx    1x1   equatorial waves feature track
      20JSAURORA01    1x1   high-resolution aurora
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 21 (Callisto 21)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 506142900 and 506584145
      ERT range:   99/184-12:40:08.636 - 99/222-13:34:11.926
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 131/101
      20CSCRSTAT01    1x1   crater statistics
      21CSDRKMAT01    1x5   hi res surface outside ring str.
      21CSDRKMAT02    1x1   hi res surface outside ring str.
      21ISCOLOR_01    4x4   hi res color mapping
      21ISALBEDO01    4x4   hi res albedo mapping
      21ISALBEDO03    1x4 8 shuttered frames tape use to facilitate Dturn
      21ISSTEREO01    12 frames stereo with I24
      21ISIOPLUM01    1x2   plume inventory 1
      21ISIOPLUM02    1x1   plume inventory 2
      21ISIOPLUM03    1x2   plume inventory 3
      21ISIOPLUM04    1x1   plume inventory 4
      21ISIOPLUM05    1x1   plume inventory 5
      21ISIOPLUM06    1x1   plume inventory 6
      21ISIOPLUM07    1x1   plume inventory 7
      21ISIOPLUM08    1x1   plume inventory 8
      21ISIOPLUM09    1x1   plume inventory 9
      21ISIOPLUM10    1x2   OCM plume inventory 10
      21ISIOPLUM11    1x2   OCM plume inventory 11
      21ISIOPLUM12    1x2   OCM plume inventory 12
      21ISIOPLUM13    1x2   OCM plume inventory 13
      21ISIOPLUM14    1x2   OCM plume inventory 14
      21ISIOPLUM15    1x2   OCM plume inventory 15
      21ISIOPLUM16    1x2   OCM plume inventory 16
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 22 (Callisto 22)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 512323300 and 512481168
      ERT range:   99/227-15:12:11.408 - 99/252-20:34:20.792
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 266/110
      22SSAMALTH01    1x1   Global 153\260 Longitude
      22SSAMALTH02    1x1   Global 215\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR01    1x1   Plume Survey 228\260 Longitude
      22ISIOGEOD01    1x1   Geodesy at 4 deg. Phase
      22ISPLUSUR02    1x1   Plume Survey 56\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR03    1x1   Plume Survey 68\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR04    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 80\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR07    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 101\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR08    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 115\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR09    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 126\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR10    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 136\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR11    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 146\260 Longitude
      22ISPLUSUR12    1x2   OCM Plume Survey 156\260 Longitude
      22JSNEB28201    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSLTN27901    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSHTS26001    1x2   Hot spot latitude
      22JSNEB29701    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSLTN29701    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB31201    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSLTN27902    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB32701    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNEB28202    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSPOL29501    1x2   North Polar Region
      22JSNOR29701    1x3   Northern High Latitudes
      22JSLTN29702    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB29702    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSHTS26002    1x2   Hot spot latitude
      22JSNEB31202    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSLTN27903    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB28203    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNEB32702    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSLTN29703    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSPOL29502    1x2   North Polar Region
      22JSNEB29703    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNOR29702    1x3   Northern High Latitudes
      22JSNEB31203    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNEB32703    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22NSSATURN01    1x7   OCM Saturn, methane filter calibration
      22NSSATURN02    1x7   OCM Saturn, methane filter calibration
      22JSHTS26003    1x2   Hot spot latitude
      22JSHTS26004    1x2   Hot spot latitude
      22NSTITAN_01    1x3   OCM Titan, methane filter calibration
      22NSTITAN_02    1x2   OCM Titan, methane filter calibration
      22NSTITAN_03    1x2   OCM Titan, methane filter calibration
      22JSLTN27904    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB28204    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSPOL29503    1x2   North Polar Region
      22JSNOR29703    1x3   Northern High Latitudes
      22JSLTN29704    1x2   Lightning latitude
      22JSNEB29704    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNEB31204    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
      22JSNEB32704    1x2   North Equatorial Belt
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 24 (Io 24)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 520792749 and 520932552
      ERT range:   99/292-09:47:02.212 - 99/325-20:32:52.249
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 167/162
      24ISPELE__01    1x13  Pele in darkness
      24ISPILLAN01    1x13  hi res Pillan Patera
      24ISCOLCHS01    1x11  Colchis Montes
      24ISZAMAMA01    1x13  hi res Zamama
      24ISPROMTH01 1x9+1x7  hi res Prometheus
      24ISCOLCHS02    2x1   lower res Colchis Montes
      24ISTOHIL_01    2x3   hi res Tohil Mons
      24ISPROMTH02 1x2+1x1  Prometheus in color
      24ISZAMAMA02    3x6   lower res Zamama context
      24ISDORIAN01    1x4   Dorian Montes
      24ISAMSKGI01    3x6   Amirani/Skythia/Gish Bar Regions
      24ISTERMAP01    7x1   terminator strip with Hi'iaka
      24ISPILLAN02    1x1   Pillan Plume
      24ISSTEREO01    3x4   regional stereo
      24ISGLOCOL01    1x1   Full-disk color
      24ISECLIPS01  3*1x2   Eclipse, OCM
    Sequences/Observations for Orbit 25 (Io 25)
      (sequence name, footprint size, and Objectives)
      SCLK range : 527272700 and 527365602
      ERT range:   99/331-13:41:55.525 - 00/049-10:16:40.726
      number of images w/ OCMs expected/received - 75/45
      25ASAMALTH01    1x1   hi res Amalthea
      25ESDARKBP01    1x1   dark band pair
      25ESGLOBAL01 2+2x4+2  global coverage
      25ESMOTTER01    1x1   mottled terrain
      25ESNRTHPL01    1x3   hi res north pole
      25ISCULANN01    2x2   Culann Patera
      25ISEMAKNG01    1x4   hi res Emakong flows
      25ISEMAKNG02    1x2   Emakong context
      25ISGIANTS01    1x2   Giant calderas
      25ISSAPPNG01    1x4   hi res sapping feature
      25ISSAPPNG02    1x1   sapping feature context
      25ISSHMSHU01    1x2   Shamshu Patera
      25ISSPOLE_01    1x2   hi res south pole
      25ISSPOLE_02    1x1   south pole context
      25ISTERM__01  2*3x1   near terminator mapping
      25ISTUPAN_01    1x3   Tupan Patera
    This section documents the currently known information about errors
    and discrepancies in the VICAR labels, and PDS labels and index tables
    for the entire Jupiter Orbital Operations and extended Galileo Europa
    Mission data set.  For the purpose of this section 'CD's ' refers to
    the five Jupiter SSI REDR CD-ROM's GO_0017 through GO_0022.
    Information regarding errors in specific images or problem images is
    documented in the ERRATA.TXT.  Errors identified on previous volumes
    will also be include in the ERRATA.TXT.
    VICAR Labels:
    Definitions for VICAR field names can be found in in 'SSI Raw
    Experiment Data Record for Phase 2 Software Interface Specification'
    [WHITE1997] which is included in the Document sub-directory on these
    A) The RAD keyword (ring radius) within the VICAR label is only
    applicable for ring images.  If the image is not of a ring, the value
    is set to 0.0.
    B) The following fields in the VICAR label were not implemented for
    the entire set of CD's due to the angular velocity not being
    SMEAR     -999.0
    SMRAZ     0.0
    C) If no SPICE C information is available the following pointing
    fields in the VICAR label are not available (this affects OPNAV
    DEC =0.0
    TWIST =0.0
    D) For targets other than a planetary body or asteroid (e.g. black
    sky, stars, calibration etc.) the pointing information supplied for
    the following label items is calculated for Jupiter.  A listing of the
    missing fields is provided below.  These fields are missing if no
    corresponding SPICE SP information is available for an image.
    PDS Labels:
      Definitions for PDS field name can be found in the Planetary Science
      Data Dictionary [PDS1996].
      A) The following PDS fields are copied directly from the on-chip
      mosaic parent's and thus only serve as very rough approximations for
      the child:
      B) The following PDS fields were not applicable for the entire set
      of CD's.
      EDR_TAPE_ID = 'N/A'
      C) The following PDS fields were not implemented for the entire set
      of CD's.
      SMEAR_AZIMUTH = 0.000
      SMEAR_MAGNITUDE = 'unk'
      D) If the SPICE C information is unavailable the following pointing
      fields in the PDS label are not available.
      DECLINATION = 0.000
      RIGHT_ASCENSION = 0.000
      TWIST_ANGLE = 0.000
      E) For targets other than a planetary body or asteroid (e.g. black
      sky, stars, calibration etc.) or if the SPICE SP information is
      missing, the pointing information supplied for the following label
      items is calculated for Jupiter in the PDS labels. These fields are
      missing if no corresponding SPICE SP information is available for an
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set has been generated by NASA's Galileo Project in order to distribute the images acquired by the Solid State Imaging (SSI) camera to the scientists and later to the Planetary Data System (PDS). This collection resides on volumes GO_0017 thru GO_0022. Included are all images of Jupiter, its satellites, stars and calibrations, acquired during the Jupiter Orbital Operations which comprise the Prime Mission and the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) phases. These phases extended from June, 1996 thru February, 2000 and included SCLKs from 346405900 thru 527365602.
  • Imaging Planetary Image Atlas
  • Rings Node Interface
  • Rings Node Search Tool
  • Imaging Online Data Volumes