Data Set Information
Data Set Overview  :  The data set consists of calibrated observations, also known as  CDRs.   For all the CDR products there is a detached PDS label file that  describes the contents of one data file. Each label file will have  the same base name as the data file it is describing, with the  extension .LBL to denote a label file. The label file defines the  start time and end of the observation, product creation time, and  the structure of the ASSCI tables. Each data product  is identified within the PDS label by a STANDARD_DATA_PRODUCT_ID  value, shown in parentheses in the table below.    Instrument Overview  :  The JEDI sensors consists of a 60-mm diameter, hockey puck-like  cylinder, in which a start foil and stop foil, wrapped around  opposite curved sides of the cylinder, constitute the TOF chamber.  The detectors are arranged so that each detector senses the  events within a given range of incidence angles. Each of the 6  detector modules is composed of 4 pixels: large and small ion and  large and small electron. See the INSTRUMENT.CAT file for more  information.   Calibration Overview  :  This data set is calibrated; it provides the instrument team's  best available interpretation of the measured data at the time  of release. This understanding is evolving and it is expected  that the calibration process will change and improve with subsequent  releases.    Parameters  :  The timing parameters in the CDRs are identical to those in the EDRs.  See JEDI_J_EDR_DS.CAT file for a short description or the JEDI SIS for  more detailed information.   In addition to the timing parameters and the uncalibrated counts, and  calibrated counts per second and intensity spectra, for each data  record in the CDR, we include ephemeris attitude and pitch angle  information for the convenience of the end user. We also include a  subset of the basic rate information so the end user can obtain an  understanding of the level of activity in the instrument system as this  will affect the instrument performance.   The additional quantities are, in brief:   :   Spacecraft Position - X, Y, and Z in the POS frame (POS : JSE for  observations at Jupiter).   Planetary Position - Latitude and Longitude in the LOC frame (LOC:  IAU_JUPITER for observations at Jupiter).   Look Direction - Unit Vector X, Y, and Z of the 'look direction'  of the negative of the incident particle velocity  vector for each telescope.   Pitch Angle (1 column per telescope : 6 columns) - The angle between  the incident particle velocity vector and the  local magnetic field.    which of these values are present depends on the  data type, see JEDI SIS for details:   SSD0-SSD5 - Number of pulses on the Solid State Energy  detector for telescope number 0-5   VEP (Valid Events Processed) - Number of events actually processed by  the flight software   VEE (Valid Energy Events) - Total number of events in all SSD (Energy)  detectors.   Start0, Stop0 - Number of pulses on the end of the Start or Stop  anode nearest to look direction 0.   VTOFXE - Number of valid TOFxE events counted.   VTOFXPH - Number of valid TOFxPH events counted.      Data  :  The JUNO JEDI CDR data set products are the same as described in  JEDI_J_EDR_DS.CAT.
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2024-06-11T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2016-07-06T10:04:14.000Z
STOP_TIME 2023-11-23T11:59:58.000Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2011-08-05T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Planetary Plasma Interactions
Confidence Level Overview  :  The JUNO JEDI CDR data are, at the present time, calibrated simply by  multiplying by a factor, determined for each individual telescope and  pixel, which captures the efficiency and geometric factor for that  detector. The underlying counts per second rate has not been adjusted  for background or instrument saturation effects. These are strictly  preliminary calibrations at this time.   Review  :  The JUNO JEDI CDR were reviewed internally by the JEDI team prior to  release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external review of the  JEDI EDR.    Data Coverage and Quality  :  Data reported are the calibrated data for the time period:  2013-279T00:00:00 through 2014-104T23:59:59   Limitations  :  The calibrations applied to the data both in terms of efficiency factors  and energy descrimination are still preliminary. Instrument team  calibration efforts are ongoing.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION B. Mauk (APL), JEDI CALIBRATED (CDR) DATA JNO J JED 3 CDR V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2024, DOI: 10.17189/1519713.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Abstract : This data set consists of the JUNO JEDI (Jupiter Energetic-Particle Detector) calibrated observations, also known as CDRs. The system is made up of 3 instrument subsystems (pucks) aligned in three directions on the spinning JUNO spacecraft. The pucks each have 6 look directions (telescopes) with a time of flight (TOF) and a deposited energy detection (SSD) system. In addition, the pulse height of the signal in the TOF system can be used for energy measurement. The instruments can be operated in a variety of modes, differing in the way they use and combine these measurements. More details are available in the INSTRUMENT.CAT file and the JEDI SIS. The CDRs are organized in files covering one day of spacecraft event time (SCET). There are potentially 10 different files per puck, corresponding to the available data gathering modes: HIERSESP, HIERSISP, HIERSTOFXER, HIERSTOFXPHR, LOERSESP, LOERSISP, LOERSTOFXER, LOERSTOFXPHR, NONPTOFXER, NONPTOFXPHR. Depending on how the pucks are operated, not all data types will be available for all pucks for any particular time range. All the measured quantities present in the uncalibrated data files (EDRs) are present here in three forms: counts per accumulation (the same numbers as in the EDRs), counts per second (this number may be corrected for instrument saturation and background), intensity (counts per second per steradian per cm2 per keV). Additional support quantities are also included for the convenience or enlightenment of the end user.
  • Planetary Plasma Interactions Website