Data Set Overview : An RA Reachability map contains information about whether or not the instruments on the RA can 'reach' (contact or image) the object or location represented by each pixel in the scene. It is derived from the XYZ and Surface Normal (UVW) products. More information is found in ALEXANDERETAL2008, LEMMONETAL2007, and LEMMONETAL2008. Processing : The geometry of the reachability map matches the linearized reference, XYZ, and Surface Normal (UVW) images, in that each pixel in the file directly corresponds to the pixel at the same location in the other products. The reachability map is a 12-band byte image in standard Band Sequential order. Thus for each pixel there are 12 values. These values represent reachability for each of the 6 RA instrument placements in each of its 2 configurations. The mapping between band number and instrument/configuration is given by the INSTRUMENT_BAND_ID and CONFIGURATION_BAND_ID labels, and is summarized in Table 5.2.6 of the data product SIS [ALEXANDERETAL2008]. The value of the pixel is interpreted according to the instrument. For SCOOP, 0 means the pixel is not reachable in that configuration, while any other number represents the maximum preload in integer Newtons that can be applied at that point. For all other instruments, 0 means the pixel is not reachable by that instrument in that configuration, while 255 means that the pixel is reachable. Software : The MIPL Mars Program Suite was used to generate these RDRs. Media/Format : The data set will initially be delivered and kept online. Upon Mission completion, the SSI Operations RDRs will be delivered to PDS on DVD.