Data Set Information
Data Set Overview : This data set provides raw energetic (MeV) particle data measured by the Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) instrument on the Galileo spacecraft. These data were acquired during the following intervals and recorded to tape: Encounter data (higher time resolution) Io and torus 1995-12-07(341), 15:30-18:25 UT Perijove 1995-12-07(341) 23:18 - 1995-12-08(342) 01:24 UT Ganymede 01 1996-06-27(179) 06:07 - 1996-06-30(182) 02:46 UT Ganymede 02 1996-09-06(250) 18:33 - 1996-09-11(255) 03:18 UT Callisto 03 1996-11-04(309) 13:15 - 1996-11-05(310) 07:44 UT Europa 04 1996-12-19(354), 06:33-07:21 UT Europa 06 1997-02-20(051), 16:37-21:47 UT Ganymede 07 1997-03-30(089) 18:50 - 1997-04-05(095) 07:40 UT Ganymede 08 1997-05-06(126) 13:00 - 1997-05-07(127) 16:22 UT Callisto 09 1997-06-22(173) 12:00 - 1997-08-23(235) 16:08 UT Callisto 10 1997-09-15(258) 00:17 - 1997-09-18(261) 23:21 UT Europa 11 1997-11-06(310), 20:10-22:50 UT Europa 12 1997-12-16(350), 11:43-12:28 UT Europa 14 1998-03-29(088), 13:06-14:00 UT Europa 15 1998-05-31(151), 20:43-21:42 UT Europa 18 1998-12-10(344) 19:37 - 1998-12-11(245) 00:24 UT Europa 19 1999-02-01(032), 01:50-02:39 UT Callisto 20 1999-05-03(123), 16:00-18:00 UT Callisto 21 1999-07-01(182) 23:53 - 1999-07-02(183) 01:50 UT Callisto 22 1999-08-12(224), 03:27-13:07 UT Callisto 23 1999-08-12(224) 12:37 - 1999-09-14(257) 21:29 UT Io 24 1999-10-11(284), 03:42-04:48 UT Io 25 1999-11-25(329), 23:22-23:59 UT The first two intervals represent the data taken during the Io/Jupiter 00 phase and are included in this data set for completeness (originally released by PDS as data set ID: GO-J-HIC-4-SUMM-I0ENERGETICIONCOMP-V1.0). Orbit Data (Lower time resolution) Ganymede 01 1996-06-27(179) 12:42 - 1996-08-24(237) 13:02 UT Ganymede 02 1996-09-07(251) 04:11 - 1996-10-22(296) 09:01 UT Callisto 03 1996-11-01(306) 23:55 - 1996-11-11(316) 17:44 UT Europa 04 1996-12-15(350) 10:35 - 1996-12-25(360) 07:41 UT Europa 06 1997-02-18(049) 16:56 - 1997-03-30(089) 04:18 UT Ganymede 07 1997-03-30(089) 05:09 - 1997-05-04(124) 14:15 UT Ganymede 08 1997-05-04(124) 14:25 - 1997-06-22(173) 14:52 UT Callisto 09 1997-06-22(173) 15:18 - 1997-09-13(256) 21:57 UT Callisto 10 1997-09-13(256) 22:49 - 1997-11-02(306) 13:13 UT Europa 11 1997-11-02(306) 14:03 - 1997-11-09(314) 15:37 UT Europa 12 1997-12-15(349) 08:02 - 1997-12-16(350) 20:08 UT Europa 14 1998-03-28(087) 13:01 - 1998-03-31(090) 01:32 UT Europa 15 1998-05-30(150) 21:01 - 1998-06-01(152) 21:26 UT Europa 16 1998-07-20(201) 05:03 - 1998-09-19(262) 02:01 UT Europa 17 1998-09-25(268) 04:14 - 1998-09-27(270) 01:05 UT Europa 18 1998-11-21(325) 12:02 - 1998-12-30(364) 23:28 UT Europa 19 1999-01-31(031) 02:01 - 1999-02-11(042) 03:43 UT Callisto 20 1999-05-02(122) 17:01 - 1999-05-15(135) 03:47 UT Callisto 21 1999-06-29(180) 07:02 - 1999-07-03(184) 10:14 UT Callisto 22 1999-08-11(223) 14:02 - 1999-08-13(225) 18:30 UT Callisto 23 1999-09-13(256) 20:02 - 1999-09-27(270) 14:50 UT Io 24 1999-10-10(283) 04:01 - 1999-11-01(305) 16:56 UT Io 25 1999-11-25(329) 04:01 - 1999-11-27(331) 00:48 UT There are two basic types of data files associated with the raw data archive: Packetized Telemetry (RAW) and Reformatted Raw Data (UNCALIBRATED). The RAW data is the most primitive binary form available to the instrument team. These data are reformatted into the UNCALIBRATED data files which are ASCII (HEX) tables that are in turn used by the HIC team to produce higher level data products. The appropriate information concerning the operation of the instrument can be found in Garrard, Gehrels and Stone, Space Sci. Rev., 60, 305, 1992 [GARRARDETAL1992]. Data Processing : RAW DATA -------- The data are raw binary packetized telemetry 2 data obtained from the Query Server at JPL. No further processing has been done. Every 2 seconds the HIC instrument zeros the rate counters and begins accumulation. In playback data 3 events per minor frame are selected (based on a priority scheme) and transmitted to the spacecraft along with 2 - 3 rates. Some of the less important / scientifically interesting rates are subcommutated and thus only transmitted once every 16 HIC packets (1 HIC x packet equals minor frames). In realtime data the rate counters are x accumulated for a series (the number of which depends on the bit rate) of 2 second intervals, while up to 60 events (selected by assigned priority) are transmitted during this accumulation period. Additional information on data processing can be found in the Space Research Lab technical document 86-02 (''Science Requirements Document'', [GARRARD1985] which is included on the archive volume in the DOCUMENTS directory. The different rates respond to different energy ranges. These are given in MeV/nucleon (for oxygen) below: Rate Energy Range (MeV/nuc for oxygen) ---------------------------------------------------------- single LET E rates LE1 15.1 - 25.3 LE2 14.9 - 176.0 LE3 15.4 - 192.0 LE4 17.9 - 177.0 LE5 44.8 - 185.0 coincidence LET E rates DUBL 17.0 - 18.0 TRPL 18.0 - 24.0 WDSTP 30.0 - 48.0 WDPEN 48.0 - 185.0 single LET B rates LB1 1.9 - 5000.0 LB2 1.9 - 7000.0 LB3 2.1 - 13000.0 LB4 16.6 - 95000.0 coincidence LET B rates LETB 4.8 - 17.5 The logic conditions and approximate energy ranges for the other rates are given below. Energy Range Rate Logic (MeV/nuc for oxygen) ----------------------------------------------------------------- DUBL LE1.LE2.LE3* 17.0 - 18.0 TRPL LE1.LE2.LE3.LE4* 18.0 - 24.0 WDSTP LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5* 30.0 - 48.0 WDPEN LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5 48.0 - 185.0 LETB LB1.LB2.LB3.LB4* 4.8 - 17.5 X.Y : logical AND of X and Y X* : logical NOT X UNCALIBRATED DATA ----------------- The HIC instrument team included uncalibrated unprocessed data files as part of their data submission. These files are not meant for users of this product but for archiving the data files used by the HIC team to produce the higher quality products. Ancillary Data : There are no ancillary data uniquely associated with the HIC raw data archive. However, the spacecraft trajectory and attitude data, and the As-run Spacecraft Events Files that are provided on the same archive volume as these data are useful ancillary products for users of the HIC data. Coordinate System : These are scalar data. Software : There is no software provided with this archive. Media/Format : Encounter Data: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW DATA --------- The data are stored in a rather complex and compact binary form called an IPF (Instrument Packet File). The details of where all of the bits are located are contained in Galileo project documents (3-280, 3-310, SFDU_DOC). These documents are included on the archive volumes with the data. UNCALIBRATED DATA ----------------- This is an ASCII text file originally consisting of variable length data records. To make the records comply with PDS standards, blank spaces were added to fill in when a record did not have a full set of 3 data sets (see below). These files contain rate and event data which are relatively unprocessed and uncalibrated. The first 15 data fields are consistent for each record in the data file. These 15 fields contain information pertaining to: date, time, observation modes and rate data. Optional event data may appear after the rate data. Example of 2 records (remember these lines may show on your display as wrapped):1995-12-07T15:30:08.439Z 3209036:84:0:0 S 200 1 000 -99 -99 -99 0 3833 29 3305 16577 T 4c2 035 153 027 T 5c6 168 0f3 1001995-12-07T15:30:09.735Z 3209036:86:0:0 S 200 2 000 7 1 1 0 3993 29 3033 17473 T f48 06c 012 0f8 T 4c2 044 161 1d6 T b48 019 015 282 The fields are in the following order (Internal - SRL format): Field Contents Format Example ----- -------- ------ ------- 1 Year & DOY in IOC DateTime format. Year & Day of year. Derived from PB (Playback) level0 telemetry header data SCET format: %4d-%02d-%02dT%02s:%02d:%06.2f example: 1994-05-22T17:23:56.123Z 2 Derived from PB (Playback) %09ld 3209036:84:0:0 level0 telemetry header data SCET 3 ''S'' %s S 4 acstat %03d 204 5 Sub-commutator status %2d 11 6 cdbits %03O 043 7 DUBL %5ld 0 8 TRPL %5ld 0 9 WDSTP %5ld 1 10 WDPEN %4ld 0 11 LETB %6ld 2 12 le1 %6ld 1 13 rate7 %6ld 2 14 rate8 %6ld 19 OPTIONAL FIELD DATA ------------------- If this data is present, it will occur in one, two or three sets of five-tuples. Example Five-tuple: T f48 015 013 175 T b48 008 009 159 T b48 005 010 1ea Field Contents Format Example ----- -------- ------ ------- 16, 21, 26 ''T'' %s T 17, 22, 27 tag %03x f48 18, 23, 28 PHA3 %03x 015 19, 24, 29 PHA2 %03x 013 20, 25, 30 PHA1 %03x 175 Orbit Data: -------------------------------------------------------------------- RAW DATA ------- The data are stored in a rather complex and compact binary form called an IPF (Instrument Packet File). The details of where all of the bits are located are contained in Galileo project documents (3-280, 3-310, SFDU_DOC). These documents are included on the archive volumes with the data. UNCALIBRATED DATA ----------------- This is an ASCII text file consisting of header lines followed by data blocks. The first six lines are header lines. Data blocks follow the header lines. Each data block may consist of up to three sections. HEADER LINES ------------ Example: SCET: 1997-09-13T22:48:51.149Z SCLK: 4129489:00:0:0 TYPE: RT Level1b DATE: 2000-01-14T17:27:23Z Note: the 5th and 7th header lines are blank lines. The sixth line contains the column names. In the example above, the sixth line has a string length of 119 and may show above as wrapped. 1st Header Line: --------------- SCET: 1997-09-13T22:48:51.149Z 15 : Caution events Field Content Format ----- ------- ------ 1 Literal 'SCET: ' 2 DateTime of 1st data PDS 3 Number of caution events '%6ld' 4 Literal ' : Caution events' 2nd Header Line: --------------- SCLK: 317832879 Field Content Format ----- ------- ------ 1 Literal 'SCLK: ' 2 Value of SCLK '%9ld' 3rd Header Line: --------------- TYPE: RT Level1b Field Content Format ----- ------- ------ 1 Literal 'TYPE: RT Level1b' 4th Header Line: --------------- DATE: 2000-01-14T16:16:46Z Field Content Format ----- ------- ------ 1 Literal 'DATE: ' 2 This file's Creation Date PDS Header Lines 5 & 6 are blank. ----------------- DATA BLOCKS ----------- Each Data Block consists of three sections. The first section is rate data. This section will always be ten lines followed by an optional blank line. The optional second section is event data. If present, it may have up to 23 lines followed by an optional blank line. The third section is a summary of events. SECTION 1 (Rate Data) ---------- This section has 10 lines. Only the first line will contain the date/time and SCET information for this data block. The rest of the first line has the same 14 data fields as the next nine lines. Example of 1st 2 lines of a Rate Data section: 1) 1997-09-13T22:48:51.149Z 4129489:00:0:0 152 0 253 0 253 3 253 3 152 0 253 4625 16 218625 2) 152 0 253 0 253 2 253 3 151 0 253 4529 15 206337 The columns are in the following order (Internal - SRL format): Column Heading Contents Format Example ------- -------- ------ ------- DateTime ISO DateTime, PDS Format format: %4d-%02d-%02dT%02s:%02d:%06.3f example: 1995-12-07T15:30:08.439Z SCLK Derived from RT (Real-time) %09ld:00:0:0 4129489:00:0:0 level0 telemetry header data SCET DUBL Each of these headings %6ld %7ld 252 4 TRPL has two columns. The left WDSTP column is the number of WDPEN times the on-board counter LETB was read-out. The right LEMUX column is the accumulated LBMUX sum of the on-board counter values when read-out. SECTION 2 (Optional Event Data) --------- This section contains zero to 90 four-tuples of data. The four-tuples are grouped three to a line. The last line of this section may have one, two or three four-tuples in it. Four-tuple Example: 5 172 290 312 6 92 196 288 8 92 224 0 Field Contents Format Example ----- -------- ------ ------- 1 *Event type %2d 10 2 PHA3 %2ld 0 3 PHA2 %2ld 23 4 PHA1 %2ld 182 * Event types: 1 L1 WDSTP 8 !L1 WDPEN 2 LETB Single 9 Double (and 'caution') 3 LETB Double 10 LETB Double 4 LETB Triple 11 LETB Triple 5 Triple 12 Triple 6 !L1 WDSTP 13 L1 WDSTP 7 L1 WDPEN 14 !L1 WDSTP SECTION 3 (Event Summary) --------- This section has only one data line followed by an optional blank line. Either of these lines may be the last line in the data file. This section is typically followed by the beginning of another Data Block. Note: the E of ECNT starts in character position 28 (where the 1st character of the line is character 1). Example: ECNT 67 2 14 10 361 0 Field Contents Format Example ----- -------- ------ ------- 1 'ECNT' %s ECNT 2 Sum of Double events %7ld 67 (Type 9) 3 Sum of Triple events %7ld 2 (Types 5 & 12) 4 Sum of WDSTP events %7ld 14 (Types 1, 6, 13 & 14) 5 Sum of WDPEN events %7ld 10 (Types 7 & 8) 6 Sum of LETB events %7ld 361 (Types 2, 3, 4, 10 & 11) 7 Literal zero %7ld 0 References : Garrard, T.L., N. Gehrels, E.C. Stone, The Galileo Heavy Element Monitor, Space Sci. Rev., 60, 305, 1992.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2000-02-29T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1995-12-07T03:30:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2003-09-21T06:45:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1977-10-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2003-09-21T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Plasma Interactions
The confidence level in the playback data is good to high at present. There are possibly a few glitches in the time determination, but these should result in obviously wrong data times when present. We have tried to eliminate such occurrences as much as possible, but are not flawless in this effort. Please direct any questions regarding the generation or interpretation of the data to Christina Cohen at Caltech (626-395-6614). Please realize that the data given here are still undergoing review and revision and any 'surprising'/'unbelievable' results you may obtain using these data should be subject to careful scrutiny, preferably with someone familiar with the instrument and its operational details.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Cohen, C., Hamell, G., GO JUP HIC HIGHRES RAW DATA V1.0, GO-J-HIC-2-EDR-RAW-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2000
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set provides raw energetic (MeV) particle data measured by the Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) instrument on the Galileo spacecraft. This data set contains both real-time and recorded data for all Jupiter orbits.
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