Data Set Overview:JIRAM Level 1b data products consist of the data producedby the instrument reconstructed from the scientific telemetry,sorted by instrument state and data type, and providedwith spacecraft position, velocity and attitude information.Any other spacecraft telemetry relevant for calibration andprocessing (e.g. temperature of the receiver) is also be included.JIRAM data consist of two parts: the first contains ancillary dataproduced by instrument and used to interpret scientific data, thesecond is science data.The scientific products are spectra or images that are downloadedform the S/C in data packets.Packets are then recombined by IOT in image or a number ofspectra as function of the used submode.Data organized in submodes are not compressed.Compression on the data is possible to reduce the data volume.Lossy compression is possible on imager data; the images can bereduced to JPEG format. The lossy compression reduces the images datavolume of a factor 6.Lossless compression can be applied to spectra.The lossless compression would produce a compression of a variablefactor that depends on the datum itself. The factor is about 1.5 onaverage.For each Data Set JIRAM team will deliver a spreadsheet containingauxiliary information.In each spreadsheet all products are ordered by acquisition time.This file will give an overview on the data set acquisition.Data:The 'JUNO JIRAM EXPERIMENT DATA RECORD V1.0' Data Setcontains scientific telemetry generated by the instrument,edited to remove duplications, zero-padded for missingpackets. No other kind of processing isapplied to the data.Data Quality:Data quality in a data product label is indicated through theDATA_QUALITY_ID element, and measures the integrity of the telemetrystream from the instrument. The permitted values of DATA_QUALITY_IDare the following: 1: complete data 0: incomplete data