Data Set Information
DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION Raw, uncalibrated engineering, housekeeping and scientific data collected from the Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) aboard the 2007 Mars Phoenix Lander.
Data Set Overview
      The Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) is designed to analyze
      ~50 mg of fine grained Martian soil or rock fragments. TEGA
      consists of four basic components: a soil delivery system,
      an oven/calorimeter thermal analyzer (TA), a gas storage and
      handling system, and a mass spectrometer acting as an
      evolved-gas analyzer (EGA). A full description of the TEGA
      instrument can be found in [BOYNTONETAL2008].
      is a time series collection of TA, EGA, engineering, and
      commanding measurements from the TEGA aboard the Mars Phoenix
      Lander. Data types included in this data set
      are engineering data, calorimeter data from the TA,sweep mode
      EGA data, mass hopping mode EGA data, LED oven fill data, and
      instrument message log data. Data are sorted by time, with each
      data file containing one measurement day's worth of data from
      midnight to midnight UTC.
      TEGA is designed to analyze 8 individual samples, one sample in
      each of the eight single use ovens. The EGA portion of the
      instrument will not only analyze the gases evolved from the
      samples heated in the ovens, but will also analyzed samples of
      the Martian atmosphere. TEGA is expected to operate for 45 days.
      During operations the science, engineering and housekeeping data
      are downloaded from the spacecraft by the Jet Propulsion
      Laboratory (JPL) into the Telemetry Data System(TDS). The
      TDS sends data to a process that translates data packets and
      examines instrument health via messages. Data are output to a
      spooler that passes them to the University of Arizona (UA)
      database ingest process. The ingest process inputs raw data
      into the UA database. Data are retrieved from the UA database
      to build the TEGA EDR data products.
      The TEGA EDR data set is intended to be the lowest level
      (level 0) data available for TEGA. It should be useful to those
      scientists who are experienced in calorimetry and mass
      The TEGA EDR data set is composed of three main data types and
      three supporting data types. The objective of compiling the
      TEGA EDR is to create a record of the primary data collected by
      TEGA. The following paragraphs discuss the parameters of
      interest in each of the data types.
      SC DATA
        The SC data are time series records taken over the course
        of a measurement day. Data files are labeled with the date.
        Individual records are a single data collection interval. SC
        data are the science data produced by the TA.
      EGA DATA
        The EGA data are time series records taken over the course of
        a measurement day. Data files are labeled with the date.
        Individual records are a single data collection interval.
        EGA data are the science data produced by the EGA mass
        spectrometer in sweep mode.
      EGH DATA
        The EGH data are time series records taken over the course of
        a measurement day. Data files are labeled with the date.
        Individual records are a single data collection interval. EGH
        data are the science data produced by the EGA mass
        spectrometer in mass hopping mode.
        The Engineering, LED fill and Message Log, data sets provide
        supporting information.
      Engineering Data
        The Engineering data are time series records for each
        engineering parameter taken over the course of a measurement
        day. Data files are grouped in the ENG folder and are labeled
        with the engineering parameter name. Individual records are a
        single data collection interval that is variable in duration.
        Engineering values are reported by parameter name and include
        collection time, and DN value. Engineering values are
        specific monitor values recorded by TEGA.
      Message Log
        The Message Log data are time series records taken over the
        course of a day. Data files are labeled with the date.
        Individual records are a single data collection interval. The
        Message Log data are messages returned from TEGA.
        LED data are time series records taken over the course
        of a measurement day. Data files are labeled with the date.
        Individual records are a single data collection interval,
        which is variable in duration. The LED data are the data
        collected by the oven fill sensors, and indicate when an oven
        is full of sample material.
      TEGA data (both science and engineering) are downloaded from
      the Phoenix Mars Lander by JPL into the Telemetry Data System
      (TDS). The TDS sends the data to a process called TEGA_tl, that
      translates GRS packets from any source to any destination and
      examines instrument health via messages. The data are checked
      for packet types, header information, messages, or errors.
      Data are output to a spooler, which passes data to the UA
      database ingestion process. The ingestion process inputs raw
      telemetry data into the database.
      A function reads the data header to get the total number of
      bytes in the packet, and the sequence bytes. The rest of the
      packet is then read. The data type, read from the common header,
      is returned, determining the next step in the processing. One
      of a number of different procedures is run to insert packet
      data into the appropriate database tables. If the data type
      returned is less than or equal to 0 an error message is
      returned stating that the packet was not inserted. Once all
      data packets for a measurement day are ingested into the
      database, the EDR data products are created by reformatting
      the raw data in accordance with the data formats specified
      by the product labels.
      The TEGA EDR data set is composed of a series of date stamped
      files that contain 1 day's worth (24 hours, 00:00:00 UTC to
      23:59:59 UTC) of data for 6 different data types. The following
      sections describe each data type.
      SC DATA
        SC data are composed of raw scanning calorimeter data. These
        data include start and end time of collection, oven and shield
        power, and associated current, potential, and pulse data.
      EGA DATA
        EGA mass spectrometer data is composed of start and stop times
        of the collection, scan type, voltage, emission energy and
        counts at each of four collectors.
      EGH DATA
        EGH data are mass hopping mode EGA data. These data include
        start and stop times for the collection, voltage, emission
        energy and level, and counts at the detector.
      Engineering Data
        Engineering data are composed of the 85 different engineering
        readings monitored in TEGA. The engineering readings can be
        taken at several different time intervals. The following is a
        list of all the engineering readings and a description of
        TA_MANIFOLD_PRES              Manifold Pressure
        TA_PLUS_5_VREF                +5V REF
        TA_OUTLET_PRES                Outlet Pressure
        TA_MANIFOLD_TEMP              TA Manifold Temperature
        TA_EGA_PLUMB_TEMP             MS Plumbing Temperature
        TA_EGA_BAKEOUT_TEMP           Bakeout temperature
        TA_PLUMBING_1_TEMP            Plumbing 1 Temperature
        TA_PLUMBING_2_TEMP            Plumbing 2 Temperature
        TA_EGA_MAN_TEMP               MS Manifold Temperature
        TA_CAL_TANK_TEMP              Cal Tank Temperature
        TA_CPU_TEMP                   CPU Temperature
        TA_PWR_SPLY_1_TEMP            Power Supply 1 Temperature
        TA_PWR_SPLY_2_TEMP            Power Supply 2 Temperature
        TA_PWR_CNTL_1_TEMP            Power Control 1 Temperature
        TA_PWR_CNTL_2_TEMP            Power Control 2 Temperature
        TA_A2D_TEMP                   ADC Temperature
        TA_COVER_1_TEMP               cover 1 temperature
        TA_INPUT_FUNNEL_1_LO_TEMP     Funnel 1 Temperature
        TA_PRES_SENSE_FD_BK           Pres Sense Exc. Feedback
        TA_INPUT_FUNNEL_2_LO_TEMP     Funnel 2 Temperature
        TA_OVEN_TEMP                  Oven Temperature
        TA_SHLD_TEMP                  Shield Temperature
        TA_EGA_ELECT_BOX_TEMP         TEB Temperature
        TA_T_HEATER_TEMP              'T' Heater Temperature
        TA_TRANS_TUBE_TEMP            Transfer Tube Temperature
        TA_EGA_GEC_TEMP               GEC Temperature
        TA_BUS_A_VOLT                 Bus A Voltage
        TA_AGD_0_1                    AGD_0_3 ground
        TA_AGD_3_1                    AGD_3_1 ground
        TA_CPU_PLUS_5_VOLT            CPU Voltage
        TA_ANLG_PLUS_12_VOLT          Analog +12V Voltage
        TA_ANLG_MINUS_12_VOLT         Analog -12V Voltage
        TA_OVEN_PLUS_15_VOLT          Oven Voltage
        TA_SHIELD_PLUS_30_VOLT        Shield Voltage
        TA_BUS_A_CUR                  Bus A Current
        TA_BUS_B_CUR                  Bus B Current
        TA_EGA_CUR                    EGA Current
        TA_CPU_PLUS_5_CUR             CPU Current
        TA_ANLG_PLUS_12_CUR           Analog +12V Current
        TA_ANLG_MINUS_12_CUR          Analog -12V Current
        TA_OVEN_PLUS_15_CUR           Oven Current
        TA_SHIELD_PLUS_30_CUR         Shield Current
        TA_FULL_DETECT                Full Detect Integrated
        TA_FULL_DETECT_RAW            Full Detect Raw
        TA_OVEN_ERR                   Oven Error
        TA_SHLD_ERR                   Shield Error
        TA_CAL_TANK_COLD_TEMP         Cal Tank Cold Temperature
        TA_COVER_2_TEMP               cover 2 Temperature
        MEM_OVEN_INT_LO               Oven integrator val lo bytes
        MEM_OVEN_INT_HI               Oven integrator val hi bytes
        MEM_SHLD_INT_LO               Shield integrator val lo bytes
        MEM_SHLD_INT_HI               Shield integrator val hi bytes
        MEM_OVEN_VOLT                 Oven voltage
        MEM_OVEN_CUR                  Oven current
        MEM_SHLD_VOLT                 Shield voltage
        MEM_SHLD_CUR                  Shield current
        MEM_MANIFOLD_PRES             Manifold pressure
        MEM_OVEN_ERR                  Oven error
        MEM_SHLD_ERR                  Shield error
        MEM_T_WIDTH                   T pulse width
        COVER1_DONE                   Cover1 Limit Switch
        COVER2_DONE                   Cover2 Limit Switch
        MEM_OVEN_WIDTH                Oven pulse width
        MEM_SHLD_WIDTH                Shield pulse width
        EGA_STATUS_BITS               Status bits value
        EGA_TRAP_CUR                  Trap current monitor
        EGA_EMISSION_CUR              Emission current monitor
        EGA_FILAMENT_1                Filament 1 in use
        EGA_FILAMENT_2                Filament 2 in use
        EGA_PLUS_5_VOLT               +5 volt monitor
        EGA_PLUS_12_VOLT              +12 volt monitor
        EGA_MINUS_12_VOLT             -12 volt monitor
        EGA_FILAMENT_CUR_1            Filament 1 current monitor
        EGA_FILAMENT_CUR_2            Filament 2 current monitor
        EGA_MULTIPLIER_VOLT           Multiplier voltage monitor
        EGA_ION_PUMP_VOLT             Ion Pump voltage monitor
        EGA_ION_PUMP_CUR              Ion Pump Current monitor
        EGA_SWEEP_VOLT                Sweep voltage monitor
        EGA_GEC_CUR                   GEC current monitor
        EGA_MAGNET_TEMP_1             Magnet 1 temperature
        EGA_MAGNET_TEMP_2             Magnet 2 temperature
        EGA_PROC_TEMP                 CPU temperature
        EGA_AVG_CALLS                 Average # calls to Task Queue
        EGA_MIN_CALLS                 Minimum # calls to Task Queue
        EGA_SPARE_3                   Spare
        EGA_SPARE_4                   Spare
      Message Log
        The Message Log data consists of the data sent from the
        TEGA electronics in response to some action taking place
        in the instrument. The message data includes
        general messages and warnings as well as error messages.
      LED DATA
        The LED data consists of the time of the LED reading and
        the state of the sensor. This data is used to indicate
        when an oven is full of sample.
    Ancillary Data
      Ancillary data are listed by data type.
      Message Log
        A list of all message ID's and their associated meanings can
        be found in the Message Log label file. A list of message
        detail ID's and the associated information can be found in the
        tega_message_dict document located in the document directory.
    Coordinate System
      Several coordinate systems are used by the Phoenix project. A
      detailed description can be found in the TEGA EDR SIS document
      found in the Documents directory.
      No TEGA specific software is provided with this data set.
      PDS-labeled images and tables can be viewed with the program
      NASAView, developed by the PDS and available for a variety of
      computer platforms from the PDS web site There is no
      charge for NASAView.
      The TEGA EDR will be delivered using DVD media. Formats will be
      based on standards for such products established by the
      Planetary Data System (PDS) [PDSSR2001].
DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE 2008-07-01T00:00:00.000Z
START_TIME 2008-05-01T02:14:32.890Z
STOP_TIME 2008-05-01T08:09:44.149Z
MISSION_START_DATE 2008-05-25T12:00:00.000Z
MISSION_STOP_DATE 2008-11-02T12:00:00.000Z
NODE_NAME Geosciences
Confidence Level Overview
      The data presented in the TEGA EDR is intended to be the least
      processed, most primitive data set released for TEGA. Data
      presented here are an accurate representation of TEGA data as
      received from the spacecraft.
      The TEGA EDR was reviewed internally by the TEGA team prior to
      release to the PDS. PDS will also performed an external peer
      review of the TEGA EDR.
    Data Coverage and Quality
      Data reported are the minimally processed data received from
      the lander during nominal TEGA operations. All data received
      is reformatted into one of the EDR data types. Data are by
      definition of good quality, as damaged telemetry packets are
      sequestered upon receipt from the lander. We do not expect to
      receive many (if any)) damaged data packets.
    The major limitation of this data set is that this is level 0,
    minimally processed data. The data are received from the
    spacecraft telemetry and ingested into a database. If gaps
    exist in the telemetry, data are lost.
  Data Compression
    No data compression is used.
CITATION_DESCRIPTION Boynton, W.V., 2008 Mars Phoenix Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer 2 LEDEDR Data V1.0, PHX-M-TEGA-2-LEDEDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2008.
ABSTRACT_TEXT Raw, uncalibrated engineering, housekeeping and scientific data collected from the Thermal Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) aboard the 2007 Mars Phoenix Lander.
  • Geosciences Web Services
  • Phoenix Analyst Notebook