Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION The Phoenix MECA Non-Imaging Reduced Data Record data set includes calibrated data from the TECP, AFM, and WCL components of the MECA instrument suite.
Data Set Overview
    The Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA)
    experiment on the Mars Phoenix Lander consists of four instrument
    components plus command electronics. This MECA Non-Imaging Reduced
    data set contains data from three of the four MECA components, the
    Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP), the Atomic Force
    Microscope (AFM), and the Wet Chemistry Laboratory (WCL).
    Reduced data from the fourth MECA component, the  Optical Microscope
    (OM), is in a separate data set.
    More information is found in HECHTETAL2008, KOUNAVESETAL2008, and
    The following text describes each component of the data set.
  TECP Overview
    An end-effector on the Phoenix Robotic Arm, the Thermal and
    Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) is a probe
    of soil physical properties including temperature, thermal
    conductivity and diffusivity, electrical conductivity and
    permittivity, as well as atmospheric temperature, humidity, and
    wind speed. These measurements are made with four conical needles,
    three of which contain electrical heaters and thermometers, and
    a hygrometer sensor mounted separately in the body of the TECP.
    The scientific objectives of the TECP are to provide ground-truth
    for orbital surface thermal measurements and input parameters for
    thermal models by directly measuring the thermal properties of
    Martian regolith; to measure the concentration and nature of water
    in Martian regolith in solid, 'non-frozen,' liquid, and vapor
    states; to determine changes in the reservoirs of water when soil
    is freshly exposed and; to characterize the movement of water in
    and out of the soil by measuring atmospheric humidity,
    temperature, and wind speed above the surface.
    V1.0 data set is a collection of electrical conductivity (EC),
    relative humidity (HUM), relative permittivity (PRM), and
    thermocouple (needle) temperature (TC) data sorted by time. Data
    are sorted by time, with each data file containing one one sol's
    worth of data for each data type.
  TECP Parameters
    Spatial parameters are given for each TECP sample in the RDR data
    set. These parameters allow the end-user to determine the exact
    position of the TECP during each data collection. The coordinates
    are given in several reference frames that are discussed in the
    Coordinate System section of this document.
    TIP_POS_R_PF -  Radial coordinate of TECP needle tips centroid in
                    Payload Frame cylindrical coordinates
    TIP_POS_THETA_PF -  Azimuthal coordinate of TECP needle tips
                        centroid in Payload Frame cylindrical
                        coordinates, measured clockwise
                        (as viewed from above) from the +x-axis
    TIP_POS_Z_PF -  Vertical coordinate of TECP needle tips centroid
                    in Payload Frame cylindrical coordinates, measured
                    positive downward
    ANGLE_TECP_RA - Angle of TECP long axis (+z axis in TECP frame)
                    relative to a vector that is parallel to the RA
                    forearm and pointing away from the lander.
                    This angle is measured clockwise as viewed from
                    the TECP side of the RA wrist joint.
    TIP_POS_X_LLF - X coordinate of the TECP needle tips centroid in
                    the Local Level Frame
    TIP_POS_Y_LLF - Y coordinate of the TECP needle tips centroid in
                    the Local Level Frame
    TIP_POS_Z_LLF - Z coordinate of the TECP needle tips centroid in
                    the Local Level Frame, measured positive downward
    ANGLE_TECP_Z_LLF - Angle of TECP long axis (+z axis in TECP frame)
                       relative to the positive z-axis of the Local
                       Level Frame (parallel to gravity vector)
  TECP Processing
    There are four types of TECP data, electrical conductivity
    (designated EC), humidity (designated HUM), relative permittivity
    or dielectric constant (designated PRM) and temperature (TC). The
    EC data is formatted as four ASCII tables, a conversions table,
    two tables with conversion constants, and a data table that
    contains a time-series of measurements. The HUM, PRM and TC data
    are all formatted as a conversions table followed by a data table
    that contains a time-series of measurements. The conversions table
    contains the DN to physical unit equations for the particular data
    type. Table 4.5  of the MECA RDR SIS found in the DOCUMENTS
    directory of this archive lists all the DN to physical unit
    conversions used to convert TECP EDR data into TECP RDR data.
  TECP Data
    There are four types of TECP data, TECP_EC, TECP_HUM, TECP_PRM
    and TECP_TC. The TECP_EC data is a time-series of electrical
    conductivity measurements. The TECP_HUM data is a time-series of
    relative humidity measurements. The TECP_PRM data is a time-series
    of relative permittivity data, and the TECP_TC data is a
    time-series of temperature measurements. The TECP data are
    organized as ASCII CSV data files. The TECP_EC data files are
    structured as a 2-column conversions table that holds the DN to
    physical unit conversion equations. The conversions table is
    followed by a 4-column table that holds the gain specific probe
    constant conversion coefficients. Next is a 7-column table that
    contains the gain specific resistance conversion coefficients and
    last the 13-column data table. The TECP_HUM, TECP_PRM, and TECP_TC
    data files are all structured in the same way. The file begins
    with a 2-column conversions table that holds the DN to physical
    unit conversions used to make the RDRs. The conversions table is
    followed by the data table. The EC and HUM data are 13-column data
    tables. The PRM data table is a 12-column data table and the TC
    data table is a 16-column table.
    Each of the four TECP data types are organized as ASCII comma
    separated variable (CSV) data files containing data from a single
    Martian sol, with a detached ASCII text PDS label file for each
    data file. Data from each measurement day will be grouped by
    instrument (TECP) then by sol.
  TECP Ancillary Data
    The first table in all the TECP RDR data types is a conversions
    table. This table gives the DN to physical unit conversion
    equations used to convert the raw TECP EDR DN value data to
    physical units. The EC data type also contains a table of
    calibration coefficients used in the EC conversions. It is
    possible that these coefficients could change over the course
    of the mission. If they do change, the change will be noted in
    this document, as well as in the RDR SIS.
  TECP Coordinate System
    TECP orientation information is given in all four TECP data types.
    The orientation information is obtained from the Robotic Arm (RA)
    and was acquired at the time of the most recent RA move. The
    orientation information is given in both the payload frame and in
    the local level frame for ease of use. The definitions of the
    PHOENIX coordinate systems are documented below:
    Local Level - Same as payload frame, and it moves with the Lander
          +X - North
          +Z - down along gravity vector
            +Y - East
    Payload Frame - At the shoulder of the Robotic Arm.  Attached and
                    moves with the Lander
                    +X - along Lander X (point out into the work
                    +Z - down along Lander (vertical axis)
                    +Y - along Lander -Y
    Site Frame - Same as payload frame when first defined and never
                 moves relative to Mars. Possible to define multiple
                 site frames in case the Lander moves/slips.
                 Same as local level
  TECP Software
    No TECP specific software will be provided at this time. As the
    data products are ASCII, any software that can handle ASCII files
    can be used to view the products.
  TECP Media/Format
    As part of the MECA Non-Imaging RDR data set, TECP RDRs will be
    delivered using Internet file transfer
    protocol. Data formats will be based on standards for such
    products established by the Planetary Data System (PDS)
  AFM Overview
    The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) is part of the MECA Microscopy
    Station, which comprises a Sample Wheel and Translation Stage
    (SWTS), an optical microscope (OM), and the AFM. The MECA AFM is
    located between the OM and the SWTS inside the darkened MECA
    enclosure on the spacecraft deck. It scans a small region
    (from 1-65 micron square) on any of 69 substrates, each 3-mm in
    diameter, positioned along the rim of the SWTS. The chief
    scientific objectives of the AFM are to analyze small dust and
    soil particles in terms of their size, size distribution, shape,
    and texture. The AFM is particularly well suited to analyze
    particles carried by the wind, which are believed to be in the
    size range 1-3 micron. A full description of the MECA AFM can be
    found in [HECHTETAL2008].
    data set is a collection of scan data sorted by time. Data types
    included in this data set are the AFM_SDR, calibrated scan data
    with x-y scan ranges, the AFM_SDD, a line by line derivative of
    the calibrated scan data, and the AFM_REPORT, a daily description
    of AFM mission activities. Data are sorted by time, with each data
    folder containing one sol's worth of data for each data type.
    The two scan data AFM RDR data products are formatted to have a
    detached ASCII PDS label. The SDR and SDD data products consist of
    five attached data tables. The first table is the header table
    that describes the AFM scan parameters and other important
    information pertaining to that scan, followed by the
    calibrated scan data in four sequential ASCII TABLE objects.
  AFM Parameters
    The AFM scan parameters of interest for each scan are captured in
    the AFM_HEADER_TABLE, which is found at the beginning of the scan
    data. The following is a list of the header parameters.
    cmdTimewhole - Spacecraft command receipt time (whole seconds)
    cmdTimeremainder -  Spacecraft command receipt time (remainder)
    readTimewhole - Time at which last scanline was received from the
    readTimeremainder - Time at which last scanline was received from
                        the instrument (remainder)
    dataLength - Record length (minus headers)  Bytes
    Cols - Image width  Points
    Lines - Image height  Lines
    Direction - Scan direction mask.  1 = forward, 2 = backward
    Channel -  1 = error, 2 = height.
    channelGain - Determines the topographic height scale, Ranges
                  from 0 to 8, with 0=full range (13.8 microns), and
                  reducing by factors of 2 each time. i.e.
                  Gain of 2 = 3.45 microns.
    refOMimage - Filename of the relevant OM image taken at the AFM
                 scan position  prior to start of the scan. This
                 provides the context for interpreting the AFM scan
    opsToken - Ops token
    SwtsTemperature - Temperature of the SWTS just prior to the scan
    Scanrange - Scan range of slow and fast scan axes
    Height_scaling_factor - The scaling factor used to calibrate the
                            height data (converts DNs to micrometers)
    Smoothing_factor - Number of points used in the Savitzky-Golay
                       filter function. (for SDD only)
    AFM_OM_ref_x - The approximate location of the center of the AFM
                   scan field relative to the OM image. X-coordinate
                   in pixels.
    AFM_OM_ref_y - The approximate location of the center of the AFM
                   scan field relative to the OM image. Y-coordinate
                   in pixels.
    X-slope - The x-slope of the sub-strait relative to the x-y
    Y_slope - The y-slope of the sub-strait relative to the x-y
  AFM Processing
    The AFM_SDR data type is calibrated scan data with x-y scan
    ranges. The height and scan range data will be calibrated
    based on data from calibration scans of the AFM pincushion
    substrate that will be performed just prior to the AFM scans
    on Mars. The scaling factor used for the conversion from DNs to
    micrometers will be included in the header of the RDR. Data are
    presented in units of micrometers and represented by real numbers
    to three decimal places. The error channel data in this data type
    are given in units of Volts with no in-situ calibration applied
    and represented by real numbers to six decimal places.
    The AFM_SDD data type is a line by line derivative of the
    calibrated scan data. By converting slope to grayscale,
    derivatives are a simple way to simulate what the eye would see if
    the topographs represented macroscopic surfaces illuminated from
    overhead. The derivative will be performed using the
    Savitsky-Golav  method, following the raster-scanning direction
    because the discontinuities that are often present between lines
    would produce unacceptable noise in a true 2-dimensional
    Savitzky-Golay is a simple running filter that smoothes data while
    optionally performing various orders of derivatives, depending on
    the selection of filter parameters. It is equivalent to performing
    a local polynomial regression of degree k on at least k+1
    equally-spaced points. For the AFM derivatives, selection of the
    number of points will be done manually depending on the noisiness
    of the data. The number of points used is recorded in the
    derivative header table in the smoothing_factor field.
  AFM Data
    There are three AFM data types, the AFM_SDR, the AFM_SDD and the
    AFM REPORT. The AFM_SDR is the converted scan data record and the
    AFM_SDD is the scan data derivative. The first two data types are
    structured as five table units (files) that contain a 20 or
    21-column 4-row header table, a 1536-column forward scan error
    table, a 1536-column forward scan height data table, a 1536-column
    backward scan error table, and a 1536-column backward scan height
    table. The AFM REPORT is a text file that describes the activities
    of a measurement day. See Appendix D for label examples and table
    The AFM_SDR and AFM_SDD are organized as ASCII comma separated
    variable (CSV) data files containing data from a single scan of
    the AFM, with a detached ASCII text PDS label file for each data
    file. The AFM REPORT is an ASCII text file with an attached ASCII
    PDS label. Data from each measurement day will be grouped by
    instrument (AFM) and then by sol.
  AFM Ancillary Data
    The AFM REPORT data type is ancillary data that explains the daily
    operations of the AFM. This is an ASCII text file with an attached
    PDS label that contains a narrative of events during an
    operational day. There will be one file per sol that is manually
    generated by an AFM team member. This file may contain items such
    as rationalemfor picking a particular target, difficulties in
    making a particular measurement, or other general information that
    is not easily captured elsewhere.
  AFM Coordinate System
    The AFM scan plane is a square that is rotated clockwise by
    45-degrees and flipped vertically relative to an OM image. The
    axis that defines a scan line (the one along which scan samples
    are taken) is called the fast-axis (i.e. it increments/decrements
    more rapidly). The other axis determines scan line rows and is
    only incremented/decremented at the end of each scan line. Thus it
    is referred to as the slow-axis. The default fast-axis for the AFM
    is the x-axis, the default slow axis is the y-axis. Note that the
    scan point (0,0) is in the middle of the scan plane, i.e. for a
    256 x 256 scan, the scan field goes from -127 to +127 in x and
    -127 and +127 in y. The starting point of a scan is not the origin
    of the scan field however, but the most negative x and y
    positions, i.e. for a 256 x 256 scan, the scan starts at the point
    (x=-127,y=-127) and proceeds to more positive values in both
    The scan data is ordered such that the first line of data in the
    file represents the first line of data acquired by the AFM. The
    AFM acquires the scan data in an 'upward' (or positive 'y')
    direction in the AFM scan coordinate system. However, as described
    above and shown in Figure 4 1, the AFM coordinate system is
    flipped and rotated relative to the OM coordinate system. Thus,
    plotting the data in the order that it is shown in the file
    produces an 'upside down' image relative to the MECA-OM image.
  AFM Software
    No AFM specific software will be provided at this time. As the
    data products are ASCII, any software that can handle ASCII files
    can be used to view the products.
  AFM Media/Format
    As part of the MECA Non-Imaging RDR data set, AFM RDRs will be
    delivered using Internet file transfer
    protocol. Data formats will be based on standards for such
    products established by the Planetary Data System (PDS)
  WCL Overview
     MECA's wet chemistry laboratory (WCL) comprises four single-use
   modules, each consisting of a beaker assembly and an actuator
   assembly. The modules mix soil samples with a leaching solution
   in a pressure vessel for electrochemical analysis. The scientific
   objective of the WCL is to determine the total pH, redox
   properties, and concentration of the principal aqueously solvated
   components of the acquired soil samples.
   Chemical data is returned by 26 distinct sensors, some redundant,
   lining the walls of each beaker. These measure: Temperature;
   pH (3); conductivity; oxidation-reduction potential; the anions
   chloride (2), bromide, and iodide; cations sodium, potassium,
   calcium, magnesium; and barium, used in a sulfate titration. Also
   included are electrodes for cyclic voltammetry, anodic stripping
   voltammetry, and chronopotentiometry (3). Lithium electrodes (2)
   are used as a reference relative to the known concentration of
   lithium salts in the solution. Sensors for nitrate, ammonium,
   dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, which for various reasons do
   not provide a quantitative measure of soil composition, are used
   only for context. A heater is imbedded in the base of the beaker
   to maintain water temperature during operation. A full description
   of the MECA WCL can be found in [KOUNAVESETAL2008].
   data set is a collection of chemical data, conductivity, cyclic
   voltammetry, chronopotentiometry, and pressure and temperature data
   that is sorted by time. Data types included in this data set are:
          ISE - Ion-Selective electrode data,
          CND - conductivity data,
          CV  - Cyclic voltammetry data,
          CP  - Chronopotentiometry data,
          PT  - Pressure and temperature data.
   Data are sorted by data type and by time, with each data folder
   containing one sol's worth of data for each data type.
  WCL Parameters
   Important measurement parameters are recorded in the header table
   found at the beginning of each of the RDRs. The header tables for
   the ISE, CND, and PT data types are identical, and contain the
   following parameters:
    PRODUCT_TYPE - The product type, MECA_WCL_CND
    PLANET_DAY_NUMBER - Mission Sol number on which the data
                        was acquired
    PLANET_DAY_TYPE - The measurement day type. A = first
                      day of measurements on a sample,
                      B = second day of measurements on a
                      sample. O = other.
    WCL_CELL - The number of the WCL cell(0-3)
    PARENT_EDR - The EDR filename from which the RDR was
    START TIME - SCLK time of first record in data set.
    END TIME - SCLK time of last record in data set.
    X_RECORDS - Number of data points in time-series.
    In each case these parameters are followed by the equation or
    equations used to convert the raw DN values from the EDRs to the
    calibrated RDR physical unit values. In the PT case, the header
    table is followed by a conversion factor table that contains the
    conversion factors used in the DN to physical units equations. The
    conversion values found in the RDRs are the definitive values.
    The CV and CV data types contain the following header information:
           WCL_CELL - Number of the WCL cell (0-3)
           CMD_Time - This is the time that the command was issued
                      from the spacecraft computer to the MECA
                      subsystem across the serial interface. Units
                      are seconds of Spacecraft Clock (SCLK).
           Read_time - This is the time that the data was returned
                      to the spacecraft computer across the serial
                      interface from the MECA subsystem. Units are
                      seconds of Spacecraft Clock (SCLK)
           Mode - The instrument mode
                   CV  = 1
                   DO  = 2
                   ASV = 3
                   CP_S1 = 4
                   CP_S2 = 5
                   CP_P = 6
           Gain - The instrument gain setting which can equal 1,2,3,
                  4,5,6,or 7.
           mVMin or nAMin - The minimum scan value
           mVMax or nAMax - The maximum scan value
           CV_Scan_rate or CP_Scan_time - Time of scan or rate of
                                          scan in seconds.
           Number_of_Samples - Number of samples in the scan,
                               maximum value is 2015.
    The CV and CP header information is preceded by the DN to
    physical unit conversion factors. The RDRs are the definitive
    source for the conversion factors. The WCL calibration report,
    located in the Calibration directory of this archive, is the
    definitive source for the conversion equations.
  WCL Processing
    WCL RDR data products will be generated by the MECA Science Team
    using software at the SOC, JPL or their home institutions. The
    RDRs produced will be 'processed' data (NASA Level 1). The input
    will be one or more MECA non-imaging EDR or RDR data products and
    the output will be formatted according to the MECA Non-Imaging RDR
    SIS. In general, the processing involved in creating the MECA
    Non-Imaging RDRs is a conversion from EDR DN values to physical
    units using conversion equations and factors derived from ground
    based instrument calibrations. The details of the conversion
    equations  and factors can be found in the MECA Non-imaging RDR
    SIS and the WCL Calibration report, both found in this archive.
  WCL Data
      The ISE data type contains the mV value for each ISE sensor
      reading in the RDR. The readings are a result of a potential
      across the sensor's membrane/solution interface, the value of
      which is dependent on the activity of the selected ionic species
      in the beaker solution.
      The MECA electrical conductivity (EC) data type holds the EC
      measurements in a time-series of two ranges of microsiemen per
      centimeter. The EC of a solution is a measure of its ability to
      carry a current and is thus directly proportional to the total
      concentration of dissolved ionic species in the water.
      The CV data type contains a time-series of electrode potential
      (mV) and current (nA) data for measurements made by Conventional
      cyclic voltammetry using either a macro-electrode or an array of
      micro-electrodes; Anodic Stripping Voltammetry using the
      micro-electrode; and a Dissolved Oxygen measurement acquired
      with an ion selective electrode with CV-style detection.
      The CP data type contains a time series of electrode potential
      (mV) and current (nA) data for measurements made with one of
      the three CP electrodes mounted in the WCL beaker walls. The CP
      electrodes include: two 1 mm diameter Ag electrodes (CP_S1 and
      CP_S2) and one 1 mm diameter Pt (CP_P) electrode. In a WCL CP
      measurement, which is sometime referred to a coulombic
      titration, the electrochemical cell potential is measured as
      the current is stepped (or ramped) from zero to a set current.
      The PT data type contains time-series data of pressure
      measurements of the internal pressure sensor as well as
      temperature data from each of three sensors mounted on the
      water tank, the sample drawer, and in the beaker wall. The
      pressure and temperature readings apply to the active WCL cell
      (known from the command history), and the units of the RDR data
      are mbar for pressure and Celsius for temperature. The tank
      sensor is used to monitor and verify thawing of the stored
      leaching solution, while the drawer sensor monitors the
      operation of sample introduction and reagent addition actuators.
      The beaker sensor is critical for analysis of chemical data.
  WCL Ancillary Data
    Ancillary data needed to convert any of the WCL data types from
    raw EDR DN values to physical units are given in the individual
    RDRs. Additional information on sensor calibrations can be found
    either in the WCL calibration report (Calibration Directory of this
    archive) or in [KOUNAVESETAL2008].
    The ISE, CND and PT data types also contain an events table that
    records various events over the course of the sample analysis.
    This table records such things as the time of sample delivery to
    the analysis cell, and the time of additions to the sample. A
    full description of the events can be found in the MECA
    Non-Imaging RDR SIS.
  WCL Coordinate System
    Information pertaining to where each of the four samples (one per
    WCL cell) were taken is recorded in the sample OPS_TOKEN, found
    in the file name of each RDR. The OPS_TOKEN can be used to relate
    the RDRs to information from the Robotic Arm (RA). The RA is used
    to scoop Martian soil into the MECA WCL. Correlation of the RA
    OPS_TOKENs to the MECA WCL RDRs will give the users information
    about the conditions under which each sample was collected.
  WCL Software
     No WCL specific software will be provided at this time. As the
     data products are ASCII, any software that can handle ASCII files
     can be used to view the products.
  WCL Media/Format
    As part of the MECA Non-Imaging RDR data set, WCL RDRs will be
    delivered using Internet file transfer
    protocol. Data formats will be based on standards for such
    products established by the Planetary Data System (PDS)
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2008-05-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2008-05-01T12:00:00.000Z
STOP_TIME N/A (ongoing)
MISSION_START_DATE 2008-05-25T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2008-11-02T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Confidence Level Overview
    The MECA Non-Imaging RDR data was reviewed internally by the MECA team
    prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external
    review of the MECA Non-Imaging RDR data set.
  Data Coverage and Quality
    All scan data collected will be presented as RDRs. Any data
    quality notes will be presented in the AFM_REPORT data.
    Data will be presented for all sensor readings taken during the
    course of sample analysis. Data Quality notes will be added here
    as the data is processed.
    TECP thermal and electrical properties measurement quality depends
    on proper needle placement by the RA. Non-linear insertion,
    partial insertion, and lateral movement all affect data quality
    negatively. Thermal properties measurements can also be negatively
    impacted by non steady state thermal conditions, and the TECP
    should therefore be allowed to equilibrate to its thermal
    environment before making thermal properties measurements.
    The AFM has several limitations that impact the data. Attempting
    to scan excessively steep or ragged surfaces with
    the AFM will result in scans that are largely out of range, and
    could conceivably damage the AFM tip. Further, band-width and time
    constraints severely limit the number of scans that can be
    acquired and returned to Earth.
    It must be emphasized that an AFM scan is acquired by rastering
    a physical tool across a surface. As a result, line-to-line noise
    and artifacts may be significantly different than point-to-point
    artifacts along the scan direction. Moreover, outside the range of
    authority of the cantilever (approximately 65 x 65 microns
    laterally and up to 13 microns in height) the topograph does not
    go 'out of focus' but simply saturates, while anywhere within its
    range of authority it is equally 'in focus.' The topograph itself
    reflects the interaction between a tip of finite size and a
    non-uniform surface, and therefore convolves physical
    characteristics of both the probe and the target. Thus, while an
    AFM topograph may look like an image product, the processing
    required bears little in common with the processing of an actual
    optical image.
    Limitations of the various WCL sensors are discussed at length
    in [KOUNAVESETAL2008]. Limitations of the data collected on Mars
    will be noted here as they become known.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Hecht, M.H., Phoenix MECA Non-Imaging Reduced Data V1.0, PHX-M-MECA-4-NIRDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2008.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Phoenix MECA non-imaging reduced data records include (1) calibrated MECA TECP thermocouple, electrical conductivity, relative humidity, and relative permittivity data, (2) calibrated MECA AFM scan height and error data, and (3) reduced WCL ion-selective electrode, conductivity, chronopotentiometry, cyclic voltammetry, and pressure and temperature data.
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  • Phoenix Analyst Notebook