Data Set Overview: The Photopolarimeter/Radiometer (PPR) subsystem is one of the fourremote sensing instruments mounted on the Galileo Orbiter scanplatform and is designed to measure the degree of linear polarizationand intensity of reflected or scattered sunlight and the intensity ofthermally emitted radiation from Jupiter and its major satellites.Primary science objectives and anticipated results of the PPRexperiment are to: (1) determine the vertical and horizontaldistribution of cloud and haze particles in the atmosphere of Jupiter;(2) determine the energy budget of Jupiter and the variation in theamount and spatial distribution of reflected solar radiation andemitted thermal radiation for Jupiter and its satellites, includingthe thermal structure of the atmosphere of Jupiter; and (3) measureand map the photometric, polarimetric, and thermal radiometricproperties of the major satellites of Jupiter. These objectives ofcourse contribute to the broader goals of the Galileo Mission sciencedisciplines of atmospheres and satellites as planned and coordinatedby the Atmospheres Working Group (AWG) and the Satellite Working Group(SWG). With the Galileo Orbiter constrained to use the low-gain antenna, theJupiter Phase mission planning was necessarily predicated on thestrategy of recording most of the observations by the remote sensinginstruments during each encounter period, or Jupiter and satelliteclose approach, for playback during the long cruise portions of theeccentric orbits. As a consequence, the key spacecraft resources forscience operations were Data Memory System (DMS) track usage, bits-to-ground as a measure of downlink telemetry capability, and propellantfor spacecraft attitude reorientation, or science turns. Initialplanning by the Galileo Project Science Group (PSG) thus entailed theallocation of spacecraft resources to the three science disciplines -atmospheres, magnetosphere, and satellites - with the respectiveworking groups planning and coordinating specific observations, orOrbit Activity Plan ELements (OAPELs). The resulting plans aresummarized in the Orbit Planning Guide (OPG; [GLLOPG]). The OPG summarizes the basic science objectives for each disciplineand describes the strategies that were adopted given the resourcesallocated to each WG. For the AWG, the strategy was to focus onintegrated studies of a variety of atmospheric features and toemphasize observations that are unique in terms of instrumentalcapability or observing geometry opportunities. For the SWG, theobjective was to obtain global coverage of the satellites at modestspatial resolution consistent with resources and to emphasize smallregions of interest for high spatial resolution and full multispectralcoverage. AWG and SWG objectives required coordinated observations bytwo or more of the four scan platform instruments as well as someobservations by individual instruments. AWG Science Objectives and Observation Strategy: Atmospheric science objectives for the Galileo Mission were to: (1)determine the chemical composition of the atmosphere; (2) determinethe structure of the atmosphere to a depth of at least 10 bars; (3)determine the nature of the cloud particles and the location andstructure of the cloud layers; (4) determine the radiative energybalance in the atmosphere; (5) investigate the circulation anddynamics of the atmosphere; and (6) investigate the upper atmosphereand ionosphere. The Galileo Probe addressed these objectives at onelocation and time, while the Orbiter observations are essential forcompleting the picture by providing spatial and temporal coverage.Observations by the remote sensing instruments on the Orbiter providehigh spatial resolution with broad spectral and phase angle coverage.In general, coordinated observations by the scan platform instrumentsare the optimum strategy because of the broad spectral coverage thusafforded. While many of the AWG observations were accordinglycoordinated, the planned sequences typically involved distinct OAPELsfor the individual instruments closely spaced in time rather thanactually simultaneous measurements because of practical issues ofefficient DMS tape usage. Since the number of image frames from the Solid State Imaging (SSI)system was rather restricted for the low-gain antenna mission, the AWGemphasized the observation of discrete atmospheric features utilizingjoint remote sensing by the scan platform instruments. So the primaryAWG observational objective was for local regions defined by spatialscales of about 10,000 km, to determine the temperature structure,distribution of minor gaseous constituents, properties of the clouds,radiative energy budget, and wind field from observations at thehighest spatial resolution over a range of emission and phase angles.These local regions included the Probe Entry Site, shearing regions atthe edges of jets, white ovals, brown 'barges', infrared 'hot spots',and equatorial plumes. Because of the need to obtain SSI framesspaced appropriately in time for determining cloud motions and toobtain a range of emission and phase angles, these observations werecalled feature tracks. Features covering a broader area are alsoimportant, but their coverage could not involve joint observations byall remote sensing instruments at their fullest capabilities. Theseregions included the Great Red Spot (GRS), the North and South PolarRegions, and two stable axisymmetric features: South Tropical Zone(STrZ) and North Equatorial Belt (NEB). In order to establishcontext, to study zonal wave structure, and to provide a modest surveyfor temporal variations, global observations by individual instrumentswere planned on a very limited basis. Finally, given the limitationsof local or regional feature characterization and the relativelymodest opportunities for complete longitudinal coverage in globalmaps, meridional scans were employed to provide sensitive studies ofmeridional variability of temperature, composition, or cloudproperties. PPR observations in support of the AWG strategy are characterized bythe following OAPEL types:1) FTBAS: Basic feature track support; observes the local regions inboth radiometry and photopolarimetry as part of the atmosphericfeature campaign involving all the remote sensing instruments.2) FTPOL: Adds feature track coverage to FTBAS in photopolarimetry atother phase angles.3) FTRAD: Repeat of feature track in FTBAS in radiometry at differentemission angle.4) REGMAP: Characterize properties of a region larger than thestandard feature track; nominally 4 times larger in both dimensions.5) GLOBAL: Global map with complete coverage over 360 degrees oflongitude with variable latitude range.6) NSSTRP: North-south stripe provides pole-to-pole coverage atselected longitudes, sometimes selected to pass through featuresobserved in feature track or regional map observations. SWG Science Objectives and Observation Strategy: Satellite science objectives for the Galileo Mission were to: (1)characterize the morphology, geology, and physical state of thesatellite surfaces; (2) investigate the surface mineralogy of thesatellites and determine the distribution of the compositional units;(3) determine the gravitational fields, magnetic fields, and dynamicalproperties of the satellites; and (4) study satellite atmospheres andionospheres, extended gas clouds arising from the satellites, andinteractions with the magnetosphere. Observations to achieve thesatellite science objectives have far less emphasis on coordinatedmeasurements by the scan platform instruments than that foratmospheres, but instead are often focussed on timing of specificobservations within the context of the satellite encounter geometry. Principal PPR satellite science objectives are: (1) characterizing thenature of current Io volcanism including temporal variability; (2) thesearch for possible internal activity on Europa and delineation ofEuropa's surface thermophysical properties; (3) characterizing thesurface physical and optical properties with photopolarimetric phaseobservations; (4) determining global surface thermophysical propertyvariations and surface volatile stability on Ganymede and Callisto;and (5) obtaining absolute temperature distribution maps. The PPROAPEL types employed to obtain appropriate observations to realizethese objectives are:1) DGTM (Dayside Global Thermal Map): Determine global daytimebrightness temperature with highest possible spatial resolution as afunction of wavelength to characterize global variations in surfacecompaction, its correlation with geological unit, and its possible usefor evaluating surface ages, emplacement mechanisms, or compositions;investigate sub-resolution temperature variations as probes of surfaceroughness and local albedo distribution; and evaluate stability ofvolatiles on the surface.2) TPO (Thermal Phase Observation): Observe the variation inbrightness temperature of a particular point on the surface when seenfrom different directions to improve the determination of kineticsurface temperatures.3) DRKMAP (Darkside Map): Determine global nighttime brightnesstemperatures with highest possible spatial resolution as a function ofwavelength to characterize global variations in surface compaction,its correlation with geological unit, and its possible use forevaluating surface ages, emplacement mechanisms, or compositions andto look for possible sources of endogenic heat for Europa.4) HIRESS (High Resolution Samples): Determine brightness temperaturedistribution for small areas near closest approach to characterizelocal variations in surface properties, evaluate stability ofvolatiles on the surface, and look for possible sources of endogenicheat for Europa.5) PPO (Polarimetry Phase Observation): Measure polarization ofreflected sunlight as a function of phase angle to infer grain sizesand refractive index of surface particles.6) IOLITE (Io Bright-Side Monitoring): Map thermal emission as afunction of wavelength with best possible spatial resolution onseveral orbits to characterize spatial distribution and temporalvariability of large, low-temperature, high power hot spots on Io'ssunlit hemisphere.7) IOMON (Io Monitoring): Map thermal emission as a function ofwavelength with best possible spatial resolution on several orbits tocharacterize spatial distribution and temporal variability of large,low-temperature, high power hot spots. As indicated in the Orbit Planning Guide, the Galileo Orbiter JupiterPhase began with the approach to Jupiter and orbit insertion (JA/J0)followed by the prime mission with a tour of eleven orbits aroundJupiter. NASA approved the Galileo Europa Mission (GEM) to follow theprime mission with a tour of fourteen more orbits with a focus onEuropa and concluding with two encounters of Io. The Io encounterswere placed at the end of GEM because of the increased risk to thespacecraft and instruments from the intense radiation expected at thatcloser approach to Jupiter. Despite some effects attributable to theradiation, the overall Galileo Orbiter health remained quite good, andNASA thus approved a further extended tour, the Galileo MillenniumMission (GMM), which among a number of objectives, permitted observationsfrom two platforms as the Cassini spacecraft made its Jupiterflyby in late 2000 on its way to Saturn. The tours were shaped byclose, or targeted, encounters with Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, andIo, with one such encounter on each orbit except numbers 5 and 13,which were used as 'phasing orbits' with no planned encounter scienceowing to the effect of Jupiter solar conjunction on telemetry. Therewere in addition to the targeted encounters, non-targeted satelliteencounters that permitted observations at intermediate ranges for anumber of the orbits. The convention adopted for designating the tourencounter phases covering the period of several days about thesatellite encounters and Jupiter closest approach was to use theletter corresponding to the targeted satellite and the orbit number,e.g., G1, E4, C10, and I24. Based upon the allocated spacecraftresources, the specific opportunities presented by each encounterphase, and the observation strategies described above, the workinggroups designed a detailed plan for the mission as described in theOrbit Activity Plan [GLLOAP]. PPR observations in the detailed mission plan used the basic OAPELtypes described above (as well as a few special types added later),usually in a special PPR Burst-to-Tape record format that stored therelatively low rate (216 bps) PPR data in spacecraft memory until anappropriately-sized block of data was accumulated to be written to theDMS tape. Other PPR observations were made in the so-called 'ride-along' mode with a record format that included the PPR data as part ofthe Low Rate Science along with data from the prime instrument forthat particular OAPEL, nearly always either the Near-Infrared MappingSpectrometer (NIMS) or SSI instruments. For both types of PPRobservations, the original strategy was to use one of three principalPPR operational modes: (1) cycle mode, for which the PPR filter wheelmakes a complete cycle over a period of about 28 seconds, makingphotopolarimetry and thermal radiometry measurements; (2) radiometrymode, for which the PPR filter wheel cycles back and forth over justthe 7 radiometry positions; and (3) photopolarimetry mode, for whichthe PPR filter wheel makes a complete cycle, but steps through theradiometry positions without taking any data. Midway through the G1 encounter, the PPR instrument exhibitedanomalous behavior with the filter wheel becoming stuck at a singleradiometry position. As a consequence, all planned PPR OAPELs for G2were canceled and a sequence involving thermal cycling of theinstrument in an attempt to recover wheel stepping was added at theend of the G2 encounter. When that recovery attempt failed, all PPROAPELs in C3 and E4 were performed at the single radiometry band atwhich the wheel was stuck. Another recovery sequence at the end ofthe E4 sequence proved successful and all PPR observations from thenuntil the end of the Jupiter Phase Nominal Mission were performedusing an operational mode that allows stepping the wheel back andforth over a few positions, thus permitting operations without goingback to the position at which the wheel had become stuck. This samestrategy was followed throughout GEM and GMM, but it was necessary tohave the filter wheel step through the worrisome position on severaloccasions in order to start a new cycle. In each case this operationwas successful and the filter wheel did not become stuck. Of course,this means that most PPR OAPELs were then made at fewer wavelengthsthan originally planned. See the INST.CAT file for a detaileddescription of the PPR operational modes and the nature of the filterwheel anomaly. The observations in the present data set are the PPR Reduced Data Record(RDR) level data for GEM and GMM from E12 encounter through I33encounter. The RDR data include PPR science data converted from rawscience data numbers (DN) in the Reformatted Experiment Data Record(R_EDR) data set (DATA_SET_ID: GO-J-PPR-2-REDR-GEM-GMM-V1.0) tointensity for the photometry measurements; intensity, linearpolarization degree, and polarization direction for polarimetry; andradiance in dimensionless DN and corresponding brightness temperaturefor the radiometry. The PPR R_EDR data were organized as records in anASCII table, one record for each minor frame buffer of raw PPR data,with each record containing three pairs of PPR science data samples.Each record of the RDR data set contains the reduced data for a singlepair of science data samples along with time tag information and some ofthe instrument housekeeping from the R_EDR records, again presented inASCII tabular format. Data for each observation, or OAPEL, arecontained in a single data file. File labels specify the OAPEL, thetime of observation, data file format, and a unique PRODUCT_NAME for theobservation that is generally the same as the Galileo observation IDwith -R_EDR or -RDR appended to indicate reformatted EDR or reduced data(present data set), respectively. The observation ID is a 12-character field that begins with twocharacters for the orbit (e.g., E4, with the letter dropped afterorbit C9), followed by one letter for the target body (J - Jupiter,C - Callisto, E - Europa, G - Ganymede, I - Io, N - calibrationtarget, X - space or not applicable), followed by one letter for theprime instrument for the OAPEL (N - NIMS, P - PPR, S - SSI, U - UVS),followed by six characters for the observation name (usually the OAPELtype, but also proper names or abbreviations thereof), followed by a2-digit observation series number. Thus, the observation IDs for thetwo PPR global maps of Jupiter in orbit G1 are G1JPGLOBAL01 andG1JPGLOBAL02, while the PPR ride-along with one of the NIMSobservations of a brown barge at 42-degree phase angle in orbit E11 is11JNBRG04203. An exception to the leading portion (prior to -RDR) ofthe PRODUCT_NAME being identical to the observation ID is that weretain the leading letter for the orbits after C9. Parameters: The PPR presents to the Galileo Orbiter Command and Data Subsystem(CDS), an 18-byte instrument data buffer for each 2/3-sec intervalcorresponding to one minor frame (or MOD91) count of the spacecraftclock (91 minor frames constitute one RIM count of the spacecraftclock). For each of the 18-byte PPR minor frame records, the firstsix bytes are housekeeping data that completely specify the instrumentstatus, both commanded parameters and position within operationalmeasurement mode cycles. The remaining twelve bytes are three sets ofPPR science data sample pairs and their associated identifyingparameters and parity check bit. Because of the differences in time required for specific steps of theinstrument operation, the various operational modes of the PPR resultin the generation of the 18-byte minor frame records at variablerates. Those rates range from just slightly slower than that at whichthe CDS performs the readout of those records every 2/3 second to arate that is about three times slower. Accordingly, the PPR designuses two internal 18-byte buffers that are alternately filled, withone buffer being active, or in the state of being filled, and theother containing the previous 18 bytes of housekeeping and sciencedata for the sequence. At the time of each CDS readout of PPR data,it is only the non-active buffer that is presented and placed into theCDS processing stream, and whenever that buffer has been previouslytransferred, the PPR sets a flag in the housekeeping data of thatrecord to indicate that it is a 'repeat' record. For PPR observationsthat use the Low Rate Science format to record to the DMS tape, allPPR minor frame records are recorded and ultimately returned. Withthe PPR Burst-to-Tape record mode, however, the CDS checks the PPRhousekeeping to identify and discard the repeat records, storing onlythe non-redundant records for playback and downlink telemetry. The PPR R_EDR data set is organized with the PPR minor frame record asthe focus, so each record of the R_EDR ASCII table is a set of columnsthat displays all of the housekeeping and science data for that minorframe along with the spacecraft clock RIM and MOD91 counts thatcorrespond to the time that the memory buffer containing those data wasreadout by the CDS. In contrast, the focus of the PPR RDR data set ison the science data unit, with a separate record generated for each ofthe three science data sample pairs of the minor frame record.Moreover, in order to appropriately represent the time at which agiven science sample was acquired, we use the specific timing of thePPR operational modes to determine an 'adjusted' spacecraft clock RIMand MOD91 count. The ADJUSTED_RIM and ADJUSTED_MOD91 are the firsttwo parameters of each RDR record and are followed in the record withthe RIM and MOD91 values to provide an unambiguous identification ofthe R_EDR record from which the RDR data came. Note that the adjustedRIM and MOD91 naturally always represent earlier times than the RIMand MOD91 corresponding to the time of the readout of the PPR memorybuffer. Following the adjusted and original spacecraft clock countsis the portion of the PPR housekeeping that describes the instrumentstatus (i.e., not including parity information, valid command count,repeat memory buffer flag, and memory buffer ID contained in the R_EDRversion archive), the PPR filter wheel position, the raw science datasample pair in DN, right ascension and declination (in degrees) of thescan platform instruments boresight direction, radiometry radiance inDN, radiometry brightness temperature in Kelvins, photometry orpolarimetry radiance in DN, photometry or polarimetry radiance inabsolute units of watts per square cm per steradian per nm, linearpolarization degree in percent, polarization direction angle indegrees (i.e., the direction of the maximum E-field vector in thescene radiance relative to the PPR reference plane defined by theinstrument baseplate), and a flag indicating whether the data samplepair was corrupted by a spacecraft boom passing through the PPR FOV. Processing: The PPR makes three different types of measurements: photometry,polarimetry, and radiometry, with a range of positions on the rotatingPPR filter wheel corresponding to each. Positions 0 - 17 are used forthree polarimetry spectral bands, 18 - 24 for seven thermal radiometrybands, and 25 - 31 for seven photometry bands. At each of the thermalradiometry positions, a chopper mirror alternately directs the sceneflux and the space-view reference flux through the filter and thenfrom a mirror mounted on the back of the filter wheel to apyroelectric detector. For radiometry measurements, the first of thepair of data samples is the digitized output from the detector whilethe second data sample is the reading from one of 10 thermistorsmonitoring the temperature of internal instrument elements or 2platinum resistance thermometers and a reference resistance monitoringthe temperature of the PPR radiometric calibration target (RCT). Atthe photometry and polarimetry positions, the scene flux is directedby a relay lens through a Wollaston prism that splits the input intotwo orthogonally-polarized output beams, which are then focused onto apair of silicon photodiode detectors. Polarimetry measurements for agiven spectral band are made at three filter wheel positions withthree different orientations of half-wave retarders (mounted over thefilter positions) in order to obtain the linear polarization degreeand direction as well as intensity, whereas for photometry, the twoorthogonal intensity components are simply added to get the intensity. The data reduction of the thermal radiometry entails the correction ofthe raw pyroelectric detector output for contributions to the measuredflux by emission, albeit small, from internal elements such as mirrorsand radiometric stops. These corrections use the element temperaturesmonitored by the thermistors along with calibration factors determinedthrough ground thermal vacuum tests in which each element was in turnheated by several degrees to observe the sensitivity to thatparticular element. The corrected net thermal radiance is thenconverted to a brightness temperature in Kelvins. Input data for the RDR data set are of course the R_EDR data, withthree RDR records generated for each R_EDR record, corresponding toone RDR record for each of the three science data sample pairs in theR_EDR record, as described above. Each RDR data set record identifiesthe filter wheel position for that particular science data samplepair, which in turn indicates whether that record corresponds toradiometry, photometry, or polarimetry. Thus, meaningful reducedvalues for the respective type of PPR measurement appear in theappropriate columns and zero-fill is used in the other columns; e.g.,when the filter wheel is at position 21, there are entries for theradiometry radiance in DN and the brightness temperature, but thepolarimetry/photometry intensities, linear polarization degree, andpolarization directions are set to zero. Since polarimetry requires aminimum of two, and preferably three successive retarder positions,the tabulated polarization quantities are based upon the current datasample position and the previous, most recent data for the otherrequisite position(s). Data: The PPR reduced data are formatted as ASCII tables, one record foreach PPR data sample pair corresponding to a single measurement. Eachrecord begins with the adjusted spacecraft clock RIM and MOD91 countsthat correspond to the time at which the sample was acquired and theseare followed by the original RIM and MOD91 that provide the time tagidentifying the R_EDR record that serves as the input for these RDRrecords. For PPR observations that use the Burst-to-Tape record mode, thespacecraft scan platform pointing (viz., right ascension anddeclination angles) information is merged with the PPR science databecause the Attitude and Articulation Control System (AACS) readoutsthat are included in the Low Rate Science record blocks and providescan platform pointing would not otherwise be available with adequatefrequency in the playback and downlink of the Burst-to-Tape mode. Sothe two columns of the RDR records for the scan platform rightascension and declination angles, are set to zero when the PPRobservation uses the Low Rate Science record mode. In all recordformats other than PPR Burst-to-Tape, the AACS information isdelivered directly to the SPICE System, which provides general targetand observing geometry and is archived in PDS. For the Burst-to-Taperecord mode, the scan platform right ascension and declination areobtained from the PPR science data and then delivered to the SPICESystem. Note also that in the PPR Burst-to-Tape record mode, the second byteof the PPR housekeeping is deleted from the data stored in the CDSmemory buffer in order to reduce the total data volume slightly and tooptimize the sizing of the buffer. The second byte of housekeepingwas chosen because the bits therein correspond to the values for threeparameters: photopolarimetry gain, radiometry gain, and number ofsamples, and all three of these parameters are set by command and donot change during instrument operation unless reset by sending a newcommand. See the data label file format for a detailed description ofthese parameters. In the processing to generate the present reducedscience data, the known values for these parameters are manuallyinput based upon the Galileo Sequence of Events File (SEF), whichindicates the timing of the PPR commands and the commanded parametervalues. Listed below by orbit are the PPR RDR data files with the datafilename, observation ID (modified as described above), observationstart time, and duration. Files are located in subdirectories by orbitname and then by target. Please note that because of the anomalousbehavior of the PPR radiometry in encounter C20, reduction of thoseradiometry observations would be meaningless. Since all observationsplanned for C20 were in radiometry mode, none of the C20 observationsrepresented in the R_EDR data set are included here. G1: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationGRSMNC01.TAB G1JPGRSMNC01 1996-06-26T22:56:24 01:03:21GRSMND01.TAB G1JPGRSMND01 1996-06-27T00:02:08 00:34:16GRSEXC01.TAB G1JPGRSEXC01 1996-06-27T00:50:41 00:31:09GRSRAD01.TAB G1JPGRSRAD01 1996-06-27T01:24:02 00:15:54MEMPIS01.TAB G1GNMEMPIS01 1996-06-27T03:14:15 00:08:03DRTM__01.TAB G1GPDRTM__01 1996-06-27T03:24:46 00:29:23AMON__01.TAB G1GNAMON__01 1996-06-27T05:02:26 00:04:54PTAH__01.TAB G1GNPTAH__01 1996-06-27T05:11:30 00:03:54HIRESS01.TAB G1GPHIRESS01 1996-06-27T06:27:25 00:05:27HIRESS02.TAB G1GPHIRESS02 1996-06-27T06:43:40 00:07:57DRKMAP01.TAB G1GPDRKMAP01 1996-06-27T07:45:13 00:38:41STP15001.TAB G1GPSTP15001 1996-06-27T08:32:48 00:00:25DRKMAP02.TAB G1GPDRKMAP02 1996-06-27T08:59:01 02:15:35GRS00501.TAB G1JNGRS00501 1996-06-27T11:20:38 00:11:34GLOBAL1A.TAB G1JPGLOBAL01_PT1 1996-06-27T12:46:31 00:55:12GLOBAL1B.TAB G1JPGLOBAL01_PT2 1996-06-27T13:41:45 02:09:05GLOBAL1C.TAB G1JPGLOBAL01_PT3 1996-06-27T15:50:52 02:06:55GLOBAL1D.TAB G1JPGLOBAL01_PT4 1996-06-27T17:57:48 02:06:34GLOBAL1E.TAB G1JPGLOBAL01_PT5 1996-06-27T20:04:24 01:38:42GR043P01.TAB G1JPGR043P01 1996-06-27T21:48:30 00:10:42STP02503.TAB G1EPSTP02503 1996-06-27T22:22:12 00:00:26NHILAT01.TAB G1ENNHILAT01 1996-06-28T00:00:56 00:30:06STP04404.TAB G1EPSTP04404 1996-06-28T03:03:14 00:00:26STP05505.TAB G1EPSTP05505 1996-06-28T05:27:14 00:00:26STP06006.TAB G1EPSTP06006 1996-06-28T06:30:32 00:00:26STP06507.TAB G1EPSTP06507 1996-06-28T07:30:32 00:00:26GRS09102.TAB G1JNGRS09102 1996-06-28T08:47:44 00:11:55STP07008.TAB G1EPSTP07008 1996-06-28T09:07:24 00:00:26STP07509.TAB G1EPSTP07509 1996-06-28T10:15:38 00:00:26THRMAL02.TAB G1INTHRMAL02 1996-06-28T11:23:26 00:01:36VOLCAN05.TAB G1INVOLCAN05 1996-06-28T11:28:30 00:00:08STP08010.TAB G1EPSTP08010 1996-06-28T12:02:53 00:00:26RCTCAL01.TAB G1NPRCTCAL01 1996-06-28T13:16:24 00:01:25THRMAL03.TAB G1INTHRMAL03 1996-06-28T13:54:06 00:03:24STP08511.TAB G1EPSTP08511 1996-06-28T14:02:50 00:00:26IODISK01.TAB G1IPIODISK01 1996-06-28T18:21:58 00:12:16GR123P01.TAB G1JPGR123P01 1996-06-28T18:36:12 00:13:30GLOBAL02.TAB G1JPGLOBAL02 1996-06-28T19:08:33 02:49:57PLLOKI01.TAB G1ISPLLOKI01 1996-06-29T01:06:31 00:00:27PLATEN01.TAB G1ISPLATEN01 1996-06-29T02:51:41 00:00:26IOECLP01.TAB G1IPIOECLP01 1996-06-29T03:37:57 00:04:40IOECLI02.TAB G1ISIOECLI02 1996-06-29T03:46:47 00:00:38PLSHTX01.TAB G1XBPLSHTX01 1996-06-30T02:00:52 00:02:01 C3: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB C3NPRCTCAL01 1996-11-03T14:20:30 00:01:16DRTM__01.TAB C3CPDRTM__01 1996-11-04T11:02:28 00:46:42ASGRAD01.TAB C3CNASGARD01 1996-11-04T12:00:28 00:29:21DRKMAP01.TAB C3CPDRKMAP01 1996-11-04T12:34:29 00:12:03CRATER01.TAB C3CNCRATER01 1996-11-04T13:21:31 00:03:37CSPOTS01.TAB C3CNCSPOTS01 1996-11-04T13:52:15 00:06:01STP12003.TAB C3CPSTP12003 1996-11-04T14:20:08 00:00:20DRKMAP02.TAB C3CPDRKMAP02 1996-11-04T14:26:00 01:34:24FT2D__01.TAB C3JPFT2D__01 1996-11-05T08:02:14 00:09:47FT2BAS01.TAB C3JPFT2BAS01 1996-11-05T08:23:28 00:25:28NSSTRP01.TAB C3JPNSSTRP01 1996-11-05T09:57:04 00:25:08FT1BAS01.TAB C3JPFT1BAS01 1996-11-05T20:48:40 00:51:16FT1D__01.TAB C3JPFT1D__01 1996-11-05T21:59:26 00:17:57FT1RAD01.TAB C3JPFT1RAD01 1996-11-05T23:02:25 00:17:17IOMON_01.TAB C3IPIOMON_01 1996-11-06T04:16:01 00:25:27IOLITE01.TAB C3IPIOLITE01 1996-11-06T10:43:46 00:58:27HRSPEC01.TAB C3INHRSPEC01 1996-11-06T11:52:35 00:07:23STP03004.TAB C3EPSTP03004 1996-11-06T15:52:14 00:00:20DGTM__01.TAB C3EPDGTM__01 1996-11-06T17:33:30 00:38:12TPO01001.TAB C3EPTPO01001 1996-11-06T18:13:48 00:12:04TPO07803.TAB C3EPTPO07803 1996-11-06T20:20:02 00:11:05DRKMAP01.TAB C3EPDRKMAP01 1996-11-06T20:36:22 00:11:05STP09101.TAB C3EPSTP09101 1996-11-06T21:10:13 00:00:21DRKMAP02.TAB C3EPDRKMAP02 1996-11-06T21:12:46 00:26:06STP07002.TAB C3IPSTP07002 1996-11-06T22:23:32 00:00:20IOMON_02.TAB C3IPIOMON_02 1996-11-06T23:22:11 00:18:36STP08003.TAB C3IPSTP08003 1996-11-07T00:49:08 00:00:20STP11003.TAB C3EPSTP11003 1996-11-07T01:24:32 00:00:20STP06004.TAB C3GPSTP06004 1996-11-07T05:17:04 00:00:20 E4: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationFT1BAS01.TAB E4JPFT1BAS01 1996-12-18T01:59:40 00:26:06FT1D__01.TAB E4JPFT1D__01 1996-12-18T02:29:04 00:09:46FT1RAD01.TAB E4JPFT1RAD01 1996-12-18T04:07:04 00:45:42FTP01601.TAB E4JPFTP01601 1996-12-18T12:44:45 00:29:23IOMON_01.TAB E4IPIOMON_01 1996-12-18T14:32:29 00:10:46GLOBAL01.TAB E4EPGLOBAL01 1996-12-18T20:17:20 00:15:00IOLITE01.TAB E4IPIOLITE01 1996-12-18T22:06:56 00:22:11DGTMDM01.TAB E4EPDGTMDM01 1996-12-19T01:58:28 01:03:41SUCOMP02.TAB E4ENSUCOMP02 1996-12-19T05:20:25 00:09:18SUCOMP03.TAB E4ENSUCOMP03 1996-12-19T06:25:42 00:12:47IOMON_02.TAB E4IPIOMON_02 1996-12-19T08:37:52 00:09:07DRKMAP02.TAB E4EPDRKMAP02 1996-12-19T09:43:35 01:05:00FTP09501.TAB E4JPFTP09501 1996-12-19T11:10:23 00:07:30IOECLP02.TAB E4IPIOECLP02 1996-12-19T15:36:28 00:10:06RCTCAL01.TAB E4NPRCTCAL01 1996-12-20T00:45:12 00:01:18 E6: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB E6NPRCTCAL01 1997-02-19T13:33:53 00:01:25NSSTRP01.TAB E6JPNSSTRP01 1997-02-19T18:46:35 00:51:35CHEMIS02.TAB E6INCHEMIS02 1997-02-20T04:02:42 00:03:31NSSTRP02.TAB E6JPNSSTRP02 1997-02-20T06:36:23 00:32:19FT3EM101.TAB E6JPFT3EM101 1997-02-20T10:27:56 00:32:20IOLITE01.TAB E6IPIOLITE01 1997-02-20T11:26:35 00:29:38TERINC01.TAB E6ENTERINC01 1997-02-20T12:04:05 00:31:12DGTM__01.TAB E6EPDGTM__01 1997-02-20T14:17:27 00:35:35SUCOMP01.TAB E6ENSUCOMP01 1997-02-20T16:13:44 00:08:04SUCOMP02.TAB E6ENSUCOMP02 1997-02-20T16:31:56 00:08:04PPO06001.TAB E6EPPPO06001 1997-02-20T16:49:20 00:05:16PPO10602.TAB E6EPPPO10602 1997-02-20T17:00:40 00:02:20HIRESS01.TAB E6EPHIRESS01 1997-02-20T17:06:18 00:16:12DRKMAP01.TAB E6EPDRKMAP01 1997-02-20T19:25:51 00:45:43FT1EM101.TAB E6JPFT1EM101 1997-02-20T21:04:06 00:42:16FT1EM201.TAB E6JPFT1EM201 1997-02-20T22:31:53 01:04:00CHEMIS06.TAB E6INCHEMIS06 1997-02-21T04:02:32 00:02:43FT2EM201.TAB E6JPFT2EM201 1997-02-21T07:12:37 00:36:09FT2EM101.TAB E6JPFT2EM101 1997-02-21T08:59:47 00:42:07THRMNS01.TAB E6JNTHRMNS01 1997-02-21T11:07:12 00:29:48NSSTRP03.TAB E6JPNSSTRP03 1997-02-21T14:51:39 00:25:08GLOBAL01.TAB E6GPGLOBAL01 1997-02-21T23:14:11 00:08:48GLOBAL01.TAB E6CNGLOBAL01 1997-02-22T22:08:16 00:08:14DRKMAP01.TAB E6CPDRKMAP01 1997-02-22T22:22:26 00:29:42 G7: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationGLOBAL01.TAB G7CSGLOBAL01 1997-04-02T16:42:56 00:00:52NSSTRP02.TAB G7JPNSSTRP02 1997-04-03T10:46:44 00:19:52CHEMIS03.TAB G7INCHEMIS03 1997-04-03T18:00:29 00:03:15HRSPEC01.TAB G7INHRSPEC01 1997-04-03T21:03:29 00:02:57GLOBAL01.TAB G7IPGLOBAL01 1997-04-03T21:10:34 00:19:30FTSEM201.TAB G7JPFTSEM201 1997-04-03T23:27:05 00:17:37TOPMAP02.TAB G7ISTOPMAP02 1997-04-04T01:46:38 00:00:06DGTM__01.TAB G7EPDGTM__01 1997-04-04T02:35:09 01:03:41LOWFOT01.TAB G7ESLOWFOT01 1997-04-04T04:15:16 00:00:22VLOFOT01.TAB G7ESVLOFOT01 1997-04-04T04:32:28 00:00:21CHEMIS05.TAB G7INCHEMIS05 1997-04-04T04:49:38 00:00:57IOMON_01.TAB G7IPIOMON_01 1997-04-04T04:57:43 00:01:17TOPMAP03.TAB G7ISTOPMAP03 1997-04-04T05:04:41 00:00:05SMONHI01.TAB G7ISSMONHI01 1997-04-04T05:04:48 00:00:06TYRMAC01.TAB G7ESTYRMAC01 1997-04-04T05:09:50 00:00:06TYRMAC02.TAB G7ESTYRMAC02 1997-04-04T05:14:54 00:00:01FEX02003.TAB G7JNFEX00203 1997-04-04T05:20:58 00:01:40TPO_3001.TAB G7EPTPO_3001 1997-04-04T05:30:15 00:16:59APEXCR01.TAB G7ESAPEXCR01 1997-04-04T06:14:01 00:00:01APEXCR02.TAB G7ESAPEXCR02 1997-04-04T06:18:21 00:00:02APEXCR03.TAB G7ESAPEXCR03 1997-04-04T06:22:43 00:00:02APEXCR04.TAB G7ESAPEXCR04 1997-04-04T06:27:04 00:00:02TPO_9002.TAB G7EPTPO_9002 1997-04-04T06:33:46 00:18:36DGTM__02.TAB G7EPDGTM__02 1997-04-04T06:57:02 00:40:09DRKMAP01.TAB G7EPDRKMAP01 1997-04-04T07:42:32 01:34:41RCTCAL01.TAB G7NPRCTCAL01 1997-04-04T11:03:28 00:01:04HOTMAP01.TAB G7JPHOTMAP01 1997-04-04T11:36:06 01:01:24REGMAP01.TAB G7JPREGMAP01 1997-04-04T12:59:00 00:46:42GRSEM201.TAB G7JPGRSEM201 1997-04-04T18:37:44 00:45:04GRSEM101.TAB G7JPGRSEM101 1997-04-04T19:39:24 00:26:07FTNEM101.TAB G7JPFTNEM101 1997-04-04T20:26:56 00:35:46FEAP6602.TAB G7JNFEAP6602 1997-04-04T21:15:28 00:05:00PFTB6602.TAB G7JNPFTB6602 1997-04-04T21:25:30 00:00:03FTSEM101.TAB G7JPFTSEM101 1997-04-04T21:42:45 00:16:15FEA53M01.TAB G7JNFEA53M01 1997-04-04T22:10:50 00:10:18FTNEM201.TAB G7JPFTNEM201 1997-04-04T22:26:14 00:24:49DRTM__01.TAB G7GPDRTM__01 1997-04-05T01:04:59 00:44:24EWSTRP01.TAB G7JPEWSTRP01 1997-04-05T02:19:48 00:15:20DRKMAP01.TAB G7GPDRKMAP01 1997-04-05T03:41:43 00:45:08HILAT_01.TAB G7GNHILAT_01 1997-04-05T04:33:16 00:23:03THRMAL06.TAB G7INTHRMAL06 1997-04-05T05:09:36 00:00:03PALIMP01.TAB G7GSPALIMP01 1997-04-05T05:40:02 00:00:05ENKIDU01.TAB G7GPENKIDU01 1997-04-05T06:00:14 00:06:50CATENA01.TAB G7GSCATENA01 1997-04-05T06:12:22 00:00:13BRITRL01.TAB G7GNBRITRL01 1997-04-05T06:20:26 00:04:44NICHOL01.TAB G7GSNICHOL01 1997-04-05T06:31:36 00:00:22ACHELS01.TAB G7GSACHELS01 1997-04-05T06:33:37 00:00:14NUNSUL01.TAB G7GSNUNSUL01 1997-04-05T06:35:38 00:00:14NEITH_01.TAB G7GSNEITH_01 1997-04-05T06:37:40 00:00:18KITTU_01.TAB G7GSKITTU_01 1997-04-05T06:39:46 00:00:52KITTU_02.TAB G7GSKITTU_02 1997-04-05T06:40:41 00:00:43KITTUN01.TAB G7GNKITTU_01 1997-04-05T06:42:42 00:11:38HIRESS01.TAB G7GPHIRESS01 1997-04-05T07:11:00 00:14:09DRKMAP02.TAB G7GPDRKMAP02 1997-04-05T08:45:02 01:07:19STP12001.TAB G7GPSTP12001 1997-04-05T10:02:52 00:08:10STP12501.TAB G7IPSTP12501 1997-04-05T11:05:34 00:00:17STP12001.TAB G7EPSTP12001 1997-04-05T11:17:42 00:00:17STP13501.TAB G7CPSTP13501 1997-04-05T11:58:09 00:00:17FTP13003.TAB G7JPFTP13003 1997-04-05T16:44:18 00:18:10FEA13002.TAB G7JNFEA13002 1997-04-05T17:05:32 00:01:39STP14501.TAB G7IPSTP14501 1997-04-05T17:24:45 00:00:17EWSTRP02.TAB G7JPEWSTRP02 1997-04-05T22:24:01 00:20:00STP15501.TAB G7IPSTP15501 1997-04-06T06:20:16 00:00:17STP15501.TAB G7CPSTP15501 1997-04-06T10:05:44 00:00:17STP13001.TAB G7EPSTP13001 1997-04-06T11:57:58 00:00:17 G8: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationPOLMAP01.TAB G8CPPOLMAP01 1997-05-06T09:38:10 01:10:39SPOLE_01.TAB G8CNSPOLE_01 1997-05-06T11:18:24 00:30:04STP04101.TAB G8CPSTP04101 1997-05-06T11:54:40 00:10:43BURI__01.TAB G8CNBURI__01 1997-05-06T12:15:53 00:10:45ADLIND01.TAB G8CNADLIND01 1997-05-06T12:31:03 00:18:36STP06101.TAB G8CPSTP06101 1997-05-06T13:00:20 00:03:28POLMAP02.TAB G8CPPOLMAP02 1997-05-06T13:39:49 00:28:35POLMAP03.TAB G8CPPOLMAP03 1997-05-06T16:15:31 00:09:23IOMON_01.TAB G8IPIOMON_01 1997-05-07T10:51:47 00:06:42VOLCAN04.TAB G8INVOLCAN04 1997-05-07T12:09:38 00:01:41OSIRIS01.TAB G8GNOSIRIS01 1997-05-07T13:09:17 00:11:14POLMAP01.TAB G8GPPOLMAP01 1997-05-07T13:34:34 00:35:49URUK__01.TAB G8GNURUK__01 1997-05-07T14:36:15 00:19:00TRANSI01.TAB G8GNTRANSI01 1997-05-07T14:57:29 00:07:30LIDARK01.TAB G8GNLIDARK01 1997-05-07T15:07:35 00:05:50MELKAR01.TAB G8GNMELKAR01 1997-05-07T15:26:48 00:08:27DARTRL01.TAB G8GNDARTRL01 1997-05-07T15:40:56 00:06:40STP15601.TAB G8GPSTP15601 1997-05-07T16:12:18 00:00:21STP14402.TAB G8GPSTP14402 1997-05-07T16:19:23 00:00:21STP12704.TAB G8GPSTP12704 1997-05-07T16:58:49 00:00:26POLMAP02.TAB G8GPPOLMAP02 1997-05-07T17:00:51 01:09:51STP03901.TAB G8EPSTP03901 1997-05-07T18:33:52 00:00:25FEA04101.TAB G8JNFEA04101 1997-05-07T21:28:47 00:01:38FT2BAS01.TAB G8JPFT2BAS01 1997-05-07T21:35:13 00:42:05FT2RAD01.TAB G8JPFT2RAD01 1997-05-07T23:19:59 00:12:04NSSTRP01.TAB G8JPNSSTRP01 1997-05-08T05:03:46 01:01:47STP02501.TAB G8EPSTP02501 1997-05-08T09:08:29 00:00:24FEAP1001.TAB G8JNFEAP1001 1997-05-08T09:25:39 00:05:00FTP01001.TAB G8JPFTP01001 1997-05-08T09:46:53 00:15:38RCTCAL01.TAB G8NPRCTCAL01 1997-05-08T10:35:09 00:01:20PFTB1003.TAB G8JNPFTB1003 1997-05-08T11:14:51 00:07:04FEAP1002.TAB G8JNFEAP1002 1997-05-08T11:26:56 00:05:02STP02001.TAB G8IPSTP02001 1997-05-08T12:18:33 00:00:26STP04101.TAB G8EPSTP04101 1997-05-08T12:29:41 00:00:26STP05001.TAB G8IPSTP05001 1997-05-08T15:25:37 00:00:26HOT05801.TAB G8JPHOT05801 1997-05-08T15:32:42 00:59:06NSSTRP02.TAB G8JPNSSTRP02 1997-05-08T16:43:27 00:32:40GRS05901.TAB G8JPGRS05901 1997-05-08T17:24:55 01:00:28STP07001.TAB G8EPSTP07001 1997-05-08T18:39:44 00:00:25REG06201.TAB G8JPREG06201 1997-05-08T18:44:48 01:02:14STP07001.TAB G8IPSTP07001 1997-05-08T19:53:34 00:00:25FEAP7101.TAB G8JNFEAP7101 1997-05-08T20:01:39 00:04:59PFTB7101.TAB G8JNPFTB7101 1997-05-08T20:12:46 00:06:59FT1BAS01.TAB G8JPFT1BAS01 1997-05-08T20:20:51 00:31:47PFTB7102.TAB G8JNPFTB7102 1997-05-08T21:04:20 00:06:59FEAP7102.TAB G8JNFEAP7102 1997-05-08T21:17:29 00:04:58STP12001.TAB G8CPSTP12001 1997-05-08T21:34:39 00:00:25STP09901.TAB G8IPSTP09901 1997-05-09T01:24:11 00:00:25STP10001.TAB G8EPSTP10001 1997-05-09T02:36:59 00:00:25REG09301.TAB G8JPREG09301 1997-05-09T03:13:43 00:17:27GRS09801.TAB G8JPGRS09801 1997-05-09T03:39:41 00:22:22HOT09601.TAB G8JPHOT09601 1997-05-09T05:10:41 00:37:36FEA10401.TAB G8JNFEA10401 1997-05-09T06:38:39 00:01:39FTP10402.TAB G8JPFTP10402 1997-05-09T06:58:53 00:14:44FEA10402.TAB G8JNFEA10402 1997-05-09T07:19:05 00:00:48REG10401.TAB G8JPREG10401 1997-05-09T08:00:51 00:35:22STP13001.TAB G8IPSTP13001 1997-05-09T11:22:47 00:00:25STP13601.TAB G8CPSTP13601 1997-05-09T11:27:50 00:00:25STP14001.TAB G8EPSTP14001 1997-05-09T18:45:39 00:00:25STP14001.TAB G8IPSTP14001 1997-05-10T20:12:25 00:00:26 C9: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationREGMAP01.TAB C9JPREGMAP01 1997-06-25T01:53:13 04:10:51REGMAP02.TAB C9JPREGMAP02 1997-06-25T09:53:28 01:08:58POLMAP01.TAB C9CPPOLMAP01 1997-06-25T11:42:41 00:53:44ANARR_01.TAB C9CNANARR_01 1997-06-25T13:59:09 00:12:09CRATER01.TAB C9CSCRATER01 1997-06-25T14:23:28 00:00:49SKULD_01.TAB C9CNSKULD_01 1997-06-25T14:29:31 00:10:00NOLAT_01.TAB C9CNNOLAT_01 1997-06-25T14:57:45 00:10:44VALHAL01.TAB C9CSVALHAL01 1997-06-25T15:13:01 00:01:58VALSPC01.TAB C9CNVALSPC01 1997-06-25T15:19:03 00:06:40POLMAP02.TAB C9CPPOLMAP02 1997-06-25T16:07:35 01:02:14POLMAP01.TAB C9GPPOLMAP01 1997-06-26T13:57:59 01:36:44CLIPSE01.TAB C9ENCLIPSE01 1997-06-26T16:00:20 00:04:44STP00403.TAB C9GPSTP00403 1997-06-26T16:23:35 00:08:29BRILED01.TAB C9GNBRILED01 1997-06-26T17:27:17 00:11:18SULCUS01.TAB C9GSSULCUS01 1997-06-26T17:55:37 00:00:32STP04604.TAB C9GPSTP04604 1997-06-26T18:03:41 00:19:14CLIPSE03.TAB C9ENCLIPSE03 1997-06-26T18:50:12 00:04:42POLMAP02.TAB C9GPPOLMAP02 1997-06-26T19:10:25 01:02:41GRS05101.TAB C9JNGRS05101 1997-06-26T20:24:14 00:03:18GRS05102.TAB C9JNGRS05102 1997-06-26T20:44:23 00:03:22FT1BAS01.TAB C9JPFT1BAS01 1997-06-26T20:53:33 00:29:05GRS05103.TAB C9JNGRS05103 1997-06-26T21:50:09 00:03:22GLOBAL02.TAB C9GNGLOBAL02 1997-06-26T21:58:12 00:20:10FT1RAD01.TAB C9JPFT1RAD01 1997-06-26T22:26:34 00:17:00FT2BAS01.TAB C9JPFT2BAS01 1997-06-27T03:03:37 00:31:20GLOBAL01.TAB C9ESGLOBAL01 1997-06-27T03:50:09 00:00:54FT2RAD01.TAB C9JPFT2RAD01 1997-06-27T04:32:35 00:59:06PHOTOM01.TAB C9ISPHOTOM01 1997-06-27T06:01:35 00:00:07GRS01102.TAB C9JNGRS01102 1997-06-27T06:38:59 00:03:20GRS01103.TAB C9JNGRS01103 1997-06-27T08:24:09 00:03:19CHEMIS01.TAB C9INCHEMIS01 1997-06-27T10:36:36 00:02:01GRS03901.TAB C9JNGRS03901 1997-06-27T17:08:55 00:03:19STP06501.TAB C9IPSTP06501 1997-06-27T17:17:00 00:10:43NSSTRP02.TAB C9JPNSSTRP02 1997-06-27T20:59:26 00:33:07VOLCAN01.TAB C9INVOLCAN01 1997-06-27T21:36:51 00:01:33CHEMIS03.TAB C9INCHEMIS03 1997-06-27T22:31:23 00:03:24FEA05701.TAB C9JNFEA05701 1997-06-27T22:46:34 00:08:26FEA05702.TAB C9JNFEA05702 1997-06-28T00:32:47 00:03:19FTP25701.TAB C9JPFTP25701 1997-06-28T00:40:52 00:27:18FEA05703.TAB C9JNFEA05703 1997-06-28T01:13:14 00:03:20FEA05704.TAB C9JNFEA05704 1997-06-28T02:01:46 00:03:19STP08101.TAB C9IPSTP08101 1997-06-28T02:10:51 00:16:06FTP19502.TAB C9JPFTP19502 1997-06-28T15:43:47 00:15:39NSSTRP03.TAB C9JPNSSTRP03 1997-06-28T17:51:12 00:39:23ECLIPS02.TAB C9ISECLIPS02 1997-06-28T18:36:44 00:00:27CHEMIS06.TAB C9INCHEMIS06 1997-06-28T18:42:46 00:02:34STP14505.TAB C9GPSTP14505 1997-06-28T19:37:22 00:00:25FEA10201.TAB C9JNFEA10201 1997-06-28T21:00:16 00:03:20FTP10202.TAB C9JPFTP10202 1997-06-28T21:08:22 00:16:33RCTCAL01.TAB C9NPRCTCAL01 1997-07-14T11:36:59 00:02:47PCTCAL01.TAB C9NPPCTCAL01 1997-07-14T11:43:20 00:10:57 C10: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationDRTM__01.TAB C10CPDRTM__01 1997-09-16T19:39:14 00:48:20DRKMAP01.TAB C10CPDRKMAP01 1997-09-16T20:46:59 01:23:53RCTCAL01.TAB C10NPRCTCAL01 1997-09-16T22:19:00 00:00:42ASGARDS1.TAB C10CSASGARD01 1997-09-16T23:56:05 00:01:39ASGARDN1.TAB C10CNASGARD01 1997-09-17T00:00:06 00:08:57PALIMP01.TAB C10CNPALIMP01 1997-09-17T00:29:24 00:05:00SMTHPLS1.TAB C10CSSMTHPL01 1997-09-17T00:35:31 00:00:04SMTHPLN1.TAB C10CNSMTHPL01 1997-09-17T00:37:30 00:11:01VALHAL01.TAB C10CNVALHAL01 1997-09-17T00:53:42 00:08:58CATENA01.TAB C10CNCATENA01 1997-09-17T01:29:05 00:22:59DRTM__02.TAB C10CPDRTM__02 1997-09-17T02:00:25 00:34:17DRKMAP02.TAB C10CPDRKMAP02 1997-09-17T02:37:50 01:11:32CHEMIS01.TAB C10INCHEMIS01 1997-09-18T07:50:06 00:02:49NPOLEM06.TAB C10JNNPOLEM06 1997-09-18T08:25:29 00:13:33NSSTRP01.TAB C10JPNSSTRP01 1997-09-18T08:43:41 00:27:49SPOLEM08.TAB C10JNSPOLEM08 1997-09-18T09:32:13 00:11:26NPOLEM01.TAB C10JNNPOLEM01 1997-09-18T09:48:24 00:13:32SPOLEM01.TAB C10JNSPOLEM01 1997-09-18T10:27:50 00:13:38NPOLEM02.TAB C10JNNPOLEM02 1997-09-18T11:03:10 00:13:41SPOLEM02.TAB C10JNSPOLEM02 1997-09-18T11:42:36 00:13:41FEA04101.TAB C10JNFEA04101 1997-09-18T12:07:52 00:03:36NPOLEM03.TAB C10JNNPOLEM03 1997-09-18T12:18:02 00:11:32FNP04101.TAB C10JNFNP04101 1997-09-18T13:48:18 00:13:17SPAURD01.TAB C10JNSPAURD01 1997-09-18T14:03:08 00:24:11SPOLEM04.TAB C10JNSPOLEM04 1997-09-18T14:33:28 00:13:37FNP04102.TAB C10JNFNP04102 1997-09-18T14:50:39 00:11:35SPOLEM05.TAB C10JNSPOLEM05 1997-09-18T15:28:08 00:13:33NPOLEM04.TAB C10JNNPOLEM04 1997-09-18T16:02:26 00:13:38SPOLEM06.TAB C10JNSPOLEM06 1997-09-18T16:42:53 00:13:37NPOLEM05.TAB C10JNNPOLEM05 1997-09-18T17:18:20 00:13:34SPOLEM07.TAB C10JNSPOLEM07 1997-09-18T17:57:42 00:13:38SPAURD02.TAB C10JNSPAURD02 1997-09-18T18:47:15 00:23:03IOMON_02.TAB C10IPIOMON_02 1997-09-18T19:19:40 00:19:09NOISE_01.TAB C10NPNOISE_01 1997-09-18T20:51:40 00:05:02REGMAP01.TAB C10JPREGMAP01 1997-09-18T21:25:02 01:00:44FEA02101.TAB C10JNFEA02101 1997-09-18T23:23:21 00:03:33FT2BAS01.TAB C10JPFT2BAS01 1997-09-18T23:28:24 00:14:26FEASUB01.TAB C10JNFEASUB01 1997-09-19T00:24:01 00:11:59FT1BAS01.TAB C10JPFT1BAS01 1997-09-19T01:06:29 01:10:09FEA02102.TAB C10JNFEA02102 1997-09-19T02:22:19 00:03:33REGMAP02.TAB C10JPREGMAP02 1997-09-19T02:30:24 01:33:38IOMON_01.TAB C10IPIOMON_01 1997-09-19T04:05:26 00:35:47HRSPEC01.TAB C10INHRSPEC01 1997-09-19T04:42:48 00:10:19NSPEC_01.TAB C10INNSPEC_01 1997-09-19T04:56:58 00:05:43FEA07401.TAB C10JNFEA07401 1997-09-19T10:08:26 00:03:40CHEMIS05.TAB C10INCHEMIS05 1997-09-19T10:24:37 00:02:28THRCYL01.TAB C10JNTHRCYL01 1997-09-19T10:40:48 00:19:59FEA07402.TAB C10JNFEA07402 1997-09-19T11:14:06 00:02:08THRCYL02.TAB C10JNTHRCYL02 1997-09-19T11:22:12 00:20:02FEA07403.TAB C10JNFEA07403 1997-09-19T11:52:32 00:03:48THRCYL03.TAB C10JNTHRCYL03 1997-09-19T12:02:38 00:21:44THRCYL04.TAB C10JNTHRCYL04 1997-09-19T13:00:20 00:22:31IOMON_03.TAB C10IPIOMON_03 1997-09-19T15:33:00 00:18:46REGMAP04.TAB C10JPREGMAP04 1997-09-19T16:24:34 01:29:41REGMAP05.TAB C10JPREGMAP05 1997-09-19T19:03:19 01:31:35FEA09901.TAB C10JNFEA09901 1997-09-19T20:57:34 00:03:38FEA09902.TAB C10JNFEA09902 1997-09-19T21:38:01 00:03:38CHEMIS07.TAB C10INCHEMIS07 1997-09-19T21:57:10 00:01:29FEA09903.TAB C10JNFEA09903 1997-09-19T22:10:22 00:03:40FEA53M01.TAB C10JNFEA53M01 1997-09-19T22:54:51 00:25:56SPAURN01.TAB C10JNSPAURN01 1997-09-20T04:14:22 00:29:09REGMAP03.TAB C10JPREGMAP03 1997-09-20T06:00:32 01:31:50FEA11401.TAB C10JNFEA11401 1997-09-20T07:37:36 00:03:45FEA11402.TAB C10JNFEA11402 1997-09-20T08:07:53 00:03:28 E11: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB E11NPRCTCAL01 1997-11-04T23:47:01 00:01:25DGTM__01.TAB E11CPDGTM__01 1997-11-05T06:39:28 00:07:10BRG53M02.TAB E11JNBRG53M02 1997-11-05T17:20:53 00:19:59CYLMOS06.TAB E11JNCYLMOS06 1997-11-06T02:47:06 00:10:02M17HR_01.TAB E11ENM17HR_01 1997-11-06T03:00:12 00:19:09M15HR_01.TAB E11ENM15HR_01 1997-11-06T05:24:50 00:20:58GLOBAL10.TAB E11JPGLOBAL10 1997-11-06T10:45:43 02:52:51BRG04203.TAB E11JNBRG04203 1997-11-06T14:31:51 00:06:41GLOBAL21.TAB E11JPGLOBAL21 1997-11-06T14:39:18 00:43:00BRG04204.TAB E11JNBRG04204 1997-11-06T15:26:27 00:06:41GLOBAL22.TAB E11JPGLOBAL22 1997-11-06T15:34:14 01:10:52HOTSPT01.TAB E11EPHOTSPT01 1997-11-06T17:50:24 00:46:38DRKLIT01.TAB E11ENDRKLIT01 1997-11-06T18:49:42 00:12:00CYCLOD01.TAB E11ENCYCLOD01 1997-11-06T19:27:06 00:11:59HOTSPT02.TAB E11EPHOTSPT02 1997-11-06T21:36:31 01:04:25THRMNS01.TAB E11JNTHRMNS01 1997-11-07T01:06:50 00:46:08BRGFUL01.TAB E11JNBRGFUL01 1997-11-07T02:48:57 00:20:01BRG02003.TAB E11JNBRG02003 1997-11-07T03:36:28 00:04:52GLOBAL31.TAB E11JPGLOBAL31 1997-11-07T05:57:04 00:32:52GLOBAL32.TAB E11JPGLOBAL32 1997-11-07T06:40:12 00:51:20CHEMIS01.TAB E11INCHEMIS01 1997-11-07T07:46:12 00:02:32GLOBAL40.TAB E11JPGLOBAL40 1997-11-07T07:51:57 01:36:33CHEMIS02.TAB E11INCHEMIS02 1997-11-07T16:12:47 00:02:51IODISK01.TAB E11IPIODISK01 1997-11-07T19:00:59 00:04:41CHEMIS03.TAB E11INCHEMIS03 1997-11-07T19:47:08 00:02:00HRSPEC01.TAB E11INHRSPEC01 1997-11-07T23:45:44 00:02:50NSPEC_01.TAB E11INNSPEC_01 1997-11-07T23:52:49 00:02:48IODISK02.TAB E11IPIODISK02 1997-11-08T03:01:36 00:04:18CHEMIS04.TAB E11INCHEMIS04 1997-11-08T03:32:15 00:02:49 E12: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB E12NPRCTCAL01 1997-12-15T12:13:04 00:01:25GLOBAL01.TAB E12ENGLOBAL01 1997-12-16T07:12:00 00:16:03HOTSPT01.TAB E12EPHOTSPT01 1997-12-16T10:00:26 01:05:47DLINEA01.TAB E12ENDLINEA01 1997-12-16T11:17:38 00:06:59CPWYLL01.TAB E12ENCPWYLL01 1997-12-16T11:43:55 00:07:17ICEBRG01.TAB E12ENICEBRG01 1997-12-16T12:48:07 00:10:26HOTSPT02.TAB E12EPHOTSPT02 1997-12-16T13:07:29 00:41:55HRSPEC01.TAB E12INHRSPEC01 1997-12-16T14:14:35 00:04:11COOLDN01.TAB E12NPCOOLDN01 1997-12-16T20:37:48 00:03:00 E14: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationIOMON_01.TAB E14IPIOMON_01 1998-03-29T03:57:16 00:50:36HRSPEC01.TAB E14INHRSPEC01 1998-03-29T04:52:10 00:16:00DARKHR01.TAB E14EPDARKHR01 1998-03-29T11:10:05 00:55:50ICERAF01.TAB E14ENICERAF01 1998-03-29T12:10:59 00:30:56SUCOMP01.TAB E14ENSUCOMP01 1998-03-29T13:31:52 00:18:58SUCOMP02.TAB E14ENSUCOMP02 1998-03-29T14:10:17 00:10:57SUCOMP03.TAB E14ENSUCOMP03 1998-03-29T14:28:30 00:18:58DGTMHR01.TAB E14EPDGTMHR01 1998-03-29T14:51:30 00:54:52DRKMAP01.TAB E14EPDRKMAP01 1998-03-29T15:52:28 00:54:32RCTCAL01.TAB E14NPRCTCAL01 1998-03-30T12:23:42 00:01:26 E15: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationHIPHAS01.TAB E15ISHIPHAS01 1998-05-30T23:58:54 00:00:26ECLIPS01.TAB E15ISECLIPS01 1998-05-31T00:17:14 00:00:01ECLIPS02.TAB E15ISECLIPS02 1998-05-31T00:50:59 00:07:52RCTCAL01.TAB E15NPRCTCAL01 1998-05-31T09:50:04 00:01:25HRSPEC01.TAB E15INHRSPEC01 1998-05-31T13:18:38 00:21:03HRSPEC02.TAB E15INHRSPEC02 1998-05-31T17:37:28 00:18:46DRKMAP01.TAB E15EPDRKMAP01 1998-05-31T17:57:24 01:10:52DRTMHR01.TAB E15EPDRTMHR01 1998-05-31T19:10:10 00:55:12REGMAP01.TAB E15ESREGMAP01 1998-05-31T20:10:12 00:01:14PHOTOM01.TAB E15ESPHOTOM01 1998-05-31T20:16:15 00:00:23CILIXS01.TAB E15ESCILIXS01 1998-05-31T20:42:28 00:00:27REGION01.TAB E15ENREGION01 1998-05-31T20:44:32 00:19:09CILIXS02.TAB E15ESCILIXS02 1998-05-31T21:07:16 00:01:30RELIEF01.TAB E15ESRELIEF01 1998-05-31T21:10:26 00:00:21RELIEF02.TAB E15ESRELIEF02 1998-05-31T21:17:30 00:00:22SUCOMP01.TAB E15ENSUCOMP01 1998-05-31T21:21:56 00:19:12SUCOMP02.TAB E15ENSUCOMP02 1998-05-31T21:50:16 00:19:08REGMAP02.TAB E15ESREGMAP02 1998-05-31T22:15:34 00:02:32SUCOMP03.TAB E15ENSUCOMP03 1998-05-31T22:22:37 00:10:03DARKHR01.TAB E15EPDARKHR01 1998-05-31T22:40:31 00:55:51DGTM__01.TAB E15EPDGTM__01 1998-05-31T23:40:29 00:32:19GLOBAL01.TAB E15ENGLOBAL01 1998-06-01T02:20:13 00:30:16RCTCAL02.TAB E15NPRCTCAL02 1998-06-01T10:34:22 00:01:26EUR16H01.TAB E15ENEUR16H01 1998-06-01T13:20:28 00:11:45EUR20H01.TAB E15ENEUR20H01 1998-06-01T17:50:27 00:10:55ECLIPS03.TAB E15ISECLIPS03 1998-06-01T18:46:38 00:03:49EUR22H01.TAB E15ENEUR22H01 1998-06-01T19:05:16 00:10:05ECLIPS04.TAB E15ISECLIPS04 1998-06-01T19:39:12 00:03:50KANEHI01.TAB E15ISKANEHI01 1998-06-01T21:18:48 00:00:01 E16: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationHRSPEC02.TAB E16INHRSPEC02 1998-07-20T06:06:04 00:02:45RCTCAL01.TAB E16NPRCTCAL01 1998-07-20T11:20:14 00:01:25IOMON_01.TAB E16IPIOMON_01 1998-07-20T11:30:37 00:16:55WHTOVL01.TAB E16JPWHTOVL01 1998-07-20T13:18:50 00:23:33WAVEST01.TAB E16JPWAVEST01 1998-07-20T14:20:31 01:57:14HOTMAP01.TAB E16JNHOTMAP01 1998-07-20T16:22:51 00:23:45WAVEST02.TAB E16JPWAVEST02 1998-07-20T16:58:53 00:25:28 E17: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationEUR20H01.TAB E17ENEUR20H01 1998-09-25T06:57:45 00:09:04WHTOVL03.TAB E17JNWHTOVL03 1998-09-25T12:32:26 00:09:57GSHAPE01.TAB E17ESGSHAPE01 1998-09-25T12:57:29 00:00:05RCTCAL01.TAB E17NPRCTCAL01 1998-09-25T20:20:16 00:01:25WAVEST01.TAB E17JPWAVEST01 1998-09-25T20:27:41 00:11:32WAVEST02.TAB E17JPWAVEST02 1998-09-25T21:43:31 00:03:41GLOBAL01.TAB E17ENGLOBAL01 1998-09-25T22:55:18 00:44:55DRTM__01.TAB E17EPDRTM__01 1998-09-26T00:25:57 00:48:40DRKPOL01.TAB E17EPDRKPOL01 1998-09-26T01:15:51 00:23:11DARKHR01.TAB E17EPDARKHR01 1998-09-26T01:42:09 00:04:20DISSRR01.TAB E17ESDISSRR01 1998-09-26T03:41:55 00:00:14AGENOR01.TAB E17ESAGENOR01 1998-09-26T03:44:05 00:01:06THRACE01.TAB E17ESTHRACE01 1998-09-26T03:46:15 00:00:23LIBLIN01.TAB E17ESLIBLIN01 1998-09-26T03:47:50 00:00:15STRSLP01.TAB E17ESSTRSLP01 1998-09-26T03:49:34 00:01:15RHIANN01.TAB E17ESRHIANN01 1998-09-26T03:52:10 00:00:06THYLIN01.TAB E17ESTHYLIN01 1998-09-26T03:53:45 00:00:28SOUTHP01.TAB E17ESSOUTHP01 1998-09-26T03:55:38 00:00:34REGMAP02.TAB E17ESREGMAP02 1998-09-26T04:56:10 00:02:23REGMAP03.TAB E17ESREGMAP03 1998-09-26T04:59:55 00:00:14DARKHR02.TAB E17EPDARKHR02 1998-09-26T05:00:59 00:59:06DRKMAP02.TAB E17EPDRKMAP02 1998-09-26T06:26:55 01:14:08DRKMAP03.TAB E17EPDRKMAP03 1998-09-26T07:42:06 01:14:47RCTCAL02.TAB E17NPRCTCAL02 1998-09-26T09:00:58 00:01:56 E18: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationSTP10601.TAB E18IPSTP10601 1998-11-21T14:17:12 00:01:16GLOBAL01.TAB E18EPGLOBAL01 1998-11-21T18:48:39 00:00:51WHTOVL01.TAB E18JNWHTOVL01 1998-11-22T00:31:18 00:16:05RCTCAL01.TAB E18NPRCTCAL01 1998-11-22T03:14:51 00:01:20 E19: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB E19NPRCTCAL01 1999-01-31T10:47:25 00:01:21POL09001.TAB E19JPPOL09001 1999-01-31T11:05:48 02:06:19GLOBAL01.TAB E19EPGLOBAL01 1999-01-31T21:23:17 00:21:00POL05102.TAB E19JPPOL05102 1999-01-31T22:05:45 01:51:58REGMAP01.TAB E19EPREGMAP01 1999-02-01T00:20:14 00:50:07STP04203.TAB E19GPSTP04203 1999-02-01T03:13:06 00:01:19 C21: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB C21NPRCTCAL01 1999-06-30T04:51:59 00:06:29CALCOL01.TAB C21NMCALCOL01 1999-06-30T05:12:31 00:04:02HIRESS01.TAB C21CPHIRESS01 1999-06-30T07:52:56 00:10:45GLOBAL01.TAB C21IPGLOBAL01 1999-07-01T22:15:15 00:15:53GLOBAL02.TAB C21IPGLOBAL02 1999-07-02T04:13:09 01:03:12HRSPEC01.TAB C21INHRSPEC01 1999-07-02T07:03:14 00:55:44GLOBAL03.TAB C21IPGLOBAL03 1999-07-02T14:19:51 00:16:15RCTCAL02.TAB C21NPRCTCAL02 1999-07-02T15:09:32 00:01:22 C22: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB C22NPRCTCAL01 1999-08-11T16:23:06 00:01:25REGMAP01.TAB C22JPREGMAP01 1999-08-11T19:51:46 02:07:35REGMAP02.TAB C22JPREGMAP02 1999-08-11T22:43:38 02:07:36REGMAP03.TAB C22JPREGMAP03 1999-08-12T01:29:08 02:47:26WHTOVL01.TAB C22JNWHTOVL01 1999-08-12T18:10:32 00:01:50 I24: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I24NPRCTCAL01 1999-10-10T08:14:08 00:01:17WAVEST01.TAB I24JPWAVEST01 1999-10-10T09:04:03 00:00:57LOKI__02.TAB I24IPLOKI__02 1999-10-11T03:42:18 00:37:31PELE_N01.TAB I24INPELE__01 1999-10-11T04:22:42 00:03:59PELE_S01.TAB I24ISPELE__01 1999-10-11T04:27:47 00:02:07PILLANS1.TAB I24ISPILLAN01 1999-10-11T04:31:24 00:00:31PILLANN1.TAB I24INPILLAN01 1999-10-11T04:32:01 00:01:25COLCHSS1.TAB I24ISCOLCHS01 1999-10-11T04:34:31 00:00:26COLCHSN1.TAB I24INCOLCHS01 1999-10-11T04:35:03 00:01:25ZAMAMAS1.TAB I24ISZAMAMA01 1999-10-11T04:38:29 00:00:30ZAMAMAN1.TAB I24INZAMAMA01 1999-10-11T04:39:06 00:01:19PROMTHS1.TAB I24ISPROMTH01 1999-10-11T04:42:41 00:04:24PROMTHN1.TAB I24INPROMTH01 1999-10-11T04:47:11 00:01:16COLCHSS2.TAB I24ISCOLCHS02 1999-10-11T04:51:10 00:00:03COLCHSN2.TAB I24INCOLCHS02 1999-10-11T04:52:31 00:00:50TOHIL_01.TAB I24ISTOHIL_01 1999-10-11T04:54:39 00:01:30NTOHIL01.TAB I24INNTOHIL01 1999-10-11T04:57:27 00:00:50PROMTHS2.TAB I24ISPROMTH02 1999-10-11T04:59:38 00:04:29PROMTHN2.TAB I24INPROMTH02 1999-10-11T05:05:25 00:06:58ZAMAMAS2.TAB I24ISZAMAMA02 1999-10-11T05:13:43 00:03:19ZAMAMAN2.TAB I24INZAMAMA02 1999-10-11T05:18:20 00:02:34DORIANS1.TAB I24ISDORIAN01 1999-10-11T05:22:12 00:00:07DORIANN1.TAB I24INDORIAN01 1999-10-11T05:23:37 00:00:50AMSKGIS1.TAB I24ISAMSKGI01 1999-10-11T05:25:47 00:03:18AMSKGIN1.TAB I24INAMSKGI01 1999-10-11T05:30:23 00:02:34TERMAPS1.TAB I24ISTERMAP01 1999-10-11T05:34:20 00:00:16TERMAPN1.TAB I24INTERMAP01 1999-10-11T05:35:54 00:01:16REGION01.TAB I24INREGION01 1999-10-11T06:09:54 00:31:58PPLUME01.TAB I24INPPLUME01 1999-10-11T06:47:38 00:04:59PELEPM01.TAB I24INPELEPM01 1999-10-11T08:06:10 00:04:59REGION02.TAB I24INREGION02 1999-10-11T10:45:56 00:16:24GLOCOL01.TAB I24ISGLOCOL01 1999-10-11T18:05:07 00:00:48ECLIPS01.TAB I24ISECLIPS01 1999-10-12T03:57:46 00:05:14 I25: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I25NPRCTCAL01 1999-11-25T13:23:24 00:01:18DRKMAP01.TAB I25EPDRKMAP01 1999-11-25T14:13:19 01:29:09H2O12001.TAB I25EPH2O12001 1999-11-25T15:47:06 00:36:06NOPOLE01.TAB I25JNNOPOLE01 1999-11-25T16:38:50 00:11:00DARKBP01.TAB I25ESDARKBP01 1999-11-25T16:59:10 00:00:04MOTTER01.TAB I25ESMOTTER01 1999-11-25T17:01:10 00:00:02SUBJUP01.TAB I25JNSUBJUP01 1999-11-25T17:15:16 00:03:08DGTM__01.TAB I25EPDGTM__01 1999-11-25T17:33:20 01:01:03GLOBAL01.TAB I25ESGLOBAL01 1999-11-25T18:46:20 00:01:40H2O40_02.TAB I25EPH2O40_02 1999-11-25T18:49:00 00:31:00EQUATR01.TAB I25JNEQUATR01 1999-11-25T19:25:42 00:06:35GLOBAL01.TAB I25JNGLOBAL01 1999-11-25T19:44:54 00:01:59GLOBAL01.TAB I25IPGLOBAL01 1999-11-25T22:54:02 01:07:53EMAKNGS2.TAB I25ISEMAKNG02 1999-11-26T04:39:52 00:01:30EMAKNGN2.TAB I25INEMAKNG02 1999-11-26T04:42:42 00:00:49GIANTSS1.TAB I25ISGIANTS01 1999-11-26T04:46:56 00:00:14GIANTSN1.TAB I25INGIANTS01 1999-11-26T04:48:30 00:01:40CULANNS1.TAB I25ISCULANN01 1999-11-26T04:53:00 00:01:40CULANNN1.TAB I25INCULANN01 1999-11-26T04:56:00 00:00:48TERM__01.TAB I25ISTERM__01 1999-11-26T05:03:06 00:02:07TERMAP01.TAB I25INTERMAP01 1999-11-26T05:06:33 00:00:48REGION01.TAB I25INREGION01 1999-11-26T05:10:06 00:45:02RCTCAL02.TAB I25NPRCTCAL02 1999-11-26T08:26:02 00:04:22 I27: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I27NPRCTCAL01 2000-02-22T00:09:59 00:01:17LIMBRD01.TAB I27JPLIMBRD01 2000-02-22T01:53:28 01:05:18LIMBRD02.TAB I27JPLIMBRD02 2000-02-22T04:54:07 00:26:45DRKMAP01.TAB I27IPDRKMAP01 2000-02-22T06:59:50 01:11:11LOKI__01.TAB I27IPLOKI__01 2000-02-22T11:21:43 00:47:30DAEDAL01.TAB I27IPDAEDAL01 2000-02-22T12:25:25 00:38:07LOKI__02.TAB I27IPLOKI__02 2000-02-22T13:06:51 00:18:03LOKI__03.TAB I27IPLOKI__03 2000-02-22T13:25:55 00:07:12HRPELE01.TAB I27INHRPELE01 2000-02-22T13:35:07 00:05:01PELE__01.TAB I27ISPELE__01 2000-02-22T13:40:58 00:00:11MULNGU01.TAB I27IPMULNGU01 2000-02-22T13:41:19 00:01:09SAPPNG01.TAB I27ISSAPPNG01 2000-02-22T13:47:01 00:00:32CHACC_01.TAB I27ISCHACC_01 2000-02-22T13:49:04 00:01:03PROMTHS1.TAB I27ISPROMTH01 2000-02-22T13:51:05 00:00:42MOSAIC01.TAB I27INMOSAIC01 2000-02-22T13:57:21 00:18:16PROMTHN1.TAB I27INPROMTH01 2000-02-22T14:16:57 00:09:32TOHIL_01.TAB I27ISTOHIL_01 2000-02-22T14:27:46 00:00:32PROMTH02.TAB I27ISPROMTH02 2000-02-22T14:29:47 00:00:50CAMAXTS1.TAB I27ISCAMAXT01 2000-02-22T14:32:50 00:01:41CAMAXTN1.TAB I27INCAMAXT01 2000-02-22T14:35:48 00:01:58AMARANS1.TAB I27ISAMARAN01 2000-02-22T14:39:55 00:00:40AMARANN1.TAB I27INAMARAN01 2000-02-22T14:41:51 00:11:09ZALTRM01.TAB I27ISZALTRM01 2000-02-22T15:08:13 00:00:48FROST_01.TAB I27IPFROST_01 2000-02-22T16:15:35 01:06:18DGTM__01.TAB I27IPDGTM__01 2000-02-22T17:25:28 00:38:44RCTCAL02.TAB I27NPRCTCAL02 2000-02-22T23:24:29 00:01:17 G28: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB G28NPRCTCAL01 2000-05-20T09:27:33 00:00:56HIRES_01.TAB G28GPHIRES_01 2000-05-20T09:59:15 00:11:08SMOOTH01.TAB G28GSSMOOTH01 2000-05-20T10:13:30 00:00:49BRTDRK01.TAB G28GSBRTDRK01 2000-05-20T10:14:26 00:00:54NICHOL01.TAB G28GSNICHOL01 2000-05-20T10:15:27 00:00:54ARBELA01.TAB G28GSARBELA01 2000-05-20T10:16:27 00:01:58CALDRA01.TAB G28GSCALDRA01 2000-05-20T10:18:29 00:02:50FEATRE01.TAB G28GNFEATRE01 2000-05-20T10:21:26 00:08:03SMOOTH02.TAB G28GSSMOOTH02 2000-05-20T10:29:36 00:00:54BRTDRK02.TAB G28GSBRTDRK02 2000-05-20T10:30:37 00:00:54NICHOL02.TAB G28GSNICHOL02 2000-05-20T10:31:37 00:00:54CALDRA02.TAB G28GSCALDRA02 2000-05-20T10:34:39 00:02:50LMSCAN01.TAB G28GNLMSCAN01 2000-05-20T10:37:37 00:11:58SMTHDR01.TAB G28GSSMTHDR01 2000-05-20T10:54:37 00:00:07PERRIN01.TAB G28GNPERRIN01 2000-05-20T12:02:33 00:07:58GLOBAL01.TAB G28GPGLOBAL01 2000-05-20T12:27:32 00:02:42STP11401.TAB G28EPSTP11401 2000-05-20T13:34:24 00:02:30STP10302.TAB G28EPSTP10302 2000-05-20T14:57:32 00:03:07STP09003.TAB G28EPSTP09003 2000-05-20T16:58:45 00:02:13STP07704.TAB G28EPSTP07704 2000-05-20T18:59:05 00:02:12STP06105.TAB G28EPSTP06105 2000-05-20T20:57:29 00:03:06STP04506.TAB G28EPSTP04506 2000-05-20T22:57:42 00:02:13STP03007.TAB G28EPSTP03007 2000-05-21T00:58:01 00:02:12STP01808.TAB G28EPSTP01808 2000-05-21T03:05:33 00:03:06STP00609.TAB G28EPSTP00609 2000-05-21T04:12:16 00:03:06NSSTRP01.TAB G28JPNSSTRP01 2000-05-21T04:20:59 00:21:44DKSPOL01.TAB G28JPDKSPOL01 2000-05-21T04:47:39 00:00:36DKSPOT01.TAB G28JPDKSPOT01 2000-05-21T04:48:27 02:09:00WHTOVL01.TAB G28JPWHTOVL01 2000-05-21T07:23:22 00:46:41LIMBRD01.TAB G28JPLIMBRD01 2000-05-21T08:21:39 00:53:14LIMBRD02.TAB G28JPLIMBRD02 2000-05-21T10:19:57 00:54:54RCTCAL02.TAB G28NPRCTCAL02 2000-05-21T11:59:03 00:01:19STP05001.TAB G28IPSTP05001 2000-05-21T12:24:26 00:02:53STP04502.TAB G28IPSTP04502 2000-05-21T13:04:01 00:02:41 G29: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB G29NPRCTCAL01 2000-12-28T07:30:03 00:01:17HIRES_01.TAB G29GPHIRES_01 2000-12-28T07:54:38 00:25:17NPOLE_01.TAB G29GPNPOLE_01 2000-12-28T08:19:56 00:09:39TROS__01.TAB G29GPTROS__01 2000-12-28T08:29:36 00:09:32BARNRD01.TAB G29GPBARNRD01 2000-12-28T08:39:08 00:15:04PERRIN01.TAB G29GPPERRIN01 2000-12-28T08:56:29 00:04:53AIRGLO01.TAB G29GSAIRGLO01 2000-12-28T09:21:22 00:19:27NICECL01.TAB G29GPNICECL01 2000-12-28T09:45:33 00:11:44ECLEGR01.TAB G29GPECLEGR01 2000-12-28T09:58:34 00:12:23CAPCOL01.TAB G29GSCAPCOL01 2000-12-28T10:16:20 00:13:31DARDAN01.TAB G29GSDARDAN01 2000-12-28T10:31:30 00:02:55REGION01.TAB G29GNREGION01 2000-12-28T10:36:24 00:15:00DGTM__01.TAB G29GPDGTM__01 2000-12-28T10:54:57 01:48:07GLOBAL01.TAB G29CNGLOBAL01 2000-12-28T13:46:30 00:02:04GLOBAL01.TAB G29GNGLOBAL01 2000-12-28T17:18:51 00:09:51GLOBAL02.TAB G29GNGLOBAL02 2000-12-28T17:31:58 00:10:13NEB___01.TAB G29JPNEB___01 2000-12-28T18:40:26 02:03:08STP12001.TAB G29IPSTP12001 2000-12-28T21:42:36 00:03:22GLOBAL03.TAB G29GNGLOBAL03 2000-12-28T22:37:20 00:07:44STP11002.TAB G29IPSTP11002 2000-12-28T23:08:38 00:04:00WATCH_01.TAB G29INWATCH_01 2000-12-28T23:17:46 00:03:00NWGRS_01.TAB G29JPNWGRS_01 2000-12-29T01:02:47 02:02:57GRWAKE01.TAB G29JNGRWAKE01 2000-12-29T03:07:30 00:25:54WATCH_02.TAB G29INWATCH_02 2000-12-29T03:52:49 00:03:08GRWAKE02.TAB G29JNGRWAKE02 2000-12-29T03:59:54 00:14:11HTSPOT01.TAB G29JNHTSPOT01 2000-12-29T05:24:47 00:14:14HTSPOT02.TAB G29JNHTSPOT02 2000-12-29T06:02:12 00:16:06NSSTRP01.TAB G29JPNSSTRP01 2000-12-29T06:20:18 00:24:54STP04703.TAB G29IPSTP04703 2000-12-29T06:46:46 00:04:28STP10801.TAB G29EPSTP10801 2000-12-29T08:06:38 00:04:28STP03704.TAB G29IPSTP03704 2000-12-29T08:21:48 00:04:28STP08302.TAB G29EPSTP08302 2000-12-29T11:54:08 00:04:27AURORA01.TAB G29JNAURORA01 2000-12-29T12:50:44 00:12:06GLOBAL01.TAB G29ENGLOBAL01 2000-12-29T13:30:09 00:02:59AURORA02.TAB G29JNAURORA02 2000-12-29T13:50:22 00:13:02AURORA03.TAB G29JNAURORA03 2000-12-29T14:52:01 00:12:07AURORA04.TAB G29JNAURORA04 2000-12-29T15:52:41 00:12:59GLOCOL01.TAB G29ISGLOCOL01 2000-12-29T16:32:20 00:00:30AURORA05.TAB G29JNAURORA05 2000-12-29T16:52:22 00:12:58STP05203.TAB G29EPSTP05203 2000-12-29T17:24:40 00:03:33AURORA06.TAB G29JNAURORA06 2000-12-29T17:56:05 00:10:08STP01705.TAB G29IPSTP01705 2000-12-29T18:29:22 00:03:34AURORA07.TAB G29JNAURORA07 2000-12-29T19:14:58 00:12:56PROMTH01.TAB G29ISPROMTH01 2000-12-29T20:00:30 00:00:28AURORA08.TAB G29JNAURORA08 2000-12-29T20:15:37 00:12:57STP03704.TAB G29EPSTP03704 2000-12-29T20:48:54 00:03:33RCTCAL02.TAB G29NPRCTCAL02 2000-12-29T21:02:10 00:02:04 C30: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationGLOBAL01.TAB C30IPGLOBAL01 2001-05-23T16:30:12 00:17:56WHTOVL01.TAB C30JPWHTOVL01 2001-05-23T20:04:56 00:36:30HIRES_01.TAB C30CPHIRES_01 2001-05-25T11:14:37 00:08:00EWSCAN01.TAB C30CPEWSCAN01 2001-05-25T14:00:04 00:01:56EWSCAN02.TAB C30CPEWSCAN02 2001-05-25T14:16:28 00:03:34NSPOLE01.TAB C30CPNSPOLE01 2001-05-25T14:28:52 00:00:38 I31: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I31NPRCTCAL01 2001-08-04T15:09:25 00:00:57STP13501.TAB I31CPSTP13501 2001-08-04T15:23:42 00:06:32WHTOVL01.TAB I31JPWHTOVL01 2001-08-05T07:24:17 00:41:55VORTEX01.TAB I31JPVORTEX01 2001-08-05T08:11:00 00:42:39GLOBAL01.TAB I31IPGLOBAL01 2001-08-06T00:19:23 01:36:37PELEDK01.TAB I31IPPELEDK01 2001-08-06T01:57:44 00:57:47NPOLRG01.TAB I31IPNPOLRG01 2001-08-06T02:57:22 00:54:51NSDRK_01.TAB I31IPNSDRK_01 2001-08-06T03:56:41 00:09:46LOKI__01.TAB I31IPLOKI__01 2001-08-06T04:13:12 00:10:05LEIKNG01.TAB I31IPLEIKNG01 2001-08-06T04:25:46 00:06:34THERML01.TAB I31INTHERML01 2001-08-06T04:37:27 00:09:59HSISUM01.TAB I31INHSISUM01 2001-08-06T04:49:34 00:03:55HIRES_01.TAB I31IPHIRES_01 2001-08-06T04:53:37 00:06:06SO2MAP01.TAB I31INSO2MAP01 2001-08-06T05:02:42 00:00:39TVASHT01.TAB I31INTVASHT01 2001-08-06T05:14:50 00:09:53GISHBR01.TAB I31INGISHBR01 2001-08-06T05:39:07 00:07:57NSSTRP01.TAB I31IPNSSTRP01 2001-08-06T05:57:23 00:16:34AMRANI01.TAB I31INAMRANI01 2001-08-06T06:20:33 00:15:07REGION01.TAB I31INREGION01 2001-08-06T06:50:55 01:12:46DGTM__01.TAB I31IPDGTM__01 2001-08-06T09:05:04 01:57:54POLMAP01.TAB I31IPPOLMAP01 2001-08-06T12:30:30 00:28:52STP03002.TAB I31CPSTP03002 2001-08-06T14:13:42 00:06:15STP01503.TAB I31CPSTP01503 2001-08-07T01:49:21 00:04:00 I32: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I32NPRCTCAL01 2001-10-15T07:30:39 00:01:19VORTEX01.TAB I32JPVORTEX01 2001-10-15T07:47:11 00:49:57VORTEX02.TAB I32JPVORTEX02 2001-10-15T10:13:48 00:34:44WHTOVL01.TAB I32JPWHTOVL01 2001-10-15T11:00:19 00:44:43VORTEX03.TAB I32JPVORTEX03 2001-10-15T12:43:27 00:44:43VORTEX04.TAB I32JPVORTEX04 2001-10-15T13:29:57 00:44:44DRKMAP01.TAB I32IPDRKMAP01 2001-10-15T14:19:11 00:29:01DRKMAP02.TAB I32IPDRKMAP02 2001-10-15T19:18:26 01:02:22LOKI_S01.TAB I32ISLOKI__01 2001-10-15T20:46:46 00:00:12COLCHS01.TAB I32IPCOLCHS01 2001-10-15T20:51:27 00:55:11REGIONP1.TAB I32IPREGION01 2001-10-15T21:53:29 00:56:46BABBAR01.TAB I32IPBABBAR01 2001-10-15T22:51:05 00:59:33RAPATR01.TAB I32IPRAPATR01 2001-10-15T23:51:45 00:28:48THPELE01.TAB I32INTHPELE01 2001-10-16T00:23:06 00:04:00LOKI_P01.TAB I32IPLOKI__01 2001-10-16T00:29:10 00:25:07THLOKI01.TAB I32INTHLOKI01 2001-10-16T00:54:24 00:10:09PELE__01.TAB I32ISPELE__01 2001-10-16T01:04:38 00:02:57THPELE02.TAB I32INTHPELE02 2001-10-16T01:07:41 00:06:57HIRESS01.TAB I32IPHIRESS01 2001-10-16T01:14:40 00:09:11TELGNS01.TAB I32ISTELGNS01 2001-10-16T01:23:52 00:03:56THERML01.TAB I32INTHERML01 2001-10-16T01:27:54 00:03:57EMAKNGS1.TAB I32ISEMAKNG01 2001-10-16T01:31:57 00:01:25TELGNS02.TAB I32ISTELGNS02 2001-10-16T01:33:22 00:01:48TOHIL_01.TAB I32ISTOHIL_01 2001-10-16T01:35:17 00:05:40EMAKNGN1.TAB I32INEMAKNG01 2001-10-16T01:40:57 00:12:09TUPAN_01.TAB I32ISTUPAN_01 2001-10-16T01:56:10 00:02:59ITUPAN01.TAB I32INITUPAN01 2001-10-16T01:59:09 00:08:06TVASHT01.TAB I32ISTVASHT01 2001-10-16T02:08:35 00:00:14ICHAAC01.TAB I32INICHAAC01 2001-10-16T02:10:14 00:11:16GSHBAR01.TAB I32ISGSHBAR01 2001-10-16T02:21:32 00:00:14PROMTH01.TAB I32INPROMTH01 2001-10-16T02:24:24 00:12:11TERMIN01.TAB I32ISTERMIN01 2001-10-16T02:38:38 00:00:49TERMIN02.TAB I32ISTERMIN02 2001-10-16T02:40:48 00:00:48EWSCAN01.TAB I32IPEWSCAN01 2001-10-16T02:46:38 00:11:26POLMAP01.TAB I32IPPOLMAP01 2001-10-16T03:01:39 00:08:46REGIONN1.TAB I32INREGION01 2001-10-16T03:13:00 01:04:36POLDAY01.TAB I32IPPOLDAY01 2001-10-16T04:18:31 00:27:45AMALTH01.TAB I32SSAMALTH01 2001-10-16T04:53:07 00:00:01POLMAP02.TAB I32IPPOLMAP02 2001-10-16T04:54:57 01:33:23LIMBRD01.TAB I32JPLIMBRD01 2001-10-16T06:32:53 00:27:51REGION02.TAB I32INREGION02 2001-10-16T07:03:33 00:35:21GLOBAL01.TAB I32EPGLOBAL01 2001-10-16T08:02:54 00:06:46LIMBRD02.TAB I32JPLIMBRD02 2001-10-16T15:18:50 00:27:50RCTCAL02.TAB I32NPRCTCAL02 2001-10-17T16:12:02 00:01:18 I33: Filename Observation ID Start Time DurationRCTCAL01.TAB I33NPRCTCAL01 2002-01-16T22:59:26 00:01:17DRKMAP01.TAB I33IPDRKMAP01 2002-01-16T23:22:02 00:09:26PROMTH01.TAB I33IPPROMTH01 2002-01-17T13:06:44 00:16:00EWSCAN01.TAB I33IPEWSCAN01 2002-01-17T13:29:21 00:04:13MARDUK01.TAB I33IPMARDUK01 2002-01-17T13:36:23 00:04:46GLOBAL01.TAB I33JNGLOBAL01 2002-01-19T23:46:46 00:23:12GLOBAL02.TAB I33JNGLOBAL02 2002-01-20T03:06:58 00:20:10GLOBAL03.TAB I33JNGLOBAL03 2002-01-20T06:28:10 00:27:10FEATRK01.TAB I33JSFEATRK01 2002-01-20T19:09:35 00:00:26FEATRK02.TAB I33JSFEATRK02 2002-01-20T19:38:54 00:00:26FEATRK03.TAB I33JSFEATRK03 2002-01-20T20:08:14 00:00:24FEATRK11.TAB I33JSFEATRK11 2002-01-20T20:40:35 00:00:25FEATRK12.TAB I33JSFEATRK12 2002-01-20T21:09:54 00:00:25FEATRK13.TAB I33JSFEATRK13 2002-01-20T21:39:14 00:00:26FEATRK21.TAB I33JSFEATRK21 2002-01-20T22:11:36 00:00:24FEATRK22.TAB I33JSFEATRK22 2002-01-20T22:40:54 00:00:25FEATRK23.TAB I33JSFEATRK23 2002-01-20T23:10:14 00:00:24FEATRK31.TAB I33JSFEATRK31 2002-01-21T05:10:11 00:00:24FEATRK32.TAB I33JSFEATRK32 2002-01-21T05:39:30 00:00:20FEATRK33.TAB I33JSFEATRK33 2002-01-21T06:08:53 00:00:21FEATRK41.TAB I33JSFEATRK41 2002-01-21T06:41:11 00:01:27FEATRK42.TAB I33JSFEATRK42 2002-01-21T07:10:30 00:01:26FEATRK43.TAB I33JSFEATRK43 2002-01-21T07:39:50 00:01:26FEATRK51.TAB I33JSFEATRK51 2002-01-21T08:12:11 00:00:24FEATRK57.TAB I33JSFEATRK57 2002-01-21T08:41:30 00:00:25FEATRK53.TAB I33JSFEATRK53 2002-01-21T09:10:50 00:00:24 Ancillary Data: The housekeeping and science data in the full PPR minor frame recordscontain all of the commanded parameters and all variable parametervalues that completely specify the instrument status, including theposition within various measurement mode cycles. When observationsare made using the PPR Burst-to-Tape record mode, the second byte ofthe PPR housekeeping is deleted before the data are stored in the CDSmemory buffer. This byte contains the commanded values for thephotopolarimetry gain, radiometry gain, and number of successivesamples to be taken at each filter wheel position before stepping tothe next position. These three parameters are set by command and donot change during instrument operation unless reset by a new command.Actual values can be obtained from the Galileo Sequence of Events File(SEF), which is archived in the PDS by the Galileo Project and whichindicates timing of the PPR commands and the commanded parametervalues. In processing to generate the present reduced science data,the SEF or equivalent PPR-team-maintained command records are used tomanually input the actual values for these three parameters. The target body for each observation is indicated in the observationID and in the label file for each data file. Observed location on thetarget body and observing geometry (viz., target range and incidence,emission, and phase angles) for each measurement sample within anobservation sequence must be obtained from the SPICE system for thespacecraft clock time corresponding to the measurement. Note that thespacecraft clock RIM and MOD91 counts for each record of the R_EDRdata set correspond to the time that the respective PPR memory bufferwas readout by the CDS. The actual time at which the measurementsamples were acquired is earlier than that time by varying amountsdepending on instrument operation mode and the position of the datasample in the PPR buffer. In the processing to generate the presentreduced science data, the appropriate adjusted spacecraft clock timeis determined and represented as adjusted RIM and MOD91 counts, whichare the first two entries in each RDR data set record. The SPICE data(kernels) and system tools are archived in PDS by the Galileo Project.The present reduced science data set includes geometric information(observed location on target body, observing geometry, range, etc.) asdetermined by the PPR team using the SPICE system. Subdirectory GEOMETRYon this volume contains a *.GEO file with that information for each*.TAB reduced science data file. Calibration coefficients to convert PPR photometry and polarimetrymeasurements of intensity from DN values at a particular instrumentgain level to absolute units are based upon ground calibrationmeasurements. Thermal radiometry measurement conversion to brightnesstemperature is a substantially more complex reduction process basedupon various calibration tests performed before launch, but was alwaysexpected to require significant iteration based upon in-flightobservations of the PPR radiometric calibration target (RCT), whosetemperature is monitored and readout in the PPR science data stream.The ancillary data in CALINFO.TXT provides the photometry andpolarimetry calibration coefficients and tabulates the results of thein-flight RCT observations. Coordinate System: For PPR observations that use the Burst-to-Tape record mode, the rightascension and declination angles of the scan platform instrumentboresight direction are merged with the PPR housekeeping and sciencedata and appear as two columns of each RDR data set record. All otherrecord modes include the scan platform pointing in the AACS section ofthe Low Rate Science blocks, so it is necessary to use the SPICEsystem to obtain these angles for those observations. The SPICEsystem kernels contain Galileo spacecraft ephemeris, scan platformpointing, and instrument data necessary for providing target bodycoordinates and observing geometry as a function of time, using IAUstandard coordinate systems as specified in the SPICE documentation.As indicated above, geometry information generated by the PPR scienceteam using the SPICE system is provided in files contained in the GEOMETRYsubdirectory of this volume. The reduced PPR polarimetry observations provide the radiance, orintensity, the linear polarization degree, and the direction of thepolarization of the light scattered-reflected from the viewed target.Polarization direction is the plane in which the maximum electricfield vector of the incident flux lies and in the present RDR datais referenced to the PPR instrument baseplate. In the case of aphoton scattered or reflected just once, i.e., single scattering,the polarization direction must lie precisely either in thescattering plane or perpendicular to it, where the scattering planeis the plane defined by the vector between the Sun and the observedpoint and the vector from the spacecraft to the observed point. Evenin the more general multiple scattering case, the polarizationdirection is rarely more than a few degrees away from being eitherparallel or perpendicular to the scattering plane unless the linearpolarization is close to zero, where the direction of course becomesundefined. As a consequence, polarimetry data will typically showpolarization direction angles clustered, either about a single angleor two angles separated by about 90 degrees. Because of thisapproximate discrete two-valued nature rather than continuous overthe full range of angles, linear polarization is often presented asa signed value, with negative values corresponding to the situationwhere the direction lies in or very near the scattering plane. The twist angle for the scan platform is the third Euler angleof the three that represent the C-matrix: CMAT : [twist] [pi/2 - DEC] [RA] 3 2 3 The SPICE routine M2EUL can be used to recover Euler angles froma C-matrix. Please see the C-Kernel or Rotations 'Required Reading' in theNAIF SPICE Toolkit documentation for further information.
Confidence Level Overview: The PPR RDR data set represents all PPR data for the Jupiter PhaseNominal Mission and GEM and GMM extended tours as recovered from theGalileo Project ground system, with the exception of the observationsduring the C20 encounter that would be meaningless owing to theanomalous PPR radiometry mode behavior. When multiple passes of theDMS tape were downlinked, the data were merged to provide the mostcomplete sequences. Data Coverage and Quality: The RDR data set is organized into a separate file for each PPRobservation or OAPEL as listed in the Data section under DATA_SET_DESCabove. The start times and durations in that set of lists correspondto the actual times of the first and last records returned for theparticular OAPEL rather than the planned times, if different. In afew cases, the data begin later or end earlier than planned owing tolimitations on DMS tape or bits-to-ground capability or losses duringdownlink and ground processing. There are, in addition, a few OAPELsthat have coverage gaps. Parity bits generated by the PPR instrument processor and placed inthe PPR housekeeping and science data were monitored in the processingof the EDR data and indicate that there appear to be no instances ofindividual bit changes in the data stream. For PPR observations thatuse a DMS tape record mode employing the Low Rate Science format, anydata gaps caused by telemetry dropouts appear as a loss of entire PPRminor frame records. In contrast, for the Burst-to-Tape record mode,the channelization procedure used in storing the PPR data stream inthe CDS memory buffer can lead to the return of PPR minor framerecords with missing bytes in which zero-fill is used by the groundsystem. The PPR science data samples use a non-zero 'dark' leveloffset larger than any expected noise. Thus, zero is not a legitimatevalue for these samples, for which the PPR processor uses a twos-compliment mode that when converted from the raw data stream to theRDR format for the basic data samples in DN will appear as 4095 ifzero-fill has occurred. As described earlier, data reduction of the thermal radiometry entailsthe correction of the raw pyroelectric detector output forcontributions to the measured flux by emission, albeit small, frominternal elements such as mirrors and radiometric stops. Thesecorrections use the element temperatures monitored by the thermistorsalong with calibration factors determined through ground thermalvacuum tests in which each element was in turn heated by severaldegrees to observe the sensitivity to that particular element. Thecorrected net thermal radiance is then converted to a brightnesstemperature in Kelvins. In-flight observations of the PPR radiometriccalibration target (RCT), whose temperature is monitored and readoutin the PPR science data stream, reveal that the coefficients used inthe basic reduction to date require re-examination because theagreement between the reduced brightness temperature of the RCT andthe measured value is variable, with the former generally too low, insome cases by as much as 7.0 degrees. During GEM and GMM phases,the sign of the difference was less systematic, perhaps owing to muchincreased noise levels, especially for those orbits with the highradiation environment closer to Jupiter. The ancillary data set,CALINFO.TXT, tabulates the results of the in-flight RCT observations. Noise in the PPR radiometry measurements is due to inherent instrumentnoise caused by the response of the pyroelectric detector to smallfluctuations of the thermal state in the region of the detector andnoise caused by high-energy radiation (presumably particles) impactingthe detector. The former, which we shall call instrument noise, is oforder 1-2 DN at radiometry gain level 2 for the typical instrumentoperating temperature of -20 to -15 degrees Celsius. Radiation noiseis assumed to be the perturbation in the pyroelectric detector outputcaused by the very short interaction of the high-energy particle withthe detector and can be either a positive or negative change dependingon the part of the chopper cycle during which it occurs, i.e., whetherscene or space is being viewed. Of course, the contribution due toradiation noise is quite variable, with generally increased noise withdecreasing distance of the spacecraft from Jupiter. During the missionphase through E11, radiation noise at gain level 2 was typically 2-10DN, but it occasionally hit higher peak levels. Throughout the GEMand GMM phases, the radiation noise was generally higher, with typicalvalues as large as 20-30 DN in some cases. At a gain level 2 forobserved brightness temperatures of order 130 K, a 2 DN change in theradiometry measurement corresponds to a brightness temperature changeof about 1-2 K depending on the band. As a consequence, most PPRobservations were designed to permit averaging of at least foursuccessive samples without degrading spatial resolution. However, evenwith averaging, noise remains a problem in many cases and one shoulduse caution with respect to both the absolute accuracy and theprecision of the PPR radiometry data. Limitations: As described in the Data Set Overview section of DATA_SET_DESC above,the PPR instrument exhibited anomalous behavior with the filter wheelbecoming stuck at a single radiometry position midway through the G1encounter. While a recovery sequence involving thermal cycling of theinstrument succeeded at the end of the E4 encounter, an operationalmode different from that originally planned was then used during theremainder of the Jupiter Phase Nominal Mission and the GEM and GMMextended tours to avoid having to step through the position at whichthe filter wheel stuck more than on a limited number of occasions.As a consequence, many planned OAPELs were used with a somewhatdifferent science strategy than that originally intended and someOAPEL names may seem slightly inconsistent with the actual observation.It should be noted that during encounter C20, the PPR exhibited quiteanomalous behavior in radiometry measurements. All of the radiometrydata samples were clustered at a DN value of 1412, slightly above thetypical dark-level offset, and showed an extremely small scatter wellbelow the typical noise level. This behavior was interpreted as beingconsistent with a failed radiometry detector or pre-amplifier. A PPRheating sequence was thus scheduled early in encounter C21 based uponthe hope that one possible cause, debonding in the detector, might beat least partially reversed by high temperatures. Data playback fromC21 (and all subsequent encounters) showed that the radiometry functionhad essentially recovered to nominal performance. As noted earlier, the spacecraft clock RIM and MOD91 counts for eachrecord of the R_EDR data set correspond to the time that therespective PPR memory buffer was readout by the CDS. The actual timeat which the measurement samples were acquired is earlier than thattime by varying amounts depending on instrument operation mode andthe position of the data sample in the PPR buffer. In the processingto generate the present reduced science data, an appropriate adjustedspacecraft clock time is determined and represented as adjusted RIMand MOD91 counts, which are the first two entries in each RDR dataset record. The most precise such time adjustment would requireknowledge not only of the known sampling times for each portion ofa cycle, but also the exact phase of the cycle with respect to theminor frame, or MOD91 period. Since that phase is dependent upon theprecise timing of PPR power on and commanded mode changes, it wouldhave to be determined empirically from the detailed pattern of PPRbuffer redundancies, which is in fact not feasible for short dataspans. Accordingly, the time adjustment is made without takingaccount of the phase, with the consequence that the adjusted timesmay be in error by as much as one minor frame period of two-thirdsof a second.