Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION This data set provides energetic (MeV) ion fluxes for a variety of different Z values (carbon, oxygen, sulfur) derived from the Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) instrument on the Galileo spacecraft. The data set includes all recorded intervals at Jupiter.

This data set provides energetic (MeV) ion fluxes for a variety of
different Z values (carbon, oxygen, sulfur) derived from the
Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) instrument on the Galileo spacecraft. The
data set covers the entire Jupiter orbital mission (December 1995
to November 2002), however, compositions can only be derived from
the LPW (recorded, high resolution) data. Data were recorded during
the followind time intervals:

Table 1. LPW Resolution Data Coverage**

Io Flybys:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
I00 IO   95-12-07 15:21  184   5.4- 7.7  10.6-12.3  204-290
I24 IO   99-10-11 03:42   66   5.7- 6.0  10.1-10.9   59- 87   2
I25 IO   N/A                                                  1
I27 IO   00-02-22 13:04   81   5.9- 6.0   8.4- 9.4   64- 97
I31 IO   01-08-06 04:25   64     5.9      3.9- 4.7  145-171
I32 IO   01-10-16 01:06   73   5.9- 6.1   4.8- 5.7  253-283
I33 IO   N/A                                                  1

Europa Flybys:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID* Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
E04 EUR  96-12-19 06:33   51   9.4- 9.5  16.6-16.9  147-173
E06 EUR  97-02-20 16:37  312   9.5- 9.1  12.8-14.8  326-125
E11 EUR  97-11-06 20:09  162   9.0- 9.4  10.8-11.9  211-294
E12 EUR  97-12-16 11:42   46   9.4- 9.6  14.5-14.8  107-131
E14 EUR  98-03-29 13:05   55   9.4- 9.6  14.3-14.7  176-204
E15 EUR  98-05-31 20:42   61   9.4- 9.6   9.9-10.3  277-308
E16 EUR  N/A                                                  1
E18 EUR  N/A                                                  1
E19 EUR  99-02-01 01:49   50   9.2- 9.4   9.7-10.0  245-270
E26 EUR  00-01-03 17:29   61   9.2- 9.7   2.8- 3.1  346- 18

Ganymede Flybys:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
G01 GAN  96-06-27 06:07   45  14.9-15.2  11.2-11.3  163-188   4
G02 GAN  96-09-06 18:32   56  14.8-15.2  10.7-10.9  143-174
G07 GAN  97-04-05 06:44   56  14.8-15.2  19.7-19.8    5- 37
G08 GAN  97-05-07 15:36   46  14.8-15.1   8.1- 8.2  276-302
G28 GAN  00-05-20 09:40   60  14.7-15.3   0.7- 0.8  335-  9
G29 GAN  00-12-28 07:57   57  14.7-15.2  23.9- 0.0  205-237

Callisto Flybys:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
C03 CALL 96-11-04 13:15   45  26.1-26.4     7.8     231-258
C09 CALL 97-06-25 13:25   46  26.1-26.4     5.5      47- 74
C10 CALL 97-09-16 23:49   60  26.0-26.4   5.0- 5.1  318-354
C30 CALL 01-05-25 11:09   36  26.2-26.5  13.1-13.2   68- 89

Amalthea Flyby:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
A34 AMA  02-11-05 02:44  231   6.2- 2.3   6.4- 3.0  102-149

Inner Magnetosphere:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
J00 PJOV 12-07-95 23:22  124   4.0- 5.2  18.4-20.5   18- 62
I24 TOR  N/A                                                  1
I32 TOR  01-10-15 22:55   33   5.8- 5.9   3.0- 3.4  198-211
I25 TOR  99-11-25 21:07  174   5.9- 7.0   5.1- 7.0  336- 53   2
A34 PSX7 02-11-05 01:05   90   6.3- 7.7  17.7-18.2   24- 70
C23 PJOV 99-09-14 14:36  412   6.5- 7.7   6.1-10.3   52-239
C21 PJOV 99-07-01 23:53  113   7.6- 8.2   7.4- 8.3  247-301
C22 PJOV 99-08-12 08:18  288   7.3- 7.6   8.4-11.0  225-  0
E11 EQX  (see E11 EUR)                                        3
I32 RAMP 01-10-15 15:31  115   7.8-8.9   22.9-23.7  354- 52
C10 EQX  97-09-18 22:34   46     9.2     12.5-12.8  102-125
C20 PJOV 99-05-03 15:59  122     9.4     10.0-10.8   45-106
A34 PSX6 02-11-04 21:48   45    10.3     17.0-17.1  285-300

Middle Magnetosphere:
                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
C09 TAR  97-06-28 13:50   61  18.1-18.5  18.1-18.2  324-359
C03 TAR  96-11-05 07:04   40  19.3-19.0   8.9- 9.0  140-163
G08 QRS  97-05-06 13:00  129  25.0-25.8   5.9- 6.0   63-140
G01 PSX  96-06-30 02:00   46  27.2-27.5    22.8     292-319   4
A34 PSX2 02-11-03 15:28   45  29.4-29.0    15.6     276-303
A34 PSX1 02-11-03 10:38   45  31.8-31.4    15.5     102-132
G02 PSX  96-09-11 02:38   40  39.2-39.4  23.8-23.9  121-145
G07 PSX  97-03-30 18:49   46  46.2-46.4     4.8     125-152

                         Dur.  Jup Range  Local Time  S3 WLON
Obs. ID  Start Time     (min)    (Rj)      (hours)    (deg).  Note
C09 DSK1 97-07-04 14:09  118      64       22.1      99-170   4
C09 DSK2 97-07-14 10:03   45     107       23.2     357- 25   4
E18 DSK  98-12-10 19:36  288     109       22.5     285- 98
C09 DSK3 97-07-23 13:11   46     129       23.7      18- 45
C09 DAWN 97-08-23 14:07  122     130      0.9- 1.0   17- 90
C09 APJ  97-08-07 11:06  101     143        0.3      30- 91

* The ID element is derived from the SEF identifier for the
  recorded observation. The recording identifiers translate to:
      IO, GAN, EUR, CALL - satellites
      PSX  - plasma sheet crossing
      TAR  - trans-auroral region
      QRS  - quarter rotation survey
      DSK  - dusk side of orbit (see local time)
      DAWN - dawn side of orbit (see local time)
      APJ  - apojove
      TOR  - Io torus
      EQX  - magnetic equator crossing
      PJOV - perijove
      RAMP - outer torus
  These designations were defined by the sequence team.

** LPW coverage indicates time periods that were recorded in LPW
   format. Not all data files span entire recorded interval.

  1 = Recording lost due to spacecraft safing/anomaly
  2 = Stats given for primary observation interval only, data file.
      includes additional intervals of 'ridealong' data.
  3 = E11 EUR and EQU are continuous and listed as a single
  4 = No data available for this interval.

Table 2 provides a listing of the various satellite closest
approach times and the location of the spacecraft, relative to
the satellite at these times.

Table 2. Satellite Flyby Characteristics*
                          Satellite Planetocentric Coords
                              Range     Lat    E Lon
Orb  Moon  C/A Time          (Rm**)    (deg)   (deg)    Note
 0   IO    95-12-07 17:45:58  1.50     -9.6    258.9      W
24   IO    99-10-11 04:33:03  1.34      4.5    135.9      U
27   IO    00-02-22 13:46:41  1.11     18.5    157.4      U
31   IO    01-08-06 04:59:21  1.11     77.5    187.7      P
32   IO    01-10-16 01:23:21  1.10    -78.5    135.3      P
33   IO    02-01-17 14:08:28  1.06    -43.5     41.8      F

 4   EUR   96-12-19 06:52:58  1.45     -1.7    322.4      F
 6   EUR   97-02-20 17:06:10  1.38    -17.0     34.7      F
11   EUR   97-11-06 20:31:44  2.31     25.7    218.7      F
12   EUR   97-12-16 12:03:20  1.13     -8.7    134.4      U
14   EUR   98-03-29 13:21:05  2.06     12.2    131.2      U
15   EUR   98-05-31 21:12:57  2.62     15.0    225.4      W
19   EUR   99-02-01 02:19:50  1.93     30.5     28.1      U
26   EUR   00-01-03 17:59:43  1.22    -47.1     83.4      U

 1   GAN   96-06-27 06:29:07  1.32     30.4    246.7      W
 2   GAN   96-09-06 18:59:34  1.10     79.3    236.4      P
 7   GAN   97-04-05 07:09:58  2.18     55.8    270.4      W
 8   GAN   97-05-07 15:56:10  1.61     28.3     84.8      U
28   GAN   00-05-20 10:10:10  1.31    -19.0     92.4      U
29   GAN   00-12-28 08:25:27  1.89     62.2    269.0      P

 3   CALL  96-11-04 13:34:28  1.47     13.2    282.3      W
 9   CALL  97-06-25 13:47:50  1.17      2.0    101.0      U
10   CALL  97-09-17 00:18:55  1.22      4.6    281.3      W
30   CALL  01-05-25 11:23:58  1.06     13.6    254.6      W

34   AMA   02-11-05 06:18:40  2.89    -47.7     74.8      U

  *  Satellite encounters with recorded data only

 **  Moon        Rm (km)
     Amalthea      86.2
     Io          1818
     Europa      1560
     Ganymede    2634
     Callisto    2409

 Notes: Negative latitudes are southern hemisphere,
        U = upstream
        F = flank
        W = wake
        P = polar

The data taken during the Io/Jupiter orbit 0 phase and are included in
this data set for completeness (originally released by PDS as

These data are derived from high time resolution data that were
recorded to tape and then playback after the Probe data return. Files
in this data set are stored as ASCII files, giving tables of fluxes
as a function of time.  Appropriate information concerning the
operation of the instrument can be found in Garrard, Gehrels and Stone,
Space Sci. Rev., 60, 305, 1992 [GARRARDETAL1992].


The data are processed from the event data which are processed from the
raw data obtained from the Query Server at JPL.  The composition files
are a high level product where the event data for a given Z range
(corresponding to carbon, oxygen or sulfur) are binned over a time
interval and converted to a flux using the livetime and geometry factors
available in the event files.  Fluxes are determined for each event type
separately since each type responds to a different energy range.  These
are given in MeV/nucleon (for oxygen) below:

Event Type                 Energy Range (MeV/nuc for oxygen)

DUBL                            17.0 -    18.0
TRPL                            18.0 -    24.0
WDSTP                           30.0 -    48.0
WSPL1                           30.0 -    48.0
WDPEN                           48.0 -   185.0
WPNL1                           48.0 -   185.0

SLETB                            2.4 -     4.8
DLETB                            4.8 -     6.4
TLETB                            6.4 -    17.5

Ancillary Data:

There are no ancillary data uniquely associated with the HIC
composition data archive. However, the spacecraft trajectory and
attitude data, and the As-run Spacecraft Events Files that are
provided on the same archive volume as these data are useful
ancillary products for users of the HIC data.

Coordinate System:

These are scalar data.


There is no software provided with this archive.


Composition data are stored as a simple ASCII data table in the
DATA/HIC directory of the GOMW_5001 cdrom. The first 11 lines of the
original data file consisted of a header that has been moved to the
PDS label (file and data info sections).

Each data line consists of one date/time string and 11 numeric fields.
The integration time (dMin) and the flux fields are floating point.
The count-of-events (cnt) fields are integer and immediately follow
their respective flux field.

The columns are in the following order:

Heading         Contents                        Format      Example
-------         --------                        ------      -------
DateTime        Spacecraft Event Time (SCET)     %24s
                UTC Derived from PB (Playback)
                level0 telemetry header data

                format: %4d-%02d-%02dT%02s:%02d:%06.3f

                example: 1995-12-07T15:30:08.439Z

Mid.Time        SCET - Describes the mid        %10.6lf     341.652802
End.Time        and end time of the data                    341.659673
                integrated period (decimal day).

dMin            Duration of integration period  %9.4f       19.9886
                in minutes.

SLETB - WPNL1   A pair of values are provided for each rate:

SLETB  - cnt    Flux (#/cm^2-sec-sr) and        %10.4f       25.3535
DLETB - cnt     # of events in calculation      %5d          7
TLETB - cnt
DUBL  - cnt
TRPL  - cnt
WDSTP - cnt
WSPL1 - cnt
WDPEN - cnt
WPNL1 - cnt

The logic conditions and approximate energy ranges for the other
rates are given below.
                                                Energy Range
Rate                        Logic            (MeV/nuc for oxygen)

DUBL                      LE1.LE2.LE3*          17.0 -  18.0
TRPL                    LE1.LE2.LE3.LE4*        18.0 -  24.0
WDSTP                   LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5*        30.0 -  48.0
WSPL1                   LE1.LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5*    30.0 -  48.0
(has smaller geometry factor than WDSTP)

WDPEN                   LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5         48.0 - 185.0
WPNL1                   LE1.LE2.LE3.LE4.LE5     48.0 - 185.0
(has smaller geometry factor than WDPEN)

SLETB                   LB1.LB4*                 2.4 -  17.5
DLETB                   LB1.LB2.LB4*             4.8 -  17.5
TLETB                   LB1.LB2.LB3.LB4*         6.5 -  17.5

X.Y = logical AND of X and Y
X* = logical NOT X
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2000-02-29T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 1995-12-07T03:30:00.000Z
STOP_TIME 2002-11-06T06:35:00.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 1977-10-01T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2003-09-21T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Plasma Interactions

The rate data has been thoroughly checked by the HIC team and includes the
highest resolution data available for this orbit.  The composition data has
been analyzed in detail and consists of our best estimates of the flux of
major ions above 6 MeV/nucleon at a time resolution we believe balances
statistical accuracy with temporal resolution.  Please direct any questions
regarding the generation or interpretation of the data to
ABSTRACT_TEXT This data set provides energetic (MeV) ion fluxes for a variety of different Z values (carbon, oxygen, sulfur) derived from the Heavy Ion Counter (HIC) instrument on the Galileo spacecraft. The data set includes all recorded intervals at Jupiter.
  • Planetary Plasma Interactions Website