Data Set Information
This data set includes full resolution electric and magnetic wave spectra from the Galileo plasma wave receiver recorded during Jupiter orbital operations. In addition waveform survey data (uncalibrated) and all instrument housekeeping data are included. The parameters provided for the electric field spectral data are uncalibrated data numbers. Software and calibration tables provided as part of this data set allow for fully calibrated data for the electric field measurements in raw data numbers, voltage at the antenna inputs (V), electric field (V/m), electric field spectral density (V**2/m**2/Hz), or power flux (W/m**2/Hz). The sources of these data are the High Frequency Receiver, Sweep Frequency Receiver, and Spectrum Analyzer which make up the Low Rate Science portion of the PWS. During the included time interval, all receivers were connected to the electric antenna. Hence, the temporal resolution for electric measurements is 18.67 seconds. Note that the lowest 14 High Frequency Receiver channels are sampled twice per 18.67 seconds while the remaining channels are sampled only once. The four Spectrum Analyzer channels are each sampled 7 times in an 18.67 sec interval. The waveform survey data are generated by the wideband receiver portion of the Plasma Wave Instrument. These data are 4-bit measurements of the voltage across the preamplifier input at a rate of 201.6 k, 25.2 k or 3.2 k samples per second (for the 80 kHz, 10 kHz, and 1 kHz bandwidth modes, respectively) using either the electric dipole or magnetic search coil antennas. An automatic gain control receiver is used to set the gain at an optimum value so as to make the best use of the limited dynamic range afforded by the 4-bit analog-to-digital converter. In principle, it is possible to use the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) readout contained in the data set to calibrate this voltage, but this capability does not currently exist for this data set. This data set is highly discontinuous in time. Because of the severe limitations in the downlink capability of the Galileo spacecraft, LPW rate data were recorded only for targeted observations. Most of these data were acquired near the Galilean moons, although selected observations were made in various locations around the magnetosphere. Table 1 below provides a listing of the start and stop times of the recorded data segments, organized according to. where the data were acquired. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Table 1. PWS LPW Resolution Data Coverage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Io Flybys: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- I00 IO 95-12-07 15:21 184 5.4- 7.7 10.6-12.3 204-290 I24 IO 99-10-11 03:42 66 5.7- 6.0 10.1-10.9 59- 87 2 I25 IO N/A 1 I27 IO 00-02-22 13:04 81 5.9- 6.0 8.4- 9.4 64- 97 I31 IO 01-08-06 04:25 64 5.9 3.9- 4.7 145-171 I32 IO 01-10-16 01:06 73 5.9- 6.1 4.8- 5.7 253-283 I33 IO N/A 1 Europa Flybys: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID* Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- E04 EUR 96-12-19 06:33 51 9.4- 9.5 16.6-16.9 147-173 E06 EUR 97-02-20 16:37 312 9.5- 9.1 12.8-14.8 326-125 E11 EUR 97-11-06 20:09 162 9.0- 9.4 10.8-11.9 211-294 E12 EUR 97-12-16 11:42 46 9.4- 9.6 14.5-14.8 107-131 E14 EUR 98-03-29 13:05 55 9.4- 9.6 14.3-14.7 176-204 E15 EUR 98-05-31 20:42 61 9.4- 9.6 9.9-10.3 277-308 E16 EUR N/A 1 E18 EUR N/A 1 E19 EUR 99-02-01 01:49 50 9.2- 9.4 9.7-10.0 245-270 E26 EUR 00-01-03 17:29 61 9.2- 9.7 2.8- 3.1 346- 18 Ganymede Flybys: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- G01 GAN 96-06-27 06:07 45 14.9-15.2 11.2-11.3 163-188 G02 GAN 96-09-06 18:32 56 14.8-15.2 10.7-10.9 143-174 G07 GAN 97-04-05 06:44 56 14.8-15.2 19.7-19.8 5- 37 G08 GAN 97-05-07 15:36 46 14.8-15.1 8.1- 8.2 276-302 G28 GAN 00-05-20 09:40 60 14.7-15.3 0.7- 0.8 335- 9 G29 GAN 00-12-28 07:57 57 14.7-15.2 23.9- 0.0 205-237 Callisto Flybys: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- C03 CALL 96-11-04 13:15 45 26.1-26.4 7.8 231-258 C09 CALL 97-06-25 13:25 46 26.1-26.4 5.5 47- 74 C10 CALL 97-09-16 23:49 60 26.0-26.4 5.0- 5.1 318-354 C30 CALL 01-05-25 11:09 36 26.2-26.5 13.1-13.2 68- 89 Amalthea Flyby: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- A34 AMA 02-11-05 02:44 231 6.2- 2.3 6.4- 3.0 102-149 Inner Magnetosphere: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- J00 PJOV 12-07-95 23:22 124 4.0- 5.2 18.4-20.5 18- 62 I24 TOR N/A 1 I32 TOR 01-10-15 22:55 33 5.8- 5.9 3.0- 3.4 198-211 I25 TOR 99-11-25 21:07 174 5.9- 7.0 5.1- 7.0 336- 53 2 A34 PSX7 02-11-05 01:05 90 6.3- 7.7 17.7-18.2 24- 70 C23 PJOV 99-09-14 14:36 412 6.5- 7.7 6.1-10.3 52-239 C21 PJOV 99-07-01 23:53 113 7.6- 8.2 7.4- 8.3 247-301 C22 PJOV 99-08-12 08:18 288 7.3- 7.6 8.4-11.0 225- 0 E11 EQX (see E11 EUR) 3 I32 RAMP 01-10-15 15:31 115 7.8-8.9 22.9-23.7 354- 52 C10 EQX 97-09-18 22:34 46 9.2 12.5-12.8 102-125 C20 PJOV 99-05-03 15:59 122 9.4 10.0-10.8 45-106 A34 PSX6 02-11-04 21:48 45 10.3 17.0-17.1 285-300 Middle Magnetosphere: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- C09 TAR 97-06-28 13:50 61 18.1-18.5 18.1-18.2 324-359 C03 TAR 96-11-05 07:04 40 19.3-19.0 8.9- 9.0 140-163 G08 QRS 97-05-06 13:00 129 25.0-25.8 5.9- 6.0 63-140 G01 PSX 96-06-30 02:00 46 27.2-27.5 22.8 292-319 A34 PSX2 02-11-03 15:28 45 29.4-29.0 15.6 276-303 A34 PSX1 02-11-03 10:38 45 31.8-31.4 15.5 102-132 G02 PSX 96-09-11 02:38 40 39.2-39.4 23.8-23.9 121-145 G07 PSX 97-03-30 18:49 46 46.2-46.4 4.8 125-152 Magnetotail: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dur. Jup Range Local Time S3 WLON Obs. ID Start Time (min) (Rj) (hours) (deg). Note ----------------------------------------------------------------- C09 DSK1 97-07-04 14:09 118 64 22.1 99-170 C09 DSK2 97-07-14 10:03 45 107 23.2 357- 25 E18 DSK 98-12-10 19:36 288 109 22.5 285- 98 C09 DSK3 97-07-23 13:11 46 129 23.7 18- 45 C09 DAWN 97-08-23 14:07 122 130 0.9- 1.0 17- 90 C09 APJ 97-08-07 11:06 101 143 0.3 30- 91 * The ID element is derived from the SEF identifier for the recorded observation. The recording identifiers translate to: IO, GAN, EUR, CALL - satellites PSX - plasma sheet crossing TAR - trans-auroral region QRS - quarter rotation survey DSK - dusk side of orbit (see local time) DAWN - dawn side of orbit (see local time) APJ - apojove TOR - Io torus EQX - magnetic equator crossing PJOV - perijove RAMP - outer torus These designations were defined by the sequence team. Notes: 1 : Recording lost due to spacecraft safing/anomaly 2 : Stats given for primary observation interval only, data file. includes additional intervals of 'ridealong' data. 3 : E11 EUR and EQU are continuous and listed as a single observation. Table 2 provides a listing of the various satellite closest approach times and the location of the spacecraft, relative to the satellite at these times. ------------------------------------------------------------ Table 2. Satellite Flyby Characteristics* ------------------------------------------------------------ Satellite Planetocentric Coords Range Lat E Lon Orb Moon C/A Time (Rm**) (deg) (deg) Note ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 IO 95-12-07 17:45:58 1.50 -9.6 258.9 W 24 IO 99-10-11 04:33:03 1.34 4.5 135.9 U 27 IO 00-02-22 13:46:41 1.11 18.5 157.4 U 31 IO 01-08-06 04:59:21 1.11 77.5 187.7 P 32 IO 01-10-16 01:23:21 1.10 -78.5 135.3 P 33 IO 02-01-17 14:08:28 1.06 -43.5 41.8 F 4 EUR 96-12-19 06:52:58 1.45 -1.7 322.4 F 6 EUR 97-02-20 17:06:10 1.38 -17.0 34.7 F 11 EUR 97-11-06 20:31:44 2.31 25.7 218.7 F 12 EUR 97-12-16 12:03:20 1.13 -8.7 134.4 U 14 EUR 98-03-29 13:21:05 2.06 12.2 131.2 U 15 EUR 98-05-31 21:12:57 2.62 15.0 225.4 W 19 EUR 99-02-01 02:19:50 1.93 30.5 28.1 U 26 EUR 00-01-03 17:59:43 1.22 -47.1 83.4 U 1 GAN 96-06-27 06:29:07 1.32 30.4 246.7 W 2 GAN 96-09-06 18:59:34 1.10 79.3 236.4 P 7 GAN 97-04-05 07:09:58 2.18 55.8 270.4 W 8 GAN 97-05-07 15:56:10 1.61 28.3 84.8 U 28 GAN 00-05-20 10:10:10 1.31 -19.0 92.4 U 29 GAN 00-12-28 08:25:27 1.89 62.2 269.0 P 3 CALL 96-11-04 13:34:28 1.47 13.2 282.3 W 9 CALL 97-06-25 13:47:50 1.17 2.0 101.0 U 10 CALL 97-09-17 00:18:55 1.22 4.6 281.3 W 30 CALL 01-05-25 11:23:58 1.06 13.6 254.6 W 34 AMA 02-11-05 06:18:40 2.89 -47.7 74.8 U * Satellite encounters with recorded data only ** Moon Rm (km) : Amalthea 86.2 Io 1818 Europa 1560 Ganymede 2634 Callisto 2409 Notes: Negative latitudes are southern hemisphere, U : upstream F : flank W : wake P : polar
Planetary Plasma Interactions
This data set includes all available Low Rate Science spectrum analyzer data within the interval of time covered. Included in this data set are data quality flags which indicate whether the parity of the data value was good or bad. A bad parity flag indicates an error in the data value and the software provided with this data set will ignore such values. However, this is a simple parity scheme, hence, even numbers of bit errors will not be flagged as being bad. The magnetic spectra contain narrowband interference lines at 2.4 kHz and harmonics. Magnetic interference between about 200 Hz and 2 kHz is occasionally observed and is attributed to the use of a grating motor in the UVS instrument. Missing data are indicated by zero. At about 1712 SCET on 14 September (day 257) 1997 the low-frequency search coil, or some portion of the PWS electronics associated with the signals acquired by this sensor suffered a failure which increased the noise level and decreased the sensitivity for magnetic signals below 2.4 kHz. Some natural signals can be observed in this frequency range after the failure, but no attempt has been made as of this date to recalibrate the output of this sensor. After some on-board testing of the affected systems it was decided to only use the search coils inside of about 15 RJ for the duration of the mission. Inside this distance, it is most likely that intense electromagnetic signatures might still be detected in the anomalous sensor state. Outside of 15 RJ, the instrument is in an electric field-only mode. In the electric field-only mode, every 18.67-second sweep of the spectrum analyzer and medium frequency receiver is from the electric dipole antenna, effectively improving the temporal resolution of the electric field measurements below 100 kHz by a factor of two. The high frequency receiver above 100 kHz also sweeps once per 18.67 seconds, only on the electric antenna.
Gurnett, D.A., Kurth, W.S., Granroth, L.J., GO J PWS REFORMATTED PLAYBACK SPECTRUM ANALYZER FULL V1.0, GO-J-PWS-2-REDR-LPW-SA-FULL-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1997
This data set includes full resolution electric and magnetic wave spectra from the Galileo plasma wave receiver recorded during Jupiter orbital operations. In addition waveform survey data (uncalibrated) and all instrument housekeeping data are included. The parameters provided for the electric field spectral data are uncalibrated data numbers. Software and calibration tables provided as part of this data set allow for fully calibrated data for the electric field measurements in raw data numbers, voltage at the antenna inputs (V), electric field (V/m), electric field spectral density (V**2/m**2/Hz), or power flux (W/m**2/Hz). The sources of these data are the High Frequency Receiver, Sweep Frequency Receiver, and Spectrum Analyzer which make up the Low Rate Science portion of the PWS.
Planetary Plasma Interactions Website